Minutes 1962-10-16 ~s~ Arrayo Grande, Calif. October 16, 1962 The City Gouncil met in adjourned session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood, Jacobs, McNeil. The extension of time requested by Mr. Whitlock for the ~ tenants oceupying a building Qwned by him that had been condemn~d was discussed. Mr.-Whitlock was advised the time would be extended until January l, 1963, with the provision that there would be na further extentions granted and the demolition of the buildit~:g would have to be start~d on or before January lst, 1963 and the building wc~uld have ta be completely demalished. by Februariy lst, 1963. Councilman Lee xecommende~d Mr. Whitl4ck be made aware of the faet, the County and Stafie were enfarcing ~he Uniform Housin~ Code the same as the City, and that any money invested in the condemned building prior to receipt of a condemnation natice should have been in accardance with the building codes now in effect within the Gity. Q~A~CE~ ;~3 . ~57 _ , AN ~RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARR4Y~ GRANDE ~ AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 82 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE BY CHANGING THE MAKE-UP OF THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CZTY PIANNING COMMISSION. On motican of Couneilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call v~ote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, I.ee, Wood., Jacobs, McNeil NOES: NQne ABSENT: None the foregoi~.g Ordinance was adopted ~his 16th day of October, 1962. The hearing for the rezoning 4f the property recently annexed as the Fair 0aks-ArroyQ Grande Annexatian was deelared opened. The following discussion was held.: Mrs. Russell Johnson requested her property on Elm Street be zc~ned.`for multiple dwelling and Mr. Russell Johnson indicated the property c4uld be divided into 8 lots; Don Shaffer advised the preperty eould possibly be divided at a later date by a lot split; Mr. Richmond felt some Qf the property was gaod to dev~elop as multiple but some w4uld be better dev~eloped as single dwelling property; Robert Fcalkerts said he understc~od the County Planning CQmmission had. recommended the graperty adjacent to Halcyon Road be zaned R-3 and had written a letter to eifiher the Council or Gity Planning Commission to that effect; and that he felt the zoning should be R-3; Mrs. Henry Ferrari a~reed with Mr. Folkerts; Councilman Lee explained the present zoning to the sudience; Mr. Fol.kerts felt the zoning shauld be made R-3 at this time when the majority of the property owners invQlved were in fav~or of such zaning; Don Shaffer stated the Planning Commissic~n had followed the recommendat~an frc~m the Ccaunty Planning Commissipn almcast in its entirity and Mr. Andersqn said he felt an R-3 Zone - would create a traffic and ds~ainage problem an HalcyQn Road, a letter was received from Mr. Carl Frc~ehlich requesting his property on Halcyon Road be zoned R-3, It wa5 felt, in order to obtain zoning in the quickest passible method, to adopt the map as presented and immediately commence proceedings to rezone for multiple zoning. Councilman McNei1 requested same indication from the property owners on Ald.er Street be~ween Fair Oaks Av~e. and Dodson Way, be presented as to their views on the mul.tiple zoning at the next hearing on 0etober 30, 1962. The hearing was continued until 8:00 p.m. October 30, 1962. ~ss Arroyo Grande, Calif. October 16, 1962 - Page 2 ~ It was approved for the laterals to be installed on the north side of Huasna Rc~ad 'instead of wai~ing until ~Che improvemerits done by the contractor had been completed and accepted by ~he City,'in order to have the installati4ns completed before wet weather. Final acceptance of the project completed by the contractor would be prepared for the next meeting. A le~ter of resigrl.ation from the City Clerk to be 'effective on October 31s~C, Y962, was read by the City C1erk. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded ~y Cou~.cilman Wood; that the're~3g- nation be accepted. Councilmen Burt, Jacobs, Wood and McNeil v~ated T'Aye}t. Councilman Lee 'voted "1'~0": Councilman Jacobs was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to the City Clerk for her service to the City. : The Council appointed Mr, ''W; "M: T. Smith to serve as a membar of the C ity P lannin.g Gommission. Councilman McNeil was to report ta the Council on the terms of of~ice of the Plannirig Commission members. The Health Insurance Plan selected by the Gity employees was referred to Mr. Crossman, attorney for the City, for his recommendation. Upon motion the meeting adjourned to 7:30 p.m. October 30, 1962. ATTEST • CITY CLERK MAYOR :