Minutes 1962-12-11 ~ c ~ i..'. Arroyo Grande~ California December 11, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with i'~ayor Burt pr~siding, Upon roll call~ Councilmen Lee, Wood, McNeil and Jacobs reported present. t~Iinutes of the regular meeting of November 27, 1962 were approved as prepared. A County ~ledical Center proposed to be located on the City property on ~lm St. was presented to the Council by P~Zr. Alton Les, ~hairm~an of the Board of Supervisors. I~Zr Ned Ro owav, ~ounty Planning Director and Mr. Ly1e Carpenter, Chairman of the ~ounty ~lanning ~ommission, After much discussion it was decided to have an adjourned meeting Thursday December 13, 1962 at 7;00 p.m. to discuss this matter in greater detail. Councilraan ti~oad re-;orted on the Planning Commission meeting of December l~th, 1962. He suggested the Council rotate its members to attend the 1'lanning Commission meetings in order that all Councilmen would be more aware of the activities of the Ylanning Gor~~misgion. Councilman Wood also suggested that the minutes of the ~ouncil meetings be s ent to the ~'lar.ning ~ornmission members and the minutes of the Planning Commission me~tings be s ent to the Council members, Hfter discussion the City ~lerk was instructed to send minutes of each meeting to the respective members. Gn motion of Councilman Lee seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs that the regular ~~ouncil meeting of December 25th, 1962 be cancelled.. All members present voted ti~e tt ~ The hearing on the apr~eal to the Council by T~Ir. Frdnk Landini regarding the Plannin~ Corr,r~i.ssion denial of the request for Variance to construct a professional office building on his property adj~.cent to Sunset Drive in an R-1 2one was set for January 8th, 1963, at 8:00 p.m. i~ir. Landini officiallv redated his letter of appeal so that the hearing could be held in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The letter was approved as corrected by ~iayor ~urt and Attorney ilarris. letter from the ~ounty of San Luis Obispo riealth Departmen~, flatly opposing the approval of Tract No. 282 on the condition of only being partially served by a sewer system with the balance on individual systems~ was read and a fter disBUSSion the ~~'!ap of i'ract IVo, 282 with the letter from the Health Department was referred back to the Planning Commiss.ion for further study. R~~':Lt;'TION N0. 562 S~,~TINu MAJOR CITY aTRE~,'S IN THE CI'.t'Y OF ARROYO G~ZAI~DE, GAI,IFORNIA On motion of Councilman ~acobsi seconded by ~ouncilman Lee and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYr~S: Councilmen Lee, 'ood, McNeil, Jaeobs and ~iayor ~3urt r10L5: PTone .~'~`s:~ENT : None the foregoing Resolution wus adopted this 11th day of December, 1962, The request to allow a trailer house as p=~rmanent living quarters on a 3 acre pareel of land north of Ta11y Ho Rd. saas discussed. I+1r. ~arris advised the present Trailer drdinance would :_ave to be amended to allow the request. He will prepare an amendment and present it at the next meeting for the council's review. I~ir, ~arris read the proposed agreement for engine~.ring on the overall Sewer Plan submitted by Jenks and Adamson ~ngine~ring i~irm, and stated he will contact them in regard to clarification of certain sections and report back to the Council at the next meeting. On motion. of Councilman ~:ood, s~conded b,y Gounc~ lman Jacobs that Tract T1o. 101 be accepted as iraproved and im;~rovement Bond be released. AlI members present ~roted "Aye" . l~Ir, uerald Emery, representing ~~Ir. Loren Newrr~n, subdivider of iract No. 202, requested the Council release one of th~ lots in said tract now being held for ponding. After discussion it was felt the request should be denied at this time. Councilman t~IciVeil requested the Council's policy regarding ponding ~_ots be di::cussed further atthe next ~e~u1a~ meeting. v~'~ Arroyo (~rande~ ~%alifornia December 11, 1962 - page 2 Mr. Richard Croeker representing the Viking Supply ~ompany of ~llas, lexas (branch office in Bakersfield, Calif.) r~quested the Council review the copies of the indic-tment regarding pipe cor,r~anies and requested permission to di~;cuss same at the next regular meeting. i-~ayor Burt advised A4r. F~ank Fuller that the hearing on the appea3 from ;~~r. Landini wou].d be held the 8th of January, 1g63, at 8;~0 ~.m, The letter from i~7r. J. D, l7oore rec~uesting parrrll_stiion to purchase tne 2~' by 132~' stri.p of propert~ adjacent to his prcpert~ at 329 `l"'raffic l~~ay was read and Ivir. Harris was instructed to.c~raw up the necessary papers. The resignation submitted by i~Tr. Harris as City httorney to become effective December 31, 1962 was read in which i~1r. Harris stated his an~~reciation and ple~sant memories from having served as the C t~r Attorney for the past 19 years. Th~ Council expressed their feelings ir stating they regretted to.lQSe i~tr. Harris as his knowledge and experience re~arding municipal af.~'airs could not readil~r be surpassed, but was ~leased he was elected ~u.perior ~ourt Judge and wished ni:>> good luck. ~n motion of Counciln~an ~acobs, seconded by Councilman Zee that the resignation submi.tted by I~s. Harris be accepted and b~ a standing ovation the motion carried. T'°iayor B~as~t reported on the joint meeting between Urover City, ~'ismo ~each, ~rroyo Urande and San Luis Obispo ~%ounty regarding the poss~biZity of combining the areas into one Civil Defense District. On motion of ~%ouncilrnan ~acobs, seconded by Councilraan Lee that the budget for CiviZ Defense ~.r~ the ain~u~it of ~2_~~;.33 '~e a^:'e~t~d sa'~;;:.^t, to "~^ose:r c;;r° s par~~iv~i~ ~ c,-yo~~. ~l m~:~~ers present voted rrAyesr ~ On mot~on of Councilman McNei~, seconded by ~ou.ncilman Lee that the attorney fir?n of David and Ga.uld be appointed as City Attorney effect~re January l, 1963 to serve at the pleasure of -the Council. All T~~embers presen_t voted "Aye". Mayor ~urt reported he had contacted the firm of Hickenbottom, Gar~_ng and 3'aylor regarding an engineering council. ~ir. Garing ac?vised the Mayor he would be pleased to check maps, etc., which the regular City ~n~ineer weuld submit for acceptance. through privat~ ~nter~rise, rir. ~ndersGn was rR~quested to con~act Pacific Gas and r~].ectric to establish a definite date when they wo1~1d relocate eertain ~oles which are a traffic hazard in their present location, and to supz~ly lighting between tiighway 101 and the intersection of Grand and ~alcyon l~.oacis. On motion of Councilman ~acobs, seconded by Council~rian Lee that Journal Vouchers iVo. 28 thru 37 be ordered transferred. All members pr~;sent voted "Aye". On mo~t:~on of Councilman ~acobs~ seconded by Councilr~~an Wood that bi11s against the ~eneral Fund for ~27.202.2l~, ~Jater iund for ~12,371.91 Water Le~osit Fund for ~126.OQ, ~ena Street ~ssessment Distrirt Fund for ~~211.52, t~uasna Sewer ~ssessment 1~istrict Fund for ~3.639.13, and Park Fuhd for :73p.59 be appro~red and ordered paid. kll members present voted '~Aye". On motion of Councilman ;lcl~eil, s conded by Gounci7.~an Lee that December 2~th and 31st, 19b2 be declarec3. a holia~ay for the City ~mployees as a Christmas ~3onus. ~11 members present voted "Aye~~. 11o further business a~,~earing the meetin~ a~:journed at 10:35 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ~ecember 13, 1962L. ~C~'`2 ~ YOR ATTEST;