Minutes 1963-01-08 04h"t1 t~ .4rro~To Grande, California ~anuary 8, 19b3 The ~it~ Council met in regular session with i~iayor ~urt ~'r,~:siding. ~'resent were Counci3rnen Lee, M~7ood, Jacobs and i~IcNeil. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 13, 1962 were corrected to read as follows: Councilman tJJaod made a motion that the City of Arroyo Grande, for the sum of ~1.~0 deed to the County of ~an Zuis ~bis~o az~ area of land of approximately 3 acres located on the ~ity1s ~iater 'tiorks farm as the genPral area. The minutes were approved as prepared and corrected. The request from Mr. ~1cT~iinn for an extention of time for a City ~usiness Zicense to conduct business in a previously condemned buildin~ was not acted on at this time as Mr. ~Ict•~inn was not present. Un motion of Councilrnan Lee seconded by Councilman McTleil that all bids submitted for the instal.lation of Fire Hydrants in the Fair Oaks area be rejected and authorization to a~;vertise for new bids granted. A11 members present voted rr~ye n ~ On recommendation of Mayor ~3urt the ammendment to the Trailer Ordinance was referred to the Planning Comr~ission for study. The hearing was opened for the appeal to the Council filed by F'rank Zandini, I for propertv lying adjacent to 5t~.nset Drive for a variance to allow a professional office building in a R-1 Zone. ~ommissioner ~chultz read the report from the Planning Comtnission for a good renort as far as it went. When he had applied to tize County to build the do-nut shop and beauty shop and a duplex he voluntarily withdrew k~is request for the duplex the county did not deny the duplex. He stated there are professiona.l buildings in residential areas in Santa i°~a.ria and San Luis Obispo. If the people objc:ct to the driveway on ~unset Drive he would be happy to eliminate the drive from ~unset making entrance only form Grand Ave. T~Ir. Albert Peterson, 1025 `'unset 7?r. stated he feels Mr. ~andini should have a rezoning re- quest not a variance as no like conditions now exist on Sunset Drive. ~ill Henderson, 1157 ~unset Dr., ~~r, Cooper, 1165 Sunset Dr. Mr. Hanze, 112l~ Sunset Dr. all requested the variance be denied to protect their street as it is not wide enough to allow the additional traffic that professional buildings would create. i~ir. Landini stated if there is no d'rive way on ~u.nset then traffic from his property would not be on ~unset I3rive. Mr. Landini stated that when the County granted his request to build a fence from 5 to b feet high, some of the people on ~unset asked him not to build the fence as they used ha~s property for access to the stores on Grand .~ve. I~Ir. L hman, 1060 ~unset .Dr, spoke against the variance, Counci].man Wood stated the ~lanning ~ommission didn't bring out all the things ~hey had in their report at the Planni_ng Gommission meeting. He feZt the professional buildings would fit in ricely in a residential neighborhood. Councilman Jacobs stated we have no other coi:z~se than to support the Planning ~'omrtiission and the property should be re-zoned rather than a variance. Councilman Wood stated the Planning Commission seemed favorable to granting the variance but that the four objectors appeared to sway them to deny the request. Coune;_lman Lee stated the Planning ~ommission is to aid the Gouncil, tYierefore t~he Council should go along with them when possible. Mr. Lee wished tor,~.ke a motion to that effect. ~~ir. Landini st~-!ted th~t only one of the f'our objactors 1iv~~d i.n th~ 300 ft radius of the proposed variance. Williams nros. was ~ranted. one full block of R-1 zone for business having eibht objectors but the variance was granted to them. Councilman McNeil s~ated Williams property is not in between already developed property. i'IIr, Landini was advised that the 300 ft. radius was the 1~gal clistance in which the people have tobe ~otified, but that any citizen can protest any request ~ny place in the Gity. Prir. ~lyde Bruchfielc~ said if he closed up the c~ri.veway the property would be more valuable to other properties then any residence. Mr. Albert Feterson, objected to puttzng anything business wise on Sunset ~rive and that the Couneil consider p~>ople not Y~uildings. T~Zr. Upton, 1019 ~unset said when he bought his home on Sunset Drive he bought in a resic~enti~.l area and hoped it would stay that way. ~ommissioner Schultz stated Ed. ~rtiilliams shopping center w~11 be established in an RA-B3 zone petitiioners a~ainst the request withdrew protest petition subject to conditions which GTilliams Bros. will meet. The hearing was declared closed.. On mo~ion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Ccuncilman i~icileil that the recommend- ation made b~ the Plannin~ Gommi_ssion be accepted, their reasons for the denial be supported and the ~ouncil deny the request for a variance. Ayes: Gouncilzr.an Lee, Wood, 1~icideil, Jacobs and i~layor ~urt. i~r. Bowman, attornev~ for the ~'eeano ja:Li.tation Uistrict introduced T~'ir. narry Jenks, whose firm is doing the ~oreliminary study of the Overall Sewer Project. 11r. Harrt~ Jenks and members of his firm, John Jenks, Blain Harrison, presented f ; Arroyo Qrande, California January 8, I963 - page 2 preliminary maps inndicatina service area and major trunk system, and diseussed the engineer~.tg portions of the program. .Also present were ~Tr. James S. Saffran representing the firm of Stone and Youngberg, discussed the financing pt~rtions and T~r. Ray Walsh from the State ~~later ~'ollution ~ontrol ~oard who discussed the State requiremen~Gs and federal grant monies. ~'he T~Ia.yor appointed a co~nnittee composed of Lon Shaffer, ~obert Walker and Couneilman L~~J to meet with committees f`rom the other entities, as requested by ~~s. ~TQhn Jenks, to review the developmen~t of the plans a$ presented by l~Tr. Jenks' fi:rm and report back to the City Gouncil. ~-~r. F~ichard Croeker spoke for the ~Tikeing Supply Company regarding the ~ities requi.rements for pipe. He wi.shed to h~ve the C;_ty Ordinance changed to include the asbestos cement pipe his conpany distributes, After ~iscussion 1~~a.yor ~3urt suggested the Council will give consideration aYter Mr. Anderson has submitted a report for their review. Mr. ~ud Hoffman submitted the outline for recoraz~nded street lighting improvements for the City~ After discussion the plan as submitted was teken for further study, When the Council decides which lighting installations they wish the Pacific Gas and i~Iectric ~'ompany will install same upon reeeipt of request from Mr. Anderson or the Council. Rev. Criswell requested ~ermission to znstall marker signs below our present street signs giving directions to the ~Iethodist Church Iocation, '1'he ~ouncil advised Rev. Criswell that if ~he signs were satisfactor~ with 1~r. Anderson and met all Gity requirements they felt there would be no objections. lhe letter from ~ylvester Alarm System was r ead and after di.scussion Chief Richardson requested the ~ouncil hold any action on an agreement until he cou7.d check with the other nolice departments to find how the system has worked in ~heir cities. ~n niotion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seeonded by Gounc;lma,n ~~ood, Journal Vouchers Pdo. 38 thru 1~3 were approved and ordered transferr.ed. All members present voted rt~e u ~ On motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Lee that ~ills against the General Fund for 5"20,668.81, Water ~~und for ~°1,629.89, ft~ater Ueposit Fund for ~;~12I~.00~ i~uasna Se~rer Assessment District Fund for ~2,31~0.95 and Rena S'~reet Assessment ~istrict for ~y~280.65 were approved and ordered paid. A17. members present voted '~AyeF', ~n motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman McIveil the meetin~ adjourned at 11:35 p.m. to ~:30 p,m. Friday,, ~anuary 11~ I963. All members present voted '~Aye". ~ Tb or , A1T1~T: ity Clerk