Minutes 1963-03-05 e.~ ~1.~, Arroyo Urande, Cali.~'ornia AdjoL:rned T~~f~eting 5:30 P.i•i. luesda,y March 5, 1963 The City Gour1C? 1 met in adjourned session with ?~Ia~Tor Burt pr~si_dir_g. Presant were Councilmen Lee, Wood, and i~Ici~~eil. l~bsent was Councilman Jacobs. TVir. Harry Jenks, Consultin~ Sanitar~r:~ngineer for the Regional ~ewage Disposal Yroject, presented his final report of phase one for preliminary Engineering for the proposed project. He presented to eech ~ouncilman, the City Attorney~ Director of Publa..c Ydorks and the ~ity (%lerk co;~ies of the final report in printed ~ook form, and then he ou~lined the contents of the rer.,ort, r•1a~ror ~urt then opened the meeting for ~;eneral discussion regardina the final report. t~ir. Garl ~mith from the Oceano Sanitiation District and i~Ir. John Key, as a memb.:r of the Steerinb Gomr-~ittee, both stated that the ~ceano Sanii,ation Disi~rict and the ~rover '~;i.ty City Council had acce~ated the report. Couiici_~_man Jacobs joined the Council at 7:00 p.m. After discussion on the adjrzce of i~7r. ~atrid, ~it~r Attorney, the council ap~oroved the final report be held over to an a djo~zrned meeting on I~i~~ch 7, 1963 at 7: 30 I'. :~i. to a va~.l the Council tirae to r eview the report. T~Ir. David noted that the Council planned +~o retain the services of an Lng~neer, not presently affiliated with the p~oposed project, to review & report on the basis of the renort ser~Tin~ the best interest of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande. :vo further business appearin~ on motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman UTood, that the meetin~ adjourn at 7:~.0 p.m. to 1'hursda3T, i~Iarch 7th, 1963 at 7:30 . A1.1 members pres<,nt vot~:d "~1ye." ~~t ~ ` j i~ YOR Ai'T~:ST: CITY CLEI?K ArrovTo Grande, ~alifornia A,djourned Session 7:30 P,ri. i'hrusday :~~arch 7, 1g63 1'he ~ity Council met ;n adjourned session with i~ayor ~urt ~residin;. Upon roll call ~ounc ~lmen Zee, 1°~ood and. ~T~~cobs re -orted present. Co~ancilman Twlci~Teil was absent. Also ?~resent were ivSr, Jorln Key, ilr, ~arl ~mith, 1VIr. ~T~,lter Bowman and City Attorney Andrew :tk~vid. ~ After a discussion regarding the proposed sewer project, the ~ity Gouncil passed the following resolution. R~S~~'LU1~yCTd ~~0. 571~ A't'F~0'.~ITdG THE PLAI~IIN':~ DOCt~'~fEIr1TS PR~~PAR;~nD WITH AND ~.DVANCE ~'Fi.OM TH~ UT?ITL~ S~'AT~S OF AMi~tICA L~N?7E1~. ~ ~ `i'HE l~.i~Li OF PiJBLIC LA~~i 560, 83rd CONGRESS OF 1HL Ui~I~i'r~D ~TA.~r~a~ ~1~ ~~1EPIDFD. On motion o~ ~ouneilman Jacobs, seconded: by ~ounc~.~man ~~•Tood and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AY~: Councilmen Lee, 4dood~ Jacobs and rlayor ~urt i,TO: ~ : Il~ozZe n.~SENT; Co~:ncilman i~IcTdeil tne foregoing Resolution was adopted ?~his 7th day af P~iarch, 1963. ~ riaJTor ~urt instructed the "ity ~%lerk to wri.te. to ±'~ir. York Peterscn rec~uesting nim to, l. review the Regional Sewa~e report as s~.br,iitted by i~ir, ~'=arry Jenks, 2. ~teview relai;ive costs and benefits derived for the Citt~ of ~rroyo Grande. 3. Study present SPWa~;e collectin~,.,s~Tstem and proposed truck sewex system to dt:~errLine rdequacy of the propcsal. 1~. Study present undeveloped areas for future collectin~ system. A1so requestir.; a cost proposal f_rom F•7r. Peterson before he undertakes the surve3r,