Minutes 1963-03-07 Arroyo urande, Cali.fornia Adjourned 2~~7~eting ~ 5%30 P.i~T. 1^uesda.y i•~rch 5, 1963 The City Council met in adjourned session with ~ia~ror Burt pr~si_ding, Pres~nt were Councilmen Lee~ Wood, and i~tc~.ei_l. ~.bsent was Councilman Jacobs. i~'ir, Harry Jenks, Consulting 5anit~:ry ~an~ineer for the Re~ional ~ewage Disposal ~roject, presented his final report of phase one for preliminary Engineering for the proposed project. He presented to each Counrilman, the City Attorney, Director oi Publa.c ~~orks and the City Clerk copies of the final report in printed ~ook form, and. tnen he ou~~lined the contents of th~ rer~ort, ~°ia~,~or ~urt then opened the meeting for ~eneral d.i.scussion regardino the final report. i~lr. l:arl Smith from the Oceano Sanization I}istrict and t~;r. John Key, ~s a n~emb~:~r of the Steering Corrunittee, both stated that the Oceano Sanitation vis ~rict and the urover "u~ity City Cowzcil had aecepted the report. Gou.iici-~.man Jacobs joined the Council at 7:00 p.m. After discussion on the advzce of TZr, ~a~rid, ~ity Attorney, the council approved the final report be held over to an a djourned meeting on I~rch 7, 1963 at 7: 30 :°i. to a vail the Council time to r eview the report. i~ir. David noted that th.e Council planned +.,o retain the s ervices ~if an Ln~~_neer, not presently affiliated with the proposed project, to review report on the basis of the report ser~,ring the bPSt interest of the City of Arroyo ~~rande. .vo further bu.siness anpear3_n~ on motion of Gouncilman Jacobs, secc~nded by i%ounci.lman U1ood, that the meeting adjourn a~ 7:I~0 p.m. to 1hu.rsday,, illarch 7th, 1963 at 7:30 . All members ~res<~nt ~roted '~Aye." 1 ~ . .T~: YO ~ AT'I'~T: CITY CL~?K ~rroJ%o Grande, California Adjourned Session 7:30 P.~~i. `ihrusday :~~arch 7, 1q63 i'he ~ity Council m_et ~n adjourned session with j°iayor ~urt ~residing. Upan roll call ~ounc ~lmen Lee, ~'~ood and. J<~cobs re ;orted present. Go~a7~cilman TfIcT`TP.l~ was absent. Also present taere iJlr. Jo'rin Key, Iu1r. ~arl ~mith, A'Ir. ~Talter Bowman and City Attorney Andrew 3~vid. After a discussion regarding the proposed sewer project, the ~%ity {;ouncil passec~ the following resolut~_on. RES ~aaUTyCTd I~10. >7~. A'~ P~0`?ING THE PLA1,1idIN{~ DOCUfiZII~iTS PREPAR ~?~D WSTH A.ND n?~VANCE ?+'R,OM THF UT1TT~~ S1ATI;S OF AM~IR.ICA `JNl~~. `l'HE T~'~Fi.ila OF PiIBLIC I~W 560, 83rd CONGRESS OF iHE TTi~tI`l'F,D ~`iA.T ~S, .~;i AZ~ZEPdDFD. On motion o~ ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Counczl_~man ~~Uood an~ on the following roll call vote, to-wit: ATr~: Councilmen Lee, Wood~ Jacobs and T~Tayor ~urt ~?0: :S : i~ione n.~SENT: Co~~ncilman i~lcTdeil tne fore~oing Resolution was adopted T;~his 7th day of 'i°iarch, 1963. . ;iaJror Burt instructed the "ity ~lerk to write.to ~~'"ir. York Peterscn requesting izim to, l. review the Regional 5ewa~e report as s~brLitted by i'lr, Harry Jenks, 2. neview rel~tive costs and benefits derived f.or the Cith of ~.rroyo Grande. 3. Study present sewage collecting,.s~Tstem and proposed truck sewer system to dF: ~err,ii.ne Gdec~udcy of the propesal. lt. ~tudy present undeveloped ai eas for future collecting system. ~1so req_uestir.g a cost proposal _f_rom P~1r. I'eterson before he undertakes the survesr. City ~ou.ricil ~:;journed ~ession - i~larch 7, 1;63 - page 2 No further business appearin~ on moti_on of Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilm:an Lee the meeting adjourned at 8:I~0 p.m. xll members present voted rr~~~~ri - ~.~A ~~1 l,g ~ R AT`l'~,ST : CI`.t'~ CZr`~i~ Arro~o Grande, G~lifornia i~iarch 12th, I963 The ~ity Council met in re~ular session with ~~iayor ~urt pr,~siding. ~resent were Councilr:en Lee, ti.~ood, I~~c~~Teil and J~cobs. i'he m~i.nutes of the re~~ul.ar meeting of ~ebruar~ 2bth~ 1963 and the adjourned meetin~s of iJlarch ~th and 7th, 1963 were approved as ~renared. SZr. Garin~, ~ity ~ngineer, presented pre~iminary plans and gave a proa ess rex~ort to date for the overall drainage p1an. ,The following bids ~yiere rc.~ceived for installation of 2~ Fire Hydran~Ls, in the r air Oaks A:°•ea~ Pro ject tJo, 60-b2 Smee's v~8, 921.08, Ganns -'~~,998.,6~, Lyles ~~,~.8I~.00 and ~onovan - i;~9,236.20. A motion ~ras made by ~oune~_Ir{~an. ~~ood, seccnded by C.ouncilman Lee that the low bia of Lyles onstruction Co. for ~8,1t~I~.00 be accepted~ and be awarded the contracti for Project Ido, 6p_62-5, and the i=iayor be a~~thorized to si:,n the contract for the ~ity. ~:11 members present voted "x~e." 1'iayor ~urt declared ~he heari.ng opened f or the annex.ation to the ~ity of Arroyo Grande of the "2'abb ~rs~~~ and that all persons for ar a~airst the request ~ro1;1d be heard, i~o discussion for or a~ainst, the annexation was offered and i~ia~or ~urt declared the hearing closed... A motion was made by Council-'. man Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Lee, that the annexation clesi~nated as "The iabb ~~anch" be api~roved, and by the following roll calZ vote, to-wit: AYi~,S: Gouncilm.en ~ee, i-~ci,Teil, Jaco~s, and i"~ Tor Burt. ~10~t?,S: None .~~3~'~'..~TT: None A:3S~i`AIAi~D: Couzzci7.man ~'Jood the foregoin~ motion wa~ approved ~this 12th day of i~~areh, 19h3 A.n Ordinance ap~~rovin~ the xnnexation of Certain ~ninhabited lerritory, designat~d "The Tabb nanch" to the Citur of ArroSro Grande was read for the first re~-:ding. . lhe City attorney read an appeal to the Cit~T Council f orm Rev. i~i. Kenneth Criswell for a ~ond.itional Use Fermit ;ranted by the Arroyo urande Ylannin~; ~ommission ~o Kenneth Levine, to erect an ~n'_mal Hos~ital on Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, ~lock 1~, ~lestern Addition. motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, s~conded b~,~ ~ouncilrnan C~ood, that the appeal of i~ev. ?4. Kennetl~ Criswell for the above stated ~onditional Use i'ermit, be set for hearing at 8:OG:i. i~., ~'~~rch 2bth, 1963, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AY~~S: ~ouncilmen Lee, ~dood, Jacobs, and TJi~yor Lur~. iVO:c~ : i~Ione ~~3S~NT; i3one Aµ:5r1`AIN~; Councilman P~ciJeil the foregoing motion was aprroved this 12th day of T~arch, 1~63. iir. itobert uaring, ~ity~ ~ngineer pr~=:sented a map ou~lining drainage f~cilities for pro~osed. `~'ract T1o. 282 and adjacent properti;es. 1~Ir. Hobbs, of Pacific Engineers Surveyors, Inc. presented an ~n;ineer's `'ost `~stimate for the proposed storm drainage structures, with an estimated cost of City participation of ~3,0~0.00, and requested the 6it;~ pay an ec;ual percentage of the actual cost, when final amounts have been obtained. lhe `~ity ~ouncil ordered the ~~,ngineer's Cost ~stimate filed in the office of the City Clerk,