Minutes 1963-04-23 4t~~: - Arroyo Grande, Calif. April 23rd., 1963 7:30 P.M. The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Wood., McNeil and Jacobs. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 9th, 1963, on Page l Paragraph 3 Sentence l, were corrected to read. as follows: Gouncil- : men Jaeobs and McNeil reported. they had contacted. the praperty owners " concerned. regard.irig a road from Halcyon Road to Valley ~ Road and. advised, although in some instances, some property owners were not opposed to such a road they agreed. to have an unbiased appraiser set the value of the land., The minutes were then approved as prepared and."corrected. l~fter d.iscussion, the ordinance to amend. Section 5.24 of Ord.in- ance No, 157, was read.for the first read.ing. ' Andrew David:presented a sketch of the parking area being planned. by the Parking Commi~tee in the rear of buildings on the~north side of Braneh Street. He ad.vised, the Council, the committee d.esired. to dee~ ~ the property to the City with the restriction that it be used for public parking ~nly, but that a survey of the 1and. would be neceseary. Mr. David. requested the City provid.e the necessary survey and partici- pate with the Parking Committee in the improvement of the land for parking~purposes~. A motion was made by Couneilman Jacobs, second.ed, by Councilman McNeil, that the City provide the Engineering Survey necessary to establish property lines, for the proposed. parking area on the north sid.e of Branch Street, subject to the property being deed.ed, or held for the benefit of the City for Public Parking purposes, and. ~hat in the event the parking area, as proposed, d,id. not develop, the property would then return to the present owners, and. the City would. be reimbursed for the engineering survey. All members present voted ~~AyeTr . . Correspondence was received.from John F. Key, Chairman of the Steerin~ Commit~ee'for the Regional Sewage Disposal Project ad.vising the bouncT.ary description and map of the proposed Sanitation District had been approved by the Committee and was being submitted, for the Council's approval and for the authorization that the bound.ary as ~ ~ set forth be for~ard.ed to the County Bound:ary Commission, and. sub,ject to their approval, presentation to the County Board: of Supervisors - for the formation of the Sanitation District. After discussion, and. upon ad.vise of the City Attorney, a motion was made by Counciltatan Lee, seconded. by CounciLman Wood, that the boundaries of the proposed. Sanitation District as designated. on the map entitled 'tDistrict Bt~un.dary Map Sou~h San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District't, be ~,pproved for submission to the San Luis Obis~o Boundary Commis,$ian, provid.ed. however, that the application for formation o~~the proposed District not be submitted to the San Luis Obispo County Board, of Supervisors u.ntil such time as the proposed~.policies for said District be approved by the ~ity Councils of Arroyo Grand.e and. Grover City, the Trustees of the Oceano Sanitary District, and. the San Luis Qbispo County Board. of Supervisors . All members prese~.t voted "Aye't . The City Attorney, And.rew David, was instructed to attend. any meetings regarding the proposed sewer project on behalf of the City, with compensation in conformance to the proposal ~.ccepted by the City for Attorneyts services. Mr. Roby Lowe request~d. the Council take some action to elemin- ate the ke?~ping of Bees where they were a hazard. to the public and created a nuisance. After discussion, the matter was referred. to the City Attorney to determine what action could be taken, and. repo~t to the Council at the next re~ular meeting. - ~ , , . ~ . . . . . ~..1 ~ ' , Y ~ . The Ordinance regard.ing Cable T. V. was clisc~issed. and. the changes mad.e to the preliminary ordinance were reviewed. The head.ing of the Ordinance was read for the first reading. A motion w~s mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, that the read.ing of the balance of the Ordinance be d.ispensed. with, as the Council had. all fully r~viewed the Ord.inance. All members present voted: '''Aye't. Driveway stand.ard.s were taken und.er d.iscussion ~nd it was agreed the Resolution adopting the stattdards ~hould contain a hardship clausse, ~o~ ~ City Council - Apri1 23rd, 1963 - Page 2 RESOLUTION N0. 581 RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISIiING ~ MAXIMUM R~SE OR DESCENT PERMITTED ON STANDARD DRIVEWAYS IN THE CITY aF . ARROYO GRANDE . On motion of Councilman Lee, second.ed. by Councilman Jacobs,and by the following roll call vote, to-wi~: ~ AYES: Councilmen Lee, Wood.x MeNeil, Jacobs and. Mayor Burt. NOES • None ~ ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 23rd. d.ay of April, 1963. Councilman Wood, suggested that the Planning Cammission consid.e~ requiring all d.rainage to be ca~ried. to the streets where~r possible. Councilman Lee felt a Committee should. be appointed, to stud.y th~ proposed subdivision stand.ar.ds within three miles of the City limits, before any action was taken by the Council. After discussio~., it was agreed it would be to the best interest of the City to request that the County adopt th~ City subd.ivision requirements at this time, within the three mile limit. - RESOLUTION NQ. S82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE . ~ CITY OF ARR,OYO GRANDE RECOMMENDING MINIMUM SUBDIVISION STANDARDS WITHIN THREE MILES OF THE CITY LIMITS. On motion of Gouncilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Jacc~bs, and. on the following roll ea11 vote, ~o-witz , AYES: Councilmen Lee, McNeil, Jacobs and. Mayor Bur~. NOES : Councilman Wood. ABSENT: None the foregaing R+~solution was adopted. this 23rd day of Apri1, 1963. Councilman McNeil recommended the Planning Commission make a ~ study of large lots and hillside d.eve3:opmen~s as a basis to ~ncourage the d.ev,~lopment of hillside property, and. submit a r~port to the Council ~`6on gs possible. A mation was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed: by Councilman McNeil, that York Petersan be appointed. as Consulting Engineer to review the Regional Sewerage Project for the City of Arroyo Grande. All members present voted. t'Ayett. Councilman Jacobs reported: he had d.iscussed the City's banking policies with the officials of the Mid. State Bank, and that the bank would be interested in having the City establish an active checkin~ accaunt with them and. did not d.esire a savings account only, LJpon recommend.at~:i~n of Councilman Jacobs, the City Clerk was instructed to write to the Mid. State Bank and advise them that the banking facilities now employed by the City has given very:satisfactory service and. it.is felt the Cauncil at this time, would be unable tb favo~ably consid~r the request of the Mid State Bank.~ Mr. Garing, City Engineer, gave a progress report on drainage and presented. the grades he had established. on Sunset Drive. After discussion it was agreed. all plans establishing curb grades in ~he City of Arroyo Grand.e are to be approved. by the Director of Publie Works and submitted to the City Council for acceptance. A motion w~.~ made by Councilman MeNeil, second.ed by Councilman Wood, th8t the plans establishing grades for Sunset Drive entitled ttPl.an and g~t~ile Sunset _ Drive City of Arrayo GrandetT be ad,opted.. All members present voted: 'tAye't. 406 C ity Council - April 23rd., 1963 - Page 3 Councilman Wood. was designated. to represent the City G~ouncil at meetings of the Harvest Festival Organization, as requested. by Presid.ent L. W. Wright, by correspondence. A motion was made by Gouncilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Jacobs, that warrants against the General Fund.for $8,528.87 be approved, and. ordered. paid.. A11 members present voted. 'tAyet'. The Council approved that a letter be sent to the County Board of Supervisors requesting they authorize the County Hydraulic Engineer to proceed. with the d.rainage study in the South San I,uis Obispc~ County area, as reeommended. by Mr. Anderson. The Council agreed. the charge of $10.00 for encroachment fees as established at the September 25th, 1962 meeting, be dispensed. with and. no fee be charged,, as recommend.ed by Mr. And.erson. Ordinance No, 39 regard.ing the abatement of all kind.s of nuisances was taken und.er d.iscussion. The City Attorn~y was requested. to pre- pare a new ordinance for the abatement of nuisances to be presenteri' at the next meeting fQr the Council~s review, A motion was mad.e by Councilman Wood., second.ed by Councilman Jacobs that the Bra:nch Street Water Line, Project No. 60-62-4 be accepted. by the City. All members present voted tTAyett. Councilman Wood. advised the Council, he had arranged for a public ad.d.ress system to be d.emonstrated. at the meeting of May 14th, 1963. _ Ross Lee was advised the Pianning Commission had granted, per- mission for him to operate a Lawn Mowing Sharpening business at his home on Bri.dg~ StrEEt and. Council action was not necessary. ~`he head.ifi.g- c~f th~~ Ordi~~~e to ~ae~d grd~,'~n;~e.-l~o, ],57, tca ~ . _ ~aa~°~c~ ; port~o~s af ~~aor~, Ma~~an an~ C~°h~.~~1~q~ ~c~~i~,~~on an,d T~o~ds ;Adz~:~~.+~ri~., ~ lOt~ €so~ parcel of property on West Braneh Stree~C adjacent to Cer~ified Freight Lines and proposed Tract 282 was ~r~~ad ~ar the second r~ading. A motion was made by Councilman MeNeil, ~~~ond.+~. ~q Cc~uneiZ.man.:`~,ee; that th~ rt~ding of t~.e ba~.anee of the Ord.inan.ce be dispensed with. All rnembers ~present voted 'tAye't. ORDINANCE NO.: 173 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 157 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, SO AS TO RE-ZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of C:ouncilman McNeil, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, and by the following roll call vate, to-wit: AYES : Councilmen I,ee, Wood., McNeil, Jacobs and. Mayor Burt NOES: None A.BSENT : None the foregoing Ordinanee was adopted, this 23rd d.ay of April, 19b3. A motion was made by Gouncilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman McNeil, that the meeting be adjourned. at 11:12 P.M. All members present voted. ttAyeT', , ATTEST : ~ j~l/1f~~ C RK R