Minutes 1963-06-14 .~13 Arroyo Grand.e City Council - May 28th, 1963 - Page 2 ~ Commissioner Schultz read. the recommend.ation £rom the Planning Comts~ission that Tract No. 273 be rezoned from RA-B3 to R-l. Councilman Wood stated as he had. an interest in Tract No. 273 he wauld.not participate in any Council action regard.ing the tract. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, second.ed by Councilman McNeil, that a hearing be set for 8:00 P.M. June 25th, 1963 to consider the rezoning of Tract No. 273. Council- men Lee, McNeil, Jacobs and. Mayor Burt voted. 'tAyett . Councilman Wood d.id not vote. Correspond.ence was received.from some property owners an Sunset Drive requesting the City take some action on a lot being used. for storage for d.iscard,ed. cars and. old lumber. Chief Richardsan ad.vised. the Council he was aware of the situation and had contacted the owners involved. and. they had told him they would clean the lot. The Cauncil approved: the use of the Gity lawn mower for the , Little League Ball ,Park', provid.ed, a city employee operated, the mower. Employee ~to be paid.for extra time. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Wood, that Councilman Jacobs be granted. permission to be out of the ~tate frc~m June lOth to June 24th, 1963. Al1 members present voted. ~~Ayet~ . A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Lee, that warrants against the General Fund.for $21,823.35, be approved. and. ord.ered paid. All members present voted. t'Aye't . A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, s~cond.ed. by CouRCil- man McNeil, that the meeting be adjourned. at 9:54 P.M. All members present voted. 1tAye't . . ' - ~ ATTEST • , CLE MAYOR Arroyo Grande, Califor~ia June 9, 1963 -7;30 P.M. Regular Session Due ta the lack of a quorum there was n:o Council meeting held on the above date. ATTES T : C GZERK OR Arroyo Gr~nde,~ Galif. _ June 14, 1963 - 7:00 P.M. Speci~l Session The City Council met in special session with Mayor Burt presiding. Councilmen Lee, Wood and McNeil reported present. Councilman Jacobs was absent. The reports regarding the applications for the position of City Administrator submitted from the administxative officers of Lompoe, San I.uis Obispo and Pasa Robles were reviewed and the applications for the position were checked by the Council. After discussion an.d analysis Councilman Lee was granted permission to leave the meeting at 7:32 P.M. The City C,.erk was instructed to write to f our of the appl~,e cants, inviting them for a personal interview starting at 7:00 P.M. Friday, June 28, 1963 with travel allQwance not exceeding $50.00 approved, No-additional business appearing regarding the selaction of applicants for the position of City Admin.is~rator the meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. ATTEST: C I TY LERK ~ ~'0