R 2223 .- 281 ~ . BmOLUTION NO. 2223 A BmOLUTlON OF 'lHE CITY OOUNCIL OF 'lHE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AFPROVING USE PERMIT NO. 88 435. APPLIED FOR BY KEVIN KENNEDY AND RV~Rr.T. SHm'EL, AT.JAMES WAY AND OAK PARK BOULEVARD WHEREAS, the Oty Council of the Oty of Arroyo Grande has considered an appJication for construction of a 22,600 sq. tt. health club and office building at the intersection of James Way and Oak Park Boulevard in the Oak Park Acres. P-D, Planned Development District; and W"RRR~ the Oty Council has found that this project Is consistent with the General Plan and the Envirormental DocI.ments BSSCX'lated therewith. and a Negative Declaration has been declared under the provisions of the Qilifomla Environnental Quality Act (CEQA); and WHEREAS, the Oty Council f!ncB, after due study, deliberation and public hearing, the following: 1. The proposed use Is consistent with the General Plan's statement and intent as outlined in the P-D, Planned DevelqJment zooe. 2. The site Is adequate in shape or size for the proposed use, as it can meet an the setback and parking requiranents. 3. The site does have adequate access, per the conditions of approval, 4. The proposed use will not have an adverse effect on the use of surrounding property because appropriate conditions have been incorporated into the resolution of approval. 5. The design and layout of the proposed use is suit8b1e because adequate provisions for setbacks, access and clrcu1ation have been incorporated into the project design. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RmOLVED that the Oty Council of the Oty of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Use Pennit subject to the following conditions: 1. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened fran view of surrounding property and public streets. All roof-mounted equipnent which gEIIerates noise, solid particles, odors, etc., shall cause the objectionabJe material to be directed away from residential properties. All screen designs shall be C<IIpitible with the building and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning DeparIrnent. 2. All proposed screening/retaining walls shall be constructed of a material canpatib1e with the elevations of the building, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department. 3. Textured (stmnped or scored) concrete paving shouk1 be provided Intennittently throughout the project site, IlUbject to the review and approval of the PJannlng Department. 4. An exterior lighting plan shall be subnlttect. and shall be subject to the review and approval of the PlannIng Department and shall Include the fo1lawlng: A. Qrt-off 11.ll1inaires shall be Installed which will provide true 900 cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light Emitting refractor or device. B. All fIXtures shall use a flat, clear-lens. energy-efficient light source. C. All project lighting shall be confined to the project site. Ii. All signage shall be subject to the requirements of Section 9-4.2407 of the ZonIng Ordinance. 6. The applicant shall subnlt a planned sign progrem for review by the Planning Carmission. 7. A final1andscape and full coverage autanatic irrigation system shall be provided for review and approval, and Installed prior to building OCCI()IUIcy, subject to the approvsI of the PlannIng Department and Parks and Recreation Department. Tree staking, son preparation and planting detail shall be shown on final landscape plan. Water conservation design and maintenance and drought tolerant Jandscape planting shall be Incorporated whenever feasib1e Into the final design of the landscape and irrigation p1ans for the site. ---_._-._----_.~-.~., -. -^_._._-~._---~------- --_._~---~---_.,.....-----_._.-. -.---.----..----- .-.. RESOLUTION NO, 2223 2-B2 .- . 8. All ground-mounted utDity and mechanical equipment shall be screened and sound buffered as shown on the final landscape pJans, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department and Parks and Recreation Department. 9. RecIprocal parking, access, and maintenance agreements with the adjacent properties will be required prior to the issuance of building pennits. Said agreements must be approved by the Qty Attomey prior to Issuance of the building pennlts. 10. A construction phasing map, showing the limits of the initial phase of construction, shall be sulx1Jitted, reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of bullding pennits. 11. The following item; need to be provided prior to the Issuance of any construction pennits as required by the Public Works Director: A. Grading and drainage plans; and B. Master utDity pJan with easenents and street inprovements. 12. Jute shall be installed on any slopes over 2:1, as required by the Director of Parks and Recreation. 13. The applicant shall install fire hydrant(s) with flows and pressHres as per FIre Department requirenents. 14. The applicant shall install autanatic fire sprinkler plans as required by the Fire Department. 15. The applicant shall provide 24' vehicle travel corridors with dead ends providing 35-foot radiu; cul-de-sacs as required by the Fire Department. 16. The applicant shall provide fire extinguishers (recessed) for each 75-foot of travel as required by the FIre Department. 17. The applicant shall provide angles of departures to aC:\:UIIIMlate fire apparatus as required by the FIre Department. 18. The applicant shall provide a fire protection pJan as required by the FIre Department prior to issuance of bullding pennits. 19. The applicant shall be responsible for re-striping of James Way. On motion by Cbuncll Member Porter , seconded by Q)uncll Member Moots , and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Cbuncll Members Porter, Moots, Johnson and Mayor Mankins NOE3: None ABSENT: Council Member MDlIs the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of April, 1988. ~...~. ~~ MAYOR A'ITEST: I1AAEt a. C1~~ - CITY CL I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo ~rande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of Californ~a, do hereby.cert1fy under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolut1on No. 2223 1S a true, full an~ correct copy of said Resolution passed.and adopted at a regular meet1ng I of said Council on the 26th day of Apr1l, 1988. i ! WITNESS my hand and the affi xed , , this 6th day of May, 1988. I I a. , , I I I I I , I L.__.~H_._~~__ ---..-.-- --