Minutes 1963-10-16 ~~~s ~rroyo Grande, California October 16th~ 1963 Wednesda~- - 5:30 P.i~~. The City- Couricil met in special session with ~~~ayor ~surt presiding, Upon roll call C%ouncilmen IVIcMillen, t~lcNeil and Jacobs reported present. Councilman Wood was absent. The City Ac3ministrator read a letter from the v-istrict Attorney's Office directed to Mr. Born, San Luis Obispo Count~ Hydraulic ~ngineer; regarding City or Coi~nty liability in connection with their allowing subdivisions to set aside a specific number of lots per each subdivision for pondi.r.g area. After discus~ion a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman ~cMiller, ~hat the final map of iract No. 283 be approved subject to: 1. Completion and si~ning of the ponding area agreement: 2. A~pproval by the City T~ngine~~r of the proposed plans and specifications as referred to in said. contract a~r~ement, ~~lotion passed on the following roll call vote: A,Y~S: ~ouncilmen ivlci~7illen, ~~~c~dei_l, Jacobs,. and Mayor ~urt~~ ~ ~ NC~S: None l`~~ENT: Gouncilman Wocd ~1~'ter further discu.ssion a motion was made by Councilman Jacoy:.~s, seconded by Councilman Mcl~eil, that the foregoing motion be amended as follows: The final map of Tract 283 be approved and accepted by the City of Arroyo Urande subject to: 1. `'ompletion and signing of the pondin~ area agreement. 2. .Approval by the City attorney and the City ~ngineer of the proposed plans and specifications as referred to in said contract agreement. liotion carried by the following roll call vote: AY-~: Councilmen rZc~iillen, I~IcTleil, Jacobs, and i°~ayor `'urt, NO.~~S : None ~~s5EiV1: Councilman Wood. lhe City Administrator advised the Coi.-:ncil that the South San LL.is Obispo County Sanitation Listrict had. not been formed. in full process of the law and therefore an additional 60 day period will have to elapse before any further proceedings can be recognized for the District.. ~Ir. ~sutch also stated the additional monies that wi11 be necessary at this time wi.ll be appropriate~l as done in the ;.ast. i~o further business, appearing regarding the Final l~ap of ~'ract No. 283 or the costs for the Sou.th San I,uis Obisp~ Sanitation ~istrict~ on motion by Councilma.n Jacobs, seconded b~T Councilman Mciti.llen, the me~=-tin~ adjourned at 6:05 ~ ~ ~ j~ ~y~ OR ~ ATTF.ST:~ C I'1Y C K