Minutes 1963-11-12 ~4? Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . Regular Meeting 7:30 P.M. - Tuesday November 12, 1963 . The City Council.met in regular session with Mayor Burt presid.ing. Upon roll call Councilmen McMillen, Wood., and.McNeil reported present. Councilman Jacobs was absent. MINUTE AMENDMENT AND APPROVAL The minutes of the meeting of October 29.were amended., und.er section listing bid.s for 12" Water Line, to show Jones Bros. Construction Company bid. in the amount of,$39,870.88. Minutes were then approved, as amended. PAYMENT OF BILIS A motion was mad.e by Councilman Wood., second.ed. by Council- man McMillen, that bills against the General Fund,for $18,588.13; the Water Fund. for $2„068.19; and. the Water Deposit Fund.for $173.00 be approved. and. ord.ered. paid.. Mot~ion carried.. A motion was mad.e by Councilman McNeil, seconded. by-~Council- man Wood., that Transfer Vouchers Nos. 25 through 32 be ata.thorized. for transfer. Motian carried.. . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A letter was read., from the Arroyo Grand.e Chamber of Com- merce, requesting the City Council's approval of disbursement to the Chamber of Commerce of $600.00 as bud.geted.. Mr. Howard. Mankins, Presid,ent of the Cha.mber of Commerce, explained. that this sum was need.ed. to help defray the costs of office help and. general costs of promoting Arroyo Grande. A motian was made by Councilman Wood, second.ed. by Councilman McNei1, that approval be granted for the expend.iture of $600.00 to the Chamber of Commerce as a 1963-64 bud.geted. item. Motion carried.. PROCI,AMACION DEL SENOR ALCALDE Mayor Clay P. David,son of San Luis Obispo had requested that November 15 and November 16, 1963 be proclai~ned as Fiesta Days in Arroyo Grand.e, to coincid.e with San Luis Obispo's special Historical Pageant on those days. Mayor Burt issued the following Proclamation: PROCLAMA.CION DEL SENOR ALCALDE Senores ciud.ad.anos : Your presence is d.esired. on the occasion of honoring our past citizens in "A Parad.e of our Gold,en Yearstt _ TtDesfile d.e Nuestra Ed.ad. d.e Orott, The fiesta will be held. at : the Veterans T Memorial Build.ing to which all residents d:el condad.o d.e San Luis Obispo will come on November 15 and, 16 at the hour of 7;30 P.M. ~ Viva la fiesta. Por ord.en d.e la autorid,ad. del excelentisimo Senor Alcalde de 1863• Senor pon Mariano Bonilla Y - : LETTER OF THANKS A letter was received from the Pacific Telephone Company, thanking the Mayor and. the City Council for Arroyo GrandeTs cooperation d.uring t he CompanYts open house held. on 0atober 23rd. and 24th, 1963. It was agreed. tha.t this letter should, be placed, on file. T•FASH LAW A letter was read. from Mr. D. G. Ed.gar, P. 0. Box 301, Arroyo Grande, requesting stricter enforcement of the Cityts Leash Law. C~.ty Administrator Butch reported ta the Council tha.t he had referred the matter to Woods Animal Shelter who will take it und.er advisement. 448 City Council - November 12, 1963 - Page 2 NEW POST OFFICE DEDICATION CEREMONY '~h~,_~ t~r Council has been invited to att~~d the Ded.ication Ceremony of the new Post Office at 3:00 P.M., November 16, 1963. The Council agreed that a11 members would. attend., if possible. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS The Counc~l ord.ered. the Departmental Reports for October, 1963 placed. on file. CORBETT CANYON N0, l- PRINTZ ROAD N0. 1 ANNEXATION RESOLUTION N0. 597 RESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXA.TION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORIES DESCRIBED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED AS t'CORBETT CANYON NO. ltt, 'tPRINTZ ROAD N0. 1", AND GIVING NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FO FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded, by Councilman McMillen, and. on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McMillen, Wood., McNeil,and Mayor Burt NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 12th day of November, 1963. GOMMUNITY ANTENNA T-V The Committee report regarding Community Antenna T-V was not completed, at this time. The Council agreed. to ho1d. any action regard.ing same until the next meeting. PERSONNEL ORDINANCE City Administrator Butch gave a resume of the proposed Personnel Ord.inance and. ad.vised. the Council that the City at this time has no definite proced.ures set up with regard. to the Personnel System. An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grand,e establishing a Personnel System was read.for the first reading through the title; thereupon, a motion was mad.e by Councilman McNeil, second.ed. by Councilman McMillen, that read.ing the balance of the Ord.inance be d.ispensed. with as the full Council had. thort~ughly reviewed. the Ord.inance. All Councilmen present voted T'Aye,'t ~ ~ RETIREMENT PROGRAM City Ad.ministrator Butch reported to the Council ori a proposed. Retirement Program for City employees, pointing out that the first step toward. such a program should be an actuarial valua- tion, at a cost of $200.00 to $300,00, mad.e by the State to d.eter- mine the cost o~ such a program to the City. Mr. Butch recom- mend.ed. the 1/90-1/60 plan for miscellaneous employees and. the 14% plan for police officers. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded. by Council- man Wood., to authorize the Cit y Administrator to contract with the State for an actuarial valuation for a Retirement System. Motion carried. COUNCII~IAN McNEIL - LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION Mayar Burt informed the Council of the election of Council- man MeNeil as Alternate Member of the Local Agency Formation Commission. CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR City Adm~nistrator Butch advised the Council that someone should. be appointed Civil Defense Director of Arroyo Grand.e in ord.er to finish the Master Plans for Arroyo Grand.e, Gro~er City and. Pismo Beach. He assured. the Council that the work could: be completed within two months. Mayor Burt then appointed.City Administrator Butch Civil Defense Director for Arroyo Grand.e. 4~9 City Council - November 12, 1963 - Page 3 POPULATION ESTIMATE The City Administrator recommend.ed that the City ~have a population esti~ te'census at this time as it has:proven possible by the preliminary research which has already been d.one that the population of the City is much larger than we are now receiving cred.it for in the allocation of State col- lected monies. A motion~,s mad.e by Cou`ncilmai~. Wood., second.ed by Cou.ncil- man McNeil, that the City.enter ~nto an agreement with the State Departmen.t of Finance so that an estimated.po~ulation census may be established. and that the Mayor and.City Clerk be authorized to sign for the City, and also authorize an amount not to exceed. $1.90.00 to pay for Population Estimate by State. Motion carried.. LEA~}UE OF CALIFORNI.~ GITIES City Ad.ministrator Butch read: a letter from the League of California Cities which requests recommendation of a Councilman who would. be interested in serving on a I.eague of California Cities Committee. Councilman McNei1 ex- pressed. interest in the Committee on Municipal Home Rule and. Police'~ower. The City Administrator was instructed to forward this information to the League of California Cities. POST OFFICE MAILBOX ZONE A Resolution. establishing a mail~l:rop zone was read. through the title; thereupon a motion was mad:e by Council- man McNeil, second:ed. by Councilman Wood,.that read.ing the balance of the Resolution be d.ispensed with. All Councilmen present voted T'Aye, tt . RESOLUTION NO, S98 - RESOLUTION OF TrIE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CA.LIFORNIA, DESIGNATING AND L~CATING A ZONE. FOR THE DEPOSITING OF MA.IL IN AN ADJACENT MAILBOX ON A ROADWAY. Il~T THE CITY OF AR12.OY0 GRANDE AND DIRECT~NG THE APPROPRIA.TE MARKING THEREOF. On motion cf Councilman McNeil, second,ed. by Couneilman McMillen, and:on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen McNeil,McMillen,Wood,,and. Mayor Burt NOES- None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs the foregoing Reso3~ution was ad.opted this 12th d.ay of November, 1963. NORTH HIGHWAY 101 ANNEXL~TION Mayor Burt brought to the Councii's attention the faet that some of the signatures on the petition protesting Annexation of North Highway 101 area were those of people d.eceased. for some time. The City C1erk also pointed. out that some of the same persons's signatures appe€~red. on both petitions for and against the Anne~ation. City Administrator Butch ad.vised. that the notarization on one petition was dated April 5, 1963. Mr. Grind.ell explained, tha.t to the best of his knowledge the general complaint against the Annexation was that it was premature. It was agreed that City Attorney Gould: should. have more time to verify signatures and. petitions. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, second.ed. by Caunciltnan Wood., that the hearing on tTNorth Highway lOlTt annexation be continued to November 26, 1963 at 8;00 P,M. Motion carried., ~ PARKING ORDINANCE It was agreed that the discussion of the Parking Ordinanee be held. over until the next Council Meeting. ~~o City Council - November 12, 1963 - Page 4 TRA.CT 243 It was agreed that approval of the final map of Tract 243 be held over to the next Council meeting. TREE ORDINANCE : Ali Council. members agreed. that discussion~ on the Tree Ord.inance be held over until the n~'xt Council Meeting. RESOLUTION ADOPTING CERTAIN CITY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS The Counc~l agreed. that thls'Resolution should. be con- tinued.to the next Cou.ncil Meeting so that they might have time to review each item more thoroughly. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT City Administrator Butch reported on the progress of th~ South San Luis Obispo Sanitation District. At their meeting held on November 12, 1963 at 5;00 P.M., Mr. John Jenks in- formed. the members that setting up a treatment plant would. cost from $800, 000 to •$950, 000, and. advised that 30~`0 of this ` amount would be eligible for a`fed.eral g~ant. The loca~io~. of the new trunk line was discussed, at their meeting; however, since only two o~ the three members were present at the meet- ing no decisions were reached.. Mailing of Notices of the Formation of the San~~~tion District to appraxima'tely 4000 ' resid.ents in the area has been completed. - HALCYON ROAD GAS TAX PROJECT Mr. 1~. S.~Garing, Jr., City Engineer, gave a progress . report on Halcyon Roa d Alignment P~oject,~ and issued. a written report to the Council. This repart was ordered.filed.. ~ PAYROLL FUND City Administrator Butch requested. that the Council esta- blish a separate Payroll Fund., pointing out that this procedure would. eliminate much time-consuming routine for the bookkeeper. He ad.vised. the Council that City Aud.itor Walton has approved this proposed. method.. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, second,ed. by Council- man McMillen, that a Payro~l Fund. be established.. Motion carried,. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman McMillen, second.ed by Councilman McNeil, the meeting was ad.jour~r~.ed. at 8:45 P.M. Motion carried.. ayor . ATTEST:~ City C lerk , :