Minutes 1964-01-14 Arroyo Gr~.nd.e, C~.lif~rnia Janu~ry 14, 19b4 - 7:3D P,M, The City- Council- met- in regular s~ssian with ~I~.yor Burt presid.- ing. Upon roll ,c~ll, Councilman McMill~n, W~od. and Mc~Veil reparted present. ,Councilman Jacobs was absent. , . . . MIN'fJ'TE APPROVAL The minutes af the regular ad.journed. meeting of December ~Oth 1963 were- a.pproved. ~.s prepa~ed:, ' _ AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion wa.s :~,de by Counci,lman Wo~ ,.S~econde , p C'ounEilman McNeil th~t W~.rr~nts No. 716 through 784, totaling $24,043.58 be ~uthoriz~d, ~nd. ord,ered. p~.id.. Motion ca,rried.. Councilman J~.cobs joined. the Council ~.t 7:40 P.M. DESZGNATION OF JANUAR.Y 19-26 A.S JAYCEE WEEK Mayor Burt procl~.imed: January 19-2,, 1964, ~s Jaycee We~k as requ~sted. by the Five Cities Junior Cha.~ab~r of ~ommerce; CORBETT CANYON NO. 1 AND PRINTZ ROAD N0. 1 ANNEXATIONS An Ord.in~,nce o the City of Arroyo Gr~.n C'alifornia, pravid,- ing for the ann~xatian of certa.in uninh~bited. ter~itories to th~ City of Arroyo Grand.e was read. through the title for th~ first read,- ing. A motion w~s made by Councilman McNeil, seconded. by Cauncilman- Mcl~illen,' to d:ispense with re~d.ing the balance ~f the Ord:inanc~. Motion un~.nimously c~.rried. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORTS , D~partmental m~nthlg .repart's were ~reccive ~ by t e~Counc~l ~nd. - , ordered filed.,. After Council d.iscussi~n,'Mayor Burt'requ~sted. that ~the City Adminrstratar check into the pc~ssibility of the City e_mplay- ing a small survey crew to assist~with City Engineering and make an ~.nalysis of expend,itures and future exp~nses in r~gard t~ engixieer- ing servic~. Th~ Cauncil requested:the City Engineer prepa~re a re- port an engine~ring th~.t`heAhas d.one ~or th~ Councilts revi~w at the next regular Council meeting. _ _ STATE DEPARTMENT 0~' FINANCE :~9~?ULA.TI.ON ESTIMA,~TE The Cit~ t'~dtrtinistrator su ~tt~ . a'regort ram t e tate D~p~.rt-' ment of Finanee wY~ich showed. the afficixl ~popul~.tion for Arrciye Grand,e ~.s being 6, 800 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE N0. 186 .ANIENDING ORDINANCE N0. 174 - FRANCHISE FOR ~OMMUNITY ANTENNA TV An Ord.in~nce of the C'ity o~',.rroyo Gr~.nd.e .amend.ing a.n Ord.inance provid.ing for the granting of franchis~s for community antenna. tl~evision syste~ns in the City of Arroyo Grand.e w~,s re~.d. through the title, `thcreupon a' motion w~s mad.e by Councilman 'MeNeil, second.ed, by Councilma.n Jacobs, that the read.ing of b~.lance of the Ordina.nce be d.ispensed. with. Motion un~.nimously c~rri~d:. . ORDINANCE N0. 186 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROY{~ GRANDE AMEND- ING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISES FOR COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS . IN 'TH~E CITY OF ARROYO GR~,NDE. On motion of C~uncilm'~.n `Mc~ieil; second.ed. by Gouncilman Waod,, and on the follawing roll ca.ll vote, ta-wit: AYES : Councilmen MaMillen, Wood., McNeil, Jacobs and. Ma,yor Burt. NOTE: None _ ABSENT: Not~.e , the foregoing Ord,inance was ad.opted.this 14th d.ay of January, 1964. ~ V'7~ City Council -~'s?nuary 14, 1964 - Page 2^ . R UEST OF CIT~ ADMINZSTRATOR TO ATTEND ANNUAL ZEPsGUE OF CALIF~}~RNIA ITIES CONFERENCE ~ The Couneil granted. approval for the City Administr~.tor to ~ttend. the annua,l Le~gu~ of CaYifornia Citi~s City M~.n~.gers f Con- ference to be h~ld. in Palm Springs, February 19-21, 1964. PERSONNEL RESOLUTION SETTING UP RUI~ES AND REGLTIA'I'IONS OF CITY F~IPLOYEES ~ A resolution outlining personnel syst~m rul~s ~nd.regul~.tions of the City of A;rroyo Grand.e was read, through the title, thereupon ~ motion was m~.d:e by G~ouncilman McNeil, seconded. by Gouncilman McMillen tYiat r~~.d,ing of the ~b~l~.nce of the r~solution be dispensed. with. Motion. unani~r?ously c~.rried.. _ " ~ RESOLUTTON N0. 606 PERSONNEL SYSTEM . RUi~ES AND REGUI1~220NS, OF TI-~ CI'~'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion of Gouncilm~.n McNeil, second~d; by Gouncilman Wood. and. by the following roll ca1T vote, ta-wi.t : ' AYES: Council.men McMil7.en, Wo4d, McNeil, Ja:cabs and. Ma~or Burt NOES: Non~ : ABSENT: None th~ foregoing resaluti~n was adopted.this 14th d.a,y of January 1964. ANNUAL CONTRACT WITH WOODS ANIMAL SHELTER he City Administr~tor gave a report on the rneeting a.ttend.ed. by the cotnmittee appoint~d by the Mayor re a.nnua.l bud:get of Wood.s A.n.imal Shelter on January 9, 1964, and. outlined. the budget of the Shelter. A motion was m~.d.~ by Councilm~.n Ja.c~bs, seconc~.ed, by, Cc~u~ci1- m~.n Wood. that th.~ expend,iture of $3,000,00 for the year 1964 be - ~.pprov~d. ~nd. authoriz~d, the ex~cution of ~ contract for the ye~r 1964 between theCity and Wood:s Anim~l Shelter for ~.uthority to ' control d.ogs in ~he Ci~y of l,rroyo Gr~nd.e. Motion carried'. RESOLUTION TO SELL ~ERTAIN PROPERTY ON TRAFFIC WAY The City Ad~inistratar reporte , one id, d been. received. from J. D.~ Moore in th~ ~.tnov.nt of $150.00 for the purchase of th~.t unused, portion of Traffic Wa~y which the City ~.d,vertised, for sale. RESOLUTION NO. 607 `(SA~E E}F PORTION OF TRA,FFTC WAY T0 J.` D.' MOORE) On motion of C~uncilm~.n Wood., second~d. by C~unciLman McMillen ~.nd b~ the following rall call vote, to-wit: AYES: Council.~nen McMillen, Wood., McNeil, Jacobs & M~yor Burt: NOES: None ~ .~BSENT: None the foregoing"resolution was ad.opted.this 14th d.~.y of Janu.~ry 1964. ORDINANCE TD RE-ZONE TRA.CT 283 ADOPTION An Ordinance o the City of Arroyo Grand.~ apr?end.ing Ord.inance No. 157 of the Citg of Arroyo Gr~nd.e, so as t~ r~zone c~rtain property in the City of Arroyo Grand.e was read, through the titl.e, thereupon motion wa.s m~.d,e- by Councilman Ja.cabs, seconded by Council- man McNeil that the read.ing of the balanc~ of the Ord:inanee b~ d,isp~nsed. with. Motion unanimously carried,. ORDINANCE N0. 187 AN ORDINANCE 0~' THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 157 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, S0 AS T0 RE-ZONE CERTA.IN ' PROPERTY SN THE CITY OF .~S.RROYO GRANDE (TRACT NO. 283) On motion of Councilm~.n Wood,, seconded by Councilm~.n McNeil and. , on the following roll ca11 vote, to-~it: AYES: ~oun~il~~n MeMillen, Wood,, McN~il, Jacobs and.Mayor Bu~t NOES: None ABSENT: None th~ foregoing Ord,in~nce was ~d.opted this 14th da.y of January 1964. 4~~ City Couneil - Ja.nuary 14, 1964 - Pa.ge 3 PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS ORDINANCE ADOPTION ~,n Ord.in~.nc~ ~stablishing regula.tions pertaining .to requir~d. off-street parking f~.cilities and parki.ng space requir~ments ~.round. buildings in a,11 districts of the City wzs re~d through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilma:n J~acobs, seconded. by Councilman Wood., ta d,isp~:nse with- rea.d,ing of the balance of the Ordinance, Motion unanimously carried., _ ORDINANCE N0. 188 , AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CA,LIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PERTA3NING TO REQUTRED OFF- STREET PARKING FACILITIES AND PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS AROUND BUILDINGS IN ALL DISTRICTS OF THE CITY PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND .ENFORCEMENT OF SUC~i REGULA.~ TIONS, AND PRESCRIBING:~PENA.LTIES FOR VIOIATION THEREOF: REPEALING ORDINANCES OR PORTIONS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH On moti~n,of Councilman Wood, second.ed. by Councilman McMillen and.onthe'following roll c~.ll vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilma.n McMillen, Wood., `McN~il, Ja~cobs and: Ma.yor Burt NOESs None ABSENT- Non~ the foregoing Ord:in~nce was ~,d.opted.this 14th d.~y of J~nu~.ry 1964. SET HEARING ON APPEA.L REGARDING REJEGTION OF ARCHITECTUf2AS, DRAWINGS BY PIANNING COMMZSSION The City Adrttinistrator advised t~ Coun~il thatan appe~l h~.d. been received. from M. Polin reg~;rding ~.n a.d.verse.' decision o.f ~he Planning Com~tissic~n of archit~ctural d.rawi,ngs submitted to the~ an his behalf,~ Cfluncil~nan Wood ask~d to be excused from the meeting at 8:22 P.M., stating-:he h~s po~i.ble business inter~st-in t.his ' pro ject. A motion: wa.s mad:e by Council~a.n Ja.cobs, sec~nded by . Councilman McMillen that a public hea.ring t~ be set .for 8z00 P.M,~ on Janv.ary 28, 1964, ta review th~ architectura.l drawings for a build,- ing ta be located, fln Martin Polints property, >,M.otion carried.. Councilman Woad. rejmined the Council a~t 8:25 P.M, ' ' PROPOSED HdME OCCUPATION ORDINAI~E The City Administrator out ~ned. t e'prapose . amen ment ta . Ord.inance No. 157, which wauld. `allow certa~in : types of second:a.ry occupations to be canduct~d in R-l, R-2.a.nd, R-3 zon~s of the City as recommend.ed: by the City P1s~nning Cammission. After d.iscussion, M~yor Burt appminted.a~ committee consisting of Councilmen McNeil, Jac~bs and, ~nTaod, to further stud.y the pr~posed ,a~mendments to a.llow certain types of hQme occupations and. repart ~t the next Cauncil meeting. C~ASOLINE BIDS A motion was mad.~ by Councilman J~cobs, second.ed: y Cauncil~zn. Woad. tha~t 2:00 P,i~I., February 6th, in the Office of the City Cl~rk be set zs the time ~.nd. plae~ for bid.s to b~ opened for suppTyir~.g of ga.so:line for th~ City of Arroyo Grand.~ for the year March l, ~.~b4 ~to Februa.ry 28, 1965. Motion ca.rried. R UEST OF PUBI~IC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ATTEND CDNFEREIV~CE The City .ca ministrator outlin d ~"etter receivec~ fram t~~~.te of California District Engineer, requesting our kPublic Works Director to attend a. Street and Highway Conference in Berkely, Jan.uary 30-° February i, 196~, A motian was made:by:Gouncilrnan J~~obs, second.ed by Councilm~.n McMillen that the Public Work~ Dircctr~r'~ request to attend a Street' ~.nd. Hig.hwsy Conference in Berk~ley, .Tanuary 30- February l, 1964, be granted, Motion carried. BIDS - STREET' ROLLER The City Administrator reported that J~.nuary 9, 1964, at the hour of 2c00 P,M, bids were received and. opened for a Street Roller- Compactor and.trailer, this being th~ date and time set by the Coun- cil for said. bid.opening. Bids xeceived ~s follows: Croft Equipment Company-$2,540.00; Dearth Machinery Co, -$2,335.50; Larson Equipment Compan~-$2,828.00. City Council - January 14, 1964 - Page 4 After discussion, ~ motion was made by Couneilm~n 1~IcNeil, ° seconded by Gouncilman Jacobs that the bid.tof Lstrson Equipment Company in the amaunt of $2,828.00 be accepted. as the b~st and low~st bid meeti~g th~ requixed. specific8tions of the City of Arroyo Gr~nd:e for Street Ro~ler-compactor ~:nd trailer. Motion carried. . RE UEST FOR PLACEMENT OF SIGNS ON PUBLIG PARKWAYS BY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY- The City 1Administr~.tor outlined a let~~r requesting placemen.t of five directional signs by ~he Christian Science Society. Aftcr discussion, a motion was mad.e by Councilman Mcl~Teil, seconded. by councilman Jacobs th~t the Christiari Science'Society be ~llowed to place five signs on public parkways, subj~ct to the approv~l of siz~ ~.nd. location by the Public Works Director of Arroyo Grande. Motion ca.rried , _ WATER SERVICE REQUEST _ . The City Administr~tor o`utlined correspondence received,from ' Mr. Gordon Jongeward requesting water `~service ar~d. annexatiort of his property lying outsid:~ the incorporate limits of the City of Arroyo Grande. After d.iscussion, a motion was mad.~ by Councilm~.n Wood, seconded by Councilman J~cobs, that due to hardship in this paxticu.lar case, water service would. be ~ranted to Mr. Jangeward on,his prop~rty at Hillcrest and Frontage`Road upon compliance with all regulations of th~ City of Arro$~o ~Grande. Motion carri~d on the follo~ing roll call vote- AYES;~ Councilmen McMillen, Wood, Jacobs and Ma.yor Burt. ~10ES : Councilm~.n McN~il ABSENT: None - After disc~.ssion, a: t~otio~. was m~de by Vouncilman McMillen, seconded by Councilman Jacobs that the City Administrator be in- str-ucted to notify the County Board.of Su.pervisors that the City of Arroyo Gr~.nde requests tha.t an~a future build,ing permit ~.pplicatic~n.s stating water will be furnished by the City'of Arroyo Gr~.nde be - held for final ~pproval until formal notification from the City.of Arroyo Grande is forward:ed to the Gountg Build:ing Dep~.rtment that the ~ity will furnish said. water. Motion carried. WATER SERVICE REf~UEST ' The City Administrator outlin~d aletter rec~ived from Mr, and. Mrs. Robert McLzan rcqu~sting w~.ter s~rvic~ outsid.e incorporate limits of the City.- .A,fter discussion the City Administrator w~s instructed to inform the McL~ans that wat~r s~rvice would be fur- nished upon th~ir complia~t~.ce of regular r~quir~ments for~wat~r scr- vice and tha.t the annex~.tional fe~'is not required ag~.in. The Council ins'tructed the City Admirr.istr~.tor to : r~view w~.ter servi~e and anne~atiQ~.'policy of the City. After discussion, the Council ~.lso recomended that the Planning Commission study th~.p~ssiblity of establishing a street on Brisco Hill in line with th~ 12t' water main which the City has instalied in that area. . . PROpOSED CHANGE IN WATER ORDINANCE . ; A motion was ma,.c by Counci man Wood, second.ed by Counciln~an Jacobs , to ch~.nge wa~ter billing 'from monthly to ~ii-monthly billing eff~ctive Febru~.ry l, 1_~64. Motion carried., After discussion, further action on meter installs~tion ch~rges was d.cf~rred ut~.til a l~.ter meeting of the Council. HIRING GEOIAGIST TO INVESTIGATE GROUI~TD WATER POTENTIAL - The Clty Adm~nistr~.tor outilned. the need. for hiring qualificd geologist to investigate ground. water potential in Arroyo Grande and surrounding ~.rea~. A'motion was made by Councilman McNeil, ~ seconded. by Councilman McMillen to accept the groposa,l of John F. Mann to cond.uct a stud.y of ground. w~.ter potentia:l in Arroyo GrandG ~.nd surround.ing area at a cost of $750.00. Motian c~rried. " : City Courccil - Ja,nua.ry 14, 1964- Page 5 REQUEST OF CHTEF OF PO~ICE TO AT'~END MEETING _ The City Administrator outlined a. ~etter from the Dep~.rtment of Justice requesting that our Chief of Police attend a mc~ting to be held. in San Francisco on the 29th of Ja.~u~ry. A c~otion was . made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed ' by~ Gouncilman. McMillzn tha.t permission be gr~.nt~d,for the Chief of Polic~ to ~.ttend. the com- bined. zone meeting of Polic~ and Sheriffs in San Francisco on January 29, 1964. Motion ca.rri~d. 12" WATER LINE - COST OF BORING AND TIME EXTENSION` The Gity Administrator brought to the Cou.ncil's atten~ion` that the State Highway Departmen~ wili not ~.llaw a surface cut across Branch Street for th~ 'installa~Eion of the 121t wat~r line which is now b~ing installed under cantract with Rex Jon:es Con-' struction Comp~ny; ther~forc, it will be n~cessary to bore the pipe- lin~ under Branch Street, which will be an unexpect~d expense to the eontractor of $12,00.00. Also, d.ue to the n~cessity of ad.d.i- tional equipment to do thc boring, th~ contractor has asked for a four day extension o£ time to complct~ the project. After Council discussion, a motion w~.s mad:e by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McMiYlen, that th~ City approv~ as additional construc- tion costs $1,200.00 to Rex Jones Construction'Co, for labor a.nd equipment exp~ns~ ovGr the'origin~l contra.ct bid for boring under Branch Street to install th~ 12rf water lin~; and th~t a four d.a~y extension of time be granted for compl~tion of the.12't water line project due to th~ unexp~cted time involve~d by having to bor~ the wzter linc und.~r Bra~nch Stre~t. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT On mation by Councilm~.n Jacobs, second~d by Councilman McNeil, the meeting a.d.journed. at 10c30 P.M. to Jznuary 20th, 5:30 P.M. Motion ca.rried. ATTEST- : ~ ~ City Cl Ma r , . Arroyo Grande, Ga~lifornia _ 5:30 P.M. - January 20th, 1964 _ Th~ City Council met in adjourned,snssion with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call; Councilmcn Wood., MeNeil and Ja~flbs reported;pres~nt. Councilman McMillcn was absent. ORDINANCE ADOPTION -"CORBETT CANYON NO . lrr gZ trpRINTZ RI1, : NO . lTt ANNEXATION An Ordinance providing for the ~nnexs~tion of_ certain uninhs~blted territories to the City of ~+,rroyo Grand:e was read through the titl~, ther~upon motion wzs made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilm~n Ja:cobs thzt reading the ba.la~nce of the ordinance b~ d.ispensed with. Motion unanimously ca.rried. ORDINANCE N0. 189 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXA.TION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORIES -TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRt~TD~E. On motion of ` Cau.ncilman McNeil, sccand.~d. by Councilman Ja~cobs ' znd on the following roll ca.li votz, to-wit: AYES : Cc~unciltjnen Wood , McNe il, Jacobs and ~Mayor Bu~t NOES- None ABSENT: C~un.cilma.n MeMillen the for~going Ord.inance was ~dopted this 20th day of Janua~ry 1.964. I2" WATER LTNE - CONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT ~ he City Adminlstrator advis~d th~ Council thsit the insta:].1- ation'of the 12't w~t~r line was approxima~tely 75% complete ~nd tha.t the contrs~e~or ha:d. requested a progress payment, After discussion, a.motion, was mztd~ by Councilms~n Wood, second.ed by Councilman' Ja.cobs thAt the r~qucst of Jones Bros, Construction Company for ~ progrtss pay~' ment in the stmount of $34,486.52 for insta~llation completed on the 12t' wAter line cc~ntract Proje~t No. 60-63-7, l~ss the required 10% r~tention be a~pproved and a.uthoriz~d for payment. Motion cstrried.