Minutes 1964-01-20 : City Courccil - Ja,nua.ry 14, 1964- Page 5 REQUEST OF CHTEF OF PO~ICE TO AT'~END MEETING _ The City Administrator outlined a. ~etter from the Dep~.rtment of Justice requesting that our Chief of Police attend a mc~ting to be held. in San Francisco on the 29th of Ja.~u~ry. A c~otion was . made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed ' by~ Gouncilman. McMillzn tha.t permission be gr~.nt~d,for the Chief of Polic~ to ~.ttend. the com- bined. zone meeting of Polic~ and Sheriffs in San Francisco on January 29, 1964. Motion ca.rri~d. 12" WATER LINE - COST OF BORING AND TIME EXTENSION` The Gity Administrator brought to the Cou.ncil's atten~ion` that the State Highway Departmen~ wili not ~.llaw a surface cut across Branch Street for th~ 'installa~Eion of the 121t wat~r line which is now b~ing installed under cantract with Rex Jon:es Con-' struction Comp~ny; ther~forc, it will be n~cessary to bore the pipe- lin~ under Branch Street, which will be an unexpect~d expense to the eontractor of $12,00.00. Also, d.ue to the n~cessity of ad.d.i- tional equipment to do thc boring, th~ contractor has asked for a four day extension o£ time to complct~ the project. After Council discussion, a motion w~.s mad:e by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McMiYlen, that th~ City approv~ as additional construc- tion costs $1,200.00 to Rex Jones Construction'Co, for labor a.nd equipment exp~ns~ ovGr the'origin~l contra.ct bid for boring under Branch Street to install th~ 12rf water lin~; and th~t a four d.a~y extension of time be granted for compl~tion of the.12't water line project due to th~ unexp~cted time involve~d by having to bor~ the wzter linc und.~r Bra~nch Stre~t. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT On mation by Councilm~.n Jacobs, second~d by Councilman McNeil, the meeting a.d.journed. at 10c30 P.M. to Jznuary 20th, 5:30 P.M. Motion ca.rried. ATTEST- : ~ ~ City Cl Ma r , . Arroyo Grande, Ga~lifornia _ 5:30 P.M. - January 20th, 1964 _ Th~ City Council met in adjourned,snssion with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call; Councilmcn Wood., MeNeil and Ja~flbs reported;pres~nt. Councilman McMillcn was absent. ORDINANCE ADOPTION -"CORBETT CANYON NO . lrr gZ trpRINTZ RI1, : NO . lTt ANNEXATION An Ordinance providing for the ~nnexs~tion of_ certain uninhs~blted territories to the City of ~+,rroyo Grand:e was read through the titl~, ther~upon motion wzs made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilm~n Ja:cobs thzt reading the ba.la~nce of the ordinance b~ d.ispensed with. Motion unanimously ca.rried. ORDINANCE N0. 189 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PROVIDING FOR THE ANNEXA.TION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORIES -TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRt~TD~E. On motion of ` Cau.ncilman McNeil, sccand.~d. by Councilman Ja~cobs ' znd on the following roll ca.li votz, to-wit: AYES : Cc~unciltjnen Wood , McNe il, Jacobs and ~Mayor Bu~t NOES- None ABSENT: C~un.cilma.n MeMillen the for~going Ord.inance was ~dopted this 20th day of Janua~ry 1.964. I2" WATER LTNE - CONTRACTOR PROGRESS PAYMENT ~ he City Adminlstrator advis~d th~ Council thsit the insta:].1- ation'of the 12't w~t~r line was approxima~tely 75% complete ~nd tha.t the contrs~e~or ha:d. requested a progress payment, After discussion, a.motion, was mztd~ by Councilms~n Wood, second.ed by Councilman' Ja.cobs thAt the r~qucst of Jones Bros, Construction Company for ~ progrtss pay~' ment in the stmount of $34,486.52 for insta~llation completed on the 12t' wAter line cc~ntract Proje~t No. 60-63-7, l~ss the required 10% r~tention be a~pproved and a.uthoriz~d for payment. Motion cstrried. 468 ~ Arroyo Grand~, Csilifornia 5: 30 P.Ni . Janua, ry 20 ,;1964 . ADJOURNMfurther bu.siness A e ^ ,pp a.ring, on motion by Councilman Ja.cabs second~d. by Councilma.n McNeil, the meeting a.djourned. ~t 5.35 P.M. Mot ion czrried:. , ~ ~ ~ ~ AT'I'EST: , M~yor .City erk ~ Ar~r~oyo Gr~and'.e Califo~nia January 28,' 1964 7t30 P.M. The City Council met in r~egulat~ session with Mayor~ Burt pr~esid- ing. Upon r~oll call Councilmen`McMillen; Wood, McNeil and Jacobs r~eporfied pr~esent. . PROCtf~iM~TION - RELIGIOUS S{JRVEY WEEK 2/28 - 3/6/64 Mayor~ Bux°t pr~oclaime ,''~I , Geor~ge A. Bur~t , mayor~ of the City of Ar~r~oyo ~r~ande, d.o call upon the citizens of our~ Gity to •cooper~ate with canvasser~s and. other~ wor~ker~s dur~ir~g this week of Relig~.ous Sur~vey, Febr~uary 28th to Mar•ch 6th, 1964," This procl~mation was r~equested by the Chur~ches of the Five Cities ar~ea. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the r~egu~a~~ meeting of January 14 and the ad jour~ned: meeting of January 20th 1964, wer~e appr~oved as pr~epar~ed.. PAYMENT OF~ BI LLS A mo~ion ~aas~ mad,e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Wood. that Gener~al Warr~ants No. 787 thr~augh 809, total3ng $10,084.73 and Payr~oll Warr~ants No. 205 thr~ough 2~0, totaling $7,183.31 be appr~oved and. or~d.er~ed. paid . Motion carx°ied,. LETTER OF THANKS - DOWN TOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION - The City Administr~ator~ r~ead a lette~° fr~om the Ar~rnyo Grand.e Down Town Mer~chants .Association expressing their~ thanks for~ the City*s par~ticipation and city for~ces t assistance in the decor~ating pr~o~r~am for~ the Chr~istmas holidays. Mayor~ Bur~t r~equested Adminis- tr~ator~ Butch acknowledge r~eceipt of the letter~ and that the City d~psr~tments mentio~ed. be for~war~ded the Associationts thanks. PROCIAMATION - 1964 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS YF~.R Mayor~ Bur~t stated T'That the year 1 be pr~oclaimed ~nter~national Communicatians Year~ in the City of Ar~r~oyo Gr~andet' as a-r~equest submitted by the Pacific Telephone and.'Telegr~aph Company depicting the completion of ~he Tr~ans-Pacific International Submar~ine Cable in .~4ugust of this year~ as a historical event. The c~,ble will terminate in San Luis Obispo and will officially be known ~.s the T'San Luis Obispo-Yakohama Cablett, MONTHLY TREASURERS REPORT The Tr~easux•er~ s r~epor~t for the inonth of I7ecember~, 1963, was r~ec~ived. by the Council and or~de~ed. filed. NOTIFICA.TION - OCEA,NO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ANNEXATION TO.OCEANO FIRE PR TECTION DISTRICT The City A ministr~ator~ advi~ed. notific.ation had been r~ceived. from the San Luis ObispQ County Loca1 Agency Formation CQmmission that the Oceano Elementar~y School Distr~ict kpr~oposes to ann~ Lot ~ 19, Pismo Beach Gar~d.en (Site of the new Oceano School) to the-Oceano Fir~e Protection District. The Counci7~ agr~eed. ther~e' was no oppasition to this anne~ation on behalf qf the ~ity of .Ar~r~oyo Gr~ande. ENGINEERING COST AND REC~NII~ENDATIONS REPORT e r~epor~ on Engineer~ing cost ~n' . recommendations for~ `~utur~e plans was not campleted at this time, but would be r~eady for the next r~gu7.ar~ Council meeting. :