Minutes 1964-02-25 . . > . _ , ~ , eity Council - Februa.~y,,15, ~964, ; ; . , ~ , . ~.soline for the City of Arroyo Grande for the year March 1, 1964 to ~ebruary 28, 1964, this being the c}~,te;.~.nd time set by the Council for said bid opening. Bids were received as follows: Richfield Oil Gorp. , Regular,: ,.;20.7.5,, E~hyl .,,2282,.; . S~as~de 9il ~ C,Q. Regular .222, Ethyl . 257 , Shell Oil Cotnp~.~.y, Regul~r . 23~,8,, . E~~.yl 278 Standard Oil Gompany, Regular .2~2, ,eEthyl. ..24Q5;, Texaco., Inc. ~ Regul;ar 214, Ethyl .2355; Tidewater. Oi~ .~o,,., R,egular ..218., ~thyl~ .248, x' : A motion was ~n~.de by.; Counci.lm~n McNei~., . se.conded by Councilman Wood, that the low bid submitted by Richfield Qi1 Co. for supplying gasoline to the City from March l, 1964 through Februar"y 28, 196~, be accepted and.~h~ Mayor-be authoriz~d,to sign the,contrac~. Motion carried. ~ . . . i . _ . . , ADJOURNMENT ' ~ ~ , _ „ _ , . Y : On motion ;of, Gouneilman McNe~ily, seconded by Councilman i~IcMillen, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M. Motion carried: ~ _ , , . . , - : ~ A'T7.'EST ~ - - . ri ~ . . . _ . _ ~ 3 ~ . . . . • ' . , f . , _ _ . . . . ~ , . . ~ . . . DEPUTY CITY CLERK . . : ~ , e, : ~ . , , : , ; A,rr~y~ Grande, Cal if ~rnia Februzry 25, 1964 - 7:40 r.M. , _ < . , : . . ~ ~ _ The City Ceuncil met in regul~r sessi~n with May~r Burt ~residing. tJpin f r~ll call, Cauncilmen Ws~~, McNeil and Jac~bs rep~rte~ present. Councilmzn McMillen was ~bsent. MINUTE Al'ZROV.~L . The minutes ef th~ regular meeting ~f February llth ~nd the_~djau~ned meeting of February 15, 1964, were approv~d as prepared, ~ AUTHORIZBD PAYM~'NT OF BILI~S A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second~d by Councilman McNeil:that' General Warrants No. 857 through 871 in the a~nount of $27,941.97 and Payrvll Warrants No. 287 through 321 in the amount of $7,063.27 be approved and order~d paid. Motion carri~d. R~QUEST THAT CITY MAINTAIN:FUTURE PARKWA3~ TREES The City Administrator stated that requests had been received from the Downtown Merchants Association, Chamber of Commerce and Woman's ~lub that the City maintain'future parkway trees which these organizations were pyrchasing for placement on Branch Street and Grand Av~nue. After discussion it was th~ Gene~al f~eling of th~ Council that the City wnuld'maintain the trees. R~QUEST OF WATKINS AND GIFFORD TO CONDUCT A BUS SYSTEM IN ARROYp GRANDE The City Administrator r~ad a letter from Watkins and-Gifford relative to operating a bus system in the Fiv~ Cities area. After discussion, the Gity Administrator was instructed to meet with r.epres~ntatives of the bus line and f ind out mor~ details on their proposed operation. REQUEST OF FIVE CITIES JR. C~lAMBER OF CONIl~IERCE TO CONDUCT FIR£W~RK~ SALE ~ The City Administrator informed the Council that a request had been receiv~d from the Five Cities ~unior Chamber of Commerce requesting that they be allowed to conduct a fireworks`sal~ stand on th~ southwest corner of Grand Avenue and Halcyon Road from June 27 through July 4, 1964. After discussion , th~ general f~eling was tt~at if ail the regular procedures of business establishme~.ts wer~ met, there would bc no objections by the Coumcil. ~ ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO URBAN PLANNING ASSISTANCE A Resolution r~lative to urban planning assistance was read through the title, thereupon a motion was mad~ by Councilman McN~il, seconded by Councilman Wood that reading the balance of th~ Resolution be dispen.sed with. Motion unanimous- ly carri~d. , RESOLUTION NO. 612 ` A RESO~LUTION 0~ ZY~,E CT'1'Y' COU.~CIL OF THE ~ GI~TY ARROYO GRANDE, STATE OF CALIFORIVIA, . RELATIVE TO URBAN PLANNING ASSISTANCE ` City Council - February 25, 1964 On motion bf Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the follow- ing roll call vot~, to-wit: AYES . Councilman Wood, McNeil, Jacobs and Mayor Burt NOES : None ABSENT : Councilman MeMill~n t~.e foregoing Resolution was adopt~d this 25th day of February 1964. RESOLUTI ON OF ZNTEN'IZ ON TO SET HEARING ON ABANDONMENT OF POR'I'I ON OF LEPOINT TERI2ACE Th~ City Administrator informed the Council that du~ to an erroneous`legal description of the grop~rty involved, thirs m.atter should be held over until the next Council m~eting. ' Council recessed from 7:50 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. QUARTERLY MEETING OF CfiANNEL COUNTIES DIVISION LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - The City Admi.nistrator informed the Coun.cil of the quarterly meeting of th~ Channel Counties Division, League of California Cities, to b~ h~ld in Pismo Beach on March 18th. All Council members pr~sent indicat~d that they planned to attend this meeting. AWARDING BID - 1250 GPM PUMPER TRUCK F~.2. FIRE DEP.~RTMENT The City Administrator reported that on February 20th, 1964, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. bids w~r~ r~ceiv~d and opened for a 1250 GPM pumper truck for the City of Arrayo Grande Fire D~partm~nt, this b~ing th~ date and time s~t by the Council for said bid op~ning. Bids were reeeived as follows: .~m~rican LaFrance, $27,540.00; Central Fir~ Truck Corp., $25,957.75; Crown Coach Carp., $31,869.57; Van Pelt, $27,178.00; t~Tesco Fire Engine Division, $27,611,96. Aft~r dis cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second~d by Councilman McN~il that the City accept the bid of Van Pelt Company in the amount of $27,178.00 for furnishing to the City of Arroyo Grande a new 1250 GPM pumper fire truck with synchromesh transmission as b~ing low~s~ and best bid. Motion carricd. The City Administrator noted that s~v~ral items in previous bid which were over and above speeifications were del~~~d from tliis bia which accounts for the lower pricing. ' FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF 12" WATER LINE The City Administrator informed th~ Council that there were several it~ms that had come to his attention which in.dicat~d that a~tion on final acceptance of the 12" w~ter li.ne should be held until a future dat~. PROGRESS REPORfi - SOUTfi SAN LUIS OBSIPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The City Administrator report~d to the Council that the scheduled regular meeting o£ th~ Sanitation District was not held and that th~re was nothing new to r~port. ' DECLARATION OF MARCH 15-21 AS NATIONAL WILDLIFE WEEK lt the request of Arroyo Grande Sportm~n's Club, ine., Mayor Burt pro= claimed the week of March 15-21, 1964, as National Wildlif~ Week in the City of Arroyo Grande. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cou~.cilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman McNeil, the meeting adjourn~d at 8:07 P,M, Motion carried. ATTE T: { ~ ~ ~ OR CITY CL _ , , .