Minutes 1964-03-24 , Arroyo Grande, California March 24, 1964 ~ 7:30 P.M. The City Cauncil met in regular session with Mayvr pro tem Jacobs presiding. Upon roll call, Councilmen McMillen, Wood and McNeil reported present. Mayor Burt was absent. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of March 1Q, 1 , were approved as prepared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT C1F BILIS A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, secon ed by Councilman McMillen that General Warrants No. 930 through 949 in the amount af $14,913.91 and Payroll Warrants No. 368 through 404 in the amount of $8,483.68 be approved and order~d paid. Motion carried. RESOLUTION N0. 614-INTENTION TO V~CATE 1~BANDON AND CLOSE A PORTION OF MCKINLEY S',I'REET A resolution of intention to vacate, a andon and close a portion of McKinley Street in the City of Arroyo Grande was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Couneil- man McNeil, seconded by Councilman IdlcMillen, that the r~ading of the balance of the Resolution be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NOo 614 A RESfJLUTION OF INTENTION TQ VACATE, ABANDON AND CLOSE A PORTION OF MG KIN7.,EY STREET IN THE GITY OF .4.RROYO GRANDE, GOUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF ~.LIFORNIA On motion of Councilman Waod, seconded by Couneilman l~c= Millen, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Gouncilmen McMillen, in~ood, McNeil and Mayor pro tem Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT~ Mayor Burt the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of March 1964, REVISED APPLICATION BY PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGI~PH COMPANY FOR RATE INCREASE The City Admini~trator advised the Council that a revss~d application for rate increases by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company based on Federal corporate income tax reduc- tions had been received, L~CTUARIES 4 AZEPORT RE COST TO CITY TO PAi2TICI- PATE IN STATE EMPIA~EE p S RETIREi+~E1~TT SYSTEM The City Administrator presented the actuaries' report on the valuation study conducted to determine the con~ribution necessary by the City to participate in the ~tate Employee's Retirement Systemo After discussion, a mo~i~on was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, to set up liquidation of prior service paymr?ent of $36,648,07 on a 20 year payment schedule for participation in the State Empl~~ee's Retirement System. I~otion carriedd ESTABLISH.MENT OF COMMITTEE TO EXPIARE SETTING UP A PARKS & RECF~E~4TI ON COMMI iS TON The City Administrator and Councilman McNeil outlined ~or the Council the steps necessary and the possibilities of - activities associ.ated with the formation of a Parks & Recreation Commission. A.fter discussion, Mayor pro tem ,7acobs appointed Councilman McNeil as Chairman, to re~s~~sent the Council on a committee to be composed of one Council member, one Planning Commission member, one representative from the high school ~ faculty, one representative from the gradQ school faculty, ~tZd , ~~~r . Arroyo Grande, California ~ Max°ch 24, 1964 m Page 2 the Gity Adminis~~°ator, '~h~s commit~ee ~~11 ex~pl~re the feasibil- ity of establishing a Parks & Recreation Commissi~n at this time. BICYGLE PARKING A.REA IN DOWNTOWN AREA The City Administ~°at~r repor°ted ~n ~fie reques~ af the Down- town Merchants Assoeiation that something be done ~bout the bi- cycle parking problem ~n the downtown area, Af~er discrxss~on, it was the decision of the Council th~~ definite sites sh~o~.ld be cleaxed and costs ~obtained and final ac~ion on this matter ~ras held over to the next Council meeting. RE UEST OF CITY C~ERK TO ATTEND ANNUAL CITY CLERK 4 S NIEETING The City Administrator presen,tecl a r~quest of the Gity Gle~°k to attend the annuaL Zeague of California City Clerk's Institute to be helzi in Saeramento on April 29, 30 and.May 19 1964, After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded bq Councilman Wood, that approval for the City Clerk to attend thc~ League of California Cities Annual City Clerk's Institute in Sacramento on April 29, 3b and May 1, 1964, be granted, Motion carried. FARRELL ROAD IMPROVEMENT - REQUEST OF DEVELOPER JAMES NORMAN FOR REIMBURSEMENT The City Administrator presented a request of developer James Norman for reimbursement for work done in conne~tion with off-site improvements in con~unction with development of Tract 283e After disct~ssion, Mayor pro tem Jacobs appointed Councilman Wood and Councilman McMillen as a c~mmittee to review this claim and make their xecommendation at the next Council meetinga PRESENTATION 0F BOOKLET RE STREET, GURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEME S - - - The City Administrator presented to the Council a booklet ~hat had be;en prepared by the City Public Works Department re street, curb, gutter and sidew~,ll~ improvements and informed the CQUncil that these booklets are available for distribution to the general public, ENGINEER'S REViSID REPORT ON ESTIMATED COST OE H~4LCYON ROAD T ROVEMENT A report was presented by City Engineer Garing giving a more detailed revised estimate of the cost of the Halcyon Road itnprovement projec~, including the signal lights at Halcyon Road and Grand Avenuea APPROVAZ OF FINAL MAP OF TRACT 256 m 2ND UNI`T OF TABB RANCH ~ouncilman Wood requested that he be excused from the Caun- cil at 8,30 PoM. due to h~s having a fin~,ncial interest in this property. A motion was made by Coun.cilman McNeil, seconded by Couneilman McMillen that the final map of Tract No. 256 be appraved subject to: 1) Tl~.at a cash bond in the amount of $3,627,50 be pos.ted to cover required improvements on Branch Raad and tha~ the improvement on Branch Road be delayed until the entire section`can be done at one time in conjunction with future development o~ ~~i.e area, 2) That a lOt' water line be installed on Flora.;Road for which the City will pay the cost difference be- tween the 10" line and 644 line <ahich is the usual size line required by the City. 3) T''he posting of an improvement bond in the amour~~ of $27,500.00, which equals 100% Qf the proposed improvements. 4) The pos~ing of a bon.d in the amount of 50% of the proposed improvements, totaling $13,750,00, to cover labor and material. 5) That all requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance be complied with. Motion carried. Councilman Wood rejoined the Council at 8,45 P,M, EFFICIENCY REPORT ON 12tt WATER LINE The City Administrator presented an oral report on behalf af Engineer Yo:rk Peterson re efficiency of the completed in- stallation of the l~t' water line which connected the City's two reservoirs. The Gity Administrator further stated Mr,~Peterson was preparing a written report which will be presented to the Arro yo Grande, California - March 24, 1964 - Page 3 Counci.l at a lat~r date. DISCUS~ION TtE ~3GREEMENT AND GRANTING OF RI,GHT OF WAY ON BRISCO HILL RE 12t4 WATER LINE Councilman McMillen requested tha~t this ~.tem be brought up for Council discussion. City Attorney David outlined wha~ action had been taken on the part of the City ~throughou.t the en~ire con- tact with Mr. Brisco re agreement and right of way on Brisco Hill for the 12tt water line as follows o~'When the contractor ~ras ready to proceed with installation of Line, Gity Attorney received deed of easement, The attorney for Mr, Brisco, Mr. Gr=ta.ry.dell, , presented it to us. At this poir~t, it was rEViewed by our office and also by the Council - there were provisions contained in it regarding free water h~ok-up, question as to scope of area that could be sex~ved with proposed free hook-up, etc. As the contractor was a~ a place where he fiad to proceed, a represen- tative of the City contacted Mr. Br~sco and advised him that we could not accept the d~ed of easement and asked if we could receive a deed. At a special meeting of the Council it was ' determined that unless agreement was made, the City would pro- ceed with condemnation of the easement. At this point, Mr. Brisco said no. The City Administrator contacted Mr, Brisco the following day and discussed with him further. Mr. Brisco stated he would not sign deed of easement to City, but he would gi~re them permission to install lineo l~y office was consulted re this conversation and as to what could l~appen. It was recammended that rae proceed without obtaining a deed of ease- ment and. without filing of condemnation. The reasons for this were as follows: 1) I did not feel City's position would. be jepordized by pr~oceeding on this matter. 2) ~~ndemnation suit is always distasteful - to be avoid.ed if passible to do so. 3) Expense - whether or not it will ever ~re necessary to pay for easement is questionable - c~ould we11 be that he will let this matter go beyond the statut~r~ tzm~. A 1so, Mr. Brisco would have to bring suit for Cit~ to make payment rather than City bring suit. 4) Timing - condemnation suits take time and work, and contractor was ready to proceede As ta whether or not the City should make an issue of this now - point of talking to I~r. Brisco to see if he wishes t~o convey a deed of easement at this time - if he should say no - same pQSition as before. Should we in effect write him a tha.nk you Letter for telling us to go ahead? I will do so.with the help of Mr. Butch if the Gouncil so d~esires.4t The Gity Administrator and City Attorney were instructed to prepare a letter of appreciation to NYr. Brisco which the Mayor would sign on behalf of the full Couneil. REPORT OF GEOLC)GIST ON GROUND WATER SUPPLZES FOR AI2~ZOY0 GRANDE AND SURROUNDING AREA The Gity Administrator presented the rep~rt of geologist, John Mann who was hired by`the Council to canduct an investi- gation of ground water supplies in ~rroyo Grande and surround- ing areas. After discussion by th.e Council, a motion was made by Gouncilman McNeil, seconded by Gouncilman McMillen, author- izing negotiations for the water tests on the Sullivan property as suggested by the geologist, subject to chemical analysis of existing water in the area. I~otion carried. The water committee tha.t had been appointed by Mayor Burt was instruc~ed to study the report for further recommendations. PROGRESS REPORT OleT ~Ot3TH SAN ~UIS OBISPO COU~TTY SANTTATION DI~TRTCT The C ity Administrator presented a progress report on activities of the South San I,uis Obispo County Sanitation Dis- trict and inf~ormed the Council that a bond election wou~.d be held on May 19, 1964, to raise the money necessary for the proposed treatment facility. The Council was also informed that volunteer€~ were needed for a citizens committee to encourage passage of the bond issue. Arroyo Grande, California - March 24, 1964 - Page 4 LETTER OF APPREGIATION FROM SUPERVISOR KENNETH SCHENCK e City A inistrator read a letter rom Supervisor Kenneth Schenck compli.menting the City on its part in the $uccess of the League of California ~ities dinner in Pismo Beach on March 18th. PLAQUE FOR FIRE STATION ~z~e City Ac~ministrator presented a suggested inscription for a plaque to be placed.on the fire station. After discussion, the Council agreed.that this plaque should. be obtsined: ORAL t~O1~UNICATIONS Mrs. A. P il ips of 312 LePoint Street, a~peared before the Council with various comments re local cond.itions. After dis- cuseion,`Mayor pro t~m Jacobs instrueted. the City Administrator to check into the items of street Lights on L~Po~nt Terrace and. shrubs growing over ~he curb on LePoint and.Mason Street. ECONOMIC GtORKSHOP ~ounci man McMillen reminded the Council of the Ec4nomic Workshop which was being field on March 26th at Lawe's Restaurant. Mayor pro tem Jacobs encouraged Council members to attend if po~ssi- ble. AGRICtJT~,TURAL AI R TOUR outic ~n Woo reminded ~he Counail of the air tour of the South County agrict~ltural area on April llth. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman McMiLlen, the meeting was adjourned to April 13, 1964, at 7:30 P.M. Motion carrYed. ~ s: ._`~i,~,~- ' C~ ~~ir%(.1 , OR ATTEST:~ t CL K