Minutes 1964-04-13 Arroyo Grande, ~alifornis Apri1 13, 1964 - 7:30 P.M. The City Co~.ncil met in ~djourned ses~ion witl~ M~yor Burt pr~- siding. Upon roll call, Gouncilmen klcMillenp MeNeil and Jacobs reported presen°t. Councilman Woad w~.s absent, MZNUTE APPR.OVA7:~ The Minutes of the regular meeting of Mar~h 24, 19 , w~re approved as prepared. A.PPR~OVAL~ OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Couneilman Jacobs, seconded by Counc~. man McNeil that General Warrants No. 9S0 thro+ugh 1025, total.ing $25,957,82 and Payroll Warrants Noo 405 through 452, tots:ling $6,140.76, b~ approved and ardered paid. Motion carriedo PROC~ATION - APRIL 20-24 1964 - PUBLIC SCHOOL WEEK M~,yor Burt proc a~.m~d the week o April -2 , , as Pt~ ic School Week ~s requested by the Arroyo Grande Union Elementary School ~ District, REQUEST OF FIVE CITIES JR. CHAMBER OF CbMMERCE TO ADOPT FIRE-` WORKS ORDIN~TCE PERMI~'TING ~WORKS SAI,ES QNLY BY LOCAL NON-PROFIT 4RG~TIZATIONS'' The City Adminis~ra~or presented a reqtsest o the Five Cities Juni.or Chamber of Commerce t~hat the City ad~gt an Ordinance'per- mitting fireworks sales only by local non-profit organ~.z~tions. Mr. Warren Binsley, Goleta, California, r~presenting the Goleta Youth Club and Mr. I~arry Nunes, representing the Five Citi~s Jr. Ch~t~ber of Commerce were given the opportunity to expl~in their respective views on thi~ issue. After discuss~.+~n, i.t was the d~- cision of the Cauncil to support the intent of ~t~.e Resolution ~rith the exception ~'hat the B~ys School b~ allowed to conduct ~ stand this year to dispose of their stock of firew~rks on hand. The Gity Attorney w~s instructed to laok into the legal aspects of an Ordinance restricting .sale of fireworks t4 local non-profit organizations. RESQLUTION N0. 615 - RESOLUTION URGING T~iE EGONOMIC AEVELOPMEN OF PORT SAN LUIS CALIF. A Resolution urging the econamic evelopm~nt o Port San Lua.s, Calif~rnia, was read through the title, th~r~upon a motic~n was made bp Cauncilman McNeil, seconded by Cot~neilman ~'acobs, th8~ th~ r~ading of the balance of the Resolution be c~ispensed with. Motion unanimously csrried. RESOLUTION N0, 615 A. RESOLUTION URGING THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF PORT SAN LUIS, GALIFORNIA On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman McMillen ` and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Coun~ilm~era McMillen, McNeil, J~cobs and Mayor Bur~ NOES : None ABSENTe Councilman Wood the foregoing resolution was adopted this 13th day of Apri1 1964. TREASURER'S REFORT The Treasurerts report ~or the month of March, 1 , w~s received by the Council and ordered filed~ DEPAR°I°MENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental Monthly Report for th.~ month of M~r~~a, 9 4, was received by the Council and ordered filed. , Arroyo Grande, California - April 13, 196~+ - Page 2 RESOLUTION OF INTEN'I`ION ~°0 APPROVE CONTRACT PRO~'IDING FOR PARTiCIPATION IN STATE IIKPTAYEES' RETIREMENT SYS°I°EM A Resolutic~n of inten~tion to ~pprove °~~ie c~ntr~ac~ providing for p~.r-- ticipation in t'~e St~te Empl4ye~s~ Ret.irement Sy~tem raas xe~d through ~he ti.tle, tl~er~upon a motion w~s m~de .by Coun~i].m~n McNei19 s~conded b~r Councilm~n J~eobs, tt~,t ~the reading of ,the balanc~ of ~he R~sol.u~ti~n dispc~nsed wit.h. Motion unanim~u.sly caa~ried. RESOISiJT'IC1N N'0. 6~.6 RESOLU'I"YON OF IN~"EIt1?°~.~N TO A,PPROVE CONTRA~T PROVIDING FOR PARTIGTPATION IN ~TATE EMPI~OYEES' RE'I"~REM~NT SYSTEM. On moti,on .by Councilman ~"~.cobs, seconded by Couneilm~n Mc1~tillen ~nd by the follawing roll ca11 vote, ~Q-wit: AYES: ~ouncilmen McMi11~n, McNeil, J'acobs and M~yor Burt NOES: Nane ABSENTo Councilm~n Wood the foregoing R~solution was adopt~d this 13th da,y of .~.pr~.1, 19640 COLTI~TTY-WIDE HI~HGJAY COMMITTEE MEETING, APRIL 15, 1964 ~ '~he City Administrator presented a request from ~k~e San Luis Obispo Gh~mber 4f Gommerce t~at the Gity Cauncil ~end one member to attend a co~nty~wide Hig~way Committ~e a~eeting ~et for Apr~1 15, 1964, in t'~e Council Ch~mbers 4f the City of San L•~.is Obispo. After d~.scussion, Mayor Burt appointed ~o~.nci~man Wood to repre$ent ~~ie Arroyo Gr~nde Gi.ty Council at this meeting. CITY A.TTORNEY' S REPORT ON LEAGUE CUNFERLNCE IN MO1rTTEREY Due to confliction of ineetings, the City ~.ttorn~y w~,s' not able to ttt~ke his ora~l report on ,the Lesgue of CaLif+o~°nia Cities A.~tt~rn~y's G~nference which w~.s held in M~nterey. This report will.be p~°esen,ted ~t ~he next r~gta.lar Council meeting. I1~IPROVEMENT OF COUNCIL CHAMBERS p The Csty Administrator requested that the Council autMoriz~ a~mprov~- t~ent of lighting ~.nd Council ~eating ~rr~ngemen~ in the Gouncil Cham~bers by diverting funds budgeted f~or the painting of the ot~tsa.de Qf th~ City Hall to the impro~ement of the Council Ghamber:s. After d~.scussion, a mot.ion wa~ m~de by Councilman Jscobs, seconded by Couneilznan McNei1, that the Gity Administrator be suthorized to go athead with t~ie a.mprovecment of li~htiflg and se~ating ~,rrangement in .th~ C4~uncil Chamber~s to the maximum expense of $1:,500,00. Motion ~arried. PA~tKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE REPORT ~ CQ~.ncilma~n McNe.i pres~nte a repart or~ behalf of the Farks & Recrca- tion COR1CC11~t@@ • He stated ,that the Gommi~ttee had est~,blished t~h8t there was ~ need for a Parks & Recreati4n and were ~t~.dying s~mple ordinance~ whiQh would set r~p a Parks & Recreation Commis8ion and t'hat an ordinance ~ould b~ ready for the CouncilTs review at thc next regular Council mceting alang with a t~ntative budget which the Committee felt th~ Parks & Recreation Cor~ni$~ion cou.l.d be operated on for the fir~t year. FARRELL ROAD IMPROVFMENT RE REIMBURSEMENT FOR WORK DONE BY DEVEIAPER OF C 28 Couneilman McMi:llen reparted on behalf of t'~e committee whi~h Y~ad been a~~o-:~:n,~ed by Ma~or Burt to review the :cl~aim of developer James Nor[~n fvr rei~bursement for off~i.te improvements of Tract No. 283 that decision ~ould be,pres~nted to.the Council,~at the next regular meeting on this matter. A~CEPT.~,,NCE OF ~NGINEERING REPORT AND AUTHORIZATION TO AKE BIDS FOR ~TOR~I DRAIN ON EIM STREET - PROJE~T 0- 4-2 he City Engineer presente zs ina~l report re ~Che storm ~lrsin on Elm Street. ~t w~~ the deeision of the Council fi~t ~s the estimated figures at this time ~ere conside~ably hig'~er than th,e figure of $24,000 approved by the Couneil, th~t 8pproval of the Engineer's report could not 4a~ Arroyo Grande, Californis - April 13, 3.954 - P~ge 3 be given until Williams Broso h~c1 been sppr~.sed of th,e hi~~er es~i- mate and their appr~oval h~d been obtained. After discussian, ~ motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seoonded by CounciLman Me- Millen, that the City C1erk be su.~thari~ed and instrueted to gdv~rm : tise the call for bids for t~.e E1m Street S~~rm ~rain, Projec~ 9~~6~+-2, to be opened on May 7, 1964 at 2a00 P.Mo in the Offic~ of the P~xblic Warks Director. Motion carried. WALNUT STREET AND PALM COURT IMFROV~IENT ~ounci].m~n MeMillen requested that he be excused from ~~.e C~uttcil at 8:40 P,M„ stating he h,~d ~n in.te~t~~t in connection with t~e sub- ject property involved. The City Administrator presented a request on behalf of the property owners on W~Inut Stree~C and Pa1m Gota.rt that the City Council review ~nd reappr~.ise ~heir policy on tk~e i.m,pravement ' of Walnut Street and Falm Court, reviewing fr~r'the Gouncil ~hei.r p~.st j action in ~his matter. After di.sctxssion, a motion was made by Cot~.nc~l- ' rhan Jacobs, seconded by Councilm~n McNeil, that the City proGeed with the program b~sed on t~.e estim~ted cost as indicated in t~ie repc~~rt of the Public Works Department and,l) that the City establish a date' on which the property owners wilZ be asked fio come in ~nd pay t~te°full amount due; 2) that those not able to p~y this ~mount in full would be required to sign an ~greement with the City indicating the ~mount due would become s lien up4n t~eir property; 3} $t the time'of signing ssid agreem~nt the property owners could pay against this amount un~il' an appointed ,time when the balanee ~°et~,gining will go on the 1964-65 . tax roll ~s a lien in the attnount u~paid, that .tl~is wiL2 be non- . interest bearing and wiLl be due on tl~e December 10 t~x statement; 4) th~t the City will put in a temp~rary road to satisfy people as soon as a 100% signed agreement of tt~e property owners is obtained; 5) copy of the agreement be furnished to pr4perty awn~rs as they pay for,their , recQrds and stating tk~.e,t the City wil2, at 8 d~te wk~en grades ~an be established, put in curbs, gutters and a standard street f~or the - property owriers f~r the indicated amount p~a.+d. Motion carried: The ~ity Administr~tor w~.s instructed to p~°~:pare this infortnation fQr the property owners. Councilm~n McM~llen ~ejoined the Gouncil ~t 9•14 P.M. RESOI,UTION ADOPTZNG GITY ENGINEERtS REPORT ON CITY STREET DE~'TGI~NCIES A Reso ution of the Gity Counci of the City of Arroyo Gran e ~ adopting City Engineerts report on City street defici~ncies w~,s re~d through the title, th~reupon a motion w8s m8de by Councilman McMillen,' seconded ~y Councilman ,3acobs, to dispense with fihe r~ading of t~ie balance of the Resolutione Motion txnar~~ously carried. RESOLUTION NOs 617 . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ' - ~F ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT QN GITY STREET DEFICIENCIES. ` On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by CounciLman MoMillen and on the following roll ca17. vote to~wit: AYES: Councilman-McMillen, McNeil; Jgcobs and Mayor Burt: NOES: None ABSENT : Gouncilttttn Wvod ' the foregoing Resolution was ~dopted this l3th day of April 1964. REPORT ON TEST MADE ON 12t' WATER LINE The City Adm:inistrator preset~ted t e Caunc~.l w~.th the ~aritten' ~eport of Yar1~ Peterson, consulting engineer, on the effectiv~ness`o€ the 12tt water Line, Projec~ 60-63-7. A.fter CounciL review the report w~s ordered filed. : ~}~8 Arroyo Grande, Calif~rn~,a - April 7L3, 196~+ ~ P~.ge 4 PROGRE~S REPOR7C ~ SOU~'I~ S.4N LiJ~S OBISPO CO1J~7~'1' SANITA'I'ION D~S'I`R~~'T The City Administra°tor advised ~tl~.e C~~.ncil of °~he Citizens Cotnmittee for Sewer Bor~.ds meeting °to be hel.d ~n Wednesday9 April 15, 1964 at 7 030 P.M. ~n th~ ~~ux~~il. Ghambe~~ ~,nd reques~ed help in re~ cruiting energetic worlcers fvr ~his ca~se. BIGYCLE RAGI~S - DOWN'~OWN ARFaA OF ARR0~0 ~R~NDE The City Adrn~~a.s~ra~c~r advised tl~e ~o~.nc~~ ~~,at a le~~e~ h~.d ~e~n received frc~m °the D~w~.m°~~wn Me~chan~s Assoc~a~inn ~e bicy~Ye rack lo~ations. Af~er ~l~~cta.ssic~n, ~the ~i~y Adm~a~.istr~tor ~ras ins°~r~.~~ted °~o advise the D~wntawn Mer~l~r.ants Associa~t~.an that ~he Cotia.neil enelc~~~~d their program for bicycle racks ~n the dc~~~awn are~e 4 ASH STREET SEWER LINE I~EQi7ES'T PROJEGT 70~6~+m1 fihe Git d nistrator ~.dvi~ec] the C~un~il th.at requests h~.d been received from propex°~ty Qwners an Ash S~reet fvr sewer ].ine service. A m~tion`was made by Coun~iTman 1~IcN~il, seconded by Gouncil.man McMi].len tha~ the Ci~y G~.erl~ be atxth~orized and instructed to advertise the cal.l fox~ bic3s for the Ash S~reet sewer line, Project 70-64-1, to be ~pened oxr. M~y ?tt~. 3e00 P,M, in the office of the Director of Public Works, Ma~i~sn c~rrierle WESTERN ADDI°I'ZON S'I'REE'I' I2EPAIRS - PROJEC7C 90m64~1 The C~ty Asdnn~.nlstr~~or ad~ised ~he Cau~c~.l ~hat eurbs, gt~.~ters had been completed in Wes~e~°n Addi~ti~n a~nd ~tt~~~ ~he stree~s ra~re n4w ready ~to be compl.e~eda Af~er di~cussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, se~onded by G~v.ncilman Jacobs, tha~ the City Clerk be au~h~riz~d and ins~t~°ucted ~o ~dve~°tise the caLl for bids for the Western A,dd~t~.on stree~ r~pa~rs, ~'~°oject 90-64~1, ~to be opened on M~;~ ~79 19649 at l0°00 AmM, in ~the Offi~e of the Director of PLi.blic Warks e M~t~.~~ carx~ied , lOTt WATER L~NEmPR~JEC'~ 60~64m1 ~1D 6Qt WATER L~NE~-PRflJEC7C 60-64~2 A mo~~~n raas made by ~~uxn~iY,max~. M~cNlil,len9 seconded by Gouncilma~ McN~il ~tk~t ~he ~ity ~1e~°k be au-~hori~~d and instru~t~d to advertise ~he call f~~ bid~ for ~}.i.e ~.0" water ~L~ne on Coach Road ~ Pro ject 60m64~~1 a~.d ~he 694 ~aater line c~n, ~illcrest Drive, Project 6~~64~2, tc~ b~ caper~ed on May 7, 196~+9 at 11m00 A.M. in the office of ~the Direc~c~r af Pro.i.bl.ic Warks. M~~ion Car~°ieda REQUES'T FOR ADDIT~ONA~. 7CELEPHONE SERVICE FA.CTLITIES IN CITY HALL The Ci~y Adminis~rai~or presented reqv.e~t to the City Gauncil for additi~nal telephone ~ervice facil~.~ies for ~he Cit~ Hail offices, outlining different system~ avail~ble and costs q~ioted ~on s~me. After discussion, a motiesn wa~ m~de by Council.n~an McN~il, seconded by Gounc~.l.man McMill.en, aut~.~rizin.~ ~he ins~aLlation ~f the 20-40 telephvne sys°~em in the Ci~~r Ha11, NS~~ion carried, ~DJOURNMENT On motion by C~auncilman .7~.cob~, seconded by Cout~.cilman McM~llen the meet~ng was ad~ourned at 9058 P.Ma to Ttxesday, April 21, 1964, at 7: 30 P,M, Motic~n esrried a , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z~~YOR Y LERK