Minutes 1964-04-21 ~89 A~royo Gr~nde, Californi~ April 21, 1964-7:30 P,M, The City Council met in ~djourncd session with M~yor Burt pre- siding. Councilmen McMillen, Wood, McNeil and Jaeobs r~porttd present. OFFICIA.L CANVAS OF ELECTION RESULTS The Council canvassed the pr~cinct r~turns or the General Municipal election held April 1.4, 1.964. TheCity Clerk re~d a resolution reciting the fact of the general mu.nicipal el~C~ion held in City of Arroyo Grande on the 14th day of April, 1964, declaring the result thereof and such other matters as are provided by law through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman McMillen, that the reading of the balance of th~ ResoL- ution be disp~nsed with. M~otion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 618 A RESDLUTION ~F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANIIE, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF.~HE GENERAL MUNICIPAI~ ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF ARROYO GRI~NDE ON THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, 1964, DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MA.TTERS AS ARE PROVT DED BY LAW . WHERF~.4.S, a regular g~neral municipal election w~s h~ld and conducted in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, on Tuesday, the 14th day of April, 19b4, asrequired.:by law; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that vating . precincts were properly established; that election officcrs caere app~inted and that in all respects said election was held and c~nducted and the votes c~.st thereat, received and canvassed and the returns made and.~declared in time, form and manner as requir~d by the provisions of th~ Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of electians in general law cities; and WHEREAS, on the 21st day of April, 1964, at the hour of 7:30 P.M., the City Council duly assembled at its usual place of meeting and has canvassed the r~turns ~of said election and as a result of which, the City Council f inds that'the number of'votes cast and the nam~s of the persons voted for, the ~office ~ach person ~ras voted for, and other matters required by law to be as stat~d hereinafter; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO : GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLIAWS: SECTION l, That there were four voting precincts es- tablished for the purpose of holding said election consisting of consolidations of th~ regular election precincts in theCity ~f Arroyo Grande as ~stablished f4r the h~lding of state and county electians. . SECTI ON 2. That said regular general municipal election was held for the purpose of electing the f~ollowing ~fficers of s~id City as r~quired by the laws relating to general law cities in the State of California, to-wit; _v:_- Three members of the City Council ~f Said City f4r the full term of four <years ; ~ • ~ ~ - ' , i . . . , - . ~ . .i . . . A City Clerk of s~id City for the full term of four years; A City Treasurer of s~id City for the fu 11 term of four years; ~ SECTION 3. Tha,t the whole number of votes cast in said City (~xcept absent voter ballots) was 1032. 'I'hat the whole number of absent vot~r ballots cast in said City was 14, making a total of 1046 votes cast in said City. 490 Arroyo Grand~, California - April 2I, 1964 - Pag~ 2 SECTION 4. That the nam~s of persons voted for at said electiQn for member of the City Council of said Ci~y ar~ as follows: G~orge A. Bu:rt _ Robert V. Jaeobs Harry W. McMillen Leslie J.'Ringo "Jtf Donald Searcy Jane R. Thompson That the names of the p~rsons vot~d for at said election for the City Clerk of said City are as follows: Polly S. Mi11er Paula N, Howard That the names of the persons voted for at said electi~n for City Tr~asurer of said City arc.as foll~ws: Richard B, Werst That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes giv~n in the City t~o ~ach 4f such persons abov~ named for the respective offic~s for which said p~rsons were candi- dates w~re as follows-: _ , . ; . . For MEMBER of the ~ITY COUNCIL: Frecinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Abs~n- NAME _ _ ; . , -1 ; . 2 3 4 t~~ Total George A, Buxt; 156 214 158 125 10 663 R~bert V. Jacbbs 161 237 162 112 14 686 Harry W. McMillen 90 119 102 68 3 382 L~slie J. Rin.go 33 46 32 25 0 Z36 "Jt' Donald S~~rcy 11T 185 111 95 4 506 Jane R. Thompson 172 186 123 113 11 605 Jay Peck ~ 9 7 5 0 -23 B~n Azur~ 1 0 l Fox CI TY CLERK : Polly S. Miller i54 220 138 99 14 625 Paula N. Howard 94 120 90 83 . 0 387 For CITY TREA.SURER: Richard B. Werst 214 294 213 176 12 909 W. A. Flatt 0 0 0 1 0 1 Joe Wilson 2 0 0 0 0 2 David Loomis 0 0 l 0 0 1 SECTION 5, The City C~ouncil cbes declare and determine that: George A. Burt was ~iected as Member of the City Cvuncil o~ said City for the full term qf four y~ars; . : _ R~bert V. Jacobs was ~lected as Member of the_City Council of said City for the full term af four.years; Jan~ R. Thompson was elected as member of the Gity Council of said City for the full term of four years; Polly S. Mi]]er was ~lected City Cl~rk of said City for the full term of f~our years; Richard B, Werst was el~ct~d City Treasurer of said City for the full term of four years; SECTION 6. Th~ City Cl~rk shall enter on th~ records of the City Council of said City, a statement of the result of said ~l~ction, showing: Arroyo G~a~de, California,- April 21,.1964 -:Page 3 The wh~le number of votes cast in the city; (2) The nam~s of ~the persQns va.ted,fo'r; (3) The m~asures v4ted upon; , (4) For what office each person was svot~d for., --(5) T~.i:~ nvmbe-r of votes given at ~~ch precinct to each person, and for and against each measure; (6)- The numh~r :~of v~tes g~ven in the city to ~eachi per- son, and for and against each measure. SECTION Z. Tha,t the City Clerk shall immediately rnake and , upon c ompliance by the persons el~cted with the provisions of Section 11565 and Section 11568 of the Elections Code of the State of California, shall de~liver to eac~t of such gersons so el.e~ct~d a c~rtificate of el~ction signed by her and duly authenicated; ~ that she shall also administ~r to each person~elecfed,.~the oath of office prescribed in the St~te Constitution of the State of California and sha11 have them subscribe thereto and file ~he sam~ in her o~fice. Wh~reupon, each and al1 of said persons so elected shall be inducted into the respective office to which th~y-have been elect~d. SECTION 8. That the Gity Clerk shall c~rtify to the passage and adoption of this r~solution; shall ~nter th~ sam~ in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City, in th~ minut~s of ` th~ me~ting ~.t which the same is pass~d and adop~ed. On motion of Councilman McNeil, scconded by CQUncilman McMillen, and an the following ro11 call vot~,. to-wit: , AYES: Councilmen McMilien, Wood, McNeil, Jacobs ~nd , Mayor Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was adopted this 21st day of Apri7., 1964. ` Mayor Burt administered the oath of office to the City Clerk who thereafter administ~red the oath of offic~ to Jan~ R. Thompson, Robert V. Jacobs and Georg~ A. Burt, who were the newly ~lected members of the City Council, and Richard B. Werst, who w~~ the newly elected City Treasurer. The Ci~y Clerk signed and deliv~red to Jane R, Thompson, Rob~rt V. Jacobs and George A. Burt and Richard B. Werst, a Certificate of. Election. The meeting was then turned over to the City Cl~rk and nominatiar~.~ fQr Mayor were opened. A motion was made by Ma.yor Burt, seco~.d~d by Councilwoman 'I''t~ompson, th~t Robert V. Jacobs be nominated ~or Mayor. Motion unanimously carried. Mayor Jacobs th~nk~d th~ Caur~.eil for^ their confid~nce in hi.m. May~r Jacobs made a motion, s~conded by Councilm~n McN~il, th~t Addison B. Wood, Councilman, be appointed' as Mayor pro tem. Motion v.nanimously carried. RESOLUTION N0. 619 - AD~PTING THE GENERAL PR~VAILING WAGE-SGALE A Resolution of the City Council adopting the gen~ral prevailing wage seale for al~ public work~ projects during ~he ye~r 19b4 was r~ad through t~h€ title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilm~n Wood, th~.t reading of the b~lanc~ of the Resolution b~ dispensed with, Motion unanim~usl~z carried. RESOLUTTON N0. 61~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~F ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. On motion of Councilman McN~il, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and by the following roll call vot~, to-wit: -492 Arroyo Grand~., California - April 21, 1964 ,7..30~ P.M: ~',~rge 4 AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood,:McNeil, Burt, and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ~.BSENT : None the for~going Resolution was adopted this 21st day of April, 1964. REQUEST OF CHIEF OF P4~LI~C& TQ ~TTEND ~~A.LIFORNI.A. ~FF.,~iC~~ OFFI~ERS C ON VENTION _ The City A~dministrator request~d that th~ Council approve th~ request of th~ ~Chief;_:v~ :i~~li:c~ ~o att~n~: .th~ California Peac~ Officers Conve~tic~n in Pal~rt Springs .on April. 27 through April ~29, 19b4. Aft~r discussi~n, .a mat~i~n was made by C~a.unc~lmam_ McN;eil, seconded by C~otmcilman W~~d,_~hat th~ Chief of Police be allowed to attend the California Peace Offic~rs .Convention ;in P~.lm Springs; .on Apri1.. 27 ~hrough April :29, 1964. Motion carsi~d.: . ~ _ , . . ~ ADJOURNMENT : ; _ . _ r~ ~ . . On motian ~~Z Cot?ncilman Wood, Second~d :by Cvunci].m~n-.- McNeiL,: the .meeting :a,d jQUrned at 8:04: P.M. Motion c~:rried . - r= - . . ATTEST. . j ~ITY LERK . . ~ , . . 3 . . . . . . ~ e. • . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . " . . . ~ ' i , . . ~ ~ :3. 1 • . ~ .