R 2210 ~56 IWiOL11r10N NO. 2210 A RmOLU'110N OF THE aTY OOUNClL 01' THE ClTY OF ARROYO OBANDE ADOPnNG GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 88-20 .1OlE SOOJ..AlUlB,C, LOOMJS I WHERH~ the City CowIcl1 of the aty ot Alroyo GI'IIlIde hils halcI the required pubJie heaMlt lit thoIr reg\II.IIr meeting of MIII'Cb I, 1988, to ocnsIder an wnenanent to the General Plan Lund tJlie .Ekment Map an the taUowing described ptOpeI'ty: In the aty of Anayo Grande, CQIIIty of San Luis Obispo, SUite of CalifolruU, the area generaDy boIIIded by MIISCII'I Street on the west, Le Point Street on the IIOI'tI\ Qown Terrace on the east; IIIId &lit Bl'IlI1c/1 Street on the south. AIIio identltted IS OoII1ty MSUVS Parcel Nos. 07-202-4, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 24; 07-203-9, 11, 12, 13, 14; 07-204-1, 3; and WHEREAS, the aty CoIrIcl1 feels that the public interest and ItCl1eral welfure docs require such 11II amenc:tnent; &nd WHEREAS. the Oty ~ has detennined that the proposed omendlomt is appropriate tor the subject, property &nd is cleslreab1e tor the Oi'derly development of the cannunity; and WHEREAS, an Envircmlerltal Impact Report (EIR) hils been prepared 011 the project and was reviewed by the Oty CoIIlcil at a public hearing; and WHEREAS. the Envlronnental J/rpIct Report (EIR) hils tOWld that the potentilll impacts of the proposed General Plan .Alnendnent can be nitJpted to InsignIClcance; and WHEREAS, the City CoIrIcil minutes, Incl\.ldlni: a Ust of pcncns who testified II t the public hellring, IUIIIIIII'y of fact and 1IncInp, unci copies of any J11tIPII port!nent to the proposal, lite on 111e and hereby cIeoJarecI to be part of sald Resolution. NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT RmIOLVED that U.e Oty Q)Wlci! ot the Oty of Arroyo Grlll1cle does hereby adopt Geaeral Plan Amenanent 88-2, amencIinc tho Land tJse Element Mup by changing the cIIIIIslflcation of certain _ described In Purol:J'llph 1 above fl'al1 !leuvy CaTmercial/Light lndI.titrial to Central Business District, with the following findings: 1. The General Plan Amenanent is ecnsistent with the Land tJse policies of the Ceneral Plan because the pI'OpOIIII1 provides tor a eonvenlent and bnlanced callTllflity, und it Is canpatible with SUI'I'OIIIding ]and IIIeII In the vlclnlty of the site. 2. The General Plan Alnenctnent is consistent with the policies and actions II'der Orcula.tion because It protects the vehlcuJar capacity 01 all tho~lIl'eS. 3. The General Plan AmellQnent Is consistent with the policies reJating to health, safety I IIIId general welfare. i On motion by 0nI\cll Member Mi 11 is , seconded by Q)Wlcil Member Moots \ , and by the foUcwIng roll call vote, to wltl I AYES, Council Members Millis, Moots, Johnson. Porter and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSBN'fi None the foregoing Resolution was Idcpted tl1II1l!!1 clay ot Apri 1, 1988. ~.,t..J 1$.~ MAYOR I knwst: ~ (1. ~ ! CITY . k f th City of Arroyo Grande, County I, NANCY A. DAVIS, Clty ~l~rl '~orni~ do hereby certify under penalty of San Luis Obispo, State ~ all tio~ No 2210 is a true, full and of perjury that th~ fOreg~,~~ Re~~s~ed and ~dopted at a regular meeting correct copy of sald Reso u lon , of said Council on the 12th day of Aprll, 1988, WITNESS my hand and the 'Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 15th day of April, 1988. \ f]Ahv. -' a. ~) CITY CLERK l_________-- ~ ---~------.