R 2200 239 II RESOLUTION NO. 2200 A RESOLUTION OF 'l'BE ClTY OOUNClL OF 'l'BE aTY OF ARROYO GRANDE FINDING THAT MUNICIPAL 0J.lllKE SPACE usm ON SOUTH OOUNTY 'A~101fAL anmm PIQ'EIrIY ARE IN OONFORMANCB WITH. 'l'HE GENEJ1AL l'LAN. WIfRRRA,\ OIl the 23M day of February 1988. the aty Council ot the aty of Arroyo Grande, at a regular meeting, did CCQider MIIIicipal Office Space Uses, and WR'RRRA,\ after review of the General :{']an Element. entitled l'l\tifc BuiklnpD; and WHEREAS, after considelatlon, the Qty CotI1cl1 did cletennine that said \lieS are not consistent with and not In ccnfOl'lllllllCe with the desJgnatioos presently outlined in the South County Regional Center in the General F!8n of the aty of Arroyo Gnmde. ~ NOW, TflRRRIl()RB. BE IT RESOLVED that the aty Council hereby finds that Municipal Office Space Uses OIl South Cou\ty Regional Property are In confonnance with the Gener&l Plan. On motion by CounciJmember Jqhnson , seconded by CoUllCilnEmber Pnrt~1'" . and by the foUowJng roll ceJl vote, to witl AYES; Council Members Johnson and Porter and Mayor Mankins NOB:J; Council Member Millis ABSTAIN: Council Member Moots the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 23M day of February 1988- ~.~~c.~~ An..n ~.a. , -'1:<~ Qty Cerk ' I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo,State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2200 is a true, full an~- correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meetlng of said Council on the 23rd- day of February, 1988.. WITNESS [IIY hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 2nd day of March. 1988. '. ~ . a. On"L.t;',) ~ CITY CLE K I ~_.._,__ ._-'-._M___~_~____~_._ . ,.... -----=--~-'--'-