R 2194 - , 229 I IU!SOL'OTIOH NO. 2194 i A IU!SOLtmON OF TIm arr OOORa!. OF TIm a'IT OF ARROYO GRAND~ M'PROVJHG IJYr IPL1'T NO. 8'1,,",- 138 PINE ISllmlS"l' (mmY G1UmN AND MABVJH DEB). WBEBEAS, the aty o,unef1 of the Oty ri Am:Jyo Grande b8s ccnJdered IAIt Split 8'1-449 In Iiceordance with Cl8pter 3 of the SIDIMsion Ordlnlnce or the aty or Am:Jyo Gr8nde; end WHEREAS, the Oty Camen b8s found thlt this project Is 0<II1IIstent with the Gener81 PlIII end the EnvIrcxunental DocwnenbllllllOClatecl therewith, mf a Negative ~ has been prepared under the provIsIcn of the Calltcrnla EnvIrcnnenta1 QuaUty Act (CZQA), and r wBBRB.AS. the Oty Councn 18 f\II'thw found that this proJeot II ClClIIfItent with the ZcnIrv ' ~ , , OrdInance of the aty d. Anoyo Gr8llC2e,and . I !-:; 1fBBIIBAS, this site II phyIJcally IUltIb1e fer the prapaeed type IJ'Id dendty of deve1qxnent bec8U88 all ylll'dJ, ~ 1!p8C8II, setbacks, fences mf wlJls, pII1dJv &reII and other features can be 8C!C!OIIIIiIOdated; and I 1fBEBEAS, the prcpaIed sWcIIvIsIon design Is not 18cely to C!8US8 8Ib8t8ntI81 and cons!der8ble d8m8ge to the natura1 environment, InchIdIr1r fish, wlldl.lte er their hebltat; end . ' WHBRBAS, said Lot Split WIS l'etened to Veftous Oty Departments, the Statf AcIvJsaoy Cunmittee, and PlannI~ Cunmlsslon fer recommendItlon. NOW, U161UU'UttB, BE rr IU!SOLVBD that the Oty Ca.tnc1J of the Oty d. Arroyo Grande hereby IIppt'CMS said Lot SplIt No. 8'7-449 Slbject to the tonowl~ condI.tlons: NIUe WGb: 1. Applicants may be ,required to. CICIIIpIete prqIQIIed 8bIndonment of PIne street prior to recordation of tInaI Insp IS required by the DIrectct of Nl1Ic Works. 2. The perce! msp shall shoW CI'(1BSeasements over the flag fer canmon use by pereeJs 2 and 3 wIth a recIprocal malntenancC! eg, eement per aty Attorney requirements prior to recordatlal of final map. 1 '- 3. The driveway to the back pareeIs shall be twenty-fCM' feet (241) wide for sbIIred use. 4. The applicants shIID. Remove. the thirty Inch (30") pine tree, the sI1r\D and shed prior to recordation of tInaI Insp. 5. Public improvements shall be canpJeted er alUldlvlslon ~eement entered Into between the developer end the aty which bonds for pcbUe Irnprovementaprlor torecordatlon of final mllp per MIIp Act requirements. . ; A. Remove end rEplace confIlctq ClUb, gutter and lldewllk, and CICIIIpIete the partial euJ-<Ie- see to the limIts cJetennlned apprqII'Ilte on pJanI SWmitted to the P\i)JIc Works Depertment for review and approval. , r Be ProvIde fer separate water end sewer ser..lces to each parcel. C. Install tire hyd'ant In front of PaI'C!e1 4. D. ProvIde street lights aoocrdI~ to PGctE stand8rds. E. Serve new p8I'C!eIs with undelg1~ utlUt1e8. 6. Prepare I gr~ end. d:4\n8ge pl8n 11;1' PItiIc W cirics review and IIppI'OVII. Fire ~b.....d:1 t.'; '1. street to be constructed as prlvlte street, with "No P8rIdrv - FIre Lane" sIgrB pcBted at entrance end each fifty feet (50') thereafter. 8. Install fire hya>8nt as specified by Fire Dep&rtment which provides '750 GPM with 20 psi resicktal as IPfICltled by the FIreDep8l'tment. 9. AU structures to be addressed wIth additional addressing on PIne street at private street entrance, with minimum UI'ee Inch (3') IIII1IbeI's. . Park and 1tea' eatIan: 10. The eppllcants shall take necessBI'Y precautions to pi !l el"lrt! the tcrty-elght Inch (48") diameter oak tree to the rear ri the lot, and oak trees tar Inches (4") In dlmneter er lII'ger. ------ ---~-- --...._-- 230 RESOLUTION NO. 2194 On motion by Cooncn Member Johnson CIIded ' foUowII'i ron can vote, to wIt. ' see by Cooncn Member Porter, and by the :~: ~~~~Cil Members Johnson, Porter, Millis, Moots and Mayor Mankins ABSENT: None the foregoq Resolution WfIJ adopted thfs 9th day ot February , 1988. ~~-:;~ D -,\.v.~ a,yar, - ATIEST. ~f a. JJn,v~ ~ Cty aerie ---- ....-...---. -- _.~._-- ----- -- ---- _.~---------_._~ --- I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of purjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2194 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 9th day of February, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 16th day of February, 1988. ~a.~J CITY CLERK i ! , i , , , v