Minutes 1964-06-09 ~2 ; Arroyo Grandee California June 99 1964 - 7030 P.Me The City Coua~ci3 met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll eall, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt repor~ed present, MTNUTE APPROVAL The minutea of the regular meeting of May 26~ 1964, and t,he adjourr~ed meeting of June 4p 1964, we~°e approved as prepareds AUTHORIZATION `TO PAY BTLLS A motion was made by Counc3lwoman 'I"ho~n~a~~~, a~~~~d~d by ~ouneilman Wood, that gen.eral warrants 1152 °~hrough 1197 ~tk~~ ~,~nou~.t of $26'39~.53 and payroll warrants 571 through 605 a.n ~he az~t~u'~~ o~ $7 , 759.41 be eu'~hor- ized and ordered paid, Motio~ caxried~ IZEPOR'~' Q11T G~'~`X FRQ~(~SAL ~K? WT~~T kt.A~~'YQN RQAD The Gi°ty Adznin.istra~or ~°epQrted to the Council that of ~he 39 property owners in.volved in the granting of deeds necessary for wide~ing Halcyon Road, 27, or 69.23% have signed deeds; 5, or 12.83%a will probably sign; or 15,38% have indicated they will not sign and 1, or 2.56% has not been conta~ted as yeto Mr. Oo F. Henderson, 200 South Halcyon, Mrs, Je~nnie Ferrari, 310 South Halcyon and Margaret Messer, 236 South Halcyon stated their reasons fo~ not signing the deeds and questioned the need for a four lane road in tha~ area, Mrs, Naomi Keesaman, 150 South Halcyon spoke for widen~ngo ~ity Eng~neer Garing exglained benefits praperty owners would derive by widening, After Couneil disc:uss~on and due to the fact tha~ there would be a new C~.°~y Attorney appoi.nted at this meetin g, it was the decision of the Cauncil8 upor~ a~lvi~ce Qf the City Attorney, that more negotiating be done with individual proper~ty owners and a special executive session of the Council would be held to come to a decision as to final action-on t~e projecto , HEARING ON 'I'k~.E, REQUES'T OF RESIDENTS OF 25'I'I~ STREET TO HAVE CURBS AND GU'TTERS INSTs4LLED BY USE 0~ SHORT ASSESSMENT DISTRTCT Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing on the request of residenta of . 25th S~treet to have curbs and gutters installed by use of short assessment district was duly posted and hearing was naa opened and all persons for o~' agai.nst the installation of curbs and gutters by use of the short assessment district woul.d now be hear.d, Mr. Fred W. Beck, 1280 25th Street, Mr. My T. Seal, 1210 25th Street and Mra Frank Kline, 1261 25th Street spoke For '~he installa~tion of curbs and gu tters, As there were no other persons w~o - ' spoke for or against the installation, Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing closed, After Council. discussion, a motion was made by Councilmar~ Burt, seconded by Couticilwoman Thompson, that the request of the residents of 25th Street to have curbs and gutters ~.nstalled by use of the Short assessment district be approved. Motion carriedo HEARING TO REZQNE PORTiON OF LOT 104 OF RANCHO CORRAL DE PIEDRA Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing to consider the request to rezo~te from RA-B3 to R-1, a portion of Lot 104 of the Rancho Corral de Piedra lying southwes~erly of the freeway, being 218• bordering Valley Road, was duly published and property own.ers notified and the hearing was now opened and all persons for or against the request would be heard. There was no discussion for or against the request and Mayor Jacobs declared the hear- ing closed. Af~er Council discussion, it was agreed that the property be rezoned from RA-B3 to R-1 as recommended by the Planning Commission, An Ordinance amending Ordinance No, 157 of the City of Arroyo Grande, so as to rezone certain property in the City of Arroyo Grande, was read for the first reading through the title, thereupon a mo~ion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Wood, that reading the balance of the Ordinance be dispensed withe Motion unanimously carried. i Arroyo Grande, Calif ornia - June 9, 1964 - Page 2 REPORT RE LOCATION OF D~PUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OF~ICE IN SOUTH COUNTY The City Administrafior presented a report on behalf of th e com- mittee that had been appointed by Mayor Jacobs to look in~o the matter of having a deputy District Attorney located in the South County area. After Council discussion, a mo~Cion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil that the City of Arroyo Grande advise the City of Grover City that their recommendation that a deputy District Attorney's office be located in the South County area be approved and request that they refer the recommendation to the County Board of Super- ' visors for their study, Motion carried, REQUEST OF FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY RE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF AN ANTENNA TOWER SYSTEM BY KCJH RADIO STA'I'i0N OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS The City Administrator presented a request of the Federal Aviation Agency re proposed construction of a three tower antenna system by radio station KCJH outside the City limits. After Council discussiqn, Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to get an opinion from station KCJH as to the status of the City*s usage of their present tower. 'PREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer's Report for the month of May, 1964, was received by the Council a¢zd ordered f iled. DEPAR'1fi4ENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental monthly report for the month of May, 1964, was received by the Counc il and ordered filed. ORDINANCE N0. 194-AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT BE'IWEEN CITY AND CALIFORNIA STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande authorizing a contract between the City of Arroyo Grande and ~he board of administration of the California State Employees' Retirement system was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil , that reading tlie balance of the Ordinance be " dispensed with, Motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE N0. 194 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ~ ARROYO GRANDE AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION ~ OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE E~IPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jaeobs NOES: None ABSENT : None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 9th day of June, 1964. AFPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS TO NEW PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Mayor Jacobs made the f ollowing appointments to the new Parks & Recreation Commission; J. Donald Searcy, Star Route Box 4; A1 Blair, Halcyon Road; Gordon Bennett, 415 Allen; Edyth Wood, 134 Nelson; and Ruth Paulding, 551 Crown Street. After Council discussion, a moti,on was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompson, that the appointments to the Parks & Recreation Commission as made by Mayor Jacobs be approved. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF CITY ATTORNEY Mayor Jacobs reported on behalf of the committee to contact interested attorney groups that two different groups had been contacted. Mayor Jacobs appointed the firm of Shipsey and Seitz as City Attorn eys Arroyo Grande, California - June 9, 1964 ~ Page 3 for the City of Arroyo Grande, affective June 15, 1964, with a monthly salary of $300.00 per month, to serve the City Council and City Planning-Commission. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, s~conded by Council.man lrjood that the appointment of the f irm of Shipsey & Seitz as City Attorneys for the City of Arroyo Grande, to serve the City Council and City Planning Commission in regular and ordinary proeedure, to serve at the pleasure of the City Council, effective June 15, 1964, with a monthly salary of $300, be approved. Motion carried. AU'IiiORIZATION FOR BIDS ON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILI'I"Y INSUR.ANCE The City Administrator requested, that due to the increasing coat of the City's present insurance program, that the comprehensive general liability insurance policy for the City be authorized for bids. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNei1, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the Ci~y Clerk be authorized and instructed to call for bids for a comprehensive general liability insurance to be submitted on or before 2:00 P.M., June 23, 1964, at which time and date the bids received will be publicly opened and read. .Motion carried. PLAt~TNING COMMZSSION' S RECOMMENDATION OF P.ARKWAY TREE FOR DOWNI~OWN BRANCH ' STREET '1'he City Administrator presented the Planning Commission's rec- ommendation that the Bottle B~ush tree (Callistemon Lanceolate) be uaed as a parkway tree for downtowr~. Branch Street. After Council dis- cussion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the Bottle Brush tree (Callistemon Lanceolata) be approved as a parkway tree for downtown Branch Streat with said treea being planted in '•tubs" as'recommended by the Planning Commission. Cost of said trees and containers to be paid by the Merchants and maintenance of the trees after installation to be by the City Public Works Department. Motion carried. REQUEST TO DEMOLISH BUILDING AT 314 SOUTH MASON STREET The City Administrator read a report €rom the City Building Inspector stating he had commenced proceedings under ~he proviaiona of Sec. 203.D of the 1961 edition of ~he Uniform Building Code re- quiring the owners of the property at 314 So. Mason Street, which had been damaged by fire, to demolish the remainder of the building which was beyond repair. The owners have not responded to said notice and therefore requests the Council authorize the Building Inspeetor to ' proceed with demolition of the building. After Council discuasion, a motion was made by Councilman Mc~1ei1, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the City Building Inspector be authorized and instructed to demolish the building at 314 South Mason Street as provided by Sec. 203,D of the Uniform Building Code 1961 edition and the cost of such de~nolition to be a lien against the property. Motion carried. RESOLUTtON NO. 623~~ESTABLISHING TRAF'FIC CONTR.OL SIGNS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE CITY A resolutian of the Gity Council of the City of Arroyo Grande authorizing establishment of boulevard stop and yield signs and establish ing speed zones and directing erectin g of speed limit aigns and curve signs was read th rough the title, thereupon a motion was made by Couneilman McNei1, seconded by Councilman Burt, that reading of the balance of the Resolution be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLU'I'ION NO . 62 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF ..BOULEVARD STOP AND YIELD SIGNS AND ESTABLISHING SPEED ZONES AND DIRECTING ERECTING OF SPEED LIMIT SIGNS AND CURB SIGNS e~ Arroyo Grande, Cali.fornia - June 9, I964 - Page 4 On motion by Councilman Mc1Yei1 , seeo~td.ed by C~eil.~a~a~ 'Tho~p~on, and by the following roll call vote to-wi~: A~S : Councilwoman Thompson, Cc~urtcil~ ~te~crcl, A~eil ,-~~rt and Mayor ,7acobs NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day a€ June t364. CUR.B AND GUT'I'ER GRADE REQi~ST - ALDER STRE~T & StI~SE'I' IlBTVE The City Administrator reported that a request for curb aMd gut ter grades in con junction with a buil:ding permit fos a~ew auttr s~.ap on Alder Street had been reeeived, ~ahich ~t~Zd requ~re e~g~er- i~.g services estirnated at $750.0~. Discussi~. wa~ he}.c~ by ttte Ccxtncil re setting of grades for a larger ~rea in this l~eat~a~n tcr ti.e 7%ii ~~th existing grades. A motion was made by Cotxneilman Mecl~eil, ~ect~mded by Gouncilman Wood 9 that t~ie Gity ~gi~t~:er be a~thc~~~.~~ci ~o ~et curb ar~d gutter grades on Alder Street ~d Su~:set i}~i.~e e~i~h ea~gi.~eering costs not to exceed $1,OQ0. Motiern e~rri~d. CU~2:B AND GUTTER GRADE REQUEST - CR~Wlv ~TREE'T • 'Ifi.e City Admin.istrator reg~rr~ed that a rec~~~;~t for cttt~b anc~ g~tt~e~ grades in conjunction with buildin~ perm.its had t~ez~ reee~~ec~ f~ €ovtF parcels of property on Crown Street, which wmttZd ree~ui.re e~~im~~sxng services estimated at $250.~0. After CQUncil dis~~x~simn, a motic~ was made by Councilwoman Thompson, secanded b~r ~a~t~xeil~an GF~d, thst the expenditure of $250.00 be a~~thari.zed for ercgin.e~rimmg ser~rices i.n connection with the request for curb and gutte:r gr~d~~ on Cro~c 3tPeet. Motion carried with the follQwirtg roll call vute: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Counei].~en ~oad and Btt~t. and ~ya~r Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: None ~ABSTAINED: Gouneilman McNeil DIVISION OF HTGHWAYS REPORT CO~ERING ~I:~F~TrDAY AC'gZVT'~'TES' IP~t flQ~i'FY The City Adcninistratar advised the Cc~uncil ~hat a Uivis~v~t. crf Highways Report coveri:ng Highway Actiuitz,es in San Luas Qbisga G:~ty had been received and was on file in ~t~.s o€€iee fetr refe~e~tee. FA~R OAKS EXTENSION PAVING The City Administrator presented a reca~ertdation e~f th,~ I}iree- tor of Public Works tY~a t the extension of Fair Oaks hvenue tse gav~d ' at this time, as Hermreck Constructian, Inc. has advised that if thia could be accomplished at the same time as the G~estem Addit~on Favix~g project, a consider able savings w~Id be possibTe. Af~er EouneiT discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, ~eccmnded by Councilman Wood, that the proposal of Hertareck CQn~s~ructian, Inc. to pave the extension of Fair Oaks Awenue at a eo~t of ~?1 s~Of3.Q0 be aecepted and authorization to proceed with ~he gro~ect be ~x`an'~ed, Motian carriedo EtECEIVE BIDS OF DRILLING OF NEW GJELL 'Yh.e City Administrator reparted that ~n ,~xt~e 4, ~964, at ~he he~ttr of 2:00 P.M. 9 a b id was reeeiued and op~t~:ed fvr t~ie c~~i.l l sng: ~f a new we~l, this beit~g tlze c~ate and t~..me set by t~e Gctuncil farF ~sid bid ogening. The anly bid received was frc~: E'la~~d ~ells, Santa t~faria« T12e Director af Publ ic Works requested aio ac'~ic~n be takeit until a etudy ~d report eculd be presented as the co~t was ~uch higher than the engineer's estimate. FUR'THER DISCUSSION OF I2't WATER LI1~TE E~~T The City Administratar presented a Ietter wh;ich haci b~-ee~ rec~iwed fram Mro Grundell, attorney for Mr. Bri~co, re tl~.e ~2" ~ater lin~ ea~e- ~nent. The Gity At~orney reported tha~ he f~~t there was sc~e ~i$- ua~ders tanding as to C~:nc il gbI iEy in thas ffiatter =~s ~Q wTheth~s it~~~ wanted to serve water outside ~he City Ii.mits. ~t.e City At~ora~ey sd- vised that he wauld write a let~er to Mr. Givndell, advisir~g Ysita: th~t Arroyo Grande, California - J~ne 9, 1964 - Fag~ 5 the easement matte~ was under Gouncil sfiudy. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL PAYMEfiIT, PROJECT 60-64-1 ANA PROJECT 6Q-64-~ The Ci~y Adm~nistra~or ~~esented a request fro~n Mira€Io~es Construction Company for partial payme~t Eo~ ~roj~c~ No. 60-6~-1 and ~0-64-2, '~h.e water line an Hillcrest Drive is 9Q% comple~e and the 10'' water line on Coach Road is 60% ~o~ng~e~Ge. The Gou~z~il was iz~formed ~hat the Dire~tor o£ Publ ic Works had recomnnended approval. of this requesto After Gouncil discussion, a moti.Qn was mad~ by Councilwoman Th.ompson, secanded by Gouneilman Burt, that a part~.~l paym~nt in ~he amount of $11,921.85 be authorized ~o ~he Mi~~fk~~es Construc°tion Gompany for construction of the 6" water line on Hi11- crest Drive and ~he 10q' water la.ne on Coach Road. Motion carri.~d. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS QBISPO COi~NTY SAl~IITATION DIS'~'RICT District Administra~or Butch rep orted that due to a Iack af quorum, a meeting of the Sanitation Distriet was not held. He in- fo rmed the Cauncil that the next meeting o£ the Sanitation District would be on June 22nd, and that a progress regart would be made follaw- ing that meeting. EXCAVATING COMPL AINT Pl.anning Commi.ssioner Orville Schultz informed the Council that several complaints had been rec.eived regarding the type of fill, grades involved in the constxu ction of th.e auto repair shop on ATder Street. He also in~ormed the Council that a canditianal use permit had been granted for, Lhe garage, ADJOURN1wIENT On motion of Counc ilman Wood, seconded by Counc ilrnan McNeil, and unanimously carried, the meeti.ng adjourned at 10:05 P.M, until 8:00 P.M., June 11, 1964. , Jr` F ,,~,'J --v~--''~", ATTEST~ MAYd ~ ITY CLERK ~ ! : Arroyo Gran.de, Galifornia June 11, 7.964 8m00 PaM, . The Gity Council ~et in adjourned sessian with Mayor Jacobs preaiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilman Wood and McNeil reported presento Councilman Bur~t was absent. ~ B~TDGET REVIEW The proposed 1964-65 budget was reviewed, The General F~tnd portion of tl~~ Budget was discu~sed °th~°ough ~he Public Works Street Construction Funetion. The Council agreed to adjourn this meeting until 7:00 P.M., June 15, 1964, at which time the balance of the budget would be reviewed and a personnel session be called t~ finalfze the proposed wage seale. ADJOURNMENT On mo~ian by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carr~ed, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 P.M. till 7:00 P.M. June 15th, 1964. ~ , . ~L.~ ATTEST: MAYO CT CL RK