Minutes 1964-06-11 Arroyo Grande, California - June 9, 1964 - Fage 5 the easement matter was under Council study. REQUEST FOR PARTIAL PAYME~IZ', PROJECT 60-64-1 AND PROJECT 60-64-2 The City Adm~nistrator ~~-esented a request ~rom l~ira€lo~es Construction Company for p~rtial payment fo~ Proj¢ct No. 6Q-.6~T1 and 60-64-2, TLhe wa~er line on Hillcrest Drive is 9C1% complete and the lOP` water 1 ine on Goach Road is 60% eomplete. 'Fhe Geau~~i.l was in.formed tha~ the Director of Fubl ic Works had recca~mm~nenc~ed approval of this requesto After Gouncil discussion, a motion ~aS mad~ by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Gouneilman Burt, tha~ a partial payment in the amount of $11 , 921, 85 be autharized to t,he M~.~af kc~~es Construction Company €or c.onstructian of the 6" water line or~ Hi11- crest Drive and ~he 10°t water l~ne on Coach Road. Motion carri~d. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUN'I`X SANTTATiON DISTRICT District Administrator Buteh rep orted that due to a Iack ~af quorum, a meetrng of the Sanitation District was not held. He in- fo rmed the Cauncil that the next mee~ing of ~he Sanitation District would be on June 22nd, and ~hat a progress report would be made follow-~ ing that meeting, EXCAVATING COMPLAINT Planning Commissioner Orville Schultz informed the Council tl~at several complaints had been rec.eived regarding the type of fill, g~ades involved in the construction of th e auto repair shop on Alder 3t~'eet. He also informed the Council tha t a conditi.onal use permit ha8 been granted f or, Lhe garage. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Coun~ilman Wood, seconded by Counc ilman MeNeil, and unanimously carried, the meeti.ng adjourned at 10:05 F.M, until 8:OQ P.M., June 11, 1964. , 1,,~~ _ a-"" .•.,~_.,c ~--r~'~ ATTEST:~ ~ MA~'0 ~ ~TY CI.ERK ~ Arroyo Grande, California June 11 , 1964 8:00 P eM, ~ The City Couneil met in adjourned session with Mayor Jacobs presidi,ng. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Goun~ilman Wood and McNeil reported present, Councilman Bur~ was absent. ' BUDGET REVIEW The proposed 1964-65 budget was reviewed, The General Fund portion of tl~@ Budge~t was discussed ~hrough ~he Public Works Street Construction Funetian. The Council agreed to adjourn this meeting until 7:00 P.M,, June 15, 1964, at which time the balance of the budget would be r~viewed and a personnel session be called t,> finalize -the proposed wage scale. ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 P.M, till 7:0'0 P.M. June 15th, 19h4. , ~ ~ -..w ~ ~ ~ ATTE ST : MA~CO ¢ C T CI, RK ~~,~r?