Minutes 1964-06-14 Arroyo Grande, California July 14, 1964 ~ 7~30 PeMe The City Gouncil met in regular sessian with M~yor Jacobs presidingo Upon Roll Ca11, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil and $urt reported presento MINUTE APPROVA~ The minutes of the regular meeting of June 23, 1964, were approved as preparede AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, that General Warrants Noo 1 through 46 in the amount of $19,800058 and payroll warrants Noo 653 through 687 in the amoun~ of $8,689021 and payroll warrants Noo 1 through 59 in the amount of $7,120,36 be authorized and ordered paido Motion carriedo DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental Monthly Report for t~e month of June was received by the Council and placed on filea The City Administrator reported an annual departmental report was being prepared and would be published possibly in August. CATV m PROGRESS REPORT The City Administrator gave a progress report on the CATV franchise contract stating that the GATV contract for Arroyo Grande had been approved by the Public Utilities Commission and that as soon as agree~ ment contracts were signed between the Calffornia Communication Corpo and the Pacific Telephone Company and PoG,&Eo, actual work would commence. REQUEST OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE BUDGETED VEHICLE The Gi~y ~dm~~is~ra~or informed t~e Counc~l that bids on the 4 door Sedan for the Administrative Department had been received as followsa Maury Brennan Forde $2~023~09 p~us ta~ for a~otal of $29104001; Christiansen Chevro~e~9 $2,062e84 pTus ~~x for a~otal of $2,145035o A~ter Counczl disc.ussion9 a mo~ion was made by C~uncilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNei19 that the low b~d of Maury Brennan Ford in the amount of $2,104001 be accepted as ~he lowe~t and bes~ bid on ~he budgeted 4 door sedan for Administrative Department> Motion carriedo PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED GRADING AND EXGAVATION ORDINAN CE AS RECOMMENDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ The Ci~y Administrator reques~eci ~ha~ Pl~nning Commissioner Schultz review tTie provi~ions and necessit~es o~ the excavating and grading ordin~nce for the Councilo Councflman Wood ~poke against the ordinance as presenreecl by ~he PY~nning Commi~siono After Council discussion, Mayor Jacobs ~ppointed Councilman Wood and Councilman McNeil to serve as a commi~tt~e ~o clraw up recommendati~n~ and conclusfon~ re the proposed ordinance to be forw~rded to the Planning Commission for con~ sidera~eion ~~d revision prior ~o final Council actiono REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON PLANNING -.JULY 30~31 The City Administrator informed the Council of the Regional Workshop ta be held are CaY Poly on Ju9~y 30~ch and 31s~c, sponsorecl by the San Lufs Obispo Coun~y Plannfng Departmento Counc°ilman Wood indicated that he wouYd be able to attend the mee~ing~ of the 30th of July and Mayor J~cob~ ~tat~d that the D3rector of Public Works and members of the Pl~nning Commis~ian should also be en~ouragecl to attend these meetingse MASTER PLAN APPLICATION APPROVAL BY STATE The Ci~y Administrator i~form~d the Council that a letter had been re- ceived from tYae firm of Hahn & Wise9 in~orming us th~t ~he City of Arroyo Grande°s Ma~ter Pl~n application hacl been approved by the State and is now being reviewed b~ th.e Federal Gc~vernmen~o _ _ _ Arroyo Granc?.e9 CaYiforni~ ~ J~.lgr" 14~3 i964 ~ Pag~ 2 REQUEST 0~° ENGINEERING DEPAR`TI~EN`~ ~`0 ~URCHAS~E BUDGETED VEHI~LE The Caty Adm~ni~tras~or gnform~~ ~o~nciF tttat bid~ ~iad been receivecl for the 4 d~c~r sta~ion w~ago~9 a bud~e~ed i~em for the Engineering Depart~ mento After disctz~s~~r~9 i~ ~r~~ th~ ~ec~sion of ~he Gounci~ tha~e purm chase of the vehicle b~ he~el e,~rer u:~ti~ ~he 1965 model autom~bi~es are available for cleYivery9 a~ ~rh~ct~ ~~me b~.d~ are to be resubmit~ed for Counci~ approvalo REQUEST OF STREET DEPARTMENT TO ~URCH~SE BUDGETED VEHICLE The City Adm~n~stratoi ~n~orme~ th~ C~unc~~ that bids had been recefved for the 1/2 ton pici~~up trrxclz9 a buelgeted item for the Stree~ Departm mento After disctas~bon9 it wa~ the clecisian of the Gouncil that pur° chase of ehe vehicle be held over untiY ~he Y965 model trucTc~ are avafl~ able for deYivery, at w~.ich t~me bzds ~re to be resubmittecl for Council approvalo FURTHER DISCUSSION ON HALCYON ROAD gMPItOVEMENT The City Administrator adviseci E~~ae C~un~i1 ~hat Mro Fred Gist had been retained by the City to appra~se ~;he prop~reies il7volved in the Halcyon Road improvement projec~o REQUEST 0~ FIRE DEPARTMENT 'TO PUItCHA~E BUDGE'TED TWO~WAY RADIOS The City Administrator pre~en~er~ reqr~e~~ or the Fire Department to purcha~e two por~~b1~ 2~way r~d~~~9 ~ bu~ge~.ed itemo After Council dfscus~ion, a mo~fon was made by C~un~iYman Wood, seconcled by Council~ wom~.n Thompson, th~.t pur~l~a~e ~wo p~rt~ble 2~way radios for the Fire Department at ~l~e cost ~f $579000 eacl~ i~e approvedo Motion carried< LOCATION OF ANTEIVNA ~°OR POLICE DEPAR'TMENT RADIOS Mayor Jacob~ ~nformeci. ~he C~un~il ~hat ~n~. had att~nded.:the open house activi~ies at Rad~o S~a~ion KCJH ~.nd l~a~ been aclvised by the management of the ~ta~ion that an an~enna tower ~ri1~ be bufl~ by them to replace the ~resent tower whf~h i.~ ~o be disen~ntle~ under ~thE~r reconstruction program so that ttae present Yo~~tion af ~he Police Department radio antenna will be maint~,inedo RE UEST OF WATER DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE BUDGETED METER TRUCKSTER The City Adm~ni~trator gnformed the Cou.ncil that one bid had been re- ceived for the Meter Truckster, a bucige~ed ittem for the Water Departmento After Council cliscussion9 a mo~ion w~~ m~.de by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Gounei~man Bur~, tha~ purcl~ase of ~he Cushman Truckster in the amount of $~1~425084 for the W~ter Department be approvedo Motion carrie~o F'INANCIAL ASSISTANGE REQUES7C ~ SOU~"H ~~.N LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ` City Adminis~ra~or Butch pres~nted ~ reque~t on behalf of the South San Luis Obispo Goun~y Sanitation Di~tric~t that the City of Arroyo Grande, as an en~i~y of the District9 ac~ a~ ~urety for the District so that the District m~gh~ be able t~ ob~ain a Yoan in the amount of $50,000 which would be re~aid plu~ interest after the ~ale of the District bonds in Marci~ or April, ~.9E5o Af~:er CounciY discussion a motion was made by Councilm~n McNeii, secondecl by Gauncilma.n Wood that the City of Arroyo Grancle a~t ~.s ~urety for ~t~e South Sa~ Luis Obispo County Sanitation District so that the District might obtain a loan in the amount of $50,000 to op~rate ~~.fd Dis~r~ct until such time as ~he Dism trict bonds are ~old in March. or April c~~ 19659 and the Mayor be authorized ~o sign th~ can~ract ~greemen~ for the City; subject to receipt of a contirac~ from 0°Me~veny & Myers9 bond consultants for the South San Lui~ Obispo Coun~y Sa~i~.a~fon Di~~ric~9 ~nd approval of the contract by the Cf~y Attorn~y~ Motioe~ carri2do Axr.oyo Grande9 Cali~ornfa ~ Ju1~ ~4, Y9~4 ~ Page 3 RESOLUTION NOo 629 ~ RE~OLU'~°ION 0~° IN'T~NTION °TO LE~Y A HOTEL AND MO'TEL ROOM TAX OF ~°OUR PER CENT` Mayor Jacob~ reported on the m~~~fng he ~~d a~tenc~ecl on July 9th, re the proposed h~~eY and mat~1 room ~~xo The City Administrator read a memorandum from Ma.yor Gl.ay Po D~vid~an of ~he City of San Luis Obispo outlining the re~ommended ~teg~ r~ adop~io~ of a county~wide Ordinanceo A Resolution c~f In~entfon to Y~rry a ho~el an~ moTcel room tax of four per cen~ ~aas read by the ~f ~y Atte~rn~y o RESOLUTI0~1 NOe 6~9 RESOLIUTION 0~ INTENTION TO LEVY A HOTEL AND MO'~EL ROOM 'TAX OF FC~UR PER GENT ( 4%) On motion of Gouncilman McNei~, ~econded by Gouncilwoman Tk~ompson ancl by the following ro11 call ~ro~e, i~o~wi~~ AYESa Counci~woma~i Thompson9 Gaun~i~m~n Wood9 McNeil, Burt anci Mayor Jacobs NOESo None ABSENT~ Alone the foregoing ResoYrutaon ~ra~ adlop~ed ~hi~ ~4th day of Ju1y 19640 LETTER SHOWING INTEREST IN LOCA'TION OF` PoGa&Eo PLANT ON MESA Mayor JacobS instruct~cl the ~i~.~ AcYm~n~str~.~or to wrf~e a Yette~ to be signed by the M~y~r ~o the Po Go & Ea Company expressing the City of Arroyo Grande~s interes~ and cle~ires ~n tl~efr d,eveYopment in ichis areao CONTRAC'T FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICES The City Adminis~rator pre~en~ed ~ report to ~he Coun~il regarding the feasibilit.y of con~racting ~treer~ sweeping s~rvices= After Council dis- cussion, it wa~ agre~cl t~tat this ma~ter be tab~ed for six months> ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Councilwoman T1~ompson regorted to the Corancil re the activitfes of the Economic Development Commi~t~e and s~at~tthat they are moving ahead with new programso WATER COMMITTEE REPORT CounciYman Woad regorted the Water Gommi~tee will have a report and recommendatians ready for thE nex~ Council meetingo PARKING RECOMMENDA'TION F"OR GRAND AVENUE Councilman McNeil recommended to the Goun~iY ~hat due to the high traffic accident rate (16 non~injury ancl 2 injury acciden~.s in a two year period) along Grand Avenrxe whie.T~ could definiteYy be tr~ced to cliagonal parking that ~he GouncfL take actfon ~o enforce parallel parking from Halcyon Road to 18th ~treet on Grancl Avenue in both direction~o After Council discussion9 ~he Gity Attorney w~s instructecl to draw up a resolution enforcing parallel parking on Grand Avenue from Halcyon Road to l8th Streeto DISCUSSION RE STATUS OF ROBLES ROAD AS GITY STREET Councilwoman Thompson informed the Council of ~he activities and dangerous conditions on the street known as Robl~~ Roado The City Administrator was instructecl to look into the si~uation and report at the next meetingo ADJOURNMENT On motion by CounciYman Burtg second~~ by C "lman McNeil ancl unani° mously carrieci, the meeting ad journ~dl at~-?""~0 10 Po 0 / ~ ` ~ v- j ` ~ ~m._.._ _ ; MAYOR . _ _ ~ CI CLE~K r