Minutes 1964-09-08 3~ Arroyo Grande, California September 8, 1964 - 7:30 PoMo The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs pre- siding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompsan, Councilmen ~ood, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of:August 25, 1964, were approved as prepared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council~ man Wood that general warrants No. 144 through 197 in the amount of $21,257.01 and payroll warrants No. 227 througM 2~89 in the amount of $8,611.96 be authorized and ordezed paid. Motion carried. REQUEST OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR FUNDS The City Administrator read a letter from the Chamber of Commerce, requesting funds to be used for the promotion of the City of Arroyo Grande. After discussion, the City Administrator was instructed to request a budget from the Chamber of Commerce as to intended use of the requested funds. TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORT The Treasurer's Monthly Report for the month af August, 1964, was ~eceived by the Council and ordered filed. DEP:~RTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT .'~he Departmental Monthly Report for the month of August, 1964, wa"s received by the Council and ordered filed. REQUEST OF PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION TO HOLD JOINT 1~ETING WITH COUNCIL ON SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 : The City Administrator informed the Council that a request had been received from the Parks & Recreation Commission for a joint meeting to be held with the City Council on September 30, 1;964. After discussion, the City Administrator was instructed to confirm the request for a joint meeting. DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MEETING -~'f3URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1964 The City Administrator informed the Council that a meeting would be held on September 17, 1964, at 12:00 noon at Lowe's Restaurant with the Division of Highways re the.proposed rout~ of Hwy. l and other Division of Highways projects in this areav After discussion, Mayor Jacobs urged all Council members to attend this meeting. Councilwoman Thompson and Councilman Wood indicated that they would attend and represent the Council. COMMITTEE REPORT ON PROPOS~D GRADING & EXCAVATION E)RDINANCE Councilman Wood reported on behalf of the committee that had been appointed by Mayor Jacobs to review the proposed Grading & Excavation Ordinance which had been recommended by the Planning Commissione After discussion, Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to refer the recommended ordinance back to the Planning Commission for their final approval and action, with" the first reading of the Ordinance scheduled for the next regular Council meeting. ORDINANCE NO. 197 - ADOPTING THE "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1964 EDITION" An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande creating the office of Building Official and adopting the "Uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition" including al.l present appendixes except Chapter 70, was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. Arroyo Grande, California - September 8, 1964 - Fag~ 2 Motion unanimously carriede ORDINANCE NOo 1.97 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF A~R~tOYO G~.Ni3E CREATING 'I°HE OFFICE OF BUILDING OF`FZCIAT,~"P,ND ADOPTING THE "UNIFORM BUILDING ~~I?E`o 1964 EDITION" INCLUDING ALL PRESEN'i' AP~~NDIXES EXCEPT CHAPTER 70 On motion of Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call ~ote, to~wit; AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Woo~., McNei1, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NQES: None _ ABSENT: None t11e foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 8th day of September, 19fi4. ORDTNAI~CE NO. 198 - ADOPTING THE 19~64 EDITI4N QF '~'HE '"W~STERN PLUMBING OFFICIALS UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE An Ordinance of the City of Arroyo Grande adopting the 1964 edition of the "Western Plumbing Otficials Unx~orm Plumbing Code" was read through the title, ther~upon a mation'was m~de by Councilman Burt, se~onded by Councilman Wood, to dispens~ with read~ng the balance of the Ordinance. Motion unanimous- ly carried. ORDINANCE NO. 198 AN ORDINANCE OF 'I'HE CITY OF P.RROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE 1964 EDITION OF THE ''W~STEFtN PLUMBING OFFICIALS UNIFORM PLUMBING''CODE" On motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood. McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 8th day of September, 1964. REPORT ON FLOOD CONTROL MAINTENANCE OF ARROYO GRANDE`CREEK The City Administrator presented an oral report`on the results of the meeting which had been held in his office>on September 3, 1964, with reference to the clearing of.the Arroyo Grande creek bed, Mr. i~rthur Garey presented a draft of a letter to be sent~to property owners along the creek, suggesting that they clear the creek bed on their property. Mr.Clark Moore of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Soi1 Conservation Service gave his views re necessity of creek clearing and possible liability on the part of the City anc~ property owners. After discussion, ~ Mayar Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to write a letter to the County re the City joining Zone 1 Flood Control or starting a new Flood Control Zone and also to write a letter to Mr. Robert Born, County Hydraulic Engineer for recommendations and direction in the matter af creek clearing. REPORT ON ENGINE~RTNG FEASIBILITY AND ECONOINtIC JUSTIFICATION OF THE LOPEZ RESERVOIR PROJECT The City Administratar informned the Council that two copies of the report on Engineering Feasibility and Economic ~'ustification of the Lopez Reservoir Project had been received for their intormation and studya Mayor Jacobs requested that this report 38 Arroyo GrandeB California - Sep~embe~ 8a 19b4 Page 3 be circulated among the Gounc~lmen~ He also s~ated -that ~e felt Dr. Jack Pence and the Zone 3 p~rsonnel ~,aere ~o he commencled for their efforts in comp~l~.ng thi~ ~book and all °the time and effort they have expended on the ~ope~ R~servoir and instructed the City Z~dminis°trator to draf°t a Resolution of coinmendation to this groupm AWAI~DING BID-GENERAL STRE~T PAVTNG PR0~7EC'I° NC~S_ 90-64-3A 90-64-4A~ 90-64-~ ~ND 90-54-6 The Cit~ Administrator repo~°ted ~hat on Se~tember 3, 1964o at the hour of 11:00 AmMa bicls wer°e ~eceived and opened for General Street Pavinge this beinc~ the date and time set by the ~ouncil for said bid openinga Bids were received as followsa M. J. HermreckB $$o127v50g Z-~o J. Dian~, $9a990e00o Guido Ferini, $8,273.50; Ted Watk~nso $9,438m00o i~tadonna Construction, $8, 898. 50 and C. S a Corast ~ o $7 B 448 v 50 s A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Burt that the low bsd- submi~tted by G ~ S, Construct~.qn Company for the General S~tree-t Pavingo Project Noso 90-64-3A, 90-64-4A, 90-64-5 and 90-64-6o in the amount of $7a448o50 be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to sign the contractm Motion carriedm AWARDING BID - WOOD PLACE CURB AND GU'I"~ER - PROJECT NOo 90-64-4 The City Administrator reported tlzat on September 3, 1964, at the hour of 10000 A. M~ bids were received and opened for installation of curb and gutter on Wood Placea th~s being the date and time set by -~he Cou~cil fo~° said bid opening. Bids were received as follo~rso C: S•Const. Co., $20498098; Newdoll and Son~ $2,360060; Madonna Construction Co., $3a459.50a and Ted Watkins $3a1.74.60a A motion was made by Gouncilrnan Burto seconded by Council- man McNeil that the low bicl submitted by Newdoll and Son for ~ the installation of curb and gut~er on ~Tood Place. Project No. 90-64-4a in the amount of $2,360060 be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to sign the contractv Motion carried. - AWARDING BID - 25TH STREET CURB AND GUTTER - PROJECT 90-64-3 The City Admin~x°a~tor reported that on Sep~ember 3, 1964, at the hours of 10030 A.Mm bids were received and opened for installation of curb and gutt~r on 25th Streeta this being the date and time set by the Council for said bid opening. Bids were received as follows~ C. S.Construction Cos, $4,262075; Newdoll and Sono $4a335.00a Madonna Const. Co., $58491.00 and Ted Watkins, $5o202a00. A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsona seconded by Councilman Woodo that ~he low bid submitted by C~ S•Const. Co. for the instaTl.ation of curb and gutter on 25th Street, Project No. 90-64-3a in the amoun~ of $4a262v75 be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to sign the"c~ntract. Motion carried. CURB AND GU'I°TER REQUEST - HALCYON & R,ENA AND CHERRY, ALLEN & GARDEN STREETS T'he City Administrator reported that a request for curb and gutter grades in conjunction wa.th the new animal hospital on Halcyon and Rena Streets had be~n received which would require engineering services estimated at $100, Requests had also been received for curb and gu~~er g~°ades on Cherry~ Allen & Gard~n Streets which would require engineering services estimated at $500,00. After discussion~ a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt ~that the City Engineer be authorized to se-t curb and gultter grades on Halcyon and Rena Streets with engineering costs not to exceed $100 and to set curb and gutter grades on Chex~rya Allen and Garden Str~ets with engineering costs not to exceed $500p Motion carried. Arroyo Grande, Galifornia - September 8, 1964 - Page 4 RECETVE BIDS ON 10°1 WATER LINE ON GARDEN STe ~ PROJECT 60-64-5 The City Administrator reported that on September 3, 1964, at the hour of 11 s 30 AmMm ba~ds w~ere r~ceived and opened for the installation of a 10°B s,~rater line on Garden Street, this being the date and time set by the Council for said bid opening. Two bids had been receivedo both of v~ri~ich exceeded -the Enginleer`' S estimate on this projecto and it was the recommendation of the Director of Public Wo~°ks that no action be taken at this time on the bids received and ~hat new bids be called for at a later date. After discussiona a motian was made by Councilman Wood seconded by Councilwoman Tlzompsono that both of the bids re~ ' ceived for the installation of a 1Oo' water line on Garden Stre~~, Project 60-64-5, be rejected at this time. Motion carried. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE F~XING '~HE RATES TO BE CHARGED AND ~ COLLECTED FOR WATER SERVICE An Ordinance entitled ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING THE RATES TO BE CHARGED ANU COLLECTED FOR WATER SERVTCE SUPPLIED BY THE CITY AND PRESCRIB~i~f~ ~ERTAIN RULES AND REGU~ LATIONS COVERING CONSUi~ERS OF HTI~TER SUPPLIED BY SAID CITY AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA~'~pN ~iiERF30F, AND REPEALING ALL ORDTNANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH was read through the title for the first reading, thereupon a motion was made by Counci~.= woman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, that reading the balanc~ of the Ordinance be dispensed with, Motion unanimously carried. PROGRESS REPORT ON SOUTH SAN LUTS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION - DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs reported tha~ at the meeting o~ the Sanitation District on August 31, 1964, the~philosophy of r~charging the water table with treated effluent had been discussed with various professional representatives of the County and State and that this matter would be discussed furth er at the meeting of October 26th, 1964. PROGRESS REPORT - ELM ST. STORM DRAIN The!~ity Administrator reported to the Council that the Elm Street Storm Drain project ~ras 83~ complete and that the con- tractor was seven days over contract timev After discussion, Mayor Jacobs instructed the City Administrator to~Contact the Hermreck Construction Company as to the status of the canstruc, tion and reasons for delayo Mayor Jacobs requested that in the future, a limitation be set on the amount of work to be sub~ontracted of 50/ on contract bid, when writing up speci- fications for contractsa CHANNEL COUNTY DIVISTON OF LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DINNER The City Administrator advised the Gouncil that the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities dinner rneet- ing would be held in Santa Maria at the Vandenberg Inn on September 24, 1964. COUNTY COURT GENERAL DISCUSSION MEETING The City Administrator advised the Cauncil that a general dis- cussion meeting would be held in the Council Chambers on Sep~ember 18, 1964 at 7:30 PaM. to discuss general court, county and poliee problems in our general area. The Council was invited to attend this discussion session. PARKWAY TREES The~City Administrator advised the Council that the parkway tree collection program was nearly complete, with 16 trees hav> ing been collected for. After discussiona it was the decision of the Council to purchase five trees to be placed in front of the City Hall and Fire Station at the total cost of $250.00. 1 . Arroyo Grande, Cal if or°nia September 8 e 1964 - Page 5 REQUEST BY RESIDENTS IN W~IaLOW PARK VICINITY TQ PLANT TREES Councilman Wood advised the Cnuncil tY~at several resi~ents ~n the Will.ow Park vicini~,y were interest~d in ~lan~i~g tree5 in the park and requested the help of the City forces to stal~e - out desirable locations and recommendations as to the type of tree to be pianted. PROGRESS REVIEW The City Administrator ~resented the Council with copies of the Progress Review which will be circulated with the local news~aper with the next_edition. Mayor Jacobs stated that it was a very effective report to the citizens of Arroyo Grande and commended the City Ad~inistra~or and City staffi on the preparation of this reportm AAT OURNMENT On motion of Councilman Woad, seconded by Councilwoman Thomp- son and unanimously carriedo the meeting adjourned at 9v26 ~.M. _ ~ ~ , ~ r~'~ f ~ . . . . ~ ~ ~ !'~~J ~ E Z ~..d ~--"(."°I",.... ~ e ~ OR ATTES + ITY CLERK ~ \