Minutes 1964-11-10 e.)~+ Arro~o Granded California November 1Q9 1964 - 7:3Q P~M~ The City Council. me~ in ~~gular se~sion with P~.ayor Jacobs ,p~residin~. Upon ro~l ca119 Counc~lwoman Thompson, Counc~.l- men WQod and i"JIcNeil reported present. Councilman Burt was ~ ~bsent, 1~'IINUT~ APPROVAL The minutes of the ~°egular mee~ting of Oc~.obe~° 27, 1964, we~e ap~roved as pre~a~ed. APPROVAL flF WARRANTS A motian was made by Councilwoman Thompsonq seconded by Councilman Wood, tlzat General Warrants Noo 331 through 398 in the amount of $18,266,22 and Payroll Warran~.s Nom 4~9 ~hrough 466 in the amount of $6R525,Oa be authorized and ordered ~aid. Motion carried~ TREASURER°S REPORT TY1e Treasureras Report ~or the month of October, 1964, was received by the Council and ordered filed. DEPs~~R'I'MENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The De~artmental monthly re~ort for the month of O~tober, 1964, was received by the Council. and ordered filed. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED BUSTNESS LICENSE ORDINANCE ~ The Cit~r Administrator reviewed the proposed business license Ordinance for the Council and informed the Council that this ordinance had been discussed with the Downtown Merchants Association at thei~° mee~ing of November 9th, at the Bank of America. A letter from the San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria Chapter of the Engineering and Grading Association prote~ting the spread in engineering license fees was presented. Mr. Norman Brittain questioned the itinerant vendor clause-of the proposed ordinance and ques~.ioned the need for an increase, Mr. Dick Kelsey of Kelsey°s Children°s Shop suqgested t~at the license be tabled for conside~ation of both merchants and Council members. Mr. Be~°nie Nelson of the Municipal ~ License Tax Association explained the background of the recommended ordinanc~ and explained the hours option for bu~iness- men in figuring the number of emplo~eese Mr. Bill Barker and Mrs. Rae Gardener c~uestioned various phases of the ordinance. After discussion. Ma~or Jacobs appointed a committee consi~ting of Mr. Dick Kelsey, represent~ng the znerchants, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilman NlcNeil and the City Administrator to study the proposed ordinance and recommendations o~ the businessmen, and recommended that further discussion be held at a later date. AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND STATE TO FERFORM CITY-WIDE CENSUS The City Administrator advised the Council that the house-to- house census would star~ around the 19th o~ November and that 18 to 20 enumerators would be em~loyed to complete th}.s census. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wooda that the agreement between the City of Arro~o Grande and the ~tate to perform the city-wide census be app~°oved and that the Mayor and C~ty Clerk be authorized °to sign the agreement on behalf of the City. Motion carried, REPORT ON CTTY°S REQUEST FOR PLANNING ASSISTANCE ON COMPRE- HENSIVE MASTER PLAN The City Administrator aclvised the Council that the request for planning assistance on the Comprehensive Master Plan had been approved by the StateB bu~ that the status of the grant was questionable because the Federal Government had withheld 5~ Arroyo Grandeo California -~ovember 100:1~64 - Page 2 any further action on gran~s due to the outcome of Proposition No. 14 in the recent elec~ion. The Council recessed a~ 8:27 P~M~ at the request of the County Court. The Council was.call~d tn_arder at 8:35 P.M. PROGRESS REPORT ON CLEARING OF PORTION OF ARROYO GRANDE CRE:~K The Cit~r Administrator informed ~he _Council that 15QO.,ftm. ~f the creek bed from Bridge Street to the Pacific Coast Rail~°oad right of way had been cleared at an expense for labor of $332.00, and that the County Honor Farm was going to furn~.sh prison labQr to assist wi~.h tlze balance of the clearing of the creek. REPORT AND RECOMNIENDATION ON HALCY0~1 ROAD II~.PROVEMENT PRQJECT The Cit~r Administrator advised the Council that there wer~ still one or two ~arcels of property on which right of way for the Halc~on Road Improvemen~ Project had not been ob~~.~.ned and requested tHat further action be taken in order to meet the schedule of activi~ies which had been aqreed upon. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman 1~IcNeila seconded by Councilwoman Thompsona that the City Attorne~r be instructed to proceed with condemna~ion proceedings on Halcyon Road, if deeds ~rere not received by Thursdaye November 12, 1964. Motion carried. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENT IN TRACT NO. 256 Councilman Wood left the Council a~ 8:39 P.M., stating hc wished to be excused as he had a financial intere~t in the property. The City Administrato~° informed the Council that it was the recommendation of the Director° of Public Works that Tract No. 256 be ~approved subj ect to inst~llat'ion of a small section of curb and replacing one broken water service. After disT cussion, a motion 5r~ras made by Councilman McNeil, seconded b~ Councilwoman Thomp~on, that the improvements in Tract No. 256 be accepted by the City, and the improvement bond be released, subject to 1) inst~llation of a small section of curb and 2) replacing one broken water servicea l~totion carried. Councilman Wood rejoined the Council at 8:40 P.M. REQUEST FOR WATER ~ERVICE IN UNINCORPORATED AREA The City Administrator read a letter from Ivlr. Bland Liles, Shell Beach, reques~ing water service outside the incorporated limits of the City. After discussion as to Council policy regarding requests for water outside the City limits, it was the decision of the Council to take this request under con- sideration and a determination would be made by the next regular Council meeting as to action on this particular request and a review would be made of the Council's policy re handling of similar requests in the future. The City Administrator was instructed to advise Mr. Li1es of the Council's dela~? as to a definite answer at this time. PRO~RES~ REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DI STRI CT Mayor Jacobs reported that at the regular meeting of the Sani- tation District on November 9th, discussion was held re the recharging of the water table with treated effluent and that different agencies and experts on this subject were being contacted to get their comments and views on the matter. 54 Arroyo Gr.ande9 Cali~o~nia - November lOB ~964 - Page 3 OCEANO SCHOOL DISTRICT The City Admini_strator re~d a le~ter from Mr. Norman Mil~era Secretary of the oceano Elemen~ary School D~st~icte thank- ing the City ~or their ac~~on in regard to the s~udent traffic ~roblem on The Pike. AE~IAL LADDER TRUCK A motion was made b~ Councilman Mc~eil9 seconded by Council- woman Thom~sona that the Ci~y be aut~oriaed to purchas~ a used mechanical aerial ladder truc~ ~rom Baettie Moto~sB r~ontereya for use by ~he Stree~ Departmen~q at a~rice of $700.00~ subject to insp~ction and recoc~mendation bf ~he Public Works De~artment. ~o~ion car~ried~ CURB AND GUTTER GRA.DE REQUESTS The Cit~ Adminis~ra~o~ reported to the Council that several reguests for curb and gu~ter grades had been received. After discu~sion~ a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, second~d by Councilwoman Thompsona tnat the ~ollowin~ expenditures be authorized for engineering sex°vices in connection with re~~ests for curb and gu~ter grades~ 1~00 block on Grand Ave.a $100a Northeast corner of 25~h and Pike, $50; Assembly of God Church property between Arroyo and Orchard Avenue, $250; Poplar Street, $50. Motion ca~ried. AATOURNMENT On motion b~ Councilman McNeila secondecl by Councilman Wood, and unanimously carried, the meeting ad~ourned to an executive session at 9:00 P.M~ YOR ATTES~ CI 'Y C ERK , R