Minutes 1964-11-24 5~ Arroyo Grande, California November 24, 1964 - 7:30 PoMm The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman '~hompson, Council- men Wood. McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the rec~ul~r meeting of November 10, 19648 were approved as ~repared. AUTHORIZED PAYMENT OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilwoman ThomgsonB seconded by Councilman Wood, that general warrants No. 399 through 432 in the amount of $47,855.95 and_payroll warrants No. 46`7 through 523 for_payroll of November 13th in the amount o~ $7,820.02 and payroll warrants No. 524 thr°ough 569 for the payroll of November 27th in the amount of $78211.50 be ~uthorized and ordered ~aid. COMMITTEE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON REVISED BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE The City Administrator presented the Council with the revised business license ordinance which had been submitted by the committee appointed by Mayor Jacobs to review the proposed revised business license ordinanc~. On behalt of the committeea Councilman McNeil reported that the revised l~cense seemed fairer to the average businessmana and Councilwom~.n Thompson reported that the amount of revenue derived wou~.d be appro~imately the same as now. without creating.a h~rd- ship on any one businessman. The City Administrator ex- plained to the Council the comparison sheet which had be~n prepared. After discussion, Mayor Jacobs requested that a final decision on the ordinance be withheld until the next regular Council meeting and that still further informatiQn be obtained and another meeting be held with the businessmen. The City Administrator was instructed to prepare a more repre- sentative chart of rates for the committee's information. NOTICE FROM PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY RE APPLI- CATION FOR SPECIFIC RATE INCREASE AUTHORITY The City Administrator informed the Council that notice had been received from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company that th~y were applying to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Calif ornia for authority to increase certain intrastate rates and charges. AWARD BIDS ON NEW 1965 POLICE CAR The City Adrr~inistrator informed the Council that two bids had been received for the new 1965 Police Car. a budgeted item for the Police Department~ as follows: Maury Brennan Ford, $1,495.00; Christiansen Chevrolet, $1,450.00. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the bid submitted by Christiansen Chevrolet for a 1965 police car for the Police Department in the amount of $1,450.00 be accepted as the low bid. Motion carried. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE RELATING TO INTERCONTINENTAL TELEPHONIC COMNNNI CATION The City Administrator presented the Council with a plaque which had been received from the State Senate with reference to intercontinental telephonic communication. Mayor Jacobs read the Resolution, which congratulated the various offica.als of the county of San Luis Obispo and communities therein, for their efforts in aiding in the development of the telephoMic communication system from San Luis Obispo County to Yoko- hama, Japan, Arroyo GrandeB California - November 240 1964 - Page 2 _ HEARING ON REQUEST TO ABANDON CERTATN ALLEYS IN THE WALNUT GROVE ADDITION Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing on the request to abandon certain alleys in the Walnut Grove addition was duly_pu~lished and pos~ed and the.hearing was now o~ened and all persons f~r or a~~inst the abandonment would now be heard. Mz°. Don G~llickso~,~spoke for the abandonment on beh~lf of his mot~ero who is the owner of the propertg, Mr. ~ale Hullo 534 Allen Streeta questioned the status of his ~ropert~ ~f alleys were not abandoned. Mro A. C. Davis~ 528 Allen Street, stated he would like to see one of the al~eys left o~ena As the~e were no other persons who spo~e for or against the seport, Mayor Jacobs declared the heaxing closed. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeilo seconded by Counc~l- man Wood, that Alle~ #la as shdwn on the mapo be abandon~d subject to a document being dr~wn ~o continue the fifteen foot alle~ that now exists between Lots 1 to 6 and Lots 7 to 1~ Block 3 and bet~een Lots 11 to 13 arid Lots 8 to 10, Blpck 4 in Walnut Grove Addition throu~h abandoned Cross 9~reet, subject to the City Attorneyas approval. Motion carried. ~t was the decision of the Council to defer adopting the reso~u- tion to abandon Alley No. 1 until the de~d of the alleys to the City was cleared by ~he CitX A~torney. HEARING RE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION THI~T BUILD- ING AT 383 ALDER STREET BE CONDEMNED AS PUBLIC NUISANCE Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing on the recommendation of the County Health Department that a building located at 383 Alder Street be condemned as a public nuisance was dul~ posted and the hearing wa~ now opened and all persons fpr or against the recommendation would now be heard. Mr. James Gateso Director of Sanitation for ithe County Health Department, reviewed for the Council the background of the recommendation and explained the procedures which had been accomplished thus far on their part in this case. Mr. Henry Fulbright, 383 Alder, owner and occupant of the property involved, stated he was working to clean up the property and planned to re- build. 1~s there were no other persons who spoke for or ~~34,~ against the report, Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing closed. Mr. Gates outlzned for the Council what action was necessary on their part. After discussiona a motion was made by Council - woman Thompsona seconded by Councilman McNeil, that decision on the part of the Council re their action in the condemnation of the.building located at 383 Alder Street be held over until the next regular Council meeting and that the City Adminis- trator be instructed to contact the County Welfare Department and the daughter of Mr. Henry Fulbright re his disposition as a result of the recommended condemnation. Motion carried. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON HALCYON ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT TI~e City Administrator reported to the Council that the work on Ha].cyon Road Improvement Project plans was moving along ac~ording to schedule, and requested that the Council accept ~he grartt deeds on right of way which had been obtained at ~his time. ,After discussiono a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Bur°ta that the grant deeds of r~.ght of way which had been ob~ained at this time on the Halcyon Road Improvement Project be accepted as follows: H. M.,~TDREWS and MILDRED Im ANDREWS, husband and wife; ALFRED W. KEAT, a married mana as 1-iis sole and separate property, and ALFRED W. KEAT and MURIEL Rm KEATB husband and wife; BERTHA L. ALLIN, BENA C. DOTYo ROBERT A. DOTY and RUSSELL C. DOTY; MARY ALICE COLLINS~ a married womano who acquirecl title as Max°y Alice Daviss JOHN W. SMITH and THELMA P. SMITHB husband 5`~ Arroyo Grande. California - November 24e 1964 - Page 3 and wife; LEWIS Wa AUTRY ~nd GRACE M. AUTRY, husband anc~ wife and CLARK J~ ASK~LANDo a single man; SARDIS B. M~GEE and STELLA N. McGEE, l~usband and wife; FRED A GRIEB and GERTRUDE H' GRIEBo ~husband and vJife; LILY JANETB a widow; GORDON E. WARD and FtUB'Y Na W.ARDa husband and wife; DONALD E. $HAFFER and GERTRUDE G. SF~AFFERo husband and wife; ARRO~O GRANDE HOSPITAL CORPORATION, ~ C~lifornia Cor~oration; MARION O. MARSH, a widow, and MA~tION LOUISE CARLSON; HOMER B. TR~CE9 JR. and DAISY T1~ICE, husba~d and wife; NAOMI Lv KEESAMAN, a married wom~n who a~qu~red title under the name of NAOM~ L. LAWRENCE, a widows NA01~:I L. KEESAMANg a married woman who acquired title under ~he name of NAOMI La LAWRENCEB a ~aaidow; ROBERT FOLKERTS; RUSSELL W. DOHERTYa a widowera OREN Fo HENDERSON AND ALMA M. HENDERSOi~a husband and wife; ARTHUR GAREY and ELAINE B. GAREY, husb~nd ancl wife; BENNY R. BETITA and LILIA V. BETITA~ husband and wife; HENRY P. FERRARI and JENNIE FERRARIa husband and wifea HENRY Pm FERRARI and JENNIE FERRARI, husband and wife; HENRY P. FERR.ARI and JENNIE FERR~,.RT, his wife; CHAS. F. PRICE, a widowers CHARLES THOMAS R.ALPH a~nd ANNA LOU RALPH, his wife; ROBERT F, FOLKERTS and SHIRLEY L. FOLKERTS, husband and wife; GERALD R. HENDERSON, a single m~n; O. C. FROEHLI~H, also known as O~ C. FOREHLICH, and FRANC~S A. -~'1~OEHLICHa hu~band and wifee MARVIN K. HARTWIG and HELEN M. HARTWIG, husband and wifea and °the Mayor and City Cl.erk be authorized to sign certificates for recording. Motion carri,ed. The City Administrator reported that it was not found to be ecQnomically feasible to obtain a right of way from the Un~on OiT Company for their property a~ the corner of Grand Aven~e and Halcyon Road. The City Engineer reported further re the situation of the Union 0il Company pro~erty and the probl~ms involved and explained what effect this would have on th~ street plan of Halcyon Road. After discussion, it was the decision of the Council to go ahead with the plans on Halcyon Road without obtaininq right of way from the Union Oil Company, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CANCELLATION OF WATER DEPOSIT FUND WARRAN'I'S ~ reso~ution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Gra~de authorizing and directing the cancellation of water deposit fund warrants No. 10, No. 11, No. 22, No. 43, and No. 45 and General Fund Warrant No. 803 was read through~the title, there= upon a mation was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Council}nan Burt~ that reading of the balance of the Resol~ztion be dispensed with. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 639 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CANCELLATION OF WATER DEPOSIT FUND W,ARRANTS NO. 10, NO. lla NO. 22, NO. 43 AND NO. 45 AND GENERAL FUND WARRANT NO. 803. On motion by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompsono Councilmen Wood. McNeil, Burt and Mayor Jacobs NOE3a None ABSE~VT : None the'foregqing Resolution was adopted this 24th day of November, 196~. 5~ Arroyo Grande, California - November 24a ~964 - Page 4 T)I SCUS SI ON ON COUNCI L POL I CY RE RE~UES'T" FC7R T~A'PER S~fZV~'T CE I N UNINCORPORATED 1~REAS Councilman Wood re~orted to °t°he Council -~hat he fel°t that the policy of the City Council v~ri=th regard ~to furnishing water service when requested in unincorpora°~ed areas should not }~e changeda as he felt tlza~t ~°here would 7~e no encl ~o the number of ~°equests~ if one were granteda except under special con- ditions of hardship due to contamination of private we~lo or a well running dry~ Z~fter discussionB it was the decision of the Council to deny the request of Mr. Bland Liles for Ci~ty wa~er service outside the Ci~~? l,imi~sm NOTIFICATION FROM SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WPiTER CONSE~LVATION DTSTRICT RE SALE OF NACIMIENTO RES~R~TO~R WATE1~ The City Administrator ~nformecl ~Yie Council that a letter had been receivecl from Mr. Born9 Coun~y Hyd~aulic Engineera re scheduled negotiat~ons with the va~°ious cities in the Count~y for purchase of Nacimi~n~to Rese~voir water, which would start around January 1, 1965. ~ SANITATION DISTRTCT Mayor Jacobs reported that at ~he mee~.ing of the Sanitati.on District on November 23, 19640 ~wo po~nts were covered: Establishing an Ordinance for ~he District wlzich would set forth procedures and how the Distric~ would operate. No actiQn was taken on a definite ordinance9 as it was felt the diffexent districts in the area should be consiclered. 2) The question of rechaz°ging the water ~table ~rith tr°eated eff~uent vs the planned acean outf~ll. This will be a continuing program for s~udy in the future. SUG~ESTED BED TAX ORDINANCE The ~ity Administrator presen~ed to the Counc~l a proposed ordinance dealing with the 4/ bed tax, wlzich had been patterrled after the proposed county ordinance, for their review and study. CREEK CLEARING The City Administra-tor informed °the Council that the creek clearing project had been completed from Garden Street to Hic~hway 101. CQUNCIL ACTION RE PISMO BEACH WORLDS FAIR MOVEMENT Councilman Wood requested ~hat infor°mation be obtained as to the clesires of =~he Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce as far as support of the Worl.ds Fair program. Mayor Jacobs stated that a Mayor°s conference would be held to discuss this matter in the near future, and he felt ~hat definite information would be avail.able at the nex°t regular Council meeting. AATOURNMENT On motion of Counc~lman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, t°he meeting adjourned at 9s23 P.M. . " P J} f~ jf . G~°t~--~'---,i~ _ AT^l E ST I TY CL ~K