Minutes 1964-12-22 Arroyo Grande, California ~ecember 22, 1964 T'he City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding, Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thomps~on, Cou.ncilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt reported present. M~NUTE APPROVAL e minutes of the regular meeting of pecember 8th,],964 were appr~ved as preparetl. . . Pt,~~¢RZZED PA~1+4E~'T OF- BILLS A mo~tion was made by C~uncilw~aman Th~ompson, seconded by Couneilman W~o~d, that General Warrants N~o. 494 through 531 in the amount ~of $18,558,04 and Payroll Warrants No. 570 through 618 in the amount of $7,334.14 be authorized and ordered paid. M~tion carried, ORD. N0. 201 - Business License An Ordinance ~of the City ~of Arroyo Grande establishing business license procedures was read thr~ough the title,th~reA upon a moti~on was made by C~uncilman McNeil, sec~onded by C~uncilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balance of ~he Ordinance. M~otion unanim~ously carried. ORDINL~TCE N0. 201 AN ORDINANCE ZICENSING BUSINESSES, PROFESS- IONS, OCCUPATIONS AND~'~ENTERPRISES ENGAGED TN WITHIN THE ~TTY OF A.RROYO GRANDE, CA.LI- FORNI~,, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING REV- ENUE FOR MUNICIPA.L PURPOSES AND PROVTDZN~ PENA.I~TIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. On m~otion of G'~ouncilman Burt, seconded by C~uncilman McNeil, and an the f~ll~wing roll call v~ote, t~-wit: ~4YES: G'auncilw~oman Thomps~n, G~ouncilmen McNeil, Burt, W~od and Mayar Jac~bs. NOES: N~ne .4BSENT ; N~ne the ~oregoing Ordinance wa,s ad~opted this 22nd day of Dec~ et~ber, 1964. O1~D. N4e 202 - 4~ Hotel & Motel Ta~ n Or inance ~o the C;ity o Arroy~o Grande establishing l a RoQm Occupancy Tax was read through the title, thereupon a motion was made by ~~auncilman Burt, seconded by C~uncil~ woman Thomps~on, t~ dispense with reading the balanc~ of the Ordinance. Moti~n unanimously carried, ORDI NANGE NO , 202 AN ORDINA.NGE OF THE CI TY OF ARROYO GRANDE IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE PRIVIZEGE OF TRAN- SIENT OCGUPI~NCY AND PROVIDING FOR THE GOI,I~ECTI ON THEREOF . On moti~n ~of G'~ouncilman McNeil, sec~onded by Councilman Burt, aMd on the followin~ r~ll ca11 vote, to-w~.t: AYES: ~ouncilw~oman Th~omps~n, C~ouncilmen McNeil, Burt, Wa~od, and Mayor Jacobs, NOES • None ABSENT: None °t~e f4reg~oing Ordinance was ad~opted this 22nd d~y of DecEmber, ~.~64. City C~uncil - Dec. 22, 1964 - Pa~e 2 ALLEY IN WALNUT GROVE ADDITION A motion was made by C~ouncilman McNeil, secanded by Councilman W~o~od that quitclaim deeds be accepted from Arthur C. Davis and Helene M, Davis and Fl~orence L. Bennigs- d~orf, for that p~ortian of aband~ned Cross Street necessary to connect an existing 15' Alley. M~ti~on carried. RESOL. ABAND. UNNAMED ALLEYS IN WALNUT GROVE ADDN. A Res~oluti~on ~of the Gity ~f Arr~yo Grande aband~oning Qorti~ons ~of unnamed alley~s in Wal~.ut Grvve Additi~on w~s read thr~ough the title, thereup~on, a m~oti~n was made by Gouncilman McNeil, sec~onded by C~un~ilman W~o~od, to dispet~.se with readin~ the balance ~f the Res~luti~on, M~oti~on un- animously carried. RESOLUTION NO,. 642 RES OI,UTI ON VACATING , AB~ANDONI NG AND GLfJS ~ ING PORTIONS OF UNNAMED ALLEYS IN THE WALNUT ~ROVE ADDITION TO THE GITY OF ARROYO GRA:'NT)E, ~ COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF C,~LIF-- ORNIA . On moti~on of C~uncilman Burt, sec~nded by C~ouncilman 1~IcNei1, and ~n the foll~win~ rr~11 call v~ote, to-wit: AYES: C~uncilw~oman Th~mps~n, C~uncilmen McNeil, Burt , W~~od , and May~r Jac~o bs . NOES : N~one ABSENT: N~ne ~he f~reg~oing Res~olutian caas ad~opted this 22nd day of D2c- ember, 1964, RESOL. ADOPTING WAGE SGALE FOR 1965 A Resolut~on ~f the Gity ~of Arr~y~o Grande adopting a wage sc"al~ for Public W~orks Pr~o jects for 1965 was resd thr4ugh the title, thereup~on a m~oti~on was made by Council- man W~~d, seconded by C~uncilw~oman Th~omps~on, to dispense with reading the balance ~of the Res~oluti~on. M~oti~on un- animously carried. RESOLUTION NQo 643 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE SCALE. On tYwti~on ~of G~uncilwoman Th~mps~n, sec~onded by ~~uncilman W~~od, and on tl~.e f~1lr~wing roll call vote, to- witz AYES: Gouncilw~man Th~mps~n, G~uncilmen McNei.l, Burt, Wo~d, and May~or Jac~bs. NOES : N~one AB:S~NT : N~ne , the f~oreg~ing Res~oluti~on was ad~pted this 22nd day ~f De~- ember, 1964. N~TICE OF PUBa HEAR. MORRO BAY HARBOR A notice ~of Public He~.rin~ ~on Review Rep~ort, Morro Bay Harbor, M~orr~ Day, Calif~ornia, was received by the Council with n~o acti~n being taken at this time. City G~ov.ncil s Dece 22, 196~+ m Pa~e 3 1965-66 HOUSEHOLDER ASSESSMEN'I' A notice was received r~om -the San Luis Obispo County Assessor advisin~ the C~ouncil. that pers~onal pr~operty ~f every householder in -the G~oranty will be exempted fr~om the 1965-66 Assessment~ SUNSET DRIVE STORM DRAIN HOLD-HARMLESS AGREEo A H~old-Harmless a~reement had been prepared as a C~on- tract Addendum f~ar Pr~o ject 90-64-9, Sunset. Drive St~orm Drain and was taken under disctxssi~on at this timea A moti~on was made by C~ouncilw~oman Th~mps~on, sec~onded by C~ouncilman Wood, that the h~ld-harmless a~reement be-tween the City and West C~ast G~ons~tructi~n C~mpany, Ince be appr~ved and that the Mayor and City Clerk be auth~rized to sign the agreemen~ ~on behalf af the Citye Moti~n carried, FALSE ARREST INSURA.NGE FOR C~'I'Y OFFICIALS After discussi~on, a m~tion was made by Councilw~man Thomps~on, sec~onded by C~uncilman McNeil, ~hat the City pro- ceed in obtainin~ False Arres-t Insurance to cover the City Gt~uncil, City ~lerk and City Administra~tor, t~o be in can-~ juncti~on with the P~olice Fa1se Arrest Insurance and the P~olice Department t~ participate 100%, M~tion carriede RESIGN, OF SEG, TO ADMIN, (Petex°s~n) A m~tion was made by G+~uncilman Burt, sec~nded by G~ouncilman MGNeil ~that the resi~nat~~n ~o~ Marilyn Petersen be accepted effective December.4th, 1964. M~oti~on carried. REZ0I~ING REQUEST (N, Elm St, - Pinnell) A m~ti~on was made by G~ouncil.man McNeil, sec~onded by G~ouncilw~oman Th~omps~on that the rez~oning request ~f Glenn E. Pinn.ell t~o rez~one a p~rtion ~f I,~ot 15 of the F~olsom Tract fram R-1 t~o Multiple Family Residential ~or R-3 be set f~or hearing at 8;00 PaMA January l2, 1965, Motion carried. PROGRESS REPORT SOo SLO COo SAN. DIST, Mayor Jac~obs rep~rted ~oralTy ~ori meetings held ~on December 14th and 21st, 1964 ~of the South San I~uis Obispo C~ounty ~anitati~n District B~ard, and advised the plans and treatment plant were bein~ discu~ssed and the treatment plar~.t can be enlar~ed t~o accom~odate 120,000 population and that the pr~~ram was m~vin~ ahead and was 30 days ahead ~f schedule. AU'~H . CURB & GUTTER . GRADES . A m~oti~n was made by C~ou,ncilman W~od, seconded by ~~uncilman McNeil, auth~orizin~ the ~ity Engineer t~o set curb and ~utter ~rades as f~ll~ws: Faeh-Halcy~on Rd.- Frontage R~oad, $250; Sunset Dr~ve, $50; Grand Ave.,$100. M~oti~on carried, ADJOURNMENT On m~ti~on ~f ~~ouncilman McNeil, sec~nded by Council- tnan W~o~od, and unanim~ously carried, the m ing ad journed at 7:58 P.M. ~ f , ATTES T ~ 2 t:`~ ~ _ / G ~ ~GLERK ~