Minutes 1965-01-12 6~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA - January 12, 1965 The Cit~ Council met in re~ular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll ca11, Couricilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of Decem~er 22, 1964 we~~ approved as ~re~ared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, and 5econded by Councilman Wood, that General Warrants No. 532 to and ineludinq No. 601 in the total amount of $32,291.78, and Payroll Warrants Na. 619 to and including No. 719 in the total ~mount of $14,52"7.~3, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. NQTICE TO CIRCULATE PETITION IN RE. BED TAX ORDINANCE Notice of intention to circulate a petition to en~et ~ c~.~;~ ordinance prohibiting the lev~ring of a room occupancy t~~ b~ 1~~Q Keener and Mr. and Mrs. ScYunitt of this City was presentea th~ Council, and thereafter _proof of publication of said petitiQz~ was given to the City Clerk. The City Attorney presented the legal aspects of such a petition and advised the Council ~Ya~at in his legal opinion, this intcntion could not be accomplishec~.a~ provided by the State Constitution. The Council was in agreeMent that this matter be considered closed, and that the petition in question be placed on file. POSSIBLE CREEK CLE~Ii~~ fl~ ARROYO GRANDE CREEK (Project ir~volves approximately 44,200 feet of ~+aid creek, ranging from Lapez Dam Site to the Pacific Ocean.) Mr. Robert H. Bp~~, C~~~lt~z ~3~4~'311.1]~:C- FncY~F'~..? .~"R ~esented verbally the pertine#~t information contained in his lett~r to the Board of Supervisors of San Luis Obispo County,Flood Control and Water Conservation District, dated December 22, 1964, to which was attached an accompan~ring map showing the area involved. Various phases of this project were brou~ht into discussion, and after this general discussion, it was concludsd that additional. time was needed to reach a beneficial and appropriate decision on this ereek cleari~g project; and to this end, a working con~mittee composed of representatives of the City of Ar~oyo Grande, the Zone 1 and Zone 3 Advisory Committee, the Soil Conse~vation District and the various other communities involved be est~blished to evaluate this project and thereafter present their findingS to the Council. Mayor Jacobs asked that Councilman Wood repre~ent the City on such committee as chairman, and that he, together ~iith the City Adminis- trator follow through on the neces5ary arrangements for such committee meeting. The Comrnittee will report their findings to the Council on February 9, 1965. PUBLIC HEARING TO REZONE PORTION OF LOT 15 OF 'THE FOLSOM TRACT, (~7. ELM ST.) BY GLENN E. PINNELL FROM R-1 to R-3 Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing now opened to consider the request to rezone a portion of above subject prope~ty, which hear- ing was duly published and property owners notified, and all persons for or against the request would be heard. The City Administrator pointed out the property in question on the Cit~ Map and advised that this rezoning had been brought before the ~ity Planning Com- mission and had received their approval. Since there was no fur- ther discussion for or against said request, Ma~or Jacobs declared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, ~ motion was made , by Councilman McNeil and seconded by Councilman Burt, that the re~oning of that portion of Lot 15 of the Folsom Tract City C~uncil ARROYO GRANDEB C~ALIF'ORNIA - January ~2B 1965 - P~ge Z from R-1 to R-3 be ~~prp~r~d a~ recommended by ~1ze PTannir~g Commis~ sion. Mo°tion carri~cl. An ordinance arilencl~n~ Ordinance No. 15'7 of the Cit~r o~ ~~rc~~ro Grande, so a s to ~~a~one c~r°tain _ propert~ a.n the City of 1~r°~ay~s Grande, was r~ad ~o.~ th~ firs°~ readin.g t~hrough the title; °~he~~~- upon a motion was m~de `b~ Councilman McNeil, and seconde~ by Councilman Burt °th~~ the reading of the remainder of thE o~dinat;=;~t~ be dispensed wit°h. Mo°tiori un~nimously carried. PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 383 ALDER ST, Further discussion regard~ng the subject residence, o~cupie~l by Mr. Fulbrighto which residenc~ considered to be a public nuisance and should be aba~ecl by razing or removing, was.pres~:n~Ged. 1~1.r. Fulbright was given ur~til ~this ~.ate ~o rectify the exis~ing conditions of such premise~9 0~° ra~e ~ame, howevero no~hing has been done. T°he City Adrnin~s~~°a~o~ wa~ a~]ced ~o continue ~ursu}.ng this mattera and pos~ibly ~,ri~l~ ~~e joint efforts by the City and the County Hea1~h Depar°~.men°t9 ~lz~s ma°~ter could be conclud~~a A motion was made by Councilman ~i~ocTa and ~econded by CouncilwQman . Thompson, that an add~°tiona~ 30 c~ay ex~ension be given on this matter; motion carriecl. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer a s Mon°th~y FZepor°~ ~o~° °the mon°th of December, 1964 was received by the Coune~~ and o~clered f~.led. Other statis- tical reports, namely9 Recap of Revenue Year of 1964-1965 Budc~et to date of December 31a 1964 anc~ a Port~olio of Investment of City Funds frqm September 3, 1964 to January 2, 1965, were dis-- cussed briefly, . DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental Mon~hly Report ~or the month of December, 1964. was receivecl by ~he Counci~ and ordered filed. POSSIBLE VOLUNTZ-~RY COOPERATIVE PURCHASING PROGR.AM FOR GASOLINE BETWEEN ARROYO GRANDE, GROVER CI'I'Y A.ND P~SMO BEACH Tlze City Adminis~rator p~°esen-~~d a verbal resume on thi,s possible gas purchasing plan, ancl advised the Council that such program had been approved from a legal standpoint by our City Attorney, The program rece~ved the approval of the Council, and the City Administrator wa~ instructed to contact Grover City and Pismo Beach and obtain the necessary agreement forms so that the call for bicls for gasoline could be presen°~ed at the next ~egular council meeting. GENERAL MASTER PLAN The council was advised by City Administrator that the first r~e~~ting had been °held with M.~°. W~se of Hahn and Wise, and it was also brought to the CouncilQs attention t~at such firm was to:meet with the Planning Commission on February 2a 1965. The Council directed the Ci~y Adminis~ra~or °to contac~ this firm and arrange for a mee°t,ing date with the Counci.l in °t`he near future, exelusive of the planned meeting timesa to present their intentions and plans -to them on this Master Plan for the City. City Cou.ncil ARROYO G~NDEB CALIFORNIA ~Tanua~°y 12a 1965 - Page 3 ~FFICIAL CENSUS - DECEMBER la 1964 The Ci°~~t Administrator aclvised the Council that the Offie}.al Census. as of Decembe~ 1~ 1964o was 6862--only 62 above ou~ 1~63 estimates how~ver, th~~ amoun°~~brouqht an additional $806 fc~r streets and gas tax funds and also covered the cost of the hou~e- to-house census. Fur~h~r factual information as to age, se~ ar~~a dwellinq unit occupancy will be presented in the near fu~ure. NOTICE OF` mHE QUARTERLY CHANNEL CQt7NTIE;S R,~GLRaA~t MEETI~TG The Council was advised that this m~e~ir~~ i~ ~o be~ hosted b t`he City of E1 Paso De Robles on Thursday, J~nu~~'y 2$, ]~96~, A~~ council member~ di~ec~ed the Ci~t~r C1,or9~ to make ~he nece~~a.~°y reserva~aPons ~car ~'~~i~° ~~~tendance. CHERRY ,AV~NUE, HETV~TEEN TRAF'F~C WASt" AI~TD GR~tDEN STREET Because af the ~xtrem~ ~~af£ic '~~zard in exist~nce, i. heavy traffic and narrow wid~`h~ on this sec~tion of Cherry Ave., recommenda~ior~ was made to d~~~~~~ t'his a one way stree~,-~~a~tw until suc`h °~~.me as ~'herry Av~o a~~ macle a full width stree~:t, Reports and recammendations ea~ ~he Fire Chief, Poliee Chie~' and Director of Public Wor]c~ ~r~re discussed. The Council ~as in agreement and instructed ~:he Ca~~y A~~torney to prepare the neeessary resolution. HAT~CYON ROA.I3 PROJECT The Council was advi~ec~ by ~he City Administrator that on January 50 1965, seven bids were reaeived, and opened, for t~e widening of Halcyon Road. Th~ Counc~t refrained from awarding the ~ontract at this council. meeting for finalizing rights-o~- way. Tlze City Aclministx°ator advised ~hat negotia°tions fQr one piece of property have been unsuccessful, and therefore would recommend that condemnation proceedings be taken. After Council discussion, a motion was macle by Counci~man Wood, and sec~nded ~y Gouncilman Burt, that the Gity Attorney be authorized to proceed wa.th condemnation action on the property needed to~ the roadway owned by Mrs. Amelia M, Silva, and that the Mayor be authorized to ~ign any necessary papers in connection with thi,~ action. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilrnan McNeil, and seconded by Coun- cilman Burta to accept °the deecls for rights-of-way for the Halcyon Road project as follows: Martin Polin, a married man, . who acquired title as a single mans Winston D. Larsen and Evelyn Larsen, husband and wife~ Martin Polin, a married man, who aequi~°ed title as a single mans Urietta E. Wheatley, a widow; Walker-Huston, a California Corporation; George D. Ribken and Madge Ann Ribken, husband and ~nrife; William R. Jurinjak and Isabel H. Jurinjak, hus- band and wifeo Jess Gladson Jr. and Helen Gladson, husband and wifes Gertrude Pearce, a widow; Donald D. Messer and Margaret J. Messer, husband and wife; Vick Pac~o an unmax°ried mang Frank Nunn and Fielen Nunn, °husband and wife, Lyle O. Long and Charlotte D. Long, i~us3~nd and wife, and Gabino Negrete, a widower. Motion carried. The City Administra~or recommended, and the Council approvecl, t'hat Joseph Wolosz be appointed as the eonstruction inspector on the Halcyon Project. ! CALIFORN2.~ COUNTY R0~ AND CITY STREET PROGRESS AND NEEDS' REPOR'~ ` The City Administra~tor adv~.sed that we had received a copy of the above named reporta as prepared by tlze State Division of Highwayss and it is on f~.le for the Councilas information. 68 City C~uncil ARROYO G1~ANDEa CALIFORNIA - January 12p 1965 - Page ~ ELM STREET IMPROV~MENT PROJECT Mayor Jacobs inst~ucted the Ci~y Administrator to,~repare a progress re~ort of the ~roposed E1m Street im~rovement betw~en F~i~ Oaks Avenue and Farrell Roada and presen~ same at the nex~ me~t~ng~ SOUTH COUNTY SANITATTON DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs gave hi~ Progress Report and ~dvised tha~t ~h~ plan had been approved by ~he Federal Government. RABIES CLINIC The Cit~ Adminis~krator advised the Council that th~ annual Rabies Clinic has been sclzeduled at t'he Arroyo Grande Fire Station from 1 to 3 P.M. on January 2~a 19650 SUNSET STORM DRAIN The City Admin~strator informed tlze Council that the work this storm drain ~s 90/ comp~etecla and °that the contractor requ~s~t~c1 a contract pa~ment. CFLOSSING GUARD - GR.A.ND & ELM -~N RE. ST. PATRICK o S CATHOLIG SCH~C>L Correspondence was receiv~d ~rom the S°t. Patri~k's School re- questing that the school crossinq guard at Elm and Grand be provided for the children of t1-ieir school. Af~e~ Council discussion, it hras agreed that the crossing guard would be provided on those few days of the regular school year on which school attendance differs between St,. PatrickBs and the publ~c schools. ENDORSEMENT OF WORLDeS FAIR SITE AT PISMO BEACH Correspondence was ~°eceived ~rom the Pismo Beach World's Fair Committee thanking ~the Counc~l for ~heir endorsement by Resolution of the Worl~ ° s E~air site fox° 1968. RESIGNATION OF DONALD SEARCYa CHAIRMANo RECREATION AND PZ~RKS COMMTT'Z'EE Mayor Jacobs read Donald Searcyas letter of resignation as chairman of the Recreation and Parks Committee. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, and seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, tllat the resignation of Donald Searcy as chairman of the Recreation and Parks Committee, be accepted as of January 6, 1965; motion carried. ,At the n~.xt cc~~a.nc~l z~eet~r~c~~ ,~yor a:ac.c~~as ,~za.ll ..~:ovide the nam~s of some recommended persons for consideration to fi~,l the vacancy on the Par7cs and Recreation Commission. AA70URNMENT On motion of Councilman wood9 seconded by Councilman MeNeil, and unanimously carried, ~he mee°tin °ourned at 9:22 P.M. ~ ~ E ATTEST:~ ~°1 d~-~-~L~~" CI CL RK YOR 6f~ ?