Minutes 1965-02-23 79 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 23, 1965 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Wood, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular mee~ing of February 9, 1965 w~~~ approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman ThompsonB seconded by Councilman Wood, tha~ General Warrants No. 675 to and includiz~ No. 703 in the ~otal amount of $21a591.38, and Payroll Warra~~~ No. 815 to and including No. 860 in the total amount o~ $6,856.34, be au~horized and ordered paid. Motion carri~d. ANNUAL GASOLINE PURCHASE - RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT The City Administrator reparted thafi on F~bruary 188 1965, at the hour o~ 2:00 P.M., bids were received and opened i~a tl~e office of the Ci~.y C1erk of Arroyo Grande, for the purpose o~ supplying gasoline for the City of Arroyo Grande for the year commencing 1vIarch 1, 1965 and ending February 28p 1966, this being the date and time set by the Council for said bid opening. Bids were received as follows; Richfield Oil Corporation, Ethyl .2251, Regular .2022; Shell Oil Co., Ethyl .2830, Regu- lar .2430s Standard Oil Co.B Ethyl .2382a Regular .2151; Texaco, Inc., Ethyl .232, Regular .207. A motion was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Council- man McNeil, that the 1ow bid as submitted by Richfield Oil Corp- oration for supplying gasoline to the City from 1"~tarch 1, 1965 to and including February 28, 1966,be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract. II~~Ilotion carried. DANGEROUS AND DEADLY WEAPONS The City Administrator presented factua~ information taken from the records of the City°s Police Department relative to the number of violations and various case problems which have arisen from occurrences involving fireworks~ sling shots, B-B guns, blow guns, pel.let guns, etc., and advised the Council that the proposed ordinance to control the use of such small arms would be presented at the nex~. regular council nneeting, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES' REPORT - S.C.A. 17, TELEPHONE FRANCHISE TAX The City Administrator presented a general resume an this subject matter, which involves a proposed State constitutional amendment imposing a 1% tax on the intrastate gross receipts of the telephone companies doing business in California, which tax ~~.ands would be prorated by population to cities and caunties of ~he State of California. Mr. C. B. McCullar spoke in behalf the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. After considerable Council discussion, the Council con- cluded that further study and discussion was necessary be~ore ene~.orsement could be given by the Council. The City Administrator was directed to fol~.ow up on tl~e latest developments of this subject matter and advise the Council accordingly, -7_- 80 City C~uncil ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA -2- ~EBRUARY 23, 1965 ARROYO GRANDE CREEK - POSSIBL~ CLEARANCE The Council was advised by the Ci~y Admin~stra~or that a joint meeting between the nei~Jhboring ci°~iesa i. e.a Grover City and Pismo Beacho has ~entatively been scheduled for March I74 1965 at 7:30 P.M.o in the Arroyo Grande Council Chambersa for considering and discussing t7ie possib~e clearance of ~he Arroyo Grande Creek. STATE APPROPRIATED FUNDS TO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Councilman Wood and Councilman Bur~o composing th~ S-~:a~e Projects Committee~ as appointed by Mayor Jacobso advis~d ~he Council of ~heir ~indings ~n ~hi~ ma~ter. After general discussion by the Counci~o Mayo~°,7acobs appoin~ed himself ~o arrange a meetir~g with the mayors of Pismo B~ach and Grover° City in a fur~her attempt ~o pursue this ma~tera and °to have a"meeting of the minds°' on the poss~ble future projects fc~r the South County area. PUBLIC giEARING - SPREADING OF ASSESSMENT ON 25th STREET The City Administrator reviewed the report of the SZA~- =~-iz~~- tendent of Streets regarding the insta~.la~ion of curb, gut~~~° and driveway aprons on 25~h S~reetB the cost of samea and the spreading of a~sessment to indiv~dual proper~ty owners. The total cost of the projec~t was $4~262.75.° Mayor Jacobs declared the hearing on the report of ~he Superintendent of Streets was duly posteda and the hearing was now open; and all persons for or against the repor~ would now be h~ard. l~~ir, Ivan M. Seal, who resides at 413 W. Agnese San~a Mariao California, and who owns the property at 1210 25~h St.a Arroyo Grandev California, inquired as to ~he various methods of paymen~ acceptable to the City; thereafter, the Ci~y Administrato~° ~xplained such methods,. of payment. Since there were no other persons who spoke for or against the repor-~p Mayor ~acobs cleclared ~1-ie hearing closed. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burta that the report of the Superinten- dent of Street~ regarding the installation of curb, gutter and driveway aprons on 25th S-treet9 the cost of same and the spread- ing of assessment to the individual property owners, in t~he total amount of $4,262.75, be approved. Motion carried. Thereaf~er, a resolution con~irming the report of the Superintendent of Streets and levying assessment for the instal- lation of curb9 gutter and driveway aprons on 25th Street was read through the title; thereupona a motion was made by Council- . man McNeila and seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ to dispense with reading of the balance of ~the Resolution; znotion unani- mously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 646 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF TEiE SUPERINTEN- DENT OF STREETS AND LEVYING ASSESSP~NT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APRONS. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to witz _2_ ~1 City Cuuncil ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA -3- FEBRUARY 23a 1965 AYES: Councilwoman ThompsonB Councilmen McNeil, Bur~, Wood and r~Iayor Jacobs, NOES: None, ABSENT: Nonea the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 23rd day of F~b~uar~, 1965. ANIMAL HOSPITAL - IiALCYON ROAD AND BENNETT A.VENUE - PLANTER POSSIBLE PUBLIC HAZARD COUNCILMAN WOOD WAS EXCUSED FROM THE MEETING AT 8m07 Fa M. BY MAYOR JACOBS BECAUSE OF HIS POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEI-t~~'I' HEREIN. The City Administrator advised the Council regarding ~~e past and present s~atu~ of tlzis pa~t,icular planter box va~.''.~^~ encircles a large cypress treea and which is in tlze immec~:~~~.~ surrounding ground area of the animal ~hosp~~al building. Dr. Kenneth R. Levine, D.V.M,a expre~sed himself before the Council~ primarily his main concern was to conserve the tree. Mr. Donald Cotner, the archi~ect for the animal hospi~al build- ing, presented his views on this mat~er. After considerable discuss~on by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman Burta seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the City arrange ~or =tlze necessary removal of the hazardous pox- tion of the planter box and/or wallo and con~inue the concrete sidewalk to ~he curb, and that the cost t.hereof be borne by the City. Motion carried. COUNCILMAN WOOD I S NOW PRESENT AT 8 s 35 P, l~I. HALCYON ROAD PROJECT The City Admin~strator verbally presented an up-to-date status report o~ the Halcyon Road improvements now under con- struction, and presented an easement for Council acceptance from E. C, and Florence Sevier for the stoxm drain installa- tion crossing their property. A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, ~o accept an easement for storm drainage purposes in connection wit~h the Halcyon Road Project from E, C. Sevier and Florence Sevier. Motion carried. Joseph Wolosz, the construction inspector on the Halcyon Road Project, was commended for his excellent~ coordination between the contractor, the residents and the businesses effec~ed thus far. G:~avERAL STREET PAVING - PROJECT NOS. 90-64-3A, 4A, 5 and 6 OTHERS The City Administrator gave the Cauncil a summarization of these projects, and adv~sed that the street improvements wer~ now completed. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Wood, that the improvements of General Stree~ Paving, Projects Nos. 90-64-3A, 4A, 5 and 6, and the additional paving of Pi7~~, _3_ 8~2 City C~ouncil ARROYO GRANDEs CALIFORNIA -4- FEBRUARY 230 1965 Dodson Way, Wh~~eley, Poole and Ide S~:ree~s~ as completed by C. S. Construction Coe be accepted. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATIC?N D~STRICT Mayor Jacob.~ advised that tk~e eQns~r~t~~i.or~ ~a~o~j~ct b~ds would be openec~ c~n March 1, i965~ anc~ ~~a~ th~ ~~11 ~car bids ~ on the sale caf t~e U~s~rict's Ge~neral ~`bl.i.c~ation bond~ was fa~~~~ • coming. ARRQYD GRANT~~ M~RGHANTS e AS50CTA'.I"ION - PAN~~ BREAKFAS~' The Czty Ac~min~.s~rator annQU~c~d receip~ of a let~er f~c~zn the above n~med assoc~.ationa in which they advise their spon- sorship of a Pan~ake Breakfast on Sa°turday, March 6p 1965, and the Ci~.y Adm~nistra~or advised the Mayor that he has been aske~ to sound the "K~ck O~f Whistle" for such ~vent. STATE LEGISLATURE - STATE ASSEMPLY AND SENATE The City Admin~.strator gave a brief report on his visit . to the State A~sem~ly and State Senate during his recent ~~°i.p to Sacramento, and informed the Council of the encouragement given by the State Legislative Department for all city offi~ial~ and citizens to visit same. SAN LUIS..OBISPO CHAMBER OF COMNlERCE - LUNCHEON Councilwoman Thompson brouglz~ °to the Council's attention the San Luis Obispo Chamber of ~omme~°ce ~uncheon scheduled at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo on February 27, 1965 at twelve noon. Assezni~lyman Sho~maker and Senator Sturgeon will be guest speakers. PLANNING CONFERENCE AT ASILOMARo CALIF. * The City Administrator advised the Annual Planning Con- ference will be he1.d at Asilomar, California on r~Iarch 13, 1965 and if any of the Council wishes to attend~ to contact him so reservations could be made. ; ARROYO GRANDE DAY - DODGER STADIUM The City I~dministrator informed the Council that June 16, 1965 will be Arroyo Grande Day at Dodger S~adium. AATOURNMENT On Motion by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and unanimously carried, the mee~ing adjourned at 9:24 P. M. _.....w~ ;r / , ATTEST a ~ ' " ~ ~ ITY CLE ~ _4_ !