Minutes 1965-03-09 8~ ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFOR~IA MARCH 90 1965 The City Council met in regular session wi~~ Mayor ~acob~ presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompsona Counc~~m~n Wood, McNeil and Burt reported presento MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of Fe~~uary 230 ~965 w~~e approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman ~hompsona seconded by Councilman Wooda that General Warrants No. 704 ~o and in- cluding 761 in the total amount of $39a543.07~ an~ Payroll Warrants Noo 861 to and including No. 919 in ~h~ ~otal amount of $7,638.06, be authorized and ordered paid, Motion ca~r~~d~ DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental Monthly Report ~or the mon~h of Feb~~aryo 1965 was received by ~he Council and ordered ~iled. TREASURER'S REPORT The Treasureres Monthly Reports for ~~e month of Feb~ua~ya 1965 were received by the Council and ordered ~~led~ FIRST READING - ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE DTSCHARGE OF DANG~ROUS AND DEADLY WEAPONS IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATTON THEREOFo The City Administrator reviewed for ~he Counci~ the pur- pose and need for the dangerous and deadly weapons ordinance; and after Council discussiono the Ordinance entitled9 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROHIBITING THE DISCHARGE OF DANGEROUS AND DEADLY WEAPONS IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITHB was read through th~ ~itle for the first reading. Thereupon~ a motion was made by Coun- cilman Burto seconded by Councilman McNeil~ to dispense with , reading the balance of the Ordinance. Motion unan~mously carried. AUTHORIZATION FOR AGREEMENT IN REm PURCHASE OF LAN~ FOR CITY OF ~ ARROYO GRANDE -(PENCE PROPERTY) The City Administrator stat~d the property owned by Jack Pence ad~acent to the proper°ty owned by the City on the South side of Branch Street could be purchased for $17~500.00 net to the seller. After discussion~ a motion was made by Coun- cilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt~ that the C~.~y was in favor of purchasing the Pence property adjacent to ~he City pr°aperty on the Soutlz sicle of Branch Stree~ between Mason 5~~~~:~ and Short Streeto and instructed tYie City Attorney to p~~pare a~two or three year lease purchase agreement. Motion ~~rried. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES -LEGISLATIVE DIGEST OF THE ASSEMBLY AND SENATE AFFECTING CITIES The Council held a general discussion relative to ~tlze various 1965 proposed assembly bills affecting citiesa an~ also in this same connection, the City Administrator reviewecl ~o~° the Council a memoranclum received from the League of Ca~if- ornia Cities, dated March 8e 1965, describing adcl~tional i~em~ of special interest to cities of California. Af~er Council discussion, the City Administrator vras direc~ed to correspond _ direc~ly to our Sta~e Assemblyman ancl S~ate Senator stating ~lze Council's opposition to proposecl amendmen~s of ~he B~own 1~ct~ -1- 8~ City C~uncil ARR6Y0 GRANDE, CALIFORNIA - PAGE Z MARCH 9~ ~965 CITY COUNCTL - P.ARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION - JOIN'I' M~ET~NG The Semiannual Joint Meeting of the Par7cs and Re~~eation Commission with °the City Council has been tenta°tivel.y ~c~hedule~. for April 28a 1965 at 7a30 P.M. in the Council Chambersa Ci~y Ha11o City of Arroyo Grande. BRUSH POPPER RIDING CLUBa INCv - REQUEST TO LEASE CER'I'AIN CITY OWNED PROPERTY ON HIGHWAY 1 ~ The City Adminis~rator analyzecl for the Council tlze reque~t of this above named riding club to lease the city owned proper~y locatecl on Highv~ray One~ which comprises five acres more or less~ for the purpo~e of staging horse showse play day~ and o°~he~ or- ganized events. After Council cliscussion~ the Ci°~y A~~orney was directed to prepare a pre~.iminary wri-~ten d~°af~ of a pro- posed lease between the Ci~y and ~he Brush Popper Ricling Club for the proposed leasing of tlze property in question. SANTA MARIA'S SPACE CITY INTERNATIONAL PROJECT REPORT This report was presented to the Council ~or tlZei~° review ancl information, and °thereafter placed on ~ile. ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICER GEORGE FRANKLIN JONES - GRADUATION FROM RIVERSIDE COUNTY POLICE ACADEMY The City Administrator informed the Council `that Police Of~icer George Franklin Jones had comple~ed his police officer training course at the Riverside County Police Academy on March 29a 1965, having graduated in the ~op half of his c~asso and lzaving received a finaT grade of 92.5. He was commended for his excellence in t,he completion of this police training school course. FIRE HORN - NOON WHISTLE Tlze Council discussed the proposed idea of the fire horn being sounded daily at the hour of twelve noon~ to indicate such hour° to the community. After Council discussion, it was agreed tha~ the fire horn would be used as the "noon whistle" commencing Monday, March 15, 1965. ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FOR EXTENSION OF WOOD PLACE The City Administrator advised the Council that the por- tion of Wood Place w°hich was developed by Mr. Bowen has been completed including curb, gutt~r and street, and the City Administrator recommended ~hat final acceptance thereof be made. Af~er Council discussiono a motion was made by Councilman Mc~~~ila seconded by Councilman Wood, that the Grant Deed o~ ~~.}~~~d A. Bowen and Lucille B. Bowen, husband and wifeo to the ~~ty of Arroyo Grande, for a certain portion of Lot 3 of the ~`olsom Tracta City,of Arroyo Grande, designated Wood Plac~ ext~ns~on~ be acceptecl and recordedo and the improvements of said property be accepted. Motion carried. HALCYON k~OAD PROJECT The City Administrator gave the Council a current p~ogre~s report on this project, ancl advised that paving of tha°t por- tion of Halcyon Road between ~he Frontage Roacl and Grand Avenu~ was scheduled for completion on Marcl~ 11 or 12a 1965, -2- 85 City C~u~cil ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA - PAGE 3 MARCH 5~ ~.965 Also, in this connectiona tlze Ci~y Adminis~.ra~o~° p~e- sented the report ancl ~ecorr~mendations of °the Public Tn1or~C~ Director regarding the curbsa gut~ers and s~dev~ralks on ~~on~- age Roada Nor~h Halcyon Roade Rena S°~~eet and others where needed. After Council cliscus~iono a motion vras made by Gaun- cilman Wood, seconded by Councilwoman Thompsona ~o use~ w°he~°e neededa the Short Assessment Procedur°e as p~°ovidecl by t`~e Improvement Act of 1911 to accomp~i~h ~he installa~ion of ` curbs, gu~ters and sidewalk~. Motion carried. The City Adminis°trator also advi~ecl the Counc~~ t~`ha~ the storm drain cons~.ruc°tion was prpgre~sing sati~fa~~o~~~y~ and in 'this conn~ction9 presented temporary easemen°~~ an~. pe~~an- ent easernents for the Councilas acceptance. The~ea~te~~ a motion was made by Council~romari Tlzompsono secondecl by ~~un- cilman Burta that the Right of Way Cont~ac~ ancl Teinpora~y Easement of Lois B. Grieb, ancl ~he Righ,t o~ Way Con~~ac°t an~ Temporary Easement of Frecl A. Grieb and Ger°trucle H. G~iek~a ~e accepted and placed on fi1e, and, that the permanent Easement o~ Frecl Am Grie`b and Ge~~~°ucle H. Grieb~ husband and wife~ °to the City of Arroyo GrancleB for s~orm drain purposes be accepted and recorcTed. Mo~ion carriecl. FARRELL ROAD - NO PARKING - SOU'I'H SIDE OF FARRELL ROAD BETWEEN THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF TRACT NO. 2B3 TO ELM STR~ET The City Adminis°trato~° presented detailed factual infor- mation to the Council regarding the restriction of "'No Park- ing" on the south side of Farrell Road, between Elm ancl tlze ~,~rest boundary line of Tract No. 283. After Council cliscussion, the City Clerk read, in its entiretya a Resolution to effect the "No Par]cing" in such designated area. RESOLU'I°ION NO. 647 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR "NO PARKING" ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF FARRELL ROAD On motion by Councilman McNeilo seconded by Councilwoman Thompsona and by the following roll call votea to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen McNeila Burt, Wood and Mayor Jacobsa NOES: Nonea ~ ABSENT: Nonea the ~oregoing Resolution ~ras adopted this 9°t?- day of Ma~clza 1965. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs gave a current report on the Distric~tBs projects. He also advised that April 5a 1965 has been ten~a~~vely scheduled for the sale of bonds, as well as the awarding o~ ~h~ construction contracts. -3- 8~ city c~uncil ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA - PAGE 4 MARCH 9a 1965 POSSIBLE CREEK CLEAR.ANCE OF ARROYO GRANDE CRE~K The City Administrator brought to the attention o~ °~he Council the joint meeting be°tween Grover City, P~~mo Beac~ ar~c~ Arroyo Grande, which is tentatively scheduled for March 1'7a 1965 at 7:30 P,M. in the Arroyo Grancle Council Chambers fo~° the purpose of considering ancl discussing the possible c~.ear- ance of the Ar°royo Grande Creek; Councilmen Wood and McNeil are the appointed representatives for Arroyo G~°ande. NOTICE OF QUARTERLY CHANNEL COUNTIES REGULAR MEETING Tlze Council was advised t1~a~ this meeting is to be hostecl by the City of Santa Barbara on Thursclaya Ap~°il l, 1965, at the El Paseo Restaurant9 813 Anacapa Streeto Santa Ba~baraa California. The City Clerk was directed to make the requisi~te number of reservations for those planning ~o attend th~~ r~ree~ingm CHAMBER OF COMD'lERCE OF SAN LUIS OBISPO The City Administrator announced ~o °the Council the Chamber of Commerce of San Luis Obispo dinner meeting on March 26, 1965 at 7 P.M,q a~ the ~~Iadonna Inn. TRAFFIC CONTROL - GRAND AND ELM The City Administra°tor presented to ~he Council a report of the Public Works Dir°ec~tor and the Chief of Police relative °to tlze lzazardous traffic conclitions anticipated a=~ ~t~e in~er- section of Grand and Elm upon the opening of the Williams Bro~hers Shopping Center, and also presented a map of suc°h intersection with the proposed traffic controls indicated °tl~.ereon~ i.e., raised center islands and boulevard stop signs. A~te'r Council cliscussion, the City Clerk read a resolution, in its entire~ya to effect establishment of boulevard stop signs at E1m and Grand. RESOLUTION NO. 648 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and by the following roll call vote~ to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen McNeil Burta Wood and Mayor ,Tacobs, NOESa None~ ABSENT: None, ~Y~~ for~going resolution was adop°ted this 9th day of March9 1965. P. G~ & E. - NIPOMO MESA PLANT Mayor Jacobs announced that a letter °had been received from the Divis~on of Beaches and Parks acknowledging our l~~te~° of support of the P. G. and E. Nipomo Mesa Plant. -4- City C~uncil ' ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA - PAGE 5 MARCH 9a ~965 FIRST BAPT~ST CHURCH Mayor Jacobs announced ~t~ha~ he woulcl ~be speaking a~ dedic~tion ceremony o~ the property of the F°irs°t Baptist Churcho located on Halcyon Roada on March 21B 1965, DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION - JUS'~ICE COURT Mayor Jacobs cliscussed a~ letter received ~~°orn the Do~- tov~rn Merchants Associatione acldre~secl ~o ~he Boarcl of Sup~~- visors of the County of San Luis Obispo and da~ed F~b~°ua~y 260 1965, with reference to ~lze proposecl relocation of th~ Fou~°~lz Judicial District Court in Grover City. AIA70URNNIENT On motion by Councilman McNeil, secon~ed by Councilwoman Thompsona t`he meeting aclj ourned at 9 v 12 P. M, I~Iotion carried. r ATTEST: ~ w._~. ~ C ~ CLERK"~ Y~R ~ - ~ ~ _5 _