Minutes 1965-03-23 8$ ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORN~A MARCH 239 ~965 The Ci~y Counc~~ met ~n ~~g~~a~ ~es~~on ~i~~ Mayor Jacobs- presiding, Upon ro~Y ea~lo Counci~~oman T~~mg~o~~, Caunc~~~~n Wood and McNeil ~epo~~e~ presen~m Counci"l~an Bu~~~wa~ ab~en~m M~NUTE APPROVAL Tne ~inu~es of the ~egula~ mee~ing of Marc~ 90 196~ ~~~e approved as prepared. APPROVAL_OF WARRANTS A motion was mad~ by Counc~~v,~omar~ '~hompsono ~econdec~ ~y Counc~lman Wooc~9 ~hat General 4Va~ran~~ No~ 762 ~a and ~nc~ud~ng Nom 81~ ~n the ~o~al amoun~ of $~~0 680.OOo ~n~. Pa~~oll V3a~~an~~- - No. 920 to and ~.nclucl%ng 955 i,n ~lze ~c~~a~ amoun~ o~ $7~098.~Ts be au~ho~°ized anc~ o~c~er~d paid. Mo~ion ca~°~~ed~ WEL_COME TO ~OY SCOUTS BY MAYOR JACOBS Mayor Jacobs ex~,er~c~~d a speci~~ we~com~ ~o ~he Boy ~eou~s in at-~endance a~t ~he Counci~ mee~~..ng and ~o ~k.he~~° ~eade~, No~man Jensen. LET'I'ER OF APPRECIATION ~ROM JO~ Z~ LEWT S The City Administ~at;o~ ~ead the le~~~~~ of appr~~ia~~on f~om Mr. Joe L. Lewis of 14'70 ~~e~°~a Driveo A~r°oyo Granc~~q a.n which he commencled the C~~y Crew o~ '~~uck No, ~ for ~h~ir e~~i- ~~en~ and cou~~eous se~°vic~" ~n conr~~c~ion wi~h ~'he co~~e~~~.on of hazardous condi~ion~ cau~~c1 by ~he heavy rain~ on ~h~~ ~~~i- den~~~l ~~~ee~. O~l~~NANC~ NO, 204 - DANGEROUS AND DEADLY V~IEAPONS ~ An O~°dinance of the C~~y o~ Arroyo Grande p~oh~bi~ing ~1~~ c7.i~c~ia~ge of dang~rou~ anc~ deaa~y weapon~ was read ~through tl~e titl.e by ~he City Clerk9 ~hereupor~a a mo~ion was made by Counc~lman McNe~19 seconded by Counci.lwomara'I"hompsona to dis- pense with reading -the balance of ~he O~dinance~ mo~ion unani- mously carried. ORDINANCE NO~ 204 ORDINANCE OF' THE CT'T'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE PRO- HIBITING THE DISCHARGE OF DANG~ROUS AND DEADLY WEAPONS TN THE CITY OF° Z~RROYO GRAND~ AND PROVID'ING PENALTIES FOR Z'HE VIOLATION 'I°HEREOF~ AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANGES IN CONF°LICT HERFWITH. ' Orz motion of Councilman Wooc19 second~d by Counei~vuoman 'I`homp~c~nv and on the following ro11 call vo~e~ ~o w~~m AYES~ Councilwoman ThompvonB Counc~lmen Wood~ McNeil ancl. Mayo~ Jacobs~ NOES: NoneU ABSENZ°v Councilman Bur~, ~he foregoing Ordinance ~,vas aclopted th~s 23rd day of March9 19C5. ~.~A~~ P'~TRCHASE AGREEMENT - JACK PENCE & CITY OF ARROYO GI~.A~~'s~~' ~~~la-~ive to the purchase o~ the~Penc~ prop~r~yo ds~~~c~~~~~~~ ~x~ja~~:z-z~ co ~.he exlsting Ci~y p~operty a~ ~14 Ea~~ B~an~h ~~,.~~~te ~he Gouncil di~ected ~he Ci~y Admini~~;rator ancl the ~~~~av A~to~°ney ~o consul~ witl~ Mr o Pence on the pr~pared ~='~~r~ha~~ Agreement and obtain hi~ approval of ~the documen~~ CITY COUNCIL -2- MP~GH 230 1965 ARRO~O GRANDEo CALIF~ORNIA and t,ha~ fu~°t~her Council action v~rou~d be ~.ak~n a~ ~he nex~ regu~ar meeting. EXTENSION AGREEMENT BE'I"W~EN C~'I~Y OF ARROYO GRANDE Z~ND 4VOGD~ ANIMAL SHELTER ~ ~ The Ci~y A~m~nis~ra~o~° adv~s~d ~h~ Gouncil ~ha~ ~hi~ agreement was for ~he renev,tal o~ service~ previou~ly p~~forrried by °the Animal Shel~er on behal~ o~ ~he City. A~~e~ Cour~~il discussiona during whic~i t~he Gouncil ~~re~secl ~lza~ ~h~ u~mo~~ courtesy and consideration be ex~~nc~ed ~o al~ resident~ of ~he City of Arroyo Grande by ~he She~te~ rep~°esen°~a~ti~re~ in °the pe~°~ormance of their service~~ ctlo~ion wa~ made by Coun- ci~man Wood, seconded by Councilman MeNe~~ ~ tha~ °tl-~e Ma~ro~° and the City C1erk be aut~horized to~~ign ~he Ex~en~ion Agr~e- men't be~ween ~he Ci~ty o~ Arroyo Grande anc~ Woods Animal Shelter for such shelter to act as Ci~y Pound Mas~erB and for their services in enforci.ng ~.icensinga and ~lze impou~r~- ing and regu"la~tion of dogs and o~~her domes~ic an~~nalso e~~~~:- tive Januar°y 19 1965 ~o anc~ includi.ng December 310 ~965, fo~ ~the sum of $250.00 monthly. Motion carried. POSSTBLE CREEK CLEARANCE OF 1~RROYO GRZ~NDE CR~EK Councilman Wood gave a verbal accoun~ o~ ~the m~e~ing held Ma~°ch 170 1965 at 7~30 P.M. fo~ ~.he purpose of di~cu~- sing the clearance and main~enance o~ A~~°oyo Grand~ Cree]c ~o~ bo~th ~lood control and soil con~e~va~iona wi~h ~::h~ ~°esu~- tant actuality tha-~ tlhe ci~ie~ of Grover Ci~tya Pismo Bea~h and A~~°oyo Grande were ~n agreem~r~~ -~°ha~ ~hey woulc~ part~ci- ga~~ in such program based on an annual fee o~ $1.~00 per ac~e ~ao~ of wat~e~° useda providing the ciities of Grov~r City and P~~mo Beach could expend. thei~° general ~und monies out~ide t~heir own cities fo~° such purpose, T~ was explicitly stated that such cities did not want any increase in the tax rolls to cove~ such expense~ The represen~atives of ~he ~hree cities advi~ed they would present the final conclus~ons o~ ~he meet~n g to the~r respective City Councilsa and each would advise the other cities of their action and clecision. A~~~r Council discussion~ a mo~ion was znade by Councilman McNei~9 seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ that the City of Arroyo Grande par~icipa~e in a join-t program with Pismo Beach and Grover Ci~y for the purpose of clearing and maintaining Arroyo Grande Creek, on the basis of $1.00 per acre foot used. I~Io~ion carried. Thereaf°tera the Council clirectecl ~he City Admin~st~°a~,o~ ~o co~~~spond with Gx°over Ci~y and Pismo Beach advising tlz~rn c~f th~ ~ouncilas action in regard ~o the Arroyo Grande C~eek ~lea~~::,~~~ and maintenance program9 and also directed ~he Ci°ty A~~i:.°,,°;~~~rator to inform the Council at their next regular ~ 3~~ng as to progress results from ~he o~her two communities. ~=~GUE ~JF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLA'~IVE DIGEST ON ASSEMBLY AND SENA?'~ ACTION AFFECTING CITIES ~'rne City Adminis~trator reviewed for ~he Counci~ tlze various proposed bill~ before ~he S~ate As~embly and Senate ~~~e~~ing citi.es. Af~er° general discussion9 ~he Mayor appo~.n~ed ~~a~n~a_lwoman Thompson and lzimsel~ as a commilttee to study ~ar~o~as proposed bi11s affecting c~~ies and ~eport their ~znd- ~~.~a~ ar.d recommendations to ~he Council. In ~thi s.~arrre cann~cti~on o the Counca~l di ~cussed SCA I~ - '~~~T~EPHONE IN LIEU TAXB and thereaftera a rrtotion was made by 9Q CITY COUNCIL _3_ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA ~~CH 2~~ 19C5 Councilman McNei1B seconded by Councilrrian Woodo that ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande endorse the enactment of ~he proposed bill numberecl SCA 17 - Telephone in Lieu Taxd and ~hat th~ Ci~,y Administrator so advise the app~opriate persor~~ in Sac~°am~n~oa Motion carried. REPORT OF THE COORDINATING COUNCIL ON URBAN POLICY The City Adminis°tra~or p~°esented a general resume o~ this report to the Council in which he i.nformed t;hem ~ha~ the purpose of this Coordinating Council was to ana~yzea defi.ne, develop and recommend var~ous policies, condition~o trends and programs throughou-t ~}re ~~ate ~th reference ~o urba n area The Commi ttee B s rep€>~°~ ha-~ - b~en-- plaeed on e and is available for fur~her r~viewr and ~n~ormation, _H.~CYON ROAD PROJECT T~e City Administrator gave an up-to-date repo~°~ on the Halcyon Road Projecta and advised tha~ there had been a momentary work stoppage by the sub-con~tractor on the s°~orm drain portion of tY~e work. The City Engineer, ~s well as Mr'• M. J. He~°mrecka explained to the Council the encountered problemq and thereafter, the City Aclministra~o~° advisec~ that a meeting of all persons involved in ~the momentary work stop_ page was scheduled for 8;00 A,M.o Ma~ch 24a 1965e and tha~ the prc~blem would no doubt be reso~ved a~ that time. In connection w~th the s~orm drain cons~ructiona the City Administr°ator presen~ed a permanent easement and a temporax°y ~~sement for the Council's acceptance. A mo~tion was ~hen made by Councilman McNeila seconded by Councilwoman Thompsona that the Right of Way Contract and Temporary Easement of the Arroyo Grande Hospital Corporation be accepted and placed on f~1ea anda that the permenen~ Easement of the ~~royo Grande Hospital Cor- pox°ation to the City of Arroyo Grande for storm drain purposes be accepted and r°ecorded. Motion carried. REPORT BY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT DAVIS ON NITRATES IN GROUND WATER IN THE VICINITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND GROVER CITY The Ci~y Administrator gave the Council a brie~ account of this report, submitted to the Central Coastal Water Pollu- t~on Control Boardo on the study of the vertical movement of nztrate matter from the grouncl surface to the wa~er table. In ~their ~ummarization wi~h regard to water wells for domestic ~S~F ~~~y recommend deep well exploration with extreme due c~~~ ~"-~ken to seal off upper strata when drilling such cleep ~T~`~ .~a ~'H SAN LUI S OBI SPO COUNTY SANI TATION DI STRI CT ~"~yor ,7acobs gave a progress report on such Distric~"s acti~r~.~ies, advising that the awarding of the bond and the C~r~~truction contracts would take place on April 5, 1965. The City Administrator presented to the Council a pros- pectus prepared on South San Luis Obispo County and Grover ~lty in connection with the Districtas projectso CITY COUNCIL -4- MARCH 23B 1965 ARROYO G1~NDEB CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA NEWS L~TTE12 The City Adminis~ra~or presented eopies of ~his HigY~way News Letter received ~rom R. J. Date~B District Engin~e~o San Luis Obispoa for tYa.eir review and at~en~~onm In ~his connectiona Mayor Jacobs advi~ed the Council tlza~. he had met with Mayor Dutra of G~over Ci~yo and ~~a~ a~u~ure meeting is planned between ~lze Mayors of Grove~ C~tyo Pismo Beach and Arroyo Grandea for °~he pu~°pose of cl~scu~sing anc~ pr°omoting ~~he applica°tion of Sta~e appropriated funds for use in the Soutlz County area m Mayo~ ~7acobs ~rill be ~eport- ing on the progress of the aforementionec~ mee~.ing in the nea~ f uture . REQUEST OF LEE R. LOVETT & ASSOCIATES IN RE~ ANNEXAT~ON OE" LOT ON HALCYON ROAD The City Administrator advised that Lee R. Lovet~ & Associates had directed a let~er to the Council reques~ing that a certain lot on Halcyon Road be consider~d for annexa- tion to the City of Arroyo Grande. After Coun~il discuss~ono the City Administrator tivas directed to correspond w~~tlz Lee R. Lovett & Associates advising them tlza~ theix° reques°t for annexation should first be di~°ected to the Loca~ Fo~°ma~ion Agencya San Luis Obispo Countya Cal~f orn~a. JOINT 1~1EETING - PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL Tt was announced to the Council :~lzat tlzi s j oint mee~ing i~ sc~hedul.ed for March 30, 1965 at 7a30 P.M. in the Counc~l ~hambers. P. G~ AND E. - NIPOMO MESA PLANT Mayor Jacobs announced that a letter had been received from Gene A. Blanc, Coordinator o~ the Office of Atom~c Energy Development and Radiation Protectiono on behalf of Governor Edmund G. BrownB acknowledging h~s ~etter of support o~ the P. G. and E. Nipomo Mesa Plant. Alsoa correspondence had been received from Winfield A. Shoemaker~ Assemblyman for the Thirty-sixth D~strict of State of Californ.iao indica- ~ing his intention to do everything he can to support the P. G. and E. Nipomo Mesa Plant~ ADJOURNMENT On mo~ion by Councilman McNeilB seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ and unanimously car~°ied9 the meeting adjourned at 8a43 P.M. ~ '^--....a.4 + _ L"b k . . Pi ~ ~ ~ _d f ~ ~y' . TY CLERK O