Minutes 1965-04-27 CITY COUNCIL AP~IL 27a 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA The City Council me°t in regular session wi~lz Mayo~ Jacob~ presiding. Upon ~oll callo Caun~ci~woman TYiompson~ Councilmen tnTood, McNeil and Burt x°eported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minu°tes of the regular m~e°t-ing of April 130 19~i5 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, secondecl by Councilman Wood9 °t°hat General Warrants No. 876 ~o and including Na. 895 in the total amount of $110145.209 and Pay~°oll Warrants No. 1017 to and including No. 1058 in ~he total amount of $6,909.1Og be authorized and orde~ecl paid. Motion carried. REQUEST OF CALIFORNIA MISSION-TRAILS ASSOCIATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT The City Administra~or gave a resume of this organization and its purpose for the Councilps benefit, and afte~° Council diseussiona the Mayor directed tl-iat ~his matter be referred to the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce for their at~ention and resultant recommended actiona and in the interim that the Cauncil lzold ~he request in abeyance, REQUEST FRO1~I THE MAYOR OF' SANTA MONICA SOLICITING SUPPORT FOR - _A~ 2Q50--JOINT POWERS AGREEI~IENT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPER.ATE AN OFF-SHORE CAUSEWAY IN SANTA MONICA BAY The Council was informed by the City Administrator of ~he ~ ?~tent and purpose of this proposed legis~ation and ~the solici- ~ation of Mayor Minter of Santa lyIonica for support thereof~ After Council discussion, it was concluded that this proposed bill, and the request of ~he aforenamed Mayor, be taken under advisement, and that the Council await possible comment by the League of Cali~ornia Ci~ies before any definite action is undertaken by the Council. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE DIGEST ON ASSEMBLY AND SENATE ACTION AFFECTING CITIES The City Adminis~trator reviewed in detail for the Council the present status of various proposed bi11s now pending ~n the State Assembly and Senate which affect cities in particular. After Council discussionB the City Administrator was directed to correspond with Assemblyman Petris and Governor Brown for the purpose of securing t°he latest analysis on the proposed Petris Bill and the Property Tax Reform, respectively. LEA~E P~.TRCHASE AGREEMENT - DR. J. O. PENCE AND CITY OF ARROYO GR.e~T~a ~ ss~lhe Council further discussed this agreement relative to LL`:-:~_~ purchase of the property commonly known as 134 E. Branch ~~a~eeta Arroyo Grande, Californiaa and thereafter, a motion made by Councilman Wooda seeonded by Councilwoman Thompson, tha~t t°he Leaseaas prepared by the City Attorney and as pre- ~~A~ted to the Council, `between Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Pence and the City of Arroyo Grande, effec~ive April l~ 19659 for the premises c~nsisting of a house and 1ot located at 134 E. Branch Street, Arroyo Grande, California, be accepted by the City of Arroyo ~rande, and that Mayor Robert V. Jacobs be authorized to sign CTTY COUNCIL APRIL 270 1965 ARROYO GRANDEB CALTF°ORNIA PAG~ 2 sucYa Leaseo and fur~hero ~.ha~ the initial paymer~t under ~uch lease be made af~er proper execution by tlze ~.wo namecl par°~ies therein. Motion carriedm ANNUAL CLEANUP WEEK - Y965 - It was announced -~o the Council by the Ci~ty Admin~s~ra~tor that the Z-~nnual Cleanup 4~Teek for the City of Arroyo Grande is ~entatively sclzeduled for May 17 to May 210 1965~ Z~fte~ presentation of the particula~s invo~vedo and a~ter Counci7~ discussion of same, a motion was made by Counc~.lman Burt~ seconded by Councilman McNeilo tlza°~ tlze 1965 Annual Cleanup Week for the C~~y of Arroyo Grande be se~ for May 17 ~o May 210 1965m Mo~ion carried: Further in this connection,, ~he City Admin~strator was directed to contact the °two refuse companies ser°ving t,`lze Citys and solicit their cooperation and assis~ance during this Cleanup campaign. REQUEST BY MRo Y~ HIYAMZ~o IN REo RENE~WAL OF LEASE ~°R.OM THE CITY The City Adminis~ra~tor summarized for the Council the let~er received from Mr~ Harold Leeo written on behalf of Mr. Y. Hiyamao and thereaftera Mra Lee pre~~nted lzims~lf to ~he Council and ga~e further details pertaining to l~ire HiyamaBs request. Af~er due considerationo the Cauncil indica~ed ~ha°t ba~°ring any unforeseen developmentsa the lease between the Gity and i~~ Hiyama would be poss~ble for° renewal at the expiration ~ate in September, 1965o and ~he City Adm~nist~°ator was directed to so inform Mr, Hiyama. COUNTYWIDE HIGHWAY PROGRAM FOR 1965-66 - MEETING TO BE HELD ON MAY 6a 1965 This meeting to be held on May 6tha at the Madonna Inna was announced to the Council ancl thereafter the City Adminis- trator wa~ directed ~o make reservations for the Council members planning to attendm In this same connec~ion~ tlze Council agreed tha~ repre- sentatives of the immediate surrounding communities would be contacted ~or the purpose of ineeting togetYier and deciding `nr`hich Yiiglzway programs were needed for the areaa and there- after present same to the proper S~ate highway authorities. Several sugges~ed 1-iighway improvements to be discussecl and conclude~. upon during such future meetings were Branch and Traffic Waya frontage road from Grand Avenue ~o Valley Roado and tlze x°ailroad crossing at Grand Avenue ~n Grover City. HT~s~~AY I- PROPOSED FREEWAY NOW IN PLANNING STAGES The City Administrator advised ~he Counczl t,hat an :~.~awe~° to our le~ter of inquiry directed ~.o the Statea Cin :=t~~.cordance with the Council°s direction at the mee~ing of April 130 1965)a had been receivedo and such contents were su..~r~r~~arized for tlze Council.. The Council concluded that this highway program would also be discu~sed at the for°~hcoming propo~ed meeting of the neighboring communities° representa- tives for the purpose of discussing local highway improv~mentsm ~.oQ CTTY COUNCIL APRII~ 27~ 1965 ARROYO GRANDE o CALIF'ORNIA PZ~GE 3 18th STREET - PROPOS~D R~NI~M~NG O~" ,~PxM~- TO CEN'I°RAI~ BOUL~VPaFtl~ Af-ter due consideration and discussion o~ ~his ~ubjeeto a motion was made by Councilman ~loodB seeon~.ed by Counc~lman McNei~ o that the City of Arroyo G~cande cor~cur wi~h the Couraty Plann~ng Commissionas recommenda~ion ~that 18t`h S~reet be renamed Cen~ral Boulevard PROVIDING ~lze o~her two ci~i~~ in- volved~ i.e., Pismo Beaelz and Grover Cityo so concurredg and if the ~hree citie~ were in ag~eemen~ on this propo~ed x~e- naming, then authorized action would be ~aken by ~his City to effect the renaming of 18~t1z S~ree~ to Cen~ral Bouleva~°d~ Motion carried. PROPOSED LOPEZ DAM PROJEC'I° Drm Jack Pence~ Chairman of ~~e 2o~e 3 Adviso~y Committeeo presented a verbal comprelzensive repor~ to ~he Council of the proposed Lopez Dam Project from it~ inception to its exis~ing status~ After a ques~ion ancl answer periodo Mayor Jacobs ex- pressed the Council°s ~hanks ~or his ~horough report o~ t~is praposecl p~°o j ec~ o PROGRESS Ft~PORT - HALCYON ROAD PEtOJEC'I° 'I'he City Adminis~ra~or advised °the Counc~Y ~hat all curbs arad gut~ers had been comple~edB tha~ tlhe storm drain work was progressing satisfactori~y and nearing comple~iono and ~hat pav~ng would probably be completed wi~lz~n a week or ten days. Fu~°ther ~n ~his connectiono a mo~ion was made by Counc~l- man Burta secondecl by Counc~lman McNeil, that the Pu~~ic Works ~~.per°intendent of ~he Ci~y be authorized to execute an Indemnity figreement between the City o~ Arroyo Grand~ and H. ~m Hermrecka prepared by ~the C~ty Attorney, and which pe~°tains ~o ~he Halcyon Road Project. Mo~ion carried. SQUTH SAN I~UI S OBI SPO COUNTY SANITATI ON DI STRI C'I' Mayor Jacobs x°epor=~ed ~o the Council on ~he s~atus of this District~ and advised t°Yiat ac~tual construction wark woulci com- mence in the very near futureg Further in this connectiono as involves the Ci~ty of Arroyo Grandea the Council agreed ~that a method of communica- tion be instigated to inform the residents directly affected by the iznprovements of t°he Sanitation District of the benefits ~.o be de~ived tlzerefrom, and how such benefits can be utilized l~~ the citizenso the City Adminis~rator was directed to commence such a method, AERIAL ~ADDER TRUCK City Administrator advised the Council that the newly acc~~.~ laclder truck was parked on ~he City Hall grounds ancl ~~>~jm:~abl~ for their inspec~ion if they so desired. ~ b=~ ;~T GNATI ON OF MI S S RUTH PAULDT NG F°ROM PARK S AND RE CREATI ON COMMI S S I ON ~~'his sub~ect let~,er of res~gnation was read ~o the Council by Mayora and af~er discussion~ a motion was made by Council- zna~ Wooda seconded by Councilwoman Thompsono tha~ tlze resignation of Miss Rutlz Paulding from the Parks and Recreation Commis~ion be accepted. Mo~.ion carried. ADJQURNMENT On motion by Councilwoman T~homp~or~o ~econde by Co ilman Burta and unanimously carriedo the meeting adjourned ~ 9a3 P.M ~~'I'EST a ~ ` ~r I CL RK ~