Minutes 1965-05-11 1~~1 CITY COUNCIL MAY ~l0 1965 ARROYO GRANDEB CALTFORNTA Tlze City CounciT met in regular session with Mayor ~Tacobs presiding, Upon roll call, Councilwoman T~hompsona Csouneil,men Wood and Burt reported present. Councilman McNeil was ab~entm MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of April 270 1965 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Tlzompsono secondecl by Councilman WoodB that General Warrants No. 896 to and including No. 961 in t~e total amount of $49a036.32o and PayrolT War~ants No. 1017B to and including No. 1055A in tlze total amoun~ of $6,867e54o be approved and ordered paidm Motion carriecl. WELCOM~ TO YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY PARTTCIPANTS Mayor Jacobs extended a cordial welcome to t1-ie Arroyo Grande Higlz Sehool s°tudents in attendance w~o servecl as various officials of the C~~y on You=~h in Government Dayo May 30 19C5o The Ci~y Admin~~~rator introduced the students to ~he Council ancl announced ~their official position~ for tlze You~h in Government Dayo Present were Bob B~ker, Mayore Gregory Colea CauncilmanB Janis Tollea Council~aomang Frank Herre~o~ Counc~lmano David Croppero Clzief of Policeo LeRoy Madsona Con~~ruetion ~nspec~,or, Larry BaugY~mano Fire Chiefa and Vicki Talandi~o Planning Commis- sion Sec~etary. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental. Monthly Report for the month of Apri].o 1965 wa~ received by the Council and ordered fileclv TREASURER°S REPORT The Treasurer's Report for the month of Aprila 1965 was received by the Council and ordered.filed. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE DIGEST ON ASSEMBLY AND SENATE ACTION AFFECTING CITIES The Council reviewed and discussed various pr°oposed legis- lation~and after consid~rable discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Woods second~:d by Councilwoman TYiompsona that tlze opinion of the Ci~y Council of Arroyo Grande is that it ~irmly opposes the proposed amendment to the Brown Acto and that the City Administrator i~ authorized and instructed to so inform the proper persons at the State Capitol in Sacramentoa by mean~ of correspondence, of such oppos~tion~ Motion carried. The City Administrator briefTy ~eviewed the resume of Property Tax Reform received from Governor Browno and aclvised a fur°~her detailed analysis would be availab~e for °the Council at the next meeting. , IN REv PLANNING LECTURES - REQUEST BY SANTA MARIA FOR C~TY TO COOPERATE IN SUCH PLANNING A summarization of this request was given to the Council by °the City Administrator, and after discussiono t~he Council directed the City Administrator to corresponcl wi~h ~he Ci°ty of Santa Maria advising this City°s interes°t in suclz planning and i°ts probable participation. CITY COUNCIL MAY l~o T965 ~RROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNTA PAGE 2 HALCYON ROAD PROJECT The City Administrator presented a wri~~en status repor~. to t~he Councila and a~so advised tYiat this project was 95 per cent completed, and that the en~tire con~ract v,ras schedulecl for completion w~.°~hin five wor]ting clays. T'he~eafter~o tlle Council held a general discussion on this named subject~ LOPEZ DAM PROJECT The City Administrator announcecl to ~he Counci~ ~he content of a letter from Mr°. Robert H. Borna County Hydraulic Engineer da~ted April 30a 1965 relative ~o this p~°o~ec°k. After Council discussionp a commi~ttee consisting of ~t°he Pub~ic HTorks Director and City Attorney was appointed by the Council to effec~ a stucly of ~he City B s water neecls for the coming 20 yearsa and to represent the City during the ~a~er supp~y con- tract negotiation~, afiter which the Commi~~ee°~ ~ecommenda- tions tnr~~°e ~o be reportecl to ~he Council for ~lzeir consider~a- tion ancl final decision. MINUTES OF ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE The minu~es of Ap~i~ 24~ 1965 of the Zone 3 Adviso~y Committeeo and ~tlze minutes o~ April 6a 1965 0~ the Wate~ Resou~ces Comm~tteea ~,rere receivecl by ~he Council and p~aced on file. SOUTH SAN LUTS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTFtICT Mayor Jaeobs aclvised that ~he sale of ~he bonds had been conclucledo and ~hat ~he contrac~tors for the const~°uc~ion projects were preparing ~o commence actual work. FURTHER DISCUSSION - REALIGNMEN'I" OF RAILROAD AVENUEa BETWEFN ALLEN STREET AND CHERRY AVENUE Mr~ Don Gullickson made inquiry as to tlze status of ~his proposed realignment9 as discussed previously at the Council meeting of Apri1 13~ 1965. After Council discussionq the City Attorney was directed to prepare the nece5sary reso~ution for ~he sale of a portion of the city-ov,rned P.C.R.R, right of way property lying between Cherry Avenue and Allen Street. POSSIBLE CREEK CLEARANCE - ARROYO GRANDE CREEK Councilman Wood reported to the Council that he had attended tlze Pismo Beach Counc~l Meeting on May l0a 1965 to further present ~this proposal and further explain ~he beneficial purposes to be clerivecl from such a project. Councilman Wood advised that the Pismo Beach City Council elected to give this matter further stucly and were desirous of having Mr9 Robert H. Born, County F1ood Control Engineero converse ~,rith ~hemoexplain- ing how water benefits can be derived in their locale from clearance of the Arroyo Grande Creek. STUDY SESSION BET4VEEN CI'I`Y COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION The Council was informed this Joint study se~sion would be helcl May 18, 1965a at approximately 8 P.M. in the Council Chambersa ADJOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Wooda s~conded y Counc a Burta and unani ously carrieda the mee~ing`` adjour d at ~ 5 P , ATTEST° TY CL RK R