Minutes 1965-05-25 1~3 CITY COUNCIL MAY 25a ~955 ARROYO GRAND~a CALIFORNIA T°he City Council me°t in regular session with Mayor Jacobs presiclingm Upon ~°oll callo Councilvwoman 'I°hompson~ Gouncilmen Tnlood~ McNeil ancl Burt reported presen~. MINUTE APPROVAL, Tl~e minute~ of the r°egular meeting of May 110 1965 were approved as prepared. APPROVAZ OF WARRANTS A mo°t~on was mac~e by Councilwoman Thompsona seconclecl by Councilm~n Wooclo °that General Warrants No. 962 °~o and including No. 983 in the ~otal amoun~ of $I5a92~.759 and Pay~°o11 Warran~s No, 1059 to and inclucling No. 1110 in ~he total amount of $7~604.26a be approved and ordered paid. Motion ca~°ried. RESOLUTION NO~ 652 - SETT~NG HEARING ON EXCHA.NGE OF CITY OTnTNED LAND ON RAILROAD AVENUE A Resolution of the City of Arroyo Grande per~aining to the exchange of City owned lancl on Railroad Avenue and the set~ing of a hearing tllereon on June 22~ 1965 at 8:00 P.Mo was reacl througlz ~he title by the City Clerka ther~eupon~ a motion v~ras made by CounciTman McNeil~ seconcled by Councilman Burtq to di~pense wi~h reac3ing the balance of the Resolu~ion, Motion unanimou~ly carried. RESOLUT~ON NO. 652 RESOLUTION OF 'I`HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND TN'I'ENTION TO CONVEY AND E~CHANGE REAL PROPERTY AND SETTING A DATE FQR HEAR.ING THEREONe On motion of Councilman McNeil, secondecl by Councilman BurtB and on the following roll call voteo ~o wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompsonq Councilmen Tnlood~ McNeil~ Burt and Mayor JacobsB NOESv None, ABSENTa None, °the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 25th day of Mayo 1965. RESOLUTION CORRECTING RESOLUTION NOm 642 PERTAINING TO ABANDONING OF UNNAMED ALLEYS IN THE WALNUT GROVE ADDITION A Resolution of the City of Arro~o Grande per~ain~.ng to the abandonmen~ of certain unnamed alleys in the Walnut Grove Addition of ~°his City was read in its entirety by the Ci°ty Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 653 RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTTON NOo 642 On motion by Councilv~roman Thompsono seconded by Councilman McNeila and on the following roll ca11 vote9 °to wi~: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Woodo McNeila Burt and Mayor Jaeobs9 NOES~ None, ABSENT: 17one~ , the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 25~th day of MayB 1965. -1- 10~ CITY COUNCIL MAX 25y 1965 ARROYO GRANDE:, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 RESOLUTION VACATING AND ABANDONING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNNAMED ALLEYS IN WALNUT~GROVE ADDITION T ~ A Resolu~tion of~~he City of Arroyo Granc~e p~r~taining to vacating ancl abancloning certain portions of unnamec~ alYeys ~n ~Y~e Walnu~ Grove Addi~tion was read ~through ~t~e t:itls by the Cit,y Clerks thereuponA a motion was made by Councilman McNe3.1w seconded by Councilman Burt~ to dispense with reac~ing the balance of t.he Re~olution. r~otion unanimousXy carried,. RESOLUTION N0. 6~4 RESOLU'I"ION VACATING,~ ABANDONING AND CLOSINU PORT'IONS OF UNNAMED ALLEXS 'IN THE WALNUT GROVE ADDI `I'I ON TO THE CI'~'Y OF ARROYYO GR~NIaE , COUNZ:'Y OF SAN LUIS OBISPOr STATE OF CAL~k'OftN:TA On rno~ion by Gouncilman McNei7., second~d 'by c:ouncilman B~ur~ ~ and on ~.~he followir~g z~~oll call vote,~ ~o wait: AY~S : Councilwoman Thornpsari, C'c~ur~ci ~men Wood,~ McNeil, Au:rt: and Mayor .~acobs, NOESz None, ABSEN~' : None F the foregoing Resolu~:iozY was adopt~ec~ ~h~s 25t:h day c~.f' May. 1965. "JUNE_IS_DAIRY_MONTH"__~ PROCLAMATIO~ Mayor ,Tacobs proclaimed the entire month caf ~~ne ~965 as Dairy Mon~.h in ~the City of Arroyo ~rande. BUDDY POPPIES_DAYSr MA,Y 28 ancl 29, 19~5 -~~p~~AM~`~~~i~ Mayor Jacobs proclaimed ~'he 2~th a~d 2~th Q~~Ma~~~s Buddy Poppies~ Days in the C~~y of ~rro~o ~~~nd~. REQUEST OF_ARROYO GRA:ND~ ~MER'I C~N L~~~O~ ~X~l~~'~ CEI~SE ~,~.~~.~~~o. FOR SEL~ING OF FIREWQRKS ~Aft:er ~present.atic~n caf' the factual ~.n~~~t~atj,~~ r~n +tt~~s su~ject by the Gity Adminxs~rato~, and af'ter Coun~~l. d~~~.~~~~~a~n, a motion was made by Counci~.man WoodP seconded b~ ~~un~~lr~~r~ ri~Ne~a_. ~l~at the Arroyp Grande ?am~r~.can Lec~~.~n. ~e is~u~~ ~x~~n~t: ~.~~~n~e for the purpo~e o~ seL~inc~ ~i~ewo~ks ~~~am ,:~'~~r~~ ZBt~, t1~~~~~~~ ,~i~'~~r 4th, 1965, subject to comp~.~~nce wit'h r~~u].~~.~~n~ tt~~ C~tY and subject: ~:o t.h~ Fire Chie~'s approv~~ . M~~i~~ c;~r.~~~d. NOTI CE OF HEA.R~ING, ~Y LOG~~ ~'ORM~~'~~ ~N~~~N~'~~ ~ ~I QN_._ ~ N__~ ~ , _~~~~~5~ ANNEXATION TQ CITY 0~' ~F~R~YO G~~~~E ° -._.~a,w. --_e___.__.__.,_~.~_....~~~„_,_~ ~~r=,~ The Ci~ty Administrator aclvisecl tY~~~ ~ Y~~~~~nc~ b~~~~~ Commission on the ~roposed annexa~tion o~ ~~~rt~~r~ ~o~~~~n property on Sou'th i~alcyon Roacl has t~ent~t~v~l~ la~~~ s~~- ~o~ June 3rd, 1965 at 2 P.M., at the San ~~~s ~?b~s~~ ~~~rxty ~our~house. APPOINTMENT OF NEW A~RKS ~N~ RECRE~'~~OI~ ~pMl~~~~~ON~R -~~~~~I~ MII,I.,ER The D~ayor advised t~he~Council tha~-g~Iar~.~n~ ~~~11~rP ~who ~esides at 327 Mason Street, Ar~oyo Grancle~ Cal,ifo~ni~, hac~ be~n recomm~ncled by Gordon Bennet~, Chairman of the ~arks and ~ec~r~eatV~on ~ommi~sion, and that the Mayor also ~ecommencled Mr.. I~~1~~~~ to f~ll t'he vacancy on ~tha~s Comm~ssi.on prev~.ousl.y held ~a~ ~~,~ss ~tuth ~?aul.di,ng, After Council discussion, a motion was made b~ Councilman McNeil~, secanded by councilwoman Thompsan? tha~ ~~arl.~.n N~~11~~ ~e ap~oin~t~c~ -2- 1~5 CITY COUNCIL MAY 25a ~965 ARRC}YO GRANDE a CAIJ~F~ORN~A PAGE ~ to ~ep~ace Mis~ Ru~tlz Paulding on tlhe Pa~°]cs ancl Rec~eation Commission and ~1-~at ~uch term of commi~sion v,roulcl be active un~il June 30a 1955v Motion carriecl, CORRESPONDENCE FROM MAYOR OF SANTA MARI~i - IN REa AB 2785 PERTAINING 'I°O TENTATIVE MAP OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISIONS T7ie City Aclministrator gave the Cou~nc~~ a verbal outline of the proposec~ Yegisla~ion and t`he con~en~s of a lette~° from tlze Mayo~ of Santa Maria . He al so aclv~ ~ecl °~he Counc~l ~~ha~ corresponclence lzad been clirectecl ~o t,lze' League of California Ci~ties ~eques~ing tlzeir opinion and recommenc~at~ons on ~~his p~oposed bil~. After Counc~l discussiond ~,1-ie Ci~y Admini~- °tra~o~ vras clirected ~o (1) make inquiry °to Assem~lyman S`hoemaker regarding cer~ain pYia~es of ~lzis propos~d bi~la anc3 (2) ~o ~aold in abeyance answering t~he letter from S~nta Ma~ia~s Mayo~° until more inforrnation coul,cl be secured on ~his legi~la~ion. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES° LEGTSLAT~VE DIGEST ON ASSEMBI~Y AND SENAT~ ACTION AFFECTING CITIES Tlze City Admini~trator gave °~he Council a cur~°en~ ~~atus repor°t on all propo~ecl legisla-tion a~fec~ing citieso ancl in par°~icular°a ~he ~iquor ~ic~nse fee and =tlze 2~ saYes ~ax Lby ci~ie~ on ca~gar~t~esa Af~e~° discu~sion ~y the Coun~i7~o ~.he Ci~y Admini~~~°a~or wa~ clirected ~o ~nform °~he p~ope~° p~r~ons in Sacramen°to ~ha~ ~lze C~~y of Arroyo G~ande opposed A,B. 2387, pe~taining to °t`he ~iquor license fee~ ancl v~rere in suppor°~ o~ A.Bm 16~5 per~~aining ~o °~Yie 2~ sale~ tax by ci~ies on cigare~~ess REQUES'I' FO~ EX'I'ENSION OF ~tE'Ie~REM~N~' BY ~ETH KINNEY' - CI'I"Y' B S BUIZDING INSPEC'I'OR TYie Ci~y Administr~ator aclvised t°he' Council. of ~he pe~tinent ci~cums°~ance~ applicable ~o Mr, Kinneyas request. After cliscus- siono ~he Council gave its approval for tlze retirement ex~ension of Se~1z Kinney to the approximate cla°te of Sep°~ember 17 a 1965 , PROGRESS REPOR'I' - HALCYON ROAD PROJECT The City Administrator informed the Council that the entire project was now 98/ comp~eted, and ~hat'only minor items of cleanup and touchup ~,ror]c were yet to be accomplishecl. The Council ~ras al~o informed tha~ consideration ~nd inquir°ies have been commenc~l regarding a"Walk" control for pede~trians~ °to ope~°ate in con- junction wi~~h ~.he traffic signal at Halcyon and Grand. RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF F'UNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND 'I°O CITIES ~ The Council was advised by the City Administrator~ that such Reso~ution would provic~e for funds allocated ~rom t7ze State High- way Fund to the City in ~~he amount of $14p575 for nnaintenance anc~. $lOB 574.95 for construc°tion. After ~ouncil discussiona such Resolution was read tlzrough the title by the City Clerk~ after which a mo~ion vra~ mac~e by Councilman Burto seconc~ed by Councilman McNeilo to dispense wi~lz reading the ba~ance of ~.lhe Resolu-'tiono Motion unanimous~y carr~ecl. RESOLU'I°ION NO m 655 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CI'I'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET F"OR EXPENDI- TURE OE~ FUNDS ALLOCZ~TED FROM THE STA'~~ HTGHWAY F'UNB TO CITIES -3- C~TY COUNCIL MAY 25q 1955 ARROYO GRANDEy CAL~F'ORNTA PAG~ 4 On motion of Councilvaoman Thomp~on9 ~econclec~ by GounciYman McNeil~ ancl on ~he following roll call vo~eo to va~tv AYES: Councilv~roman Thomp~ono Counc~~men Wood, NTcNei1. q Bu~~ and Mayor ~Tacobsa NOESc None~ Z~BSENT ; None, °the ~o~°egoing Resolu~ion was aclop~ecl ~h~s 25~h day o~ Maya 1965 a RESOI~UTION ADOPTING ANI7 SUBMIT~°ING A BUDGE'I° FOR ~XP~NDI'I'UR~ OF STAT~ ALLOCAT'ED FUNDS F'OR ENGINEERING PURPOSES The Council was aclvisecl by the Ci~ty Adzrtinis~tra~or ~ha~ suc7i R.esolu~ion would p~°ovide enginee~ing funcls ~o '~he Ci~y from t11e S~a~e Hightaay Fund iri ~he amount of $ 2 0 000 . Af'ter Couneil discus~iona Resolution ~ras read ~.1-~ouglz ~tl-ie ~itl~ by ~lze Cii~y Cler°kd a~°~er v,r~ich a motion ~as made by Councilv~roman Thomp~on, seconded by Councilman Wood, ~o dispen~e wi~h reacling ~he bal~ance of ~he Resolu~;ion. Mo~t~on unanimou~ly carr~ed. R~SOLUTION NO, 656 RESOLUTION OF THE CI'~Y COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING AND SUBMTT'IBING A BUDGEZ° FOR EXPENDI'I°URE OF STA~'~ ALLOCATED (~NGIN~ERING) ~UNDS~ On mo~ion of Councilman Bur~p seconc~ed by Councilman McNeil, ancl on ~the fo~lovsing roTl call vo~eo ~o wi~tm AYES: Councilwoman Tl~ompsona Councilmen Wooda McNeila Burt and Mayor ~acobs, NOESo None, AB~ENTv None, the foregoing Resolu~~on was aclopted this 25th clay of May~ 1965. PFtOGRESS REPORT -~Q.LITH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITA'I"ION DISTRICT Mayor Jacobs gave an up-to-date status report on the Distric°t--in particulara tlze construc°t~.on pro~ ec~s and the axbi°tra- °tion betvJeen Grover City and the District. ANNUA~ CLEANUP WEEK - 1965 '~he City Administrator informed the Gouncil that such week was most successful and tha~ t~he coopera°tion be~ween the two ~ refus~ service corripanieso ~he people and the City crews was commenclable. Therea~ter, the City Admin~s°~rator was clirected to send let°ters to the °two re~use compan~.es thanking them for their cooperation ancl assis~ance, COMMUNITY WORKSHOP - SPONSORED BY AR.ROYO GRANDE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Council was informed by the City Adminis~trator that a Communi°ty V~lorkshop program by ~ne Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce had been scheduled for J"une 2nda 7th and 9~,h~ 1965 a~ ~he Ocean View School Multi-Use Room in Arroyo Grande9 the purpose of suc~i to improve employer-employee rela°tionships ancl~to promo°~e b~tter understancling be°tween employees and the public, bo~h in person ancl through telephone communication. The Ci°~y Adminis~~ator con- cluded by informing the Council tha~k all °the employees of ~the Ci~y had been strongly urgecl to a~~end the June 7~h and 9°th meetings~ _4_ 1~~ CITY COUNC~L MAY 25~ 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CAL~FORN~A PAGE 5 LETTER OF COMM~NDA~20N FROM FTVE CITTES ~~NANCE COo - IN RE o POLI CE D~PAR'I'MEN'I' ~ ~ The Ci~y Aclm~ni~trator aclvisecl tlhe Council ~ha°~ a~~~°~er izad been receivecl ~~°om Mr ~ F~~ed ~arrol~ d Ge~~ral Manage~ o~ ~he F'ive Cities ~°inance Co. a corranending Po~iGe Chie~ Richa~clson anc~ Sergean~t A1lison for ~h~ir cour~e~y and coop~rat~on in conne~~ion tait~h recen~t police ma~~e~s~ L~'I'T~R OF COMMENDATION FROM CTTY OF ARR0~0 GRAND~ 'I"O SOU'I°H COUNTIES GAS CO~ ~ T°he Ci~~y Ac~xn%nis°t~a-~o~° was direc~ed. ~o conv~yB by corre~pon- dence9 ~he ~pecia~ th~r~ks and app~°ecia~ion of the Counc~lo as well as -~he Ci~,y S~a~f e for ~he out~~ancling ~.ou~° of Gas Connpany ° s facili~~es in Sou~l-~er°n Cali~orniao ar~d ~h~ hosp~tal~~y e~~~ncled to th~ Ci.~y ° s r~p~e~~n~atives c~u~~ng such vi~~t.a~ionm AI~OURNM~NT On mo~ion by Councilman Wooda seconded by Council~oman Tlzompsona ancl unanimo~asly ca~r~ec1, the meeting ac~jou~ned a~ 8:47 P,Mo M1 / ~ ~ ATTES'I° o\~~ ~ , ~~2~'I'Y CL~ K ` -5-