Minutes 1965-06-10 ~.12 CITY COUNCIL JUNE 8e 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALTFORNTA PAGE 5 PARKS AND RECREA'I'ION - SUMMER RECREATION The Mayor commended °the Parlcs and Recreation Commission for their outstanding Summer Recrea°tion Programo AATOURNMENT On motion of Counci~man McNeila s~conded by Councilwoman Thompson, and unanimously carried~ the meeting adjourned at 9s23 P.M, until 6030 PmM.o June 10~ 1965; motion carried. ATTEST ° ~~,1 ,u---e--k- ,~Q~/~ CI CLEEt MAYOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande9 California June lOtlz, 1965 6:30 P.M. The City CounciT met in ad~ourned session with Mayor Jacobs presiding. Upon roll call Councilwoman Thompson and Councilman McNeil reported present. Councilmen Wood and Burt were absent. BUDGET REVIEW The proposed 1965-66 buc~get was reviewed through the overall revenue and expenditure section~ and discussion was held regarding the five year merit pay plan for City employees. AATOURNMENT On motion by Councilwoman Thompson~ seconded by Councilman McNeils and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 7a55 P.M. until 6:30 P.M. June 15the ~965. ATTEST:~ CITY CLERK MAYOR