Minutes 1965-06-28 . CITY COUNCIL aTUNE 28a 1965 ARROYO GRI~NDE o CALIFOI~NI1-~ ~ 0 30 P, M~ The City Council r?Zet in adjourned ~ession with Mayor Jacobs presiding9 Upon ~ol~ call Councilwoman Tlzompsono Council- men Woodo M~Nei1 ancl Burt reported presen~ta 1965-66 BUDGET I~PPROVAI, The Gouncil ~eviewecl the clepartmen~a~ expendi°ture portion of ~the preliminary buclge°t for 1965-66o and after t"horougl7 review of expenclitures and ou~lay proposalso several adjust- ments and reduction~ were madev '~her°eafter9 a motion was made by Councilman McNei~o seconcled by Couneilwoman TYiompsone tlza~ ~11e pre~iminary budget ~or the fiscal year 1965-66 be approved ancl adop~ed a~ arriended. Motion unanimously carried. COUNCIL REPRESENTATTON - EMPLO`YE~ R~VIEW BOARD Mayor Jacobs appointed Councilman Bur~t as tlze Council represen~ative on the Emp~oyee Review Board as required by tlZe Merit Pay Plan adopted by °the Ci~yo AATOURNMENT No further business appearinga on motion by Councilman McNeilo seconc~ecl by Councilman Bur~e and unanimously carriedo the meeting adjourned at 11m45 P3M. ~1TTE ST : ~ TY CLEI~K MAYOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~