Minutes 1965-08-10 12~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST l00 1965 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in aregular session wit'h Mayor Pro Tem Wood presiding. Upon roll cali, Cauncilwoman Thompsona Council- men M~eil and Burt reported present. The vacar~cy left by ~he death of Robe~~ V. J`acobs i~a$ r~ot ~+e~ ~een fiiled. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutea of t~he meeting of Jul~y 27 0 1965 and A~tgus°~ Z, 1965 were approved as pregarec~. APPRO~TAL 4F W.ARRANTS A mota.on w~~ made by Couneilwornan Thoanp~aaP ~e~o~d~d by Counca.lman MeNeil, t~iat General Warr~nt~s No. 1,00 to and including l~o. 1.39 in ~.he tQtal amount af $15, 248.9~, and Payroll Warran°ts ~To. 143 t~c~ a~;~ a.ac],.uc~i.ng No, 223 in ~h~ t~ta~~: amraunt of $9, 711.95 be ~pp~c?ve,cl ~n~d o~d~r~d paid. i~~ol~a.on ca~r~~d. NOMTNATION AND ELECTIQN Q~° I+~Y~R I~NI' ~IA.'Y0~ P~~ 'I"EM Q~' TH~ CTTY ~F P~ROY~ CRAZ+TT,?~ Nlayor Pro W~d. anr~our~~ed. ~'h~,t ~t`~+~ r~~x~t bki~~ne~~ ~f tl~e meeting wa~ ~to elec~k a~a;~o~ an+~ ~t~,~car Pre~ ~'~m fc~r ~~e G~.~y ~af Arroyo ~ran~le. A mca~ion wa~ made by Cr~~an~~.l,wc~m,an ThQmpacan. ~~cc~z~d~c1 ~ay ~ouncil.m~x~ ~3u~°°~, t~`h~,~ ,~d~l~,+~~n B. W~aoc~ b~ nc~ma.na~t~d fQ~ M~y~a~ af the C~.t~~r c~~ Arrery4 ~a~~r~d~~ m~~~,car~ ca~~°~.e~i. ~c~une~lm~~ Ni~N~a~. mad~ a mra~~Qn, s~ccaind~d ~r Gcau~n~a.lwom~r~ ThQ~npsc~n. ~~nd u~~~~.mou~ly carr~.ed, °~k~~ ~h~ z~c~m~.n~~~.on~ '~Q ~~,c~~~~e Upe~~ e~.o~~.ng nc~m~.r~- atio~~ i~ wa~ un~ni~ous~.~ ~~r~°a.+~e~ ~tl~~~ ~dd~son B, T~oQ~d b~ c~~~lared the c~u],y e1~~°~~c~ M.~yc~~ ca~ ~t~~ s~f A~royo ~r°an~le. ~f~e~° c~r~gra~tul~t~ca~~ w~~~ ~~c~~r~~~d ~~a ~t~~oa~ wQac~ f~cam °~1~~ : Counc~,l membe~~ ~~n~ ~~~y ~.~m~,r~~.~~a~a~ca~, M~yQr Ws~c~s~ ~"har~]~~c3 th~ Gc~un~a.~. ~c~~ t~'~e~,a~ cc~n~at~~~~~ i,r~ l~~n~ ~nd ~~a~~c~ ~h~~ h~ w+~~~c~~t~d. tk~~ opp~r~u~a~ ~X ~+a s~~°~~ a ~ ~~~cr~ c?f ~Me C~~y Q~ ~~rcayQ ~x~c~~ . T'k~~°~~ft~e~°~ M~~c~.~ v~~~d ~n~.~+~~ ~ mca~i~n, ~e~r~nc~+~d b~ Gc~~n~~~= wotn~~n Thonnp~can, ~+~~ne~~r~t~z~ ~a~.~d ~i~N,~~~, b~ ~c,m~r~,~~,~,~ ~'Ar ' Msyor Pro ~~m ca~ t'~~ ~~.~ky Q~ ~~~~ayo ~~~~~~s~ mQ~iQr~ c~~~~ad. J,•;~.+b~.3 +.+~.7.I.+A~~ ZAAA ~41.F4•{~.~.1n +AY+F•.I-A•'~k~~A.~+A4.7P w~~ U~ii,~+A~I`~QMF~.Sr~ ~r~iiin~l.~.~~ 4•W 5s ~~~.ila6A ~~#~MkM4`dl.~ ~'Se~ 4{4d+ar~~#.iiM ~~Ti~ Ai~~~ TeM~Q~+~R.~~ }•5n1~l.F~I.. ~~L' ~Ti~Rfk6 V~ 4~~ l~eJ~. 4~ awl~ E?~!e i 4/~1/ le3ik. ~!lAw4~ ! kf4/?/~~# ~ L~4~b~~ 4r~MlM~ A~d. M F!M ~~~Rl~*iM6~ to I~ayor Fa:s~ '~~rt M~~i~i~. frcar~ ~~e ~c~~n~~.~. m+~mb~~s ~n~3 ~t~,~ Ac~ntin~~~~~itQa~. TREASUR~R.' ~ REFt~Ft~ Th~ '~~~~~u~~x~ ° ~ ~~~p~°~ ~c~r~~t~ ~f ~u1y~ ~.~~~a wi~t~ ]aud~~~ ~nc~ a;~~~~u~ ~~~t~att~~~~~~ w~r~ ~°~c~~.v~+~ by C~uncil ~nc~ ~l~e~~ c~~ DEP~RTMEI~'TAL ~0~'~~~ ~t~~~~~' The ~e~~rtm~r~~.~~ ~~r~~h~~ ~~~c~~~ f~~ th~ mon~h e~~ wa~ r~eeiv~sd b~ t'~~ ~~u~~~1 ~r~c~ e~r~ €~le. ~OSTPOI~~M~~TT A~' ,~E~Q~A ~t,~,~~~~ I7~~T OF LEE R o I,QV~TT 'I'~1 R~~~~~ CER~".~,IN PRQP~R"~ I~1~T~ W~I~I~~?W ~'I~R~ NCIm 1 FROM RAB-3 R~~~ . ~eeau~~ of ~r~~~lv~~~~r~c~, ~he ~ity Admini st~°ato~ . a~v~ ~'h~ Goun,cil ~h~~ ~~~p~,~, ~~~~~.~c~ Qn the subj ect Or~1~,~~~~~ woul.d b~ hslc~ c~v~~° t~~i~~.~. ~'h,~ ~t~~~+~~.1 me~°t~.ng of 1~ugus~ ~9b~ ~ ~3a CITY COUNCTZ AUGUST 100 1965 ARROYO GRF~NDE o CALIF°ORNIA PAG~ ~ PRES~N`I°ATION OF° PA1~S AND RECREATTON REPOR'I ON `l96 a~IJMM~i~ REC~2EA'I'~ON PROGRAM - ENROL~MENT AND 7~~'I'ENI~ANCE The City C~~ncil r+~ceiv~d co~ies of °~h~ ~ub~ect repo~to and it was noted ~'hat t~he average ~.aily a~°~~nclance v,ra~ 283 personso and i~he ~nreekYy tota~ arriounted to l0 002 per~on~. Over ~,°he ~en- week period approxima°~ely 10~000 per~on~ o~ alY ages v~r~l~ have ~n ~~rved ~y the City°s Summer Recrea~~n P~ograma REQUEST FOR P~RMTSSION TO PURCHAS~ N~V~l OR US~D LOAD~Ro A BUDG~TED TTEM I~f~ter a v~~°7c~a~ p~o~~le of t°he inten~ ancl purpo~~ af ~his reques~ by ~tlze City Admini~~tra~oro wi~h adcli~tiona~. ~xp~anat~on ancl c~arification ]~y °~he Ci~y A~~or°neyo -an~ af~e~ resul.~an~ Council c3i~cu~siono a mo~ion was macle ~y Councilman M~Neilo seconded by Coun~iYman Bt~~°~o th:a°~. th~ G~ty ~dmin~~~~a~or _ authoriz~cl ~o negotia~e for a rrew o~° u~ec~ ~oacler on a purcha~e or lea~~ purchase agreementa ~ub~ecit ~o Cour~ci~ app~ovalm Ntoti~ carriedm PROPOSED STGNAI~ ~YSTEM - GRAND AVENU~ AND ELM STR~~'I" - REC~I~TE BIDS Z~ND AWA1~D GONTRAC'I" The Ci~y I~dmZmis~trator repor~ed tha~ on Augu~~ 50 ~9659 a~ the lzaur o~ 2 0 0~ P. Mm D~ids w~.r~ ~°~c~~v~d an~. open~cl ~~he Ci~y C1erk ir~ ~1~~ office of ~he Direc~or o~ PuT~~~~ Wo~°]c~ ~or t`he purpose of tlze ~~~~~~hing an~ ~n~~a~~ing a signal ~y~i~~m for veh~cu~ar ~~°agfi~~ a~ we~1. a~ gedle~~~:an traffico at G~°and Avenue and E~m Street in ~h~ C~.~y of Arroyo Grancle~ this being ~h~ r~a~e~ ~tim~ and place ~e~ by tYie Couneil fo~° saicl ~ir~ a~nning. Bic1~ were reeeived a~ fallowso S~einy ancl Mi°tchel"1 $ 8~ 97~ A-1 E1~ctric $ 80436 L~e Tn1il~on $ 7, 8360 ~ znotion wa~ mac~e b~Z GQUncilman McNei~a ~ecornc~ed }~y Councilwoman TYiompsono -t~~ t~e lo~a ~cl a~ su~it~ec~ by Lee Vailsono ~lectrical Contrac~tora be accep~ed and the Mayor be authorized to sign ~,he con°~rac~t~ Motion earried. PRESENTI~TION BY WALTER FILER - A REPORT ON STORM DRAIN IN CDNJUNC- TION ~ITH 'I'RP~CT NO m 2$2 Mr~ Walter ~°iler spolce to -~he Council expres~ing ~hat he did not feel i~t ju~-ti~i~zz~ -t~at ~e ~e called upon ~o pay fo~ the ~ost ' of the -en~ire subject storm drain when res~dents other i~han t°hose locatecl in lzis Tract 282 wou~d reeeive tt~e c~°a~nage l~enefi~s therefrom~ ancl heo Mr. Filero in turn woulcl have -~to wa~~ ~or paymen°t ~ reimbursement from ~~hose ind~vidua~~ no~t withira his ~trac~m 'I'here- foreo hi~ p~oposal ~o °~he City was to B'lzave =the Ci~y put it in and we pay proport~onate ~l~a~e".° (Quote o~ Wa~~er Filer) Re~erral was made ~o °the Counc~l minu~e~ of March 129 19630 at whic`h time °tlze Council agreed "Tlzat ~he Cit;y participai~e by paying the ~xp~n ~e of the ir~crea se of th~ li ne from 24 ~0 30 8B and two drop inl~t~a no°t ~o e~ceed $40000~00". (Quo~e from City Council Minutesa Arroyo Grandeo Ca~iforn~a9 da-tec~ Marclz 12 0 1963 . ) Tn the ensuing cliscussiono ~.t was poin~ecl ou°t ~tha~ clarifica- tion of the City°s obliga-tion on the exces~ capaci~y of pipe to be used in connee~ion w~~h th~ storm clrain was ~o b~ determineds 13~ CI'I'Y COUNCrL ~UUUST ~Oo 1965 ARROYO GRANDEa CALTF`ORNIA PAGE 3 I~f~ter fur~Yier Council ~liscu~sion~ v~a~ ~onc~~z~~d ~tha~t ~he en~ire ~ub~ec~ ma~~er would l~e studied by ~he Coun~i~. anc~ tlze Departmen°~a~ S~ta~f a ancl tlze resu~tar~~ de°~ermina~ions wou~~ ~be presen~tecl at ~the next regula~° council. mee~ir~g on Augu~~ 24~ 1965 0 SOUTH SZ~N LUIS OBT5P0 COUN'I"~ S~N~'I~'~'I°IO~T DI~'I"l~:TC'I" - PROGRESS FtEPQR'~" '~he Ci~ty Adminis~ra~o~ gave a p~og~e~s ~epo~~ on al~ plza~e~ of °tlze current cons~ruct~on projec~~o estima~ing t~at app~oxima~ely one-sevent~h or one-~eigh~'h of the entire pro~ec~ had. been corripleteda LETTER TO CI'i°Y COUNCTL F'ROM OLIVIA BTA~OBS 1~ND SONS Mayor Wooc1 as7ced °t~he City Aclm~nis°~ra~o~° ~o ~eac~ °~he ~e~~ter receivec~ ~rom Mrs. Robert Vm ~Jacobs in wlzich ~he °thankecl tl-ie member°s of ~the ~ity Council o,- the G~~.y Admin~. ~~,~ato~ ancl City employee~ for the Memo~ia~ Services held in mem~ory of Rober~ Vm ~acobs and ~lze t~°ibute bes~owed upon him. RESOLU'I'ION SUPPOI~TING FORTHCOMING BOND ELEC'IaION ON T~OPEZ DAM PR0a7~CT ~n accordance wi~tlz ~he Council ° s c1i~°e~~ion a~ ~ll~e me~~~ng o~ 1~ugu~~ 20 1965~ a Resalu~ion i~ ~uppox~. of t~e ~opez Dam Projec~t lzacl be~r~ preparec~ by ~tll-ie C~~y At~orneyo ar~d a~ ~ha~ time we~ read in its en~ir~e~y by °the C~ty Ac~mini~t~ator ~n ~,he ~ounc~l. 1~~ ~OZU'I°T ON NO ~ C 65 RESOI~U'I°ION OF° THE C~TY COUNGI~ O~° `PH~ C~TY OF A~ROYO GRANDE SUPPORT~NG 'I'H:E I.,O~?~Z DA~i 'PROa7EC'I' On motion by CounciYman Burt~ ~econ~.ecl by Counc~.lman McNei~, and on ~l~e follov~ring rol~ call ~ot.ee ~o w~i~a AY~S6 Cc~~znciiwroman '~homp~on~ Councilmen McNei~ Burt and Mayor Woodo NOES~ Nonea ABSENTa Noneo ~the foregoing Resolution was adopted tlzis ~Oth day of August~ 1965~ John Hur~~t of A~°royo Grancle ~thankecl ~he Council ~or their unl imi ted suppo~°t in °thi s wa~ter p~°o j ect . LE'I°TER FROM DEPT a OF° PUBLI C HEI~LTH o S. L ~ O m OF°FI CE o UNDER S~GNA'I°URE OF JAMES Da GA'I'ESa COMMENDING E'IRE CHIE~' 'I'ONY MARSALEK '~l~e C~ty Administrator advisecl that the letter received from Mr. Gate~o clatecl Augus~ 9~ 1965~ expressed commendation and thank.s to ~'ire Chief Marsa7~ek and his E'iremen for ~~e Departmen°t ° s assi~~ance in t~he ~ecent ~emoval of a pu~b~ic heal~h hazard iden°ti~ied as tlze Plymp~on dwel~ing~ NEV~l 'I°EL~'I°YPE MACHTNE - POLICE DEPTo OF CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 'I'he City Admini~~rator invitecl ~11e CounciY to review ~tlze new teYe~yp~ maclzine jus°t insita~led in the Police Departmento aricl -~o see a clemonst~°ation of i°~s opera°tiono immecliately ~ollowing the busine~~ se~sion of the Council meetinge PERMI~SION TO LE~1VE' 'S'I'ATE - BY MAYOR ADDI SON B o TnTOOD On mo~ion by Counci~man Burto seconded by Councilwoman T~homp~on~ and unanimou~Ty carriedo t7ie reques~t of Mayor Woocl =to be absent ~.3~ CI"I'Y COUNCIL AUGUS'~' 10~ 1965 ARRO~O GRANDEa CALIFORNIA Page 4 from tlze S~a~e of Cal~~o~nia ~rom Z~ugu~~ ~o Augu~t ~~9 ~,965 v~a~ approved. ADJOURNNl~NT Upon mo°tion~ ~he mee~ing adjournecl ~o an executive se~~ion at 8a36 PaM9 On mo~ion by Councilv~raman Z'~omp~ono ~eeondecl by Counc~lman McNei~ 9 ancl unanimous~y ~carriedo the mee~ing adj ournec~ a~ 10000 PaMm to 5;30 P~Mmo Mondayo Augu~~t 23~ 1955~ ATTE ~T a ~ • ~~z~~l .~1 K~a~ I~EPU'I''~ CITY ~~E~~ MAYOFt ~