Minutes 1965-09-14 ~38 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 140 1965 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wood ~residing. Upon roll callo Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen ~evine, McNeil and Burt reported present, ~INUTE APPROVAL ' The minutes of the adjourned meeting of August 230 1965 and the regular meeting of August 24a 1965 were approved as prepared, ~PPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Council~nroman Thompsono secondecl by Councilman Burto that General Warrants Nom 186 to and including No, 244, in the total amount o~ $250287.07o and Payroll Warrants No. 287 to and including No. 350 in the total amount of $8a796,39, be authorized and ordered paid.'i Motibn carried. COUNCIL REORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENTS In this connection Mayor Wood m~de the following Council appointments; ' Councilwoman Thompson was appointed to serve as Arroyo Grande Council representative on the Economic Development Committee and on the Division of Highways Comrnitteea and to the Aclministration and Finance Departments and th+e Fire Department of the City of Arroyo Grande. Councilman Levine was apppa.nted to serve as Arroyo Grande Council representative on the ~one 3 Water Advisory Committee, and to the Planning Commission and ~olice Department of the City of Arroyo Grande. Councilman McNeil was appointed to serve as Arroyo Grande Council representative on the Local Agency Formation Commission, and on the Parks and Recreatio~ Commission and to the Public Works Department of the City of Arroyo Grandea Councilman McNeil expressed his decline to the Public Works Department representa- tion, which declination was refus~d b~ Mayor Wood. Mayor Wood expressed his desire that Councilman~McNei1 officially represent the Public Works Department to which Councilman McNeil reiterated his decline. Councilman Burt was appointed as alternate representative of the Council on the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Boardo and as Council Representative ~o the Water Department and the Personnel Rating Board of the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande. Mayor Wood announced his representation to the Water Resources Advisory Committee. and that h~e would work closely with the other Council members in their respective representations. LETTER OF THANKS - BRANCH 4-H CLUB The City Administrator read tY~e letter of thanks from the Branch 4-H Club for their use of one of the City's litter baskets at the San Luis Obispo County Fair'at Paso Roble~. LETTER OF THANKS - ARROYO GRANDE D04~11~TTOWN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION It was announced to the Council that a letter of thanks from this named association had been received for the City's installation of the bicycle racks in the dowzztown`~rea. -1- 13~ CI'~'Y COUNCI~, S~1?'I'~MB~R 14a 1965 A1~ROY0 GIZAND~a CA~~~°OF2N~Z~ PAGE 2 AMERICAN LEGION P~T Ai~RflYO ~i~ND~ - E'EE E~MP'I° BUSINESS I,I~~P~7`SE ~~.~~r Administ~a~o~ ~°ead a let~t~~ ~~°ozn t~ lcs~~~ American Legion reques~ing a~n~~-:1 t~ ~~~mp°~ ~icen~e w~i~h had been i~~u~d to them for ~`he v~~e]~ly t~enage "Record Hop" ~ances, Aftex° Council discus~ior~9 ~ trz~-~icsr~ ~ra~ ma~T~ by Councilman Burt~ ~econdecl by Council.wannars T`horttp~ona t`hat t~he American Legion Pos~ No4 136 be issued a fee e~empt licen~e to conduet weekly teenage clances. Motion ca~ried. ARROYO GRZ~NDE HAR~S'I' FES'I"IVI~L - PARTTC3PATION BY COUNCIL IN PARADE 1-~nnouncemen~ was rnade to t~he Counci~ tha~ the Harvest F`estival Commit°tee had a~]cecl for tlze Council a s par~icipation in the fes°tive parade, T`he CounciY agree~ ~l~a~ a11 vaou~c~ pa~ticipate ~f at all po~sibl~9 ancl i~ wa~ sugges~ecl' by Councilwoman Thompson ~ha°t possibly a carriage mig~h.t b~ ~ecur~cl ~o~ ~hei~° par~icipa~ion in the paracle be ~he~c1 Oc~ober 9 0 19C 5 a TR~ASURERBS R~~~R'I' T`he Treasurer Repor~ ~o~ ~lz~ mon~11 0~ Augus°to 1965 was receiv~d by ~he Couneil anc~ ore~ered file~.. DE;PAFtTMENTAL REPORTS T1ze Depa~°tmental Montl~ly R~po~~ fo~° ~t`he rnont~h of August B 1965 wa~ r~ceived by ~lze Coune~l and~ orcle~°ec1 filec~~ Mayor V~lood comm~en~e~d. ~~e act.~vit~ o~ ~m~~ ~ ~r.a~2nYas ~~~n°~~ a~n ~~heir extra curr~~ula~° ~r~icipa~ion in app~icable community a~~~ir~a and so encou~aged ~uc~h pa~°~ic~~~~r~r~~. Tn this ~aine lig~h~~ t~he ~ity Aclmini~tra~tor announcecl to the Council ~~h~~ ~ Y~Tork Expe~°~~nc~ .Eciuc~taian ~~°ogram woulc~ commence Septemb~r 159 1965~ ~`ha~c~ grogx°am would provide tl~e City Offices some 4 g~.~s from -t~he Ar~~°oyo Gran~.e Union Hig~ School ~or one hour a clay for acc~x~~e~n-~. o~ ac~~~ o~~~~ ~fl~l~.ing expe~°ience and at t~h~ same ~time provi~.e h~g~h school c~°edit to these individualsa A~t~OY't~ G~~~~ G~iAM~3F~t OE' COMMERCE FOR ~UPPORT BY 'I'HE CITY IN RE o ANi~a~ CHRISTMA~ S'I°REET L~GA~°ING ~'R~GRANS The Ci~y Administra~~r a~nounced ~ha°~ ~t77iP Chamber had requested t`his item be ~held in ab~yance un~il th~ next council meet~ing. REQU~S'~' OF ARROYO GRAND~ WOMEN°S CLUB REm L~BRZ~RY DIRECTION SIGNS I~~~er Counci~ discussiona a motion ~aas made by Councilman McNeilo ~econdecl by Councilman Levin~~ ~ha~, the City place certain li~rary location cli~°ection sic~n~ ( 4) o wl~ic~h were ~eeurecl by tYie Arroyo Grande Women e~ C~u3~ ~nc~ ~~erea~ter presen~ecl to the Cityo and °~Yiat actual instal~ation o~' ~'he signs a°t variou~ Yocations in tYie Ci~y is ~o be done by C~~y ~"orces9 Motion carrieclo PLANNING COMMI5SION REVTSION DF EXIS'I°ING ORDINZ~NCES IN RE. ORGANIZA'I'IONAL AND ATT~NDANCE F°EATURES INTO N~1 ORI~INANCE -FIRST REI~DING T`he City Attorney presen~ted copie~ of the propo~ecl orc~inance °to the Gouncil. Af~~~° gen~ral cliscussion by ~he Council.o City Attorneyo Plannirag Commis~ione~° Schultz and ~he Ci~y Aclministra~or~ and af°ter approval by the Council of suc°h new ordinancea the proposed Planning Commission O~dinance was read ~h~°ough ~lze title for the first reacling b~ ~he Ci°ty A~ttorney. '~hereaftero a motion was made by Councilman McNeila ~econcled by Counc~lman Burta to cli~pense with reading ~he "baTance o~ the O~d~nance. Mo°tion unanimou~ly car~°~edm -2- ~~Q C~~ ~OUNL~~I~ ~~F`~`~NIB~R ~40 ~.965 AR.IZQYQ GRAI~DE°~ UA~I~`~3F~1ti1IA PA~~ ~ PLANN~NG LO~MTS~~:ON~~t,n~.~~AI~~~`I~ I~~~T~~L}~1~~.T__~~_~~PLAC~M~N'I' B~ V~AYN~ Cm MiZ~ - - .~~M - - ~ _ ~c~s~i~~ic~r~~~~~~p ~Yi~1c~ ~a~. M~ ~ ~t~~~~~°~ b~~n o~~i,e~a~~y vacated b~~ 1~~~ 1~c7~ af ~~~~rx~~~~~ ~~~~~~~,r~~.~~ O~~d:~na~~e~ regula°~ing ~~~enc~~r~~~ a~ Pl~n~i~~g ~c~.~u~i~~~.~>r~~~~~~ Niay~or V~To~~ d~~v:~. ~ t~~~ ~;t1~ t~cs~.ri~ i~ l~ad ~~ho~~r~ NTr T~Tayr~~ Mi~~ ~o ~~~I ~~hi~ ~a~~r~~y ~.h~ Planrk~r~g ~"~~r~i~~~..on~ "~~~e~~af~e~9 ~ nno~~o~ v~~~ zn~c1~ by Cou~~~ ~~ri~r~ t~u~-~:, ~~~~~~c~~c~ ~y ~~ur~~il~ar~ M~N~iI9 ~h~~ M~C ~ Ulay~~ ~ a M~ tr,~Y~~ i~e~~s a~ 1~~8 Hil.lc~°e~~ L~'1m3,`61~a `•:L:~e~Y~"C.3 :a~;':~iYti:~'~3 ~,zY.i~l.~a.~.x...~ , :p~.~ .,,i:._ti~~ '1~~7 `~~h~ P]L~1`i123m1°~C~ ~r~a~~~ ~ca ~~.~1, i~~°~ ~,~~~r,~~x,~~~~ , 1~ ~ Rc~~ac~~aui~ ~u~h ~e~°zr~ ~ga~ a~"~z~~ ~~r~~~ t~F~~a~:a~~ ~:a~..~i~~ }?~C)P~1~~~' - ~~9~i~~~.~ ~G~U ~~I~ OI~ ~~:I~ ~'~~Ft~ I~?'~AR C~~'Y_TnTELLS) ~~~~~Ac~.~n~~~~~~c~~~~~.+~~~~c~~~~°Aat~ ~~hi~ e~v~~~~~ng--~~ notir v~ca~~~ ar~c~ b~c~u~~ ~t~~ ~,rc~~~c~ n~,~ b~ u~~d a~ a~es~c~ence ir~ °~~ie ~u~~.a~~o ~n~ ~Y~a~ ~,~d~ ~'i~~~ ~~~~a~~~,~~~a~r~~~ ~F~~ i.r~~~~~~~~d ~n ~7z~ u~~ ~~me ~o~ t~~i~r~r~r~ ~~~=r~i.~~~ c~~re~ ~r~ ~x~enc~ed p~~~~e~~ A~~.~~° Cc~ta~~.-z~ cta.;~=~u~~i~~x~~ a rr~c~~~csr~ v~a~ ~ac~e b~r Counc~l.- ~ezr~ar~~ T~ae~rr~p~e~~o ~~~~r~cz~c~ 1~~ ~~:~~,t~~~ezt~~~ 1_e~v~r~~~ ~:~a~ ~1z~ c~~ntelling lo~~~~~ ~e~aa~~n~ ~:~rr~ ~,~r~1rL~~ c;~r~x ~1.zr~ b~ ~b~~clonec~ ~o~ o~~~p~n~~ u~~,~ ~a=~ t~~~~ ~~~t~~ k~~ u~~~ ~c~r ~~a~n~ng pu~pc~~~~ k~~ ~~h~ F`~~~ I)~pa~~;,~r~~r~~ ur~~~,. ~Y~~ ei~~~~~~or o~ °~~h~ F~~e Ch~~~9 M~~~it~n ~~~~:~~~.y T~O'I' ~~AI~jIN~~_~I-~AI~UE ~ ~t~Q_~sJ~~,~1 C~~' ~C)U1`~C:IL U~R~~'~ION ~'OR UNFAID CCHAI~GES .~.~..a ~ ~ ,.~._...~,~~=,g.~~..,~~~ _ A.~~~~ expl~r~a~~~~ Ac~min~~~~~~~o~ o~ rnany att~mp~s ~o ~~f~~~ ~~z~ ~c~~~~e:~~c~~ a~ ~`~a~~~ e~u~~~~~e~~ng ~i~,5~~a ~ritlzou~ resul~~a ~nd a~~~~ C~u~~~~~ c~~~~~~~~~r~o a~ ~r~~c~~~or~ n~a~e by Counc~~m~n ~~~~i~7eil o ~~concl~cl by ~oun~~~.zr~ar~ Bu~°~9 G~~y A,~~n~~°~ra~o~ o~ the City At~ca~r~~~ ~be ~u~Yi~~~~~~ ~~a~e ~1~~ unco~l~~~ed lo~ c~eaning aceour~~~ in Sma~Y C~~.~r~~ C'~~~t~- ~t~~° cc~~~.~~~i.on,~ Ma~.~on c~~ried. l~~.l A~'I° F'OFt ~N~TA~LA~`IOi~ ~TJI~~3 ~ND ~UT~~R ON .~UI~7SET DRIVE G~~y 1~c~m~r~:~.~~.~a~o~ ~°~~~r~~ia~~_a r~pv~~ ~~o~n ~he Da~~°ec~or of , Pub7~~c Vdo~~~ o~z°~~~raa~~c~ ~~za~ m~r~ •~lzai~ ~O~f o~ ~u~~ and gu~ters lzave b~er~ ir~~~a.l~ec~ or~ Sun~~~. D~~~e,, ~r:cT ~°~qu~~°~ed Coun~i~ author~za-tion °~o ~orn~~r~c~ p~o~~~~i~rzg un~~~ 19~~ A~°~ C~xzo~°~ F"o~°m) ~o~ in~~~l~a~~~r~ o~ ~~a~k~q c~~z~~~~° ~x~r~ c~~ ~~~~a~r ~p~°on~ fo~ °the ~a~anc~ of ba~`h o~ ~un~~~ I~~~~~ k~~~~~~r~ E~~~ anc7 A~d~~° Streetsa A~~e~° C~u~ca~~ e~~~~u~~i~r~9 ~ Ft~~r~~~z~i~r~ a~.~~a~~~~r2g ~or~~~ruction o~ con- c~~~e ~~z~~~ ~~d ~u~~~~~ ~rzc~ c1~~~r~~~~~r~ ~a~ ~~ac~ ~h~°ough t`h~ 1~y ~~ty G~~~~m 'I~~z~~~~~~~x°q a rno~~or~ tiaa~ rnac~~ by Council-~ v,yamar~ `~~ort~p~~r~q ~ee~n,r~~~ ~by ~o~r~~a~~rr~ar~~ ~I~~~ineo ~a disperise sa~th ~°~a~,~~~g b~~~nc~ c~~ ~~~~a~u~ic~na ~ ~t~ a01~U~ION NOm 657 R~~O~,~L7~IQN TN~'I'FZU~'d'ING T'HE: SUP~RIN'1~"~ND~N`I" O~' STR~~~S `~'O ORI~Fl~ ~1'H~ ~DI~~~'RU~'I~IC~N OF GONCR~~E CUR.BS AND C~U''~'~E~F~ ~ AN~ I~£~~~I:T7~ThTA~ A_PRON~S ~ Or~ mc~~i ~r~ Gr~~r~~ i. F~~1~+~.~ ~~~~e~~ad~c~ 3~y Coune i lman Bur~ ~ ar~~ or~ ~`h~ ~~~~c~~w~ng ~~~.Y ~ro~~q ~o w~~a A~~S~ ~'~u~~i1,~~c~~~~ar~~ ~`'~~~~~t~t~, Courici~mer~ L~e~rine~ M~'.~V°~:I. ~ L~'il..l~°~_ e~T`3C;, M~~ICS~' WOOC~ ~ N O~ ~ ~ T_\7 ~5~"i o . A~~~N`~` T I~Tr~T~~'„ ~~~~g~~~g ~~~c~~~~~c~r~ ~aa~ ~~c~p~e~d ~~~h~~ ~4~1~ day of S~p~e~ribero 1955a ~ 14~. CI'i'~ COUI~TCI~ ~E~~EMB~R ~4~0 ~965 Z~R1~OY0 GRI~I~DE, CAS~~FORNIA PAG~ 4 ~'u~~`he~ in ~tYii~ e:o~r~~c~~.or~~ a mo~~~~ ~nr~~ mac~~ b~ Councilman McN~ila ~~~ar~e~~d by Cc~ur~~~~ma~ Bu~~q ~~a~ ~_~h~ ~a~e o~ 4~ec~.ne~day~ Sept~rnbe~ 299 ~965~ a~ 8 P~l~i,,e be a~ ~~he date anc~ ~~m~ ~o~ a hear~ng~ at 4ahieh ~izx~~ p~ope~~y o~ane~~ c~pposing in~~a~lation of curb~ ancl gu°~~e~~ ~~~,1 h~a~c~v M~~i~r~ ca~rieclm V~A~NU'T' STRE~`~` - ACC~P'I'Z~NCE OF F~IGHT O~" WAY DEEDS In cor~ne~~ion v~1~lz ~1ze p~opo~~c~ imp~o~eme~~~ ~o~° Wal~ut Stree~a b~~va~en ~a~~ Oa~CS ancl Far~~~~ Rnac1N a mo~iora ~a~ rr~acle by Counci~v~o~an T~homp~ano ~~~~nc~~cl by ~ounci~mdn 1~IcNei~a tha~ tlze Righ~ of Way cleed~ ~o~ imp~o~rem~r~t~ on vJalnu-~ S~~°eet be~vaaeer~ F~ir Oalc~ Ave~u~ anc~ F~~~~°~~~ I~c~~d in t`h~ C~i~y of A~~°oyo Granclea ~~°orr~ I,, Do ancl ~"a A°~]~in~. Aa Mo ~~c~ A. Ga La~ick~ Ao ancl L. N~~rmanq A~ C. anc~ B. Lo ~~h~re~~ H~ t~l. anc~ E. ~7. McMi~lena Ca C. anc~ E. A~ Golemar~q H~ G~ a~c~ J. E. °~o`a~.~~ I~. S~ra~~ona J. C. anc~ G. H0 Reec~d ,T~ W~ ancl M~ J. Ru~~~~l.a Ga and ~m Ab~in~ L o C, and O~ C m Tlzor~rp~on arad ~nT ~ V: ~nd J~ L~ Smi~t`h to ~~he City of A~royo G~ande be a~~~pte~~ anc~ ~`~a~ Mayor anc~ City Gle~k be au°~Tzo~ized ~o ~ign ~uc`h c~o~urnent~ on ~~`l°~a~~ o~ ~h~ Ci~y o~ Arroyo G~andea anc~i ~he~°~a~~~~ Yi~~~ ~am~ ~eeox°dede Mo~ion ~arried. RIGH"I' a OF° WAYo ~LM S'T"R~~°~ AND GRAND AV~NUE - REQUES'I' COUNCIIJ B S AU'I'I~ORTZI-~TION TO f3:IR~ AN API~RAI~~1Z R~~ C~R'I'A~N RIGH'I'S OF WAY 'I°lze Gi~y Admini~~~a~tor ~n~~~tnee~ ~~h~ Counci~ ~1~a°t ~t~ae l~eginning s~eps fo~ ~~reet ~.mprov~~n~r~t of E]~m ~°~ree~t be°t~een Fair Oaks Avenu~ ancl ~"a~~°e~l Roa~, ~ne1 G~and A~r~r~~e ~lm ancl Br~ sco Road wer~ ~°e~dy ~o b~ ea~nm~n~~c~9 and Ceunc~~ app~oval ~o hire an app~aiser in this conne~°~~on wa~ n~~c~ec1~ A~~e~° Council discussion~ a mo~,ion ~ra~ mad~ by Coun~i~man NLcN~~I, ~~condec~ by Counei~Lwoman Thomp~ona ~Yiat ~~he Ci~y ~~rrpToy ~he ~~~~ric~~ of an apprai~er to malce app~a~sa~~ o~ ce~~a~n p~°ope~~ies on ~~..zn S~reet, be~we~n Fair Oaks and Farrell Roado ar~cl or~ ~rancl A~~nue nea~ ~~he intersection of Elm S°~~°eet and Bra~scc~ Roac~ ~or pu~poses of ~~re~~t improvements. Motion carr~ecl, SURPLUS WAT~R TR.UCK - PE1~MI~S~ON TO PURCHASE The C~ty Admini~~t~ator g~v~ ~h~ Counci~ a~~atus repo~°t on thi~ wa~e~° ~~°uck reques~ed ~~rouglz ~lz~ S~ta~e Office of Civil D~fen~e ~ome tvao yea~s ago ancl ad~r~~ec~ is r~o~rr available for purclza~e. A~te~ CounciT cliscu~sion9 a motion was macle by Council- woman Thomp~onp ~econd~d by Councilman Levinea ~~ha~ the City pur- chase ~h~ ~200 ga~~on tank wa~e~ =~ruc]c (~952 Moc~el) o~~e~°ed t~hrough °the S~a~te Offiee o~ ~~.vil D~~en~~ fo~ ~he ~o~a5~ ~urn of $225.OOe and ~~hat ~azne be pai~1 f~om Ci~y fund~ ~n ~~h~ Stree~ Ma~ntenance Fund~ Equipmen~t Ren°tal Al~ oca~ion ~ l~iotion cax ~°ied. RECEIV~ BIDS ON 1965 P1(~CUP '~RUCK FOR WA"~°ER DEPAR'~M~EN'~ The Ci~y Ac~nini~°~ra~o~° advi~ecl ~1za~ b~.dsihad been reeeived f or tlzi ~ truc7k purc~ha se a~ ~ollows A Mau~y B~°ennan Fo~°da Inc m- $1a893~30 and Chris°tian~on C~hev~°ale~ -$1~930.00, Afte~ Council cliscus~ion9 a motion w~~ mac~e by Councilman Bur~o seconcled by Councilman McN~i~ ,~hat ~h~ low bid of IyIau~y Brennan Forc19 Inc a in tlze amoun~ of $1 a 893 0 30 be ac~ep~eda ancl tYia~ t~he 1966 Ford ~'I°on P~ckup T~°uck for t'h~ Wa~e~ D~pa~~ment be purcha~ecl f'rom ~aic~ concern. Mo°~ion car~~ec~a NEW TRUST AND AGENCY ACGOUN"~ AT BANK. OF` AM~RICA - APPRO~TAL F°OR TRANSFER OF $4, 622 9 54 °~O SA~I~ ACCOiUN'3` ~ Tlz~ C%ty Adm~ni s~ra~or aclvi ~~d tk~~ Council tha~ deposit of t~his sa~c1 amoun~ ~ra~ n~~dec1 ~o commen~~ use of ~~his ne`nr trust and agency account, Af~~~ Caunci~ di~cu~~~on, a mo~ion ~ta~ rnade by -4- 1~2 CI'I~ CaUi~7CI~ ~~P'~'~~MF3ER ~.~a 19~i5 ARl~O~~ GI~tA~I~~o CALIF°UF2N:TA ~~G~ 5 Cc~un~~,Tv~rorrr~r~ r~~~c~mp~c~l:~ :~~;~:=L~A~:;~:~~ ~Gr ~~~~a~~;.i.~m~ri M~N~~1~ ~~~t ~1z~ Barik o~ A~n~~;~i~a I~7 e'~" ~ t~ s, ~-~y ~ Ct~ a~.~.~~ br ar~}c:~ha b~ ~u~~-io~°i ~ec1 to ~:~ar~~~~~ f~~rn ~kx~ ~~~.y ~ ~~:.°~~x:~.1 ~cr~.~v~ a~~:~ur~~. ~°h~ ~u~ri o~ $49 6~~ ~ 54y ~r~~ ~ha~ ~urz~ ~~~~.~c~ t~~ ~~u~~ and ager~cy ac~i~~ a~~aur~t ~~h~ C°.~~y A~°~c~yc~ Mcs~:~on ~~~~°~~c~o ~ AU'I'I-~ORIZATTON ~'OR 13II~~ - VvA"1`.~C~ I.r~l:~~` i3F~`~C~~F~I'~ BR~I~~CH S'I`R~~'~' .AND TDE AND GI~RDEN S~"R~~'T~_...__,_m.fiI~;l`a _w~~c-~T~I~~~A~I3~~V~ ANI~ H~L~CREST DR~~IE A rr«°~ion m~n~ k~~ ~°~u~a~~.~ ~~~~~x~~M~N~i.~ ~~~ond~c~ ~y~~ounc~l- anan Bur~q ~1~~~ °~~~e Gi~~r C~~r~7~ ~ut~.;hc~~i~~~ ~ncl a~ra~~ruc~ecl to ac1v~~~a~~e ~h~ ~a~~ b~,d~ ~,~r~~~~ ~in~ b~~tvreen t~he ~~an~`~x ~~~~~t~ ~C~'" ~:r~:~ ~.,i.h, ~4~~., .~;:.r~~r. 4'w 1~n~9 and t`h~ ~°~p~~~~rt~~r~~ ~'~:z.~t,~s.~`~i~' .~._~f::~~ ~~..i.~~~a I~~i~~ a~zd "H~llc~'e~~ Dri.v~ C~~~r ?~~=~a~y~; r~~~~~;;s~ :u~l~ L:~r~:~ ~~cs b~ v~necl on Nav~mb~~ 5~ 196~ ~ 1~ , c~I r. r~~,.~ C;~ f" .s. c~~ ~~Y~~ Di ~~c~o~° o~ Pub~z.~: Wc~~~~. M~st,~c:,~`~. ~~~x,~cf : M~NU'~E~ OF "~HF L~~ C:`~lJiv"~`~bY In~A"t:'t~.f5 ~.1~~C>~1Ftr"E',~ AD~~SOR~ COMMI'I'TE~ - ~._r..a._., ~ _ Z~NI~ NO`~`T C~ O~' MEE'rP~]~i~ II;~~' "I`~ iir; ~4,1~G~ ~ s o~,Ft~1 ~C3MMI'T'`~FE ~ ~u~~ ~bov ~ r~~r~~~~~ urr~~r~~~;~ va~;r ~ ~ ~r~~ ~ ~cl =b~r ~c~unci~l. and p~a~~~ ~n f~~~~ W~~'EFt ~1~~~: ~``T`A~I"`LC~ AN}.'~ ~~C)ME~~I~~ ~~~:~~L ~"C?R MON~'H OF AUGUSTB 19~a s_,~_.._w,.~_.,__.._. , .._~-._.c . _ ~.d,~.~..__~~_.,_.. VS e ALJGU~'I' 3~~ 64 '~"7~~ ~s~t~ A~tk~ini.~;~~_~~~,~~ ~t~~,.~.~~c~ ~'t~~ t~~~tane~il o~ °~~xis repo~°to ~r~d ~~Yi~~ i~~, ~a~ c~n ~~~s ~ ~ca~ t.'~~~~:x.~ f ~:,~°x~~- ~~u~y and%o~ inforTnation, SOU'~H SP~~ ~..~U~ ~ C?~3T ~P~ ~ G'C~~;f.;! l~` f~r LVI:'`L'p.'~'I ON :f ~]C ~r~`1~ T C.T Il~ w~~~~~~po~~~r~~--~c; ~4-a~ t"~i~r,~~'~ ~~~~~_~'h~~~nce~r~ Ou~fa11 Line had been eomm~nc~~ by ~ar~~r~a~~~ra ~rzd ~ha~ ~~.1 o~her p~ha~e~ of the Di~tri~°~ ~ ~ p~°a~~c~~ prc~c~a~~~~~,~c~ ~ati~~ac~ori~y~ REQUE~'T' ~FtOM U~VI~I:ON O:E~" HICzf3Vv`PrY~ - TN RE'a I~IYLOCZ~'I"TON O~ F°UNDS F°ROM S'~A'~'E HIGHWAYm~`UNI~`TO C.T~'Y FUND_~__:~_,_,--- Af-~~~° ~~a~i~~~a~~~riWa~ t..~~ in~~r~~ purpa~e of ~he Divis~on o~ Hig`hv~~y~ " ~~que~i~ ~.::.i.~y Ac~rr~~~~ ~~~a~o~ ~ t'h~ ~ubj ect Re~~lu~ior~ ~a~ ~~ad ~~~c~u~~ ~t~~~~ k~y~ ~l~e ~~~y A~°tox°neye ~here- af~terg a~ mo°~~o~ ~ra~ rr~a~~ by ~~~~~iYmaz~ M~N~~~ld ~e~o~cled by Council- man Bur~a ~a ~i~p~n~~ ~a~.~~~, ~:~~c~~r~c~ ~t~~ k~~1.~r~ce of ~aie1 E2esolu~ione m~t~ion ur~araimc~~~ly ~~~~~°:i.~~ . RE~ ~(~1~~U`i`'I (~r~ NO , R.~~OI~U"L'`TC71`~ `iH~' ~i'I'~' C+JUL~C'1:T.~ ~IHE CT`I°Y OF ARROYO GRAND~ AIX)P'~INC~ BUI~~E~~ FOR ~~PE;ND'I'I~UR~ O~ FUNDS AI~I~OCAT~IJ F~R.Gi~I 'THE S`~'A`T`~ HTG~~WAY ~UND TO CI'I"TE S Or~ r~o~~on by G~ur~e~~~mu~~ burt., ~~~:;c~nd~d by Councilwc~r~~n T`homp~on e and on ~~a~ ~ca~ lo~i.~g ~-c~l~ ~a vc~te ~~o wi ~t ~ Z~`~'FSB C;~aaz~~ilwoman T"hompsana Counci~nnen Levine9 ~wN~~1 ; Burt. anc~. Mayo~ Woocl, ~lC7~S m ~~r?~ , AB~EN'~ ~ l~~~ri~.e ~he for~~o~r~g R~~ol~~i~~ ~dap~~~ ~h~~ l~~~h c~ay of Septernl~er~ 1965. S m I~ O y CHAMB~'1"~ Cs':~~'f~L~:'k _ C`~1~~;`T`l N~ R~.' , I~I a~U~S~ON OF 'I'A~S ~ ..~w_~. _ v ~ ~"~he Ga.~:y Ac~~x~~..~~~~~~f.~ ~rtr~rsunc~cl~:~a '~h~ Counci~ ~Yiai~ a dinne~° m~~~ir~g af ~~a~ 1, H O.> ~y~ar~ik~~.~° c~~ +."fa~~~~~ ~roulc~ b~ ~he~,d Septe~b~~ ~1~ ~~6~9 ~ ~P ~M,n , ~a~a~.~h ~~~zr~~ S~a~~ Con~~ol~~~° ~ CI'~'Y COUNCZI~ ~~P'~"~MBEl~ ~4~ 196 a ARROYO GRAND~ o CA~~~'O~'cNIA ~ PAG~ ~ A1an ~~°ar~~~or~ ar~c~ S~r~~~e~~ ~e~~~c~r°~ ~~u~g~~or~ ~~~ulc~ ~p~a]c on ~h~ prob:lem~ of `~a~~~~o~ i~, C~a~,~..~c~rn~a ~ ~ MO'~TON '~O C1~N~~~ R~~U7~P~ M~~"~"~NG O~` ~~PT~~TuIB~Ft 280 1965 Z~ ~to~ion v~~~ zn~d.~ by~Co~x~~~~rnan M~Ne~I., ~econcT~el k~y Cauncil- man Bu~~a °~Iz~~ ~l~e ~~g~u~~a~ ~~~~ir~g of S~p~~mi~~~° 289 ~9~5 ~e cancel~eda ~`hu~ a~~~~°:~_~g ~c~un~i~ ~~~~~e~°s ~a ]ae u~ed for a po~~.ing pl~ce ~or ~;1~~ ~~p~~ Dam ]~l~c~~an~ Mo~ion unani~ous~y carri~cl~ ADJOUI~NMENZ° On rr~~t~~ora b~ C~ou~~~~~,~.r~~~~ r~~~~+i~~~ s~xi~ ~~~orgr~ec~ b~ ~our~ci~wontan Thomp~or~ ~ ~`h~ ~~e~ir~c~ ~ ~ ~~~r~~~ ~ ~ 2~ P ~ M~~~ to Sept~~ber 29 ~ 1965 a~ ~7 0 3~ P mMe Mo~~~r~ ura~n~~riQU~~y ~~~~°iec~~ i~ y s. ATTES`I' _ ~ - ~ -~,y c~~~ ~ r~~oR _6_