Minutes 1965-12-28 CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 28e 1965 ARRpYO GRANDEo C~~IFORN~A The City Council m~t ~n regu~~~ ~~~~~on w~~h Ma~or Wood pre~idingm Upon r~~~ caTlo Coun~~l~om~n ~h~mp~o~o Gounc~Ymen Lev~nea MeNe~l an~ Bu~~ ~ep~rted pr~sen~~ MINUTE APPROVAZ ~he minu~es o~ th~ regu~a~ me~~ing o~ Deeember 140 ~9~5 were approved a~ prepared~ APPROVAL OF° WARRANTS A motion wa~ macle by Counci~l~,roman T~homp~on~ ~~~onc~ed by Councilman Zevineo that Gen~~°ai War~an~~ Noo 54~L ~o ar~c~ inc~ucling No. 580 in the to~a~ amc~ura~. o~ $140~~4~9~ and Payroll War~ants No. '723 to and including No~ 7'7l~ ~r~ the ~c~~a~ amount of $7, 7~~ ~ l~~ be aut~horizecl anc~ e~rc~e~ed paic~m ~'Io~ion carr~ed. SALES 'I'AX REVENUE - SECOND PROGRESS 12EPORT ' 'I'~e Gi~ty Administrato~ ~eviewec~ ~or ~h~ ~ounc~~. ~h~ ~econd progre~s ~°epor~ on sa~es ~a~ rev~nueo no~ing ~~a~ $2~8058 was recei~r~c1 for the third quar~er--Thi~ ~Iz~ hig~he~~ ~n the City ° s h~story ~f sales ~ax~ Tlze City Adminis~ra~or ac~~ris~d t~e Council that future repor~~d and po~~~bly a br~akc~own o~ ~~he tota~ sales ~a~a would be for~t~hcoming ~n ~965 to~ ~t~kxe Counc~l informa~ion anc3 ~tudy. AGREEMEN'I° E~OR RIGHT OF WZ~Y FOR ROZ~D PUF~PO aES A CONDTTTON OF 1ZEZONEMENT - IN RE m NORMAN m CANB~' PROP~R'I°Y REZONING - PROPEI~TY COMMONLY KNOWN AS NORTH~I~ST CORN~Fd. nF SUNSET DRT VE AND ~OUT~i ELM STREE'I' ~ W~ Af~e~ a brief ~evievy of tlze c~r~~~n~~ar~~~~ r~ga~ding th~s Agr~emen~a and a~ter Counc~l di~cu~s~or~o a mot~on wa~ macle by Coux~cilman McNeilo ~econded by Counc~~.m~n Bu~to °tlzat the Mayor and Ci-~y Clerk be au~t7ior~izecl to ~ign a certifica~e o~ acceptance f or the Agreement cla°tec~ Oetober C~ 1965 and ~ignecl by Norman F. Can~yo wh~ch Agreemen~ cer~if~e~ to ~he City o~ A~royo G~ande tha~ a eer~ain portion of Mr. Canby°s propertyq commonTy known a~ no~°thea~t corner o~ Sunse~ D~~ve and Sauth Elm S°tree~o will be res~rvecl as a righ~ of' way for road pu~po~es in ~ommon witlz oth~r~o and fur°t~hero that ~uclz Agre~men't be ac~epted by the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande anc~ recorded> Motion ca~°r~ec~. REQ~JESZ° OF L& H PLUMBING CO ~_~ZI~ R~ o CI'I"Y VACATTNG SMALL PORTION OF ~.,I~RCHMON'Ie STRE~'T° ~ ~ ? A~~er pre~enta-tion of ~~e pa~°~~cu~ars relevant to ~his request by t'he City Aclmini~trat~~°o and a~~er ~ouncil cl~scu~siono a mo~ion wa~ made by Counci~woman T11omp~on~ s~conded by Couneilman Levinea t'hat ~'he Ci~ty Attorney p~~pare a~~~o~ution ~,o effect the vacation of ~ certain portion of LarcYunont St~°eet by ~lze City of Arroyo Gra~deo and presen~ same to the Council for tYieir further action. Mo°tion carriecl. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSTOL~ - PFtOPOSED ACT~ON 'I'O PROVIDE FACILITY FOR R~CREATIONAL ACTIVITIES - PRIMARILY F°OR SENIOR CITIZENS AND 'I'EENAGERS Tlze City Admin~~tra~or revie~red ~a~t~ and figu~es fo~ ~he Council on thi~ matte~°o and after Council c1~~cu~~iona a mo~.ion was macle by Councilman NI~Neila seconded by Counc~lman Burto ~hat t~he Parks and Recreation Commis~~on b~ authorized to ren~ the builcling faci~ities at ~,he corner of Mason ancl B~°anch S~~eets in thi~ City at ~the ren~aY ra~e of $~05~00 per mon~hn anc~ that the Pa~°k~ ancl Recreation Commi~~ion be fu~~her autlzorizecl to develop such facility into a Senio~ Ci~iz~n~ and Teenage Recre- ational Genter. Motion carr~~c~m -1- 173 CITY COUNCIL DEC~MBER 280 1965 ARROYO GRANDE o CALIF"ORNIA PAG~ 2 FURTHER DISCUSSION - GRAND AVEI~U~ ~ PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT The City Admini~trator ac~~r~~ed ~~e Gc~unci~ t~hat the eost breakdown reque~°ted by the Cdun~il would be forthcoming in the very near futurea ancl ~ur~~he~° ~n °~h~~ ~egarda °the City 1~dminis- trator info~°mecl the Council tha~ canfirma~ion ~had been received from the S~a~e that tlze B1Higlzway Stage Con~~ruction" plan would defin~ly ~e app~icable ~o tlze propo~ecl Granc~ Avenue improvements. LOPEZ DAM PR0~7~C'I' The C~ty A~.torney ~nforrnec~ tlze Council t~hat tlze propo~ed Contraet for Water from Lopez riacl been r~~eived by him ancl same was now under stucly ancl reviewa and that he woulcl advise ~.lze Council of lzi~ recommendations in ~he immedia~e future~ SOUTH SAN LUI S OBI SPO COUNTY SANITATI ON DI S`I~RI C'I° The City Administrato~° ir~formecl t~he Coun~i~ ~1zat the results - of t~he arbitration betv~reen G~°over Ci°ty and ~`h~ Sani~a~ion Di~trict ~egarding the losnrer~.ng of the tr~atmen~ plant were that the District ancl Gro~re~ Ci~y ~lzare tYie cosi~ in accordance with their original agreementv PISMO BEACH CHAMBER OF° COMMEI~CE - REQi7~ST THA'~ CI'~Y ADOPT RESOLUTION ~NCOURAGING 'I'HE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHWAY ON~ AS A SCENIC HIGHWAY IN SOUTH COUNTY AREA In accorclance wi~h -tlze Council ` s d~ireetion at t~he meeting of December 14a 1965a ~the Gi~y Atto~°ney p~e~ented a preparecl Resolu~~on ~o the Council~ which ~nstrumen~ wa~ read in its entirety by the City Admini~~ratorm RESOLUTION NOo _ 676 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI~'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING THE SCENIC HIGHWAY ONE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ON THE RELOCATION OF HIGHWAY ONE On motion by Councilman Bu~°to seconded by Councilman McNeilo and on the following roll call votea to wit: AYES: Counci~v~ro~an T`homp~ona Councilmen LevineB McN~i~o Burt and Mayor Wooda NOES° Non~, ABSENT ° Nor~e o the foregoing Resolution wa~ adopted °this 28th day o~ Decembera 19650 ~ LET'I°ER OF THANKS FROM DOWNTOV~TNN MERCHANTS ~ ASSOCIP~TION REm CHRISTMAS DECORA'~IONS IN CITY O~ ARROYO GRANDE FOR 1965 The City Administrator read a letter of ~hanks from the Down- town Merchantsa under ~he signatur~e of President Kirkpatrick, which expres~ed gratitude for the proclamation of December 5B 1965`as Christmas Decora°tion Day and tYie lzope ~`ha~t it miglzt become an annual event; and furt,hero tYie let~er expressed their' special thanks to tl-ie City Employees wv,~ho ~o generously gave of their time ~o actively:part~cipate in the placement of tlze Christma~ decorat~on~ t'hroughout tlze Ci~y9 The Council also expressed their apprec~.ation of the festive Holiday Decorations throughout t~he Citya ancl commended all those persons ancl City Employees for ~t~heir participation in promoting the Holiday Beauty for ~11 to enjoy. _2r CITY COUN:CIL ' `DECENiBER 28e -19b5; ARROYO GRANDEo CALIF"ORNTA PAGE 3 AD~TOURNMENT On motion by Councilman Burta ~econded l~y Councilwoman Thompsona and unanimou~ly ca~riecl~ the meeting acljourned at 8:05 P,Mm . ~ ATTEST • i~ } t~.~-.a~ ~ ' E a~ `f,d ~.~t DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR ~ _ _ _ . . -3- ,