Minutes 1966-01-25 183 CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL . The minutes of the regular adjourned meeting of January 12, 1966 and the regular adjourned meeting of January 17. 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that General Warrants No. 641 to and including No. 668, in the total amount of $12,141.99; and Payroll Warrants No. 837 to and including No. 885, in the total amount of $7,861.30, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. R~QUEST OF UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - RE. NAME FOR SAME After review by the City Administrator of this request letter, under the signature of Earl Denton, the Council directed the City Administrator to request an additional time period to submit suggested names; and further that the Planning Commission al~o be asked to submit their suggestions, along with the Council's, for a name identity for the new unified school district of t~is area. RESOLUTION SETTING MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON APRIL 12, 1966 , A~T~ AUTfiORIZING PROPOSITION "SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL HEREAFTER ApPOINT THE CITY ~LERK AND THE CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY" ON APPROPRIATE BALLOT After Council discussion, the subject resolution was ~ead through the title by the City Cl~~k; after which, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, to dispense with reading the balance of the resolution. Motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 679 A,RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, THE 12th DAY OF APRIL, 1966, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFTCERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES AND FOR THE SUB- MISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY OF THE QUESTION, OF WHETHER THE GITY CLERK SHALL, HEREAFTER BE APPOINTED BY THE CI~.'Y COUNCIL AND THE QUESTION OF WHETHER THE CITY TREASURER SH~,LL HEREAFTER BE APPOINTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to wit; AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Wood, `NOES,: None, ABSENT; None, the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 25th day of January, 1966. -1- CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, GALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL - FIRST READING After considerable Council discussion of this matter ir~ general, with special discussion emphasis on the amaunt of compen~ation ~o be established, a motion was made }~y Couneilman McNei1, secQnd~~I by Mayor Wood, that the amount of $1.50.00 per.month be esta]~~ished as the compensation salary amount to each Council member of the City of Arroyo Grande, effective April 19, 1966; and upon the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, ~ouncilmen Leuine, Nic~T~il, Burt ax~~ Mayor Wooc1, ~T~~~: None, AF3 SENT : Non~ , the foregoing mo~.ion was unani.mousl~r carri~d. Thereafter, the ~roposed Ordinance wa~ reac3 in its entirety by t'he City Attorney for its first reading. SALE OF OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL OF CITY - FEBRUARY 19, 1966 After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman ~ Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the City of Arroyo Grande hold a public sale on February 19, 1966, between 10 A.M. and 12 Noon, in the parking lot of the City Hall Building, for , the purpose of selling that certain obsolete ~quipment and ma terials of the City, and certain un~laimed property and unclaimed stolen items recovered by the Police Deparfi.ment; such items to be awarded to the highest bidder at the ciose of the sale. Motion carried. CENSUS ESTIMATE FOR CITY OF .ARR~`>~<:~ t;RANDE - AS OF 12~1/65 - 7275 The City Administrator advised the Council that the official c ensus count for tlze City of Arrayo Grand~ a~ of 12/1/65 was 7,275 persons, a population in~rease of 413 persons over the 1964 house-to-house census count. CHANNEL COUNTIES QUARTERLY ME~TING - FEBRUARY 10, 1966 The Council was advised of such meeting to be held in Santa Paula and was asked to inform the City Administrator if they planned to attend. ANNUAL GASOLINE PURCHASE CALL FOR BIDS (SECOND ANNUAL 3-CITY COOPERATIVE PURCHASE) The City Administrator reviewed briefly the voluntary coopera- tive gurchasing program for the purchase of gasoline for the . three cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach. After Council discuasion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, eeeonded by Councilman Levine, that the call for bids to eupply gasoline for th~ Ci~ky from March l, 1966 through February 28, 1967 be suthorized, and"that such bids be opened February 7, 1966 at 2 P.I~. in the of~ice of the City Clerk of the Cit~ of Arroyo Grende. Motion carr~~d. PROPOSED BUS SERVICE BY JAQC HATHAWAY FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE , Mr. Jack Hathaway, current operator of a bus system in San Luis Ubisp.o, outlined his proposal to operate a bus system in the C~t~ of Arroyo ~rande. After general discussion, the Couneil tentative],y gave their approval for Mr. Hathaway to ~ pro~eed with the pertinent preliminaries involved in his proposed transportation ~ystem, and at the same time requested that he su~nit, in writing, ~o the Council his proposed routes, chargeos, etc., within a reasonable length of time, for the Council's further review and result~nt action. -2- CITY COUNCTL JANUARY 25, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~`ORNIA PAGE 3 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT OF RO~ERT GA.L~'~OP AS PLANNER AND PUBLIC SERVICE OFFICER ~ A brief resume of such employment was given by the City Admin- istrator for the Council; and after Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, secanded by Councilwoman T~,ompson, tlzat the permanent emplaymen~ o~ Robert Gallop a~ Planner and Public Service Officer be confirmed; subject to tlze ~ix-month ° prob~tionary period, and:that the salary amount for such posi- tic?n be established at~, $625.00 per rntanth~ Motion carried. ORL?INAN~"~ AM~ND~NG ORDI?~TAIeTC~ 1_'~.~, ~~~'~G'T'`?-I~~~ PI~ANi~~~C~ COl~iMIS~ION ~RGANIZ:':T~:~(aN AND APPOINTI~IEI~T~O~ rT'~~'~PT~Ai3~1~ITI~G COMI~ZISSTON Sk~GRETAR'Y ---_.~.___a_____~_i.____._4 FI12ST R~~ADING Becau~e of an inad~crert~n~y in ~pn2~~~t~ic.~n with ~,h~ exi,~ting Ordinance No. 207e ~nd furt~hex~, in acco~cda~~~ tnritl7 the C~s.ncil's direc~ion at the January 12, 1.9~6 ~t~ee~~ng as pertains to the Plann,ing Commission Secr~~.ary, th~ Council approv~d the first read~.ng of ari ordinanc~ to amend Ordinanc~ No. 193 in re. the ma~ceup of inembersl~ip of the City Planning Cammission and appointment o~ i.ts secretary. T'he proposed Ordinance was reae~ ~or ~the first reading through the title b~r the City Cl~rk~ a£ter which, a motitrn was made by Counc~.lwoman Thomgson, seconded by Councilman McNeil, to dis~ense with reading the balance of saxd ordinance. Motion unanimcausly carried. REQUEST OF PLANNTNG COMMISB~ON FOR ESTA,BLISHMENT OF NEW METHOD OF APPEAL (AMENDMENT OF ORDIN.ANCE NO a~.5~ The City Administratar advis~~. ~ha°r currently a five day psriod is establish~d for fa~lin~ :~~z appe~l of a Planning Gommission decision, az~d thus the Planning Commission had xe- quested that this be cl~anged allovra.ng mare time for filing an appeal. A~ter Council discussion, the City Attorney w~as direct~d to prepare an ordinance establishing a new 10 day appeal ~kime, and present same for the Cauncil's action at their next regular mee~ing. pROPQSED PUBLTC HEARING ON LAND USE ELEMENT THE GENERAL PLAN ~F TH~ CTTX' OF A,RRO'XO GRANDE The ~ity Admin~.strafi.or adv~.sed the Council tha~ the Planning Comm~ss~:can had recommend~:d ~he adop~ior~ o~" the Land Use Element, ' ancl a~ter Counc3.1 discussian, a motion was made by Councilman McNei,~., ~~conded by Councilman Burt, that the matter of a public hearing on the subje~t Land Us~ Element be set for February 21, 1966 at 8 P.M. REQUEST CJF THE POLI~E DEPAFZTMEN'S" TO PURCHASE AN ILLUM:~N.~TED ELECTRICAL SIGAT TN F1~ONT OF CITY HALL, NOTIN~ "POLICE J~EPARTMENT" Af~er explanation o~ the intent and purpose ot this sign r~qu~st by th~ City Administrator, a motion was znad~ by CounCil- man Levine, se~onded by Cour~cil~roman Thornpson, that the purchase and ~.nstallatian of a sign clesignating--"Police Department"--be authori.ze~, and that an amaun~ of $335.00 be approved there~or. Motion carried. FURTHER DISCUSSION - ,~TORNi DRZ~IN FOR 'I"RACT 282 - F'II.,EFt SUBDIVISION The City Administrator presentecl to the Council a copy of ~ an ~xecuted con,t,r~ct, dated 1/24/66, b°y and between Peter Salata Con~truction Co., Tnc. and ~7ohn A. Artokovich as the construCtiorl cantractors, and Filer Const.ruction Co., Inc., as the named owner of the subdivision in question, for installation af a storm d,~ain in said ~.ract, with the compl~tion date scheduled to be May 24, 1966. -3- CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 25a 1966 ARROYO GRANDEs CALIFORNTA PAGE 4 After Council discussion of the contract in ~hand and the entire storm drain mattera ancl after izearing the opinion of the City Attorney0 a motiorl was made by Councilwoman TlZOmp~on, seconded by Councilman Bur~, ~hat an ex~ension o~ time be granted to Walter A. Filer, for the installation and final'completion of a storm drain for Tract 282~ to and including May 24, 1966. Motion carried. SETTING HEARING DATE ~'OR SUNSET DRIVE CURB AND GUTTER SHORT ASSESSMEN'I° DI STRT CT After a general discuss~on of the woik performed in connection with the concrete curb, gu~~er and driveway apron ins~allations on Sunset Driveq wh~c~h cons~ruction is now completed, a motion was made by ~ouncilznan McNei1, secondecl by Councilman Burtp that a public hearing be set for ~h~ purpose of sp~°eading of the assessments for the comple~ed improvement~ on Sunset Drive, under the 1911 S1~ort Assessment Act, at 8 P.M, on February 8, 1966. Motion carried. Further in this connection~ ~he Council concYucled that the individual property owner~ be billed dir~ct for any and all additional work performed by the City in connection with their respective "tie-in" to sucl-i concrete curb, gutter and driveway apron installation improvement on Sunset Drive. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - RE SHORT ASiESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS After Council discu~siong a motion wa~ made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Levine, that in connection with a11 ft~ture Short Assessment Districts, ~hat an overhead eharge of 10 per cent of t~he total constr~xction ce~sts be added thereto to cover the administra~.ive costs invo~.ved. Motion carried. LOPEZ DAM PROJECT After Council discussion of the entire Lopez Dam Project at its present stage, a motion was made by Gouncilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, THAT THE_PRIOR MOTION of the City Council of the'City of Arroyo Grandep made a~ t~heir regular meeting of December 14p 1965p (and which is herewith quoted from the minutes of said December 14, 1965 meeting as follow~: °°:...~hat it be recommended to the Coun~y Boa~d of Supervisors that the transporta- tion facilities of the Lopez Dam Project be held off until neces- sary and/ox~ at least for a four year period of time. Motion carried."), BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESCINDEDv MOTION CARRIEDm FURTHER IN THIS CONNECTION, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the Mayor and the City Clerk, on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grandeo be authorized to sign the new and now current eontract for water from the proposed Lopez Dam Water Project, whieh neva and current wat.er contract is dated January 12, 1966, and which includes the transmission lines and the water reservoir, sub~ect to the final determination of our City Attorney as ~o form and substance, and that the contract be in the amaunt of 2290 ~cre feet of water per year. Motion carried. The City Attorney was cTirected to arrange for and meet with the other applicable Cities' respec~ive attorneys to review and study the subject water contract dated January 12, 1966 as to form and substance, and ~thereafter give the Council the benefit of his findings and recommenda~tions. -4- 18? CI~ ~.'O~N~.'IL ~~~~Y 25e 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, C.ALIFORNIA PAGE 5 APPOTNTMENT OF ALTERNATE TO ZONE 3 AI~VISORY COMMT'~TEE TO BOARD OF SUPERVI aORS OF THE SAN LUI S OBI SPO COUNTY FLOOD CON'I°ROL AND WA'I'ER CONSERVATION DTSTRIGT - Je Em ANDERSON, JRo After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman M~Neil, seconded by Cauncilman Burt, tha~ the per~on of J. E. Anderson, Jr.A Public Work~ Director of the City, be recommended to the County Board of Supervi~or~ to serve as t'he alternate representative of the Ci~.y o~' Arroyo Grande on ~.he Zone 3 Advisory Commi~te~. Motion carried~ S.A~N LLTT~°~ ~~TSPO COi7'NTY WATER 1~~5(aURCES COMM:TT~'E~ C~~'I~~N R~PR~S~N~'ATION UONALI7 L a TALLEY Mayox° Wood re~omm~ncled ~h~ app~~n~a~~r~~ c~~ I~onal~d L. Talley to thi~ namad Committe~, and a~t~r ~oura~il. e11~~u~~ian, a motion was made by Councilwcrman 'I'hcamp~on, ~econcled by ~o~n~~lm~n Levine, that the pereon of Donald L. Talleyg 844 Vi~ginia Gou~~., Arroyo Grand~, California, b~ recomm~nded ~.o th~ Coun~y Boardro~ Supervisors to serve a~ t'he alternate repx°e~en~~~ive o~ th~ Ci°~y of Ar~oyo Grande ~n t'hc San Luis Obispe~ County Water Resource~ Committee. Motion earr~. ed. NACTMIENTO LAKE WATE~t SOURCE The City Admini~tr~tor advised ~.he Caun~~.l on thi~ subject discussion, giving them th~ benefi~t af the C~aunty Board of Super- visors' hearing, which in eff~ct was tha°t °~~~a,r decision would be held in ab~yance for a period of 90 days ~a allow additional study and research on ~the Nacimien~to La7ce water source. SUUTH $AN LUI S OB I SPO COUNTY SAN:~ `~C'.P~'.T.':~ Q1~7 IJI STR I CT The Cauncil was advi~ed by ~"~~~~City Administrator th at a11 phases of ~his project w~re p~ogre~sirag satis~acfiorily, and that cons~ruction af the trunle lin~~ was nearing eompletion. LOCAL .A.GENCY FORMA'I'ION COMMTSSTON - MEETING HELD JANU.ARY 21, 1966 Councilman Levine and the City Administrator reported 'to the Council on this attendec~ m~eting, advising th~t a discussion of the problems creat~d by the r~c~nt legislation on the Local Agency Formation Commission and Distri~~ R~organization Act of 1965 w~re discussed. SAN LUTS OBTuPO COUNTY EGONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - 11TOWARD TOMORROW" The City Administretor ad~rised that this Planning Conference was scheduled for each Wec~nesday in February to promote ~timula- tion of economic growth r~f th.i~ G~unty, and th~ entire Council was urged to ~°ktend if a~ al1 possible. "CTTIZENS FOR CON50LIDA'~ION" LET~'EFt, OF REQUEST FOR STATISTICAL INFORMATION CONCERNING TH~ CITY ~ Th~ City Admini~trator aclvised tha°~ this named Committee had requested c~rtain stati~ti~al information concerning the City for their res~arc°h purpose~; and after Coun~il cliscussion, Mayor Wood instru~t~~ ~he City Admini~tra~or to assi.st °this Committee in obtainint~ public inform~tion regard3.ng income and expenditures of the City, as we11 as the breakdown on the City administration. WATER RESOURCES ADVT50RY ~OMMITTEE MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1966 Mayor Addison Wood, and or th~ Council's racommended alter- n~~.~ to this Comrnittee, Donald L. Talley, was scheduled to attend this all,-importan°~ Commi.ttee m~eting. .~5_ CITX COUNCIL JANUARY 25A 1966 AR~2dYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAGE 6 REVIEW AND PREVIEW OF CITY OF A.RR,OYO GRANDE - 1964-65 ~ The Council was presented vrith copies of this report, and ~xpressed their commendation to ~`he City Ac~ministrator on such ~eport to the Citizens of Arroyo Grandea CU~aSTA JUNIOR COLLEGE - PERMI-~NENT LOCATION OF COLLEGE SITE The Council was aclvised of a meeting to be held at 4 P.M. pn February 14, 1966, for discussion and clecision concerning the permanent location of the College. All the Council planned to attend, if at al1 possible, as well as the City Adrriinistrator. OP~~A.'~`:LC)N S~-IOTnT 'YQt.I'T~ ~OZ~C)R.~ _ tl . _....s._~.._...__,.----e_,.__......~.~~>. ~.~.._.~....~.,~.._.aV....~.....v,.-~.._. ~p Pi~,.0~t11'l..^Sr~1 ~~V._ .DS MAYOR '~i~w ~m.e~r~.~~n L~gion an~°~q~._i~°:~ca. a r:at;~c~r~~ic~~ ~rcg~°am combat ~he ar~t~:~_~T3.etnam ~nd ant~i-dra~~ tnc~~r~znerat and ~thu~ are presinoting °the program "OPERATION SHOW ~OUR COLO~t,S'° ;~upport of tahich i s . indicat,ive of tlze wearing of ~ri Am~r~i~an ~'l~g Lap~.l Pin. Mayor S+~iood urged a11 citi~en~ of t~is Ci~y °~o ac°~ively support this pZ'°OC~r'dITI s PROPOSED ARROYO GRANDE I30WNTOWN PARKING LO'I" The City Attorney advised the Cauncil~tha~. title ~earch had c~isclos~d tha~. certain of the properties were sub,ject to deed of trus°~; and af~er Council discussiono ~th~ Ci~.y At°~orney was ~lirected to follow up on this matt.~r and a°ttempt ~to obtain partial relea~es to thu~ clear the p~°ope~ties of any and all liens. ADJQURNMENT On motion by Councilman McNei~.9 ~~concl~d by Councilman Burt, ~nd uraanimously carried, the mee°ting adjou~ned at 9:45 P.M. ATTE ST : ~ ~ ~ ~ C CLERK YOR ~