Minutes 1966-02-08 18~ CITY ~OUINCTL FEBRIJARY 8. 1966 ARROYO GRAND~, CALTFORNIA The Ci~y Council met in regular session with Mayo~° Wood presiding. LJpon roll call, Councilw~c~man Thompson, Coizncilmen Levine, McNei1 and Burt reparted present, MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of ~he regular meetir~g o~ Januar°y 25, 1966 were approved a s preparecl. APPROVAI, OF WARRANTS A motion was made b~ Couneilv,roman Thompson, s~~onded by Councilman Levine, that General Warran~s No. 665 ~o and includinc~ Noa 73~ a.,~ t~:h~ to~al amount of. $19,938$61g and Payrc~ll Wa~rant~ No. B~F~g t~, and iz~cluding No. 939, in ~~he ~.at~l am~unt o~ ~8, 477.17; ancl, Tr~.~t and Ag~n~y ~'und War~°ants No. 4~I to ancl including I~~. ~99, and RToe 20~ to and includa.ng N~o 24'7, in t'h~ total amount of $5~2.53; be authc~rized and ordered paicl. Motion car~a.~c~v REQUEST OF ARROyO GF~ANDE UNIlJ~T HI~H SCHOQL I7TS'~'RICT - FEE EXEMPT LI~I~T~E F~R FIk2.NI OF CALTFORNTA CHEST SURV~'YS Af°~er re~riew by the City Administ~a~or a~ to the intent and p~.rpc~~e c~f ~h~.s reque~t, and a~ter Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, secondeel by Councilwoman Thampson, that the f~rm of California Chest Survey~ b~ issued a fe~ exemp~ bus~ness l.icense for the period of one day only, that of March 15, I965, for the purpose of conduc~ing a°~.B. chest X ray service, by m~ans of a mobile unit, in the Ci~y of A~royo Grande, proposed be locat~d on Grand Av~nue, k~~t~s~en tlze i~icaurs af 10 AoM. and 1 P.M. Motion carried. ARROYQ GRP,NBE UNIFTED SCH~(?I. DIiTRI~'I' - SOLTCITATIC?N OF SUGGESTED ~TEW NAMES FOR DISTRTCT C~uncilwoman Thompson sugg~=~~t°.~;~ ~Ize name o~ "Rancho Santa Manuela LTnif_ied 5ehool District°°9 and Nl~y~r Woad suggested t"l~e District b~ called "OGean Valley~ Uni~~~c1 School District". ~ After Council. da.scussion, ~.he ~i~:y Adm~.n~strator was directed to submi~ thes~ recatnmended name ~ugg~~tians in writing to ~he Un~fied Sc7~oo1 District. CITIZENS FOR CONSOLTDATION REQUEST F'QR COUNCIL' S ADQPTION fJF RESOLUTTON OF APPLICATIDN FOR 1~ FZEORGANIZATION STUD~Y' PURSUANT Tf~ 1965 DISTRIC'T' REORG.P,NTZATION AC'!', THROUGH LAFCO After presentation by t1~e City ~idministrator, and after Council discus~ion, a motion wa~ mad~ by Councilman McNeil, second~d 'b~a Counci~man Levine, that ~~ie city At~orney pr~pare and, present far °the GQUnci1's ac~iQn a~esalution of applicatiQn ~Qr a reQrgan- ~zation study ~hrougl~ LAFCQ (Lc~eal Agency Forrnation Commission), pursuant to the 1965 District Reorganization Act, e~feeting the entire area p~°esently cc~nsta.tuting Zoz~e 3 0~ the San Luis O'bisgca County Fl ood Contrca~, and Wa~er Control I~i st~ict, tc~ det~rxrtine t'h~ feasibility of ct~nsolidation tY~is a~ea into can+~ city. .A~TD, furth~r, that the City Attorney ad~ri~e the Counczl of a1a. th~ ~arcaa and cons cane~rn~,ng th~s ~arog~a~ed action as it directly effects the City of Arro~ro Grand~. Mo~.ion car~i~d. A1~~c~ ~n this connection, ancl pu~suant to the Council's di,r~ction at the me~ting of January 12~,h, 1966, the City Administrator aclvis~d the Ca~ncil that tlze Consolidat~on Study for the cities of ~orte Mad~ra ancl Larkspur, as ~ec~ived from the League of Calif ornia Cities, was noza in hand. The Council d~.rected that this information be mac3e av~ilable to ~he Citizens for Consolida~a.on Committee upon request. -1- CITY COUNCIL ~'EBRUARY 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 'I'REASURER'S REPORT The Treasurer's Report for the month of ,Tanuary, 1966, was received by the Council and ordered filed. DEPAR'T'MENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The IJepartmental Monthly Repor~. for the month of ~Tanuary, 1966, was r~ceived by the Council and ordered filedm Pe•r~c~nal represen- tation by t'he Fire Departrnent v~ra s postpc~ned ~xn~.~ l the next regular rrteetinc~ because of the time element of this meeting. BOY SCOTJT~ OF AMERICA P~OCLAMATION ~T~~ °~y Adminis~rator r~~d ~ proclama~ior~ r~~~ived from the San~a ~.~~~~.a Ar~~ Council of Bo~r S~ou~s; ~r~d ther~a~~er, M~.yor Wood proclaimed th~ we~k of February 7-13, 1965 ~s Boy S~out W~ek, with Tuesday, February 8, 1966 being t'he B~y 5couts 56th Anniversary Day. In this sarn~ connection, Mayo~° Wood anncsur~ced t`hat certain Boy Scouts from ~`he Arroyo Grande area were plannin~ to attend Planning Commi~sian and Couneil. meetings held during Febr~zary, and al~o ta ~our t1~e Fire Departrnen~. dR~~NANCE ESTABLISHTNG COMPENSAT~ON FOR MEMBERS OF C~TY COUNCTL FIRST READTNG After review by the City Council and aft~r ~h~ir subsequent eliscussion and approval of this nera~ly prepa~~d ordinance, Cwhich ~upersedes the previously prepared ord~nanc~ on this same sub~ject), said ordinance was read through the title ~y the`City Attorney for the ~'irst reading. A motian was ~hen mad~ by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burt, to disp~r~~~ with reading the balance o£ said ardinance. Motion unanimau~~y carried, DOWNTOWN,MERCHANTS OF ARROYO GRAN~E W DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT The Ci~y Attorney advised the Cauncil that his findings revealed ~ that thoge certain trust deed halders ~rould give partial releases on the property involved in the subjeet dovmtown parking lat. After Council di~cussion, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Burto t~ha~ the City of Arroyo Grande would accept those certain deeds of real property which constitute the land for the Dc~wrntown Par`king Lot of Arroyo Grande, SUBJECT TO compliance with the condi.tions ~et forth in that certain letter of transmittal of said deeds from Attorneys David and Gould directed - to tl~e City Attorney, AND ALSO SUBJECT to the securement of the partial releases on certain of the property. Motion carried. Also in this s~me ~onnection, the Council advised that the Public Works Department wi11 commence the applicable construction work at the Dawntown Parking Lot as soon as their work schedule permits. Mr. Fe J. Kirkpatrick, President o~ the Downtown M~rchants Association, commended the Council for their cooperation and assistance in accampli~hing the Merchants' ultimate goal of the Downtown Parkin~g ' Lot . PARKING COMMISSION - FYRST 5TEP5 TO CREATE SAME Mayor Woacl announeed that the Council intends to now create ~ par7ting cornmission, composed af three commissioners, to study and a~~~.se the Council on a11 matters concerning parking which is of u~m~~t importance ta ~.hi.~ City. He further announced that the Council desired to have one c~f the Downtown Merchants' Associatian m~mbers serve on such Commi~sion; to which Mr. F. J. Kirkpatrick _2_ c~~ couNC~~ F~s~tu~Y s, ARROYO GR~NDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 advised that he, or any member o~ ~h~ir organ~.~ationa would be glad to serve on such commf ssiono The City Attorney ~aa~ dire~ted ~o pr°~pa~e an erc~inance creating and establishing thi~ parkir~g commiss~ona ancl thu~ present same to the Council for their fur~her ac~~on. PiJBLIC HEARING - VACATTON OF SMAZL PORTION O~~' L,ARCHMONT DRIVE REQUEST BY L, & H. PLUMBING C(~~, TNC. This being the date, time and place, Mayor Wood declared the hea~~ng on the proposed vaca~ior~ of a partior~ o~ Larehmont Drive was duly ~~:~=3~~c~ and p~op~r notifa~~,~t,i~~~ ma~1~ ~~h~~~~,r,, ~r~~ l~e further c~~e~la~~:~ t~°h~ h~aring ~ra~ no~ esp~r°i ~ric~ per~or~s ~rar or again~°k th~.~ s~bj~~.t ~natter wauld no~r b~ hea~a~ tvl~. No~and Garrison spoke on b~halt caf the L. & H, P~.umbi.ng Coa, t,~~~ party x~quest~.ng this v~cationmen~. There being no o~°her per~c~n~ pr~~~n~ ~o ~p~ak ~or or again~~t tlze sub~ec~ matter, Mayor Waod d~cl~~ed ~.r~~ ~e~ring closecl. A~~e~° Cauncil di~cus~ic~n, a mo~~.on v~ras made by Cour~c~.lwoman T'homp~on9 seconded by Councilman Levinea ~.`h~~ ~he Ci~y A~torney be auf.ha.~i.~ed to prepare the ~~equi~i~e ~°~~olu.tion to vac~te a certain pGr~~on of Larc°hmon~ Drive. Mot~on c~~~°ied. PUBLTC I-~EARING - SPREADING OF ASSE~~MENTS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONCFtETE CURB. GiJTTER AND DRIV~4VAY APRONS ON SUNSET bR~VE The City Admini~trator reveiw~c~ the report of the Superinten- clent of Streets reg~rding tlze in~~a~l.at~.~n noted above an Sunset D~ive, the cast of sam~ ~nd the spre~d~ng of asses~ment to individual property owners. The ~o~al co~~ ~lz~ project was $3,117.19, and involves 16 pareels of p~°operty. BE;CAUSE O~' POSSIBLE CONFLI~i' O~ INTEREST, COUNCILMAN GEORGE BURT WAS EXCUSED FROM TH~ MEETIl~7G AT 8:12 P.M. Mayox° Woad declarecl tha°t the subj ect hearing on the report of the Superintendent of Stree~s ti,rds duly po~ted and proper notificatian made thereon, and he fur~her decl.ared ~hat tlZe hearing was now open; and all persons for or against the report would no~r be heard. There being no persons present to sp~ak for or against such spreading, Mayor Woad declared the hearing clo~ecl. Thereafter, a resolution confirming the report of the Superin~en- c3ent of Streets and levying a~se~~ment far the inst~llation of curh, gutter and d~iveway aprons on 5unset Drive was read through the title; thereupon a motion wa~ made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Levine, ~o dispense with reading of the balance of the Resolution; motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NOo 680 RFa(JLUTTON O~° THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P~.~?.C~YO GRANDE CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE SUPERINT~NT)~NT OF S'I`REETS AND LEVYING ASSESSMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION ~3r' CONCRETE CUftB, GUTTER ANI) DRIVEWAY AT~~.ONS 0~7 mot~on of Councilman McNeil, ~econdecl by Councilman Levine, and on ~rie following roll ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thampson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil, and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman Bta.rt, ~:he forego~ng Resolution was adoptec~ this 8th day of February, 19~6. -~3- CITY COUNCIL F~EBRUARY 8, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 COUNCILMAN BURT REJOINED THE C~UNCIL AT 8s22 P.M. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF COUNCIL MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ,ARGUMENT FOR APPOINTMENT OF CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER After Council discussion and resultant approvalo a resolution was read in its entirety by the City Attorney to authorize Council- man Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Wood to execute the subject resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 681 RE~OLUTION OF THE CI'I`Y COUNCT~ OF' '~HE ~;I'1'Y ~F ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZI1ti7G C~'RTAIN OF ITS MEMBERS TO FTI,E A WRITTEN ARGUMENT FOR A CITY MEASURE On motion by Councilman Levine, seconcled by Councilman Burt, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompsan, Councilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayo~~ Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: None, the foregoing Resolution was adopted ~his 8~h day of February, 1966. ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO~ 19~ RE.PLAIvNING COMMISSION ORGANIZATION SECOND READING Afte•r Council discussion, the sub~ec~ ordinance was read t'hrough the title by the City Adminis~ra~or; thereupon, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, s~~nnd~cl by Councilman Burt, to dispense with ~eading ~.he bal,~~~~ of such ordinance; motion unanimously c.arried. ORDINANCE NO. 210 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 193 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, B~ CHANGING THE MAKEUP OF THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND REGULATING ATTENDANCE THEREOF On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman McNeil, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESs Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: Noneo ABSENT: None, the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 8th day of February, 1966. ANNUAL GASOLINE PURCHASE - RECEIVE BTDS AND AWARD CONTRACT The City Administrator reported that on February 7, 1966 at the hour of 2:00 P.M., bids were received and opened in the City Hall by t~~sa~ City Clerk of Arroyo Grande, for the purpose of supplying gasoline for the City of Arroyo Grande for the year commencing March 1, 1966 to and including February 28, 1967; this being the dat~ and time set by the Council for said bid opening. -4- 1~3 CITY COUNCIL FEBRUUARY 8, 19~i6 ARROYO GRANDE, CT~LIFORNIA PAGE 5 Bids were recei~red as fol~.ow~s E~hyl Reqular Mobile Oil Company .2354 02134 Richfield Oil Corp. .2238 .2022 Sea~ide oil Company .2318 ~2068 Standard Oil Co.of Calif. .2314 .2194 Tidewater Oi1 Co. .2342 .2167 A~°~er Cauncil cliscussi.on, a mot~r~n wa~ macle by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilanan Levir~e, ~1zat t~z~ lc~v~r bid as sub- mit~ecl by Ri.chfield Oil Co~°poration for ~upplyin~ gasoline to the City ~~,~~~~~t 1~Iarch 1, 1966 ~n~ ~i~cllzdi~ng February 28, 19C7 be acc~p~~-.~.~ ar~~ that ~'h~ May~x b~ auth~~~z~c1 to sign ~1°~e eranfract with sai.el Company. Motion ca~°ri~c~. PORT SAN Z,UIS HAF2BOR TOUR ~°"EBRUARY 19, T966 T'he Council was advisecl tha~ Port Comma~~~ior~er Newell W. Strother had inv~~ed the Gounc~.l ~o ~ur ~he Po~~ San Luis Harbor facili~iesa The c~a~e af February 19, 1966 a~ I0 o'cl.ock A.M. wa s sc°l~ec~uled a s ~he meeting clate an~1 ~im~. by t`he Council , and a1 so, the Gc~~x~~~il wishecl to invite th~ Coun~il~ of Grover City and Pismo Bea~h ~ir~ce their invitation ~ras to ~n~l.ude 15 per~ons. The City Aclministrator ~as directecl °~o corr~~pancT y,rit.h ~he two otlzer Councils ane~ extend ~7ie invi~a~ion #~c~ th~mo In thi~ same connect~on, Cour~cilrr~a~z Mr°l~~i~ br~~f'ly described an article ~a`hicl°~ appearecl ~r~ tlz~ S~n ~"r~r~~i ~~cc~ Examin~r on Friday, January 28, 1966, in ~rhich Mr. Ralph Mir~~~° of Monterey, former clirector of Locklzeed Missiles anel Spac~ Company' s$l, 000, 000 diver~ification study9 suggestec~ ~.~ha°~ in ~.he next century of California' s progress that a r~~~+r ~~~t;~°opolitar~ area could be centered afi. Por~. San Luis becat~~,w rf the harbor facilities alreacly available t~here. PLANNING COMM~SSIONoS REQUES°T TO HOLD JOINT STUDY SESSION WITH COUNCIL TO STUDY NEW DISTRICT ZONING FOR PBS~POSED GOLF COURSE SUBDIVTSION AND THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE UNDER GENER.AL PLAN The Council was in agreement ~~hat ~uch study session be scheduled for Thursday, February 17, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. LAND USE ELEMENT ~ STUDY SESSION The Council concluded that the date of February 15, 1966 at 7:30 P.M., in the office of the City Aclministrator, be scheduled for the study session on the Land Use Element of ~he General Plan. REQUEST BY IDE STREET PROPERTY OWNERS FOR COI~~RETE CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APRONS - COMMENGEMENT OF STREET ENGINEERING After presentation by the City Administrator and discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Levine~ that the firm of Garing and Taylor be authorized to es~abli~h curb grades on Ide, from W'hiteley to Garden, and on Garden from Ide ~o Allen, and to complete the engineering required, includir~g ~~r~et design and drainage study, and that the City expend a sum nc~~ ~xceeding $500.00 to ~over such services. Motion carried. ELM STREET EXTENSION - PROGRESS REPORT T'he City Administrator reported to the Council that the plan l~nes had been recordeda preliminary title reports had been received, ar~ the property de~cript~on~ were being prepared, and that the property appraisal reports slzould be received by the end of February, at whicYx time nego~iations wi11 be co~nmenc~d . -5- CITY COUNCIL ~EBRUARY 8v 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORN~A PAGE 6 GRAND AVENUE - PROGRESS REPOKT The City Administra~or advise~ ~.~~at the engineers ~ave comple~ed the preliminary field wo~~ and have commenced the plans and specifications. LOPEZ DAM PROJECT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Administra~or reviewed ~or ~he CounciT ce~tain infor- mation received from Mr. Rabert H. Born'~ office r~lative to the subject of sea water desalinat~ons after which the Council directed that ~uch information received from the Californ~a Department of Wa~~r R~~;aux°~~s anci ~rozn ~7i~ ~'e~fi~~k~.~ac u~.=,rer Proj~~#;. A.~sociation be p1.a~~~e~ on fi~le. T`he Ci~~r A~torney ad~ris~~ i~hat ~'he r~~peetiv~ City Attorneys for Pismo ~~ach, Grove~° C~~.y a~i~ Ar~~yo t~~and~ v~e~°~ still ~tudying and reviewing the curren~ wat~r con~rac~ anc~ fi~°i~~.~ f~ndings would be forthcom~ng to tk~e Council. Fur~h~r ~n thi~ conn~c~ion~ C1~ffo~°d ~'1ark~ City Attorney for Grov~r City, pre~en°ted his p~°opc~~al ~.o the Council ~l~at such three Cities employ the services of an a~~orney ~pe~~alizing in water ~ontrac~s, to rev~ew th~ ~ubject contraet fo~° water from Lopez, Af~er a lengthy di scussion b~ ~.x~e Counc~l on thi s subj ect, a motion was made by Counc~lwomari Thc~mpsona ~econdecl by Councilman Levine, that the City A~torrn~y, in con~unc~i.c:~n wit`h the City Attorneys for Pi~mo Beach and G~~ov~r Citya m~Jc~ ev~xy ~~for~ to finalize ~heir respective Ci~y's wa~er corrtrac~ for wa~er from the Lopez Dam Proj ect on or before Marc'h 31, 1966, AND E'URTHER, in the event that these named at~o~°ney~ concl.~~~ ~~a°~: t~he consultant services of an attorney speciali~ing in su~l-~ -~y~c vra~er contracts ,are merited, that suclz speciali~~ at~orney ka~ `~•~i.~°~~o AND FURTHERa that the cost of such services be born equal~y ~y t~~= Cities of Pismo Beach, Grover City and Arroyo Grandea AND FUR'T'HER, that the proportionate share to be paid by the City of Arroyo Grande in the event a specialist attorney is hirecl ~ha1T not exceed the amount of $1,000. The foregoing motion ~wa~ ea~°ried by the ~ollowing vote: Ayes: Councilwoman 'I°hompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Wood; Noes: Councilman McNeiT. ALSO, IN THIS CONNECTIONa ~~he City Administrator was directed to correspond with the County Board of Superv~.sorsa urging their action in the formation of a water ~ervice district in either Oceano or Avila, or in both areas, so that coTnpleted water contracts for all the Lopez water can be executed on or before July l, 1966. PROGRESS 1~EPORT ON DRAINAGE STUD~, WESTERN END OF GRAND AVE. AND VI-CINITY Thi~ matter was to be held in abeyance until the next regular meeting because of the time element involved in this meeting. HILLC:R~ST WATER LTNE INSTALLA`I'I~N - COS'Ia REPORT ON SAME The Couneil received ~uch report in compliance with their reques~, n~ting that the total ~ost of labor and materials expended by the City for such in~tal.~.a~.~on amounted to $5,024.60, and thereafter direct~d ~hat such report be p~aced on file. SOU"I`H SAN LUIS JBISPO COUNTY SA1~IITATION DISTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Administra~.or aclvised~the trunk line~ were completed e~c~p~ for some tie-in ancl cleanup work; the trea~ment plant is approximately 80 to 90 p~r cent completed, and the ocean outfall line will b~ i~stalleel at any time now. 195 CITY COUNCIL ~'EBRU.ARY 8a ~966 ARROYO ~FtANDE, CALIFOF2NTA PAGE 7 RESOLU'I`TON ADOPTING GENERAL PREVA~I.~ILti7r WAGE S~ALE FOR CALENI~AR YEAR 1966 ~ After review by the Ci~y Aclmin~~~ra~aro and a~~er Council discussion, the subjec~ re~olution ~ras r~ad ~hroug~h the ~~tle, after which a motion wa~ made by G~~unc~lman LevineB ~~~onded by Councilwoman Thompson, to c~isper~s~ ~~tl°~ ~eading the balance of the Resolution; motion unanimou~ly carri~cl. RESOI.UTION NO. 6$2 A RESOLU'I'ION OF T~i~ ~:~'~~Y C~7UIeT~IT., OF CS`I'Y OF ~.RROYC3 ~FtA,1~T1~~~ .A,1~1~Jk''.~~`I1~!+';~ 'I'~~F C9~~~°~Tr",:~..z`x,'I., I~I~.~~tl'~.~~~,:ING ~'AG~ ~~AL~. ~ Or~ rr€c~~~.on b~y ~aun~~,lr~a~n ~3~~°~0 ~~~r ~~r C~~~~:ilmax~ MeNeil, an~ on ~lze follov~i.ng rolZ call to ~~t,~ AYES: Gc~ur~~i~.w~r~an '~'~,~.s~r~~~e~~~~ C~c~uz~cilmen Levine, M~N~i~.o ]=3t~~°~. anc3 Ma~ra~' 4Voc~d NOESs Ndn~o AB SEN`I' : I`7 orle o th~ tcs~~going resolutior~ was a~csp~~d ~ri~,~ ~3~'°l~ day Feb~uary, 1966. ~ SOU`.T'~ COUNTY RECFtEATION DEVE~OPMEN'~~C(J~~ _~~NC~,e. - PRES~NTA'T'~ON OF PLANS ~ ~ R~~ rl~E1VTATIVE TRACT 349 Mr. Mike Woodyarc~ af ~7~nnizxgs-~~iaris~n Eng~neering pre~en~ed an o~erall verbal pic~ur~ of the suka~~~~ ~ra~t, empha~izing that th~ir plan had been laid ou~ to retair~ and ~~r~~~rve all t~he r~atural setting of the area, t'ha°~ the ge~~ f c~c~ux°s~ Y~ad been oriented to Higlzway~ 101, and t~at ~aas p~~ Ex~~c~ i~~e tYie "~~.reamline" system far electrical servic~ ~z~c~ tr~at r~nderground facilities for telephone and television ar~d r~a~~ral. gas woulcl be utilized. Mr. Wooclya~d showed colored ~l,~:c~e~ n~' ~t7~r ~racts of this type terrain, depicting the vario~~ metl-~cads vahich cauld be used to develop th~.s type of hillside .Ya~~ and ~he type of electrical poles, lines and lighting tha~. wa~ proposed to be used. Tlzereafter, M~, Err~es~ V~ix~es~i r~~ ~he~ firm of Wilson, Jones, Morton and Lynch presen~ed ~.o th~ ~our~ci.l ~he method under which the Development _Company prop~~ed ~:o f~nance t~he development of such tract, such method beir~g ~h~ Sp~eial Assessment Acts of 1911 and 1913. The Ci~y Admirlis~rator p~°~~en~ec~ t`he Council with two letters received by the City concerning thi~ ~ract--one directly from Mr. Albert~A~ Brown~, an owner of t~e praper~y to be developed, dat~d February 8, 1966, in vrrhich he nam~s cer~.ain assurances that the Golf Course and ~he Club House port~on of the proposed project wi11 defini°~ely be completed as described in their proposal; and the o~Yi~r ~ream the Sou~h Cour2fiy R~creation Developrr~??ent Co. , Inc. , ~a~ed F~bru~:ry 8, 1966, in v~hz~h authcara.~a~~on by the City of Arroyo Grande tc~ ~~r~~nce the propo~~e~ development~ ut~lizing the machinery of the~ 19:T.~.--1.913 Tmprovemer~t Ac~~ ~oughfi~a ancl if the Council is agreeable ~.o such propasalo ~.he D~~r~lopmen~. Co, will advanc~; any any anc~ all rlecessary funds to eover reimb~ursable expenses incurred by the City as a result of finaricing under ~he proposed Improvement Acts, providing such reimbursab~.e expen~es are not immediately payable fram the Bond f uncl upon demand. -7- CITY COUNCTL FEBRUARY 8a 1966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALTFORNIA PAGE 8 COUNCILMAN BURT STATED HE HAS A PERSONAL IN'I"EREST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRACT NO. 349o AND BECAiJSE OF' PO~STBI~E CONFLICT OF INTERES`P, MAYOFt WOOD EXCUSEU C~UNGILMAN BLTI~T FROM THE MEETING AT 1Ot05 P.M. Af~er Council di~cus~ion~ ~h~ Council was in agreement anc~ concluded ~.l1at the proposed plar~ af ~.7~e overall pro.j ~ct of Tract No. 349o ancl its proposed plan of financing wou1~ be supported. CC?UNCIT~MAN BURT REJOINED THE COUNCIL AT 10010 P.Me I~'~~,`~_'~~ Voi'OOL? DE',C~LA.F:.Ev~ A R.~~~~F; S~~`. T-~"I' 1~ e l~ P T N1„ 'T',~i~~ t";U~ii;C~~ RT~~ONV~NE°D A.`i~' 1.C7m miYl,. ~ITH AI~L MEMB~;FtS OF` THE COUN~~L FI~ESEN'~ m ECONOMI C DEVELOPMENZ" COMr'IIT'I'EE Tlze Council was ad~ri~~c~ ~ha~. a mee~ing o~ ~u~~h cc~mmittee is scYiedul~cl fc~~ February 10, T96~ 3 P oMa COMMUNi'I`Y GUID~ - PREPARED B"~' S~CURITY F LRST NATIONAL BANK, ECONOMIC R~SEARCH DIVISION Thi ~ Community Guicle ~to~ Santa Barbara Coun~y and Soutl-iern San Lu~~ Obispo Coun~y wa~ ~°~ceiv~c~ by =~lze Counesl and wa~ „ direc~ed to be placed an ~ile ~or tYie~.r ~u~ure ~°~ference. DIVISION OF HIGH~TAYS - RE m GAS 'T"A.X MONEY The City Admini~~rator adv~~ed ~hat because of the newly established popula~ion estimate~ i.~.o '7~275 as of December l, 1965, tlze City will re~eive $8~ %faC~ ~n gas tax money from December la I565 ~o .Tune 30a l~`~:=;~:::z CUESTA COLLEGE - LOCATION OF SA1~IE The Counc~l was ~n agreem~nt that a letter be forwarded to the Boarcl of Trustees of Cu~~ta Coll~g~, uncler the signature of Mayor Wooclo ~ecommending ~1°ia~ the coll~g~~ be located in tlze center of popula~ion of San Luis Obispo Coun~y. ADJOURNMENT On mo~~,on by Councilwoman '~lzompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, anc~ unani,mously carried~ the meeting ad~ourned at 11:07 P.M. to February 21, 1966 a-t 7v30 PmM. ATTEST: `"~J }J.'C..F-" ' , dC~,~~~' C CLERK MAYOR r -8-