Minutes 1966-02-21 CI'I'~ COUNCIL FEBRUARY 21, 1966 ~ ARROYO GRANI3~, CALIFORNIA . The City Council met in aeljourned session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen ~ Levine and Burt reported present. Councilman N~,CNeil was absent. , MTNUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meeting of February 8, 1966 and the special meeting of February 14, 1966 were approved as prepar~d. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that General Warrants No. 734 to and includ- ing No. 767, in the total amount of $14,058.60 and Payroll Warrants No. 940 to and including No. 995, in the total amount of $8,~87.36, lae authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. HARVEST FESTIVAL COMMITTEE RE~UEST TQ CQNDUCT CARNIVAL ON SHORT S'I'REET AND CTTY HALL PARKING LQT~ AND POSSIBLY ON BRIDGE STREET Mr. Dick Kelsey was in attendance at the meeting and apoke . on behalf of this Committee's request. Afte~ Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompsox~, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the Harvest Festival Committee be authorized to use Short Street from the Swinging Bridge to Branch Street, and in conjunction wit'h suc'h area, to furth~r use a certain portion of the City Hall Parking Lot for the Harvest Festival Carnival purposes during such festlvities schecluled for September 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1966; AND FURTHER, ' in the event the above described area is nat sufficient for all the Carnival act~ivities, that such Committee be authorized, sub- ject first to the discretion and approval of the City"s Police Department, the closure of Bridge Stre+~t from the bridge to ' Hranch Street with proper ~llowance for ingress and egreas to the alleyway behind the downtown ~tc~res located on Branch St=eet. Motion carried. LETTER OF APPRECIATTON SOUTH COUNTY SENIORS The City Administrator advlsecl the Council of receipt of a le~ter from the South Count~r Seniors, under the signature of the , secretary, Edith eishop, in which they expressed their deep appreciation and thanks for their us~ of Clevenger Hall, and also commended the Council for their inquiries and study into the propoeed ]aus transportation ssrvice. In this same connection, the Gity Adminietrator reminded ~the Council of the Seniors' invitation to their open hou~e at the Hall on Wednesday, February 23, 1966 at 12:45 P.M. PT'SNIO BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE . HIC~HWAY IMPROVEMENTS The City Administrator review~d a letter from such Chamber, dated February 14, 1966, in which their planned requests to;'the ` Highway Committee of San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce on 'high- way improvements in the South County for the coming year were noted, with urgent pri.ority fram ~excess funds applicable to the following: (1) Hetter freeway acCess, up to a full interchange at the ~outh end of Shell Beach for the canmunity of Shell Heach, and (2) re-alignment of Branch Btreet and'Grand Avenue at Tra£fic Way, adjacent to the freeway, in Ar~eoy~v Gtande, ANn Fu~TI~R, in the long range category, (1) Re-alignment of Hig'hway 227 ~~i~c,ugh Arroya Grancle to interconnect with Highway 101, _1_ 19~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 21, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 (2) Completion of frontage roads on both sides of the freeway to assure continuity from the sout~hern city limits of Arroyo Grande to Pismo Beach, and (3) Retention of Highway One as a scenic route, with certain of its removal from the freeway system, and wit~h retention of Highway One in its present location in Pismo Beach with connection to the proposed freeway near Guada- lupe. The Council discussed such noted highway matters and were in ~ull accord witYi such recommendations. ~,urther, in connection witlz highway systems. the Council recommea.3~c1 that immediate proper steps be taken to promot~ a more ace~~~sible highway route from this community area to ~he San Joaquin Valley, wit`h such highway being considered under an urgent priority classification. Thus, after further Council discussion, the City Administratnr was d~rected to correspond with the Cities of Pismo Beach and Grover City, urging their support of the noted highway recommendations contained in the Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce letter, as identified above, and to the recommendation of a proposed more direct route of travel from this area to San Joaquin Valley, and further urging their written notification to the County Highway Committee of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce of such support. The Ci~y Administrator was also directed to correspond with the Highway Committee of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce, noting this City°s support of the recomnnendations cont ained in the Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce letter dated February 14, 1966, and further, recommending t~~ p~oposed more direct route of travel from this area to the San Joaquin Valley. ARROYO GRANDE FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPT. PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL The Fire Chief-~Fire Marshal and his Staff of Officers and Volunteer Firemen gave the Council a most informative and enlighten- ing presentation of the past, present and future-planned activitie s of the Fire Department. Fire Chief-Fire Marshal Tony Marsalek advised the Council that on behalf of the Fire Marshal activities of the City that 95/ of the fire prevention inspections had been completed; that approximate].y 80/ of the noted deficiencies from such inspections had been corrected, and that he had received the full cooperation of the public in all phases of this fire prevention program. Officers of the Fire Department and various members of the Volunteer Firemen presented and explained various equipment and attire usecl in fare fighting, i.e. salvage master, proximity suit, turn-out suit, K-12 rescue saw, monitor and the resuscitat.or; and further.the duties of the afficers were explained,to the Council. Chief Marsalek advised the Council that in all probability the City would be qualified for a fire rating re-classification which would ultimately result in the lowering of fire insurance rate~ ~o~ the citizens of the City; (2) that the Department was in th~ process of revising the fire zoning ordinance, and (3) that for ~he Council~s review and study a copy of the Department's Gen~.~.~1 Orders was being presented to them. In finality, Chief Marsalek commended his Officers and Firemen for their outstanding service and capabilities in all phases of his Department's function and pu2pose to the City of Arroyo Grande. ~oQ CITY COUNCTL FEBRUARY 21, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNTA PAGE ~ PUBLIC HEARING - LAND USE ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Mr. Larry Wise of Hahn9 Wise and Associates reviewed this Land Use Element of ~`he General Plan, bringing out the intent, purpose and resultant future application of such plan to the City of Arroyo Grande, ancl the fact that it would serve as a guide for future planning to the Planning Commission. This being the date, time and place for a public hearing on the Lanc~ Use Element of' the General Plan, Mayor Wood declared tha~ all conditions as required by law had been met, and there- afte~., Y~~ further declared this hearing was now open, and all persor~~: ~~,r or against this subject matter would now be heard. Mr. A1 Browne strongly protested, and urged the Council to recons~der, the proposed use of that certain area adjacent to Highway 101 and just north of the St. Patrick's School as Heavy Commercial-Light Industrial to Medium Density. There b~ing no furtlzer persons present to speak for or against the proposed Land Use Element, Mayor Wood declared the hearirg closed. tifter Council discus~ion, a motion was made by Councilwoman T`hompsan, seconded by Councilman Burto that the Land Use Element of the General Plan be referred back to the Planning Commission ~nrith the below noted re~ommended changes, and with the request that the Planning Commission review such changes and re-present the~r resultant recommendations regarding these noted changes, as well as any others, to the City Councils l. That the tv,ro parochial s~hoc~ls be indicated on the map, 2. That the cemeteries be i~dicated on the map, 3. That the Heavy Commercial-Light Industrial, east of and adjacent to the freeway, b~ deleted, and that Medium Density be indicated from Wilton Place to North City Limits, arid that High- way Commercial be indicated on both sides of the freeway at the 18th Street overpass (18th S~reet shown on the Land Use Map as Central Blvd.), and southerly on the west side of the freeway to the area classified on the map as Light Industrial Area, 4. That High Densi~y be indicated between 20th Street and just east of ~7~rth Elm, northeasterly of the Highway Commercial along G~~nd Avenue, 5. Tha~ Office Prof.essional be extended southerly to Fair Oaks Avenue, 6. That Medium Density be indicated southeasterly of the Office-Professional District between Dodson, South Rena and the Highway Commercial, 7. That Medium Density be indicated northerly of Wood Place and southeasterly of Alder Street, 8. That the Highway Commercial be extended southwesterly from Grand between Alder and Halcyon, 9. T1zat Medium Density be indicated in the area generally north of I~~ Point, the Ha.ghway Commercial and Central Business Distric~ between Wesley Avenue and Tally Ho Road, ~.C}a ~ha~ Low Dens~ty be indicated easterly of Mason on either si~.~ a~ A11en, southerly ta Cherry and easterly to Garden, and ~lo Office Professional be extended northerly of Halcyon Ft~~.; ~a Frontage Road~ MOTION CARRIED. -3- CITY COUNCIL FE$RUA~Y 21, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 INQUIRY OF GORDON WILKINS - REa ACCESS TO PROPERTY OWNED BY HIM BETWEEN GRAND AND NEWPORT Mr. Wilkins made inquiry to the Council as to progress of access~bility to his prope~ty 1QC~ted~between Grand and Newport. The Council advised that this matter was under study by the City Staff, as well as being researched and studied through the City's Master Plan, and tha~ the Planning Commission had already recom- mended Brighton Street to be "Plan-Lined", thus commencing the elimination of this "land~locked" condition in this certain area. Mr, Wilkins was advised to contact the Public Works Dire~~~r far further and detailed information. APPI,T ~:.P.'~v':: C)rv F'OR A FRANCHT SE TG OPERATE A BUS SERVICE IN ARkOYO GRANDE BY 'I`HE SAN LUIS TRANSIT CO. This matter was reviewed in detail by the Council, including proposed route of travel, proposed fare costs, commencement of operation, liability insurance and subsidiary advertising by Merchants, w~th added discussion from representatives of the Transit Company, i.e., Terry Guy and Jack Hathaway. After Council discussion, a resolution was read in its entirety by the City Administrator. RESOLUTION NO. 683 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A TEMPORARY PERMIT TO OPERATE A BUS SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE On motion by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Burt, and on the following roll ca11 vo+~~, Lo wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman Mc_Neil, the foregoing Resolution was passed and'adopted this 21st day of February, 1966. RESOLUTIC~N VACATING SMALL PORTION OF' LARCHMONT DRIVE Aft~r review and discussion by the Council, anapplicable resolution was read through the title by the City Attorney; there- after a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconc~@ed by Coun - cilman Levine, to dispense with reading the balance of the resolu- tion; motion unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 684 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE VACATION OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF LARCHMONT DRIVE, AN ARROYO GRANDE CITY STREET, UNDER I~RC7VISIONS OF SECTION 8323 OF THE CALIFORNIA STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. C?n m~tion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and c~~ ~.he following roll call vote, to wit: -4- CITY COUNCIL FEBRUAR.Y 21, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor Wooc~, NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman McNei1, the foregoing Resolu.tion was adopted this 21st day of February, 1966. REQUEST TO AMEND R~SOLUTION ADOPTING WORK AND SPREADING OF ASSESS- MENT RE.CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APRONS ON SUNSET DRIVE After clarification of this request by the City Glerk, and after Council discussion, the subject resolution was read through the t~tle by the City Clerk, tlzereafter a motion was made by Counci~,~~{~r~an Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, to dispense with r~~ding the balance of such resolution; motion unani~nously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 685 AMENDED RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AR.ROYO GR.ANDE CONFTRMTNG THE REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND LEVYING ASSESSMENT'FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND DRIVEWAY APRONS On mot~.on by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilv,roman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt, and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman McN~il, the foregoing Resolution was adop~ed this 21st day of February, 1966. SUNSET DRIVE - DRIVEWAY TIE-INS After review by the Council.of tlze circumstances surrounding the subj ect driveway ti~-ins, two residence ow~rlers on Sunset Dri~v~e, namely Byron Peffly, 1OQ6 Sunset Drive, and Arnie Dickinson of 1158 Sunset Drive, each expres~ed their objection to the tie-in work and their refusal to pay t1~.e expense involved therein. After lengthy Council discussion, th~ Council concluded that those persons acknov~rledging the oblig~tion of payment of the tie-ins will make the necessary paymentp and those unwilling to accept the obl.igatian of such payment, even though the work done was for their betterment, wi11 not make the necessary cost payment. SECOND READING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SAL.A.RY FOR AR.ROYO GRANDE CITY COUNCIL The subject ordinance was read through the title by the City Clerk, after which a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance; motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 211 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SALARIES TO MEMBERS OF,~THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE~ On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Lev?ne and on the following roll call vote, to wit: -5- _ ~o~ CITY COUNCI~ FEBRUARY 21, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEN CALTFO~NIA PAGE 6 AYESa Councilwoman Thompsono Councilmen Levine, Burt an~ Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENT: Councilman McNeil, the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 21st day of February, 1966. MAYOR WOOD DECLARED A BRIEF RECESS AT 9:35 P.M. THE COUNCIL RECONVENED AT 9:40 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL PR~,;~NT EXCEPT COUNCILMAN McNETL. PACIFI~ `I`ELEPHONE - NOTICE RE. APPLICATION FOR INCREASE IN CERTAIN PRIVATE LINE SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES The City Administra~or reviewed the subject application for the Council, after which it was directed to be placed on file. PROPOSED LEASING OF DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT BY THE CITY IN~COORDINA- TION WITH NEWLY ACQUIRED PARKING LOT FROM DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS After Council discussion of the intricacies involved, the Coun~il concluded that the City proceed with the leasing of the subj~ct property, located generally adjacent to the now existing baker~ shop on Branch Stree~., and that the City Attorney prepare any and all necessary documents for such leasing. Further in this connection, a motion was made by Council- man Burt, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the 1`~Iayor be authorized to execute the document effecting the leasing of this aforemention ed downtown property for parking lot purposes. Motion carried. CALIFORNIA TAX STUDY This study was reviewed for the Council by the City Admin- istrator and thereafter the Council directed that same be placed on file for future reference. °''DRDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 157 RE. GENERAL APPEAL PROCEDURE FIRST READING After discussion by the Council concerning the appeal time by an individual of a decision rendered by the Council or the Planning Commission from 5 days to 10 days, an ordinance amending existin.g 0rdinance No. 157 to effect the 10 day appeal time was read through the title for the first reading; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, to clispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance; motion unanimously carried. "NO PARKING" ZONE - GRAND AVENUE, VICINITY OF CHU-CHU DRIVE-IN ~ After presentation by the Cit~r Administrat.or, with the ' advisement tha~ such zone was prompted by the number of recent vehiele accidents occurrin.g at such location because of visibility obstruction by park~d vehicles, and that such zone was recommended by the Pol,~,ce Department, the Council directed that the "No Parking" zone be established. TY~ereafter, a resolution was read through the titTe and a motion was made by Cquncilman Levine, seconded by Cc~un~:ilwoman Thoznpson, to di spens~ with reading the balance of said resolution; motion unanimously carried. -6- ~ 2~}~ CITY COUNCIT~ FEBRUARY 2~. a 1966 ARROYO GRANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 RESOLUTION NO~ 686 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE PROHIBITING PARKING ON A PORTION OF GRAND AVENUE On motion by Counc~lman Levineo seconded by Councilwoman Thompson~ and on the follow~ng roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council~roman Thompson, Councilman Levine, Burt ancl Mayor Wood, NOES: Nonea ~BSENT: Councilman McNeila the foregoing Re~olution was adopted this 21st day of February, 1966. ELM STREE`~"'PLAN-LINE" BETWEEN MAPLE AND FAIR O~KS - SET HEARING ON REVISION The City Admini~trator advised the Council that because of certain fac~.ual info~mation disclosed in the beginning steps of . Elm Street improvementse it ~rould be advisable to revise the exist~ng "P1an L~ne" of Elm Street. After Council discussion, a ina~ion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Council- m~n Levine, that a hearing on the proposed revision of the E1m Stree~"Plan Line" between Maple and Fair Oaks Avenue be set for Mazc7i 8a 1965 at 8 P.M. Motion carried. ~ PUBLIC WORKS CORPORATION YARD BUILDING CALL FOR BIDS After Council di~cussion, a mo~ion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson that the call for bids on the Public Works Corporation Yard Building be authorized, and t~hat suc3-i bids be opened March 1'~, 1966 at 2 P.M, in the office af the Director of Public Work~. Motion carried. LOPEZ DAM PROJECT The City Attorney advised the Council that a new draft of the current water contrac~ should be in his hands within a day or two, and t~hat such new draft wa~ in discord with the County on only one or two items. REPORT C~N DRAINAGE STUDY - WESTERN END OF GRAND AVENUE T`h~ C~~y Admin~strator presented a report p~epared by the Di.re~tor of Public Works~ dated February 8, 1966, relative to the existing drainage problem at Grand Avenue and 20th Street, and .on ~pruce S~reet between Grand AVenue and Poplar Street. After revievr by the Council of the various solutions and costs as presented~ the Council direc~ed that the Public Works Depart- ment and the Parks and Recreation Commission jointly work to- ge°ther in the study of combining drainage facilities and parks ancl recreation facilities, ~.hus affording a practical solution to tlze water drainage problezn, as well as creating recreation means. SOUTH 5AN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT - PROGRESS REPORT T~he City Admin~~~.rator advised that the trunk sewer lines were ~~pleted and tha~ same had been accepted by the Board, ~ exce~t for ~he tie-in at ~t~he treatment plant; that the tre~~ment plant was progressing satisfactorily; and that the oc~~n outfall line was progressing slowly but surely. -7- CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 21~ 1966 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFDRNIA PAGE 8 CUESTA JUNIOR COLLEGE SITE FOR COLLEGE I~ was announced by °tlze City Administrator that the Board of Trustee~ of Cuesta College was meeting Monday~ February 28, 1966, to furt~her discuss t1-ie permanent location of the college, and a71 Council members who could possibly attend were urged to do so. WATER LTNES - TRAFFIC WAY-CHERRY AVE. PROJECT & LARCHMONT-VERNON PROJEC The Council received two informal bids for material for the water line replacement and tie-in for the Traffic Way-Cherry Ave. wate~ line project--one ~n the amount of $689.90 from the Central Va11ey ~~~e and Supply Co. and one from B-B Supply Co. in the amount ~f $607.35. The Council also received two bids for material for water I~ne replacement and tie-in for the Larchmont-Vernon Ave. water line project--one from Central Valley Co. in the amount ot $1219.19 and one from B-B Supply Co. in the amount of $1,123.43. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levineo seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that the two low bids as submitted by the B-B Supply Co. for the materials necessary for the Larchmont-Vernon and Tr°affic Way- Cherry wa~er line projects in the amounts of $607.35 plus tax and $~,123.43 plus tax r~spec~ively be authorized and accepted. Motion carried. NEW JUSTTC~ COURT - OPEN HOUSE AND DEDICATION CEREMONIES The Council was advised t7iat Open House and Dedication Ceremonies at ~.'he Jus~ice Court for the Fourth Judicial District would be held on Saturday, February 26, 1966, and the Council was invited to attend. SOUTH COUNTY YOUTH FOUNDATION PROCLAMATION Mayor Wood proclaimed the month of March, 1966 as "South County Youth Foundation Month"'~the purpose of which is to promote the financial support of this much-needed youth facility for the South County area. TOUR OF PORT SAN LUIS The Council commented on the interesting and knowledgeable tour of this harbor facility, and the Council directed that a letter c~ thanks be forwarded to the Harbor Commission for their invitation to make such tour and for the tour itself. OCEANO COUNTY AIRPORT RE. IMFROVEMENTS The Council directed the City Administrator to forward correspondence to the County of San Luis Obispo making inquiry as to when the improvements on the Oceano County Airport would be commenced, for which funds had already been appropriated. NACTMIENTO WATER SOURCE SCHEDULE ON AGENDA FOR MARCH 8, 1966 The Council directed that this matter be placed on the Council Agenda for ~he meeting of March 8, 1966. AATOURNM~NT On motion by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman LEVine and unanimously carriede the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. ATTE ST : ~ Ci C1erk Mayor -8-