Minutes 1966-03-08 20~ CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA I~ARCH 8, 1966 Th~ City Council met in regular sesffiion with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, CoEUacilm~n Levine, McNeil and Burt reported present. APPROVAL 4F WARRANTS A mction was made by Councilwoman '~ho~pa~or~, s~conded• by Councilman Levine, that General Warrants No. 768 t0 ~and'3ncluding NQ. 825, in the total amount of $36,299.93 and Payroll Watra~nts Ns. 996 ~to ar~d includ- ing No~ 1059 in the total ampunt of $8,6bS.0~ and Trust and Agency ~und Warrants No~ 248 ~ and including No. 291 in tl~~ total amcun~ of $217.00, be authmri2ed and ordered paid~ Mm*~~on cearr~q~}. PROTBST RE: WATER BILL HELEN 1[, SHARPS A letter was received from Helen M. Sharps pro~est3ng the paying of a$1„18 delinquent charges on her water~ ac~Qun~k, w~th the r~queet t}~~ stated amount be refunded. A report from the City Cl~rk ~re~rd,~~g the procedur~ o~ wa°t~r billing and ou~lining #h~ schs~~le ~f ma3ling thre~ notices to d~lirsquent accounts was discua~~d-, aand th~e ~o~nail ~ag~asd this was an establi~hed prccedtrre +~nde~t ~t~• E~,~~r Wartsz '~rdinance, arsd the reque~t f~r refund cf del,inqu~r~t chatge~ bs deinaied, Itayor Mood r~~ que~t~d that 3.n th~e futt~re, when inq~i;~.sa~ ar a' ~tints regardit~q afa~e~ billing and coll~ct~a~n prcc~d~re rraze rsceiv~, t t~the pe~rs•n mak~g such inquiry e~r c glair~t be mailed a vrr~t~~p x,t~°~~.ca ; ~ tl~• t~cti~ taken by t}~e sta~f is~ in cc~plicuace w~t'th ~'h~ C3.ty errdia~cxnce. YOUTH IN GOVERI~IId'I' DAY - Y 2 1966 Elk! sa.I.~'?fl e;~#322 Ccrre~pon ~nee was reeeiv ~om t}~e ia~.~ ~~i~po E~c' s~ No. 322 advising that their annual Youth in Governmen~t Day, wouTd be held on May 2, 1966 and requasting that the City participate> The Council reque~ted that the City Admini~t~ator r~~tify the Elk's Lodge that they would again participate in the Youtk~ pz~ogram< 4 TREASURER°S REPORT ~ The Tr~asurer' s Report ~'or the mem~~ t1~~~`~ebt'ulr~y, 1986, ~s t~s~- ' ceived by the Cmuncil and ordered fil~~' ' , , ~ DEPART#~tENTAL I~+iZ'~iLY REPOR? < , ` ~ " : The Departraen~a Mcnthly Repc~rt ~p~lt~ ~br ~t~'hr'th of Febbr~y, ~966, : was received by the Council and c~dai~ed ~i~#d~. SALE OF SURPLUS-OBSOLE'I'E E IP. ~ ER , ~ ' G . ~W The City A miraa.s~rat~r ~e,pt~r ~C ~54'~, ~r~ ~c ~#'~tr ~ata~, ~~t . r~ceived by the City €r~ '~he sale held a~i' F~l~t~atry ~9~h~ ~.566, t~! etz~j plus and obeolete equ~tiprnext a~ad ~atm~idl. ~ ' ; . ~ , ~ DISCUSSION RE; APPLICATSON Ft RSORtiAri~'ZAT AL AG I CW~C. Mr. Sh~peey, the City At~t~rn~y ~ti ' e Ct~c 't s ts+a~ ` been ad~ri~~d ~hat a R~eolution to tk~e L~oc~,l ?b~ t,ien Ctiymat~.~se~~.~a ~ regarding opplication far se~rga~3.~teat~a~! ~baail~d~xt~on. wauld c~~tt3'k- ute a for~al r~quest that ca~eelida;#ip~p~rtFtrrrr+dt~e~'-~ c~aenc~d. A~ it~ was nct the i~stm~t 0f tha 4~pt~ncil #C~ r~s~t ~46 1 a~~pf ication at 'th.i~ . ti~ae, ~h~~~~i~~-~~~~,~~r~ery w~ne ~ec~t~~~ed ~'~~~~~i~ 1~~~Or:tey fotr the " Local Agency F~~mationk:Co~irs~c9r1 tq deNt !'+kt~f.Dl.~.3ty s~udy. could be made without a formal appl~.ac~ti~ heia+~ f31sd, , PUBL~~ ~~~RTNG STREE'~ P L NE RE-~ BH~[E11!' Th~ Ci~y A m nist~ate~~ an C ty En,g t~.ee~r ~ev t~~s $l~a 3~•rsst : Plarz Lin~ c~s i~ 3.~ noa established cmd ~xg;~~~.~ed '~the paropo~red changes and their purpose. This being the dat~, t~t a~d pletc~, Nayor Wflod de~lared the hearinig on th• re-establi~h~~+~ m~" ,the Elm Sti~eet P~.ar~ Lines wcis duly posted and proper notificat~ t~de ~triii~~on; and he further d~clared the hearing wee no~r ope~ e1~d e~11.,~, p~t~ns for ~ agnir?- st the stibject would now be heard, TheY~ ~r~ nm p~soteet; madem Mra Harold Cramer, 280 Elm S~t,; I~r.,..,.3mr~i~ Ikrda, =865 E1m 5tr'~, Mre~Tose~h3~a I~i.os, 25~ Elm and Mre,~; Ju. L~ Spic~r, 247:~~.m ~t~ dir~usssd the ~-~r:~~ with th~ :~z~uncii ae ~e th~ r~~lua fo~r ~ee chC4nga~ and th~s ~`r~ . ~ , CITY COUNCIL MARCH 8, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ef£ect it would have on their property. There being no o~ther persons preaent to speak for or against the subject matter, Mayor~Wood declnred the hearing closed.` - After Council discussion, it was agreed the amendments be made to the Elm St. P1an Line and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary Resolution for adoption at the next regular Council meet- ing. Don Heiderpriem, 160 Elm St. suggested the Council consider other through streets in the Elm St. area to establish traffic ease instead of tra£~'ia s~eed on one four land road. ~Iayor Wood requested the sug- gestion of Mr, Heiderpriem be referred to the Public Works Depctrtment for consideration. The City Administratoz was instructed to refer Mrs. Spicer's re- quest fnr a mail '~drop box" in the area of Elm St. and Grand Ave., to the Post 4ffice Department, with the notation that the City concurred with her request, and her request for a speed zone on Elm St. to con- trol traffic was referred to the Polica Department. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION - CITY REPRESENTATIVS Upon approval of tha City Council, ~fayor Wood appointed the City Adminietrator to attend commission meetings as the City representative to the Econamic Opportursity Commiesion. NOTICE BY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, RE: JETTY AT POItT SAN LUIS A notice was received from the U.S. Army Engineer DiBtrict, Los Angeles Corps of Engineers, advieing ~hat application has been made by the Port San Luie Harbor Dietrict far a permit to place an artificnl fill and to conetruct a etone jatty and a ston~ revetment adjacent to the Port San Lui~ Wharf, and any comments or objections could be sub- mitted. At thie tima, the Counc3l had no comments or objections to offer. ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD.157 RE:NEW SECTION 5 METHOD OF APPEALS-2nd READING A ter Council disauesion, the subject or inance was rea t~ hroug~i the title by the City Clerk; thereupon, a mction was made by Couricilmen Levine, ~econded by Councilwomaa Thompson, to dispense with reading the balance nf the ordinance; motion unanimously carried. ORDINANCE"~NO. 212 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDS AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 157 OF THE CITY -0F ARROYO C3RANDE AND ADDING A NEW SECTION ES- TABLISHING METHOD OF AFPEALS On motion by Gouncilwoman Thomp~on, eeconded by Councilmar? Levine and on the follov~ring roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompsan, Councilmen Levine, ~cNeil, Hurt and Mayor Wood. NOES: None ABS~NT: None the foregoii~+~ Ordinance was adopted thie 8th day of Mat,~~h;, 1966, ORDINANCE DEF'INING E? DESC~tIBING ALL FIRfi ZONES-FIR.ST ~~ADTNG The Gity Adminietrctor reviewed tha report f~p~t Fira Marahnll outlining hie recommendatione for establi~rhing fire~ zt~r~e~t~ within th~' City, and advieed that e~xch zones were a" pctirt of t}~e av4rn11 plan to lower the City'a f3re rate class~ification. A€~er Council discussian, the C3ty Attorney read the propcaed Ordinan~se through the title for the f~.~~i~ ~~~~ing; thereafter, a motion was made by~ Couricilman Buzt, second- .~t^~ila~~a~ A~~N~iI~ to di~penae with reading the balance of the ~ ~ ~~~a~^, °.a,t ~ .;,:;:,~~a~l~ ~~~~~,ad. ~o~ GI°TY COUNCIL MARCH 8, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, GALsIFORNII~ PAGE 3 ANNUAL REPOR'T OF FINANC IALo T'R1~NS , RE : S°TREE°TS & ROADS OF° CALI F e The C~°ty l~dministra°tor adv~sed a Annu~il Report of Financial °Trans- a.ct~ons concern~ng St~ee°ts ccnd Roads: o~ Cal~fornia Cifi~es and Count~es hnd been received £rom ~he S°tate, and was now avaa~lable for their stixdy and reviewe AGREEMEN°T WI°TH SOIL CONSERVA°TION DIS°T. & GITY- RE: MAS'TER DRAINAGE STUDY 'The City Admin~.s°trator advised that the Un.~ted States Government department of Ag~iculture So~l Conservation has requested a working agree- men°t be authorized be°tween °the Ci°ty and the D~s-~r~c°t to enable Koeba.g and Koeb~g °to work w~ith the D~stric°t °to ob°tain information necessary for °the maste~ ~r~.a.nage study for °t}xe Cityo A~ter""d~scuss~on, a motion was made by Coun~ilman Burt, seconded by Counc~lwo~an Thompson, to authc~rize the Mayor and City Cl.erk ~o execute an agreemen°t between °the C~ty of Arroyo ~ Grande and the United States Government Depar~tm~nt of Agriculture Soil Conservation °to expediate obtain~ng mcx°terial necessary ~or the C~ty Master Planm Mo°t~.on carr~eda REPORT ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE HIGHWAY COMMI'TTEE OF S,LaOe Mayor Wood reported thci°t the Chairman of the Plann~ng Commission, the City 1~.~.ministrator and h~.mself a°ttended the H~ghway Committee of San Luis Obispa meeting on March 3, 1966, rx~nd °~hat °the realignmen°t of the Grnnd Ave. , °Traffic Wa:y, Branc}a S°~a in°tersect~on wa.s plac~d on the r~A" priority lis°t and gave a brief repor°t of the o~her str~e-~s and roads in this area that were being consid~red far improvemen°tsm L~OPEZ DAM-PROGRESS REPOR°T °The Ci°~y Attorney reported that he had jus°t received the new contract £or wa.ter ~rom Lopez Dam from the County of San Lta.is Obispo, and had not had t~me to •review the Contract, but tnrould submit a repnr°t at the next meetingo Mro Donald 'Talley, the C~.ty°s repres~ntative to Wctter Advisory Com- ma.ttee meetings, reported tha°t °the County Board of Supervisors will have their f~nal determina°tion in form~ng water districts of the unincorpor- a°ted areas, a°t t}~eir April 18°th meet~ng, DISCUSSION ON NACIMIENTO WATER PAYMEN'T The Ci°ty Admin~s°tra°tor rev~evaed p~ogress to date regarding inclus- ion of a larger area °t~an ~one 2~.n the payment for Nacimiento Dam water. Af°ter Co~xnc~.l disc~zssion~ a mo°t~on was made by Councilman Burt, seconded by Counc~lman Lev.~ne, tha°t ~he Boa~d af Su~servisors be notified that th~.s Go~a,ncil ~s in favo~ o£ the cos°t of Nacimiento titater being borne by a Coun°ty wide tax and to erxcourage the Boctrd to make the water payment ~or 1966 for the reten°tion of the Nacimien°to water and that i°t would be pruden~ of the Board o~ Superv~sors °to review said wa°ter purchase annually. Motion carr~ede COUNTY WA°TER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT Donald Talley, ci°ty representative °to the County Water Adv~sory Com~ mittee reported on -the act~vit~es o~ the mee°ting held March 1, 1966 and advised °tha°t t~e application £or °the F'edexal Grant of $2,400,000 for the Lopez Dam had been applied fora REPORT ~ S0. SLO COUN'TY SANITATION DISTRICT T~~ ~i°ty Adminis°trator reported the development of the sanitation inst~cxll.r~tion dvas satisfactory and nearing comple°tionm ~ ER t~~' COMMERCE MANAGER m DEL COX 'The C~ty Admin~s°trator ~ntroduced Del Cox, ~he new manager of the A~ ~yo ~r~r~de Chamber o£ Commerce to °the Council e -3- CI°TY C~tTN~IL MARC~I 1966 ARROYO GRAI~TDE o CALIF°OFi~iIP~ PAGE 4 AS~LOMAR CANF°ERENCE m MO~V~EI~EY, N~RC~i 19 ~1966 "~}ae Gi°ty Admin~.s°~grttor adv~sed t}~at the annazal ~lann3.ng As3.lom~tr Con£erence in Mon°terey ~s °to be }~eld on Ma.rch 19~}a, 1966, ancl i~ :any membe~ ~f' the Cmaancil ~~,~la~cl °to a°ttend ~to notify M~, Butch so res~rva- t~ons could be madeo DI~CU~SSION REa IMPROiI~M~NT" 0~ OCEANO AIRPOR~' BY' COUiVTY The Couneil discu~s~cl the c.cr?dition of °the Caaxnty awraed Ai,rport at Ocearao ~~¢ch, and requ~sted a l~t°ter signed by Mcayor V~o~d, be sen.t to the ~c~~a Lui,s Ob~,spo Co~z~t~y Boax~d of Supervisors e ur~~}x ~opies o~' said letter s~nt to the C~.ty o~£ 1'ismo Beach, Grover ~i°~y, Ocearac Civic Assoc- ic~~tion az~d ~hambers ~f C~mme~ce in the south county area, stat~ng the C3ty of Arrayo Grctx~cle is x~q~xes°kirxg ~the following S.3sted improvements be made at said Oceancs Airp~aar°k o ) adequate 1ig~h~t~Lx~g system far night landing b~ ins~alled, 2) a~,~°p,~,~ax~ tie~dowri and par~C~.ng area be improved, 3) a p~flgraxn be commen~ed ~a ~S~z~~~l~ase adjacent pro~er°ty for ru~n-way ex- pansion in the f~x~ure ~r cca~ ~xpcxaas~ed s~~rpor~t a~ec~ b~ established pro- h3,bit~ng s~ruc~tures th,at m3g~°t ~~.v~ to be purchased nncl ~emoved in' the future, 4) installaticsra of aclequc~~e sani~ta~y fc~cilities for public use, 5) a.`~~lephone be ~tn~~c~lled where i~ is a,ccessable ~tca the publ.ic and no~t inside a build~,r~g, 6} 3mprr~ve ~theLL gub~ltc parking area, and, 7} an improved unicom sys~em ~e installedo °T'he Counc3l also requested tha,t the Ca.ty receive no°~i~ica~t3on of any public hearings or g~tions regard- ing the Oceano A3rport, ADJOURNMEN°~ On motion by Councilman Levine, sec~nded by C~uncilwomnn Tho~pson, c~nd unanimously ca~ried the meeting ~cdjourn~d at 10:02 PoM. ATTEST : _ p~~ ,e CI CI~ER~S MAY