Minutes 1966-03-22 ~~.Q CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The Cit~ CQ~nc~l ti€~et in regtx~ar session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Tlzompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil and Burt reported present. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meetings of February 21, 1966 and March 8, 1966 vrere approved as prepared. AFPI~OVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that General Warrants No. 826 to and includi.ng Na. 874 in the total amount of $20,611.32, AND that Fayroll Warrants No. 1060 to and including No. 1104 in the total amount of $7,730.84, AND Trust and Agency Fund Warrants No. 292 to and including No. 364, in the total amount of $686.00, be authorized and ordered paid. Motion carried. NATIONAL WILDLIFE WEEK PROCLAMATION BY MAYOR After presentation of the subject proclamation by the City Administrator, Mayor Wood proclaimed the week of March 20 to 26, 1966 as "National Wildlife Week'" in the City of Arroyo Grande. RESOLUTION ADOPTING "PLAN LINE" ON ELM STREET BETWEEN MAPLE STv AND FAI~2 OAKS AVE v In accordance with the Council's direction at the last regular meeting, a Resolution establishing an amended "plan line" for Elm Street from Maple St. to Fair Oaks Avenue was read through the title. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilman Bur't, to dispense with reading the balance of the resolution. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NOo 687 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING "SET BACK" - "PLAN LINES" (AMENDED PLAN LINE - ELM STREET) On motion by Councilman McNeila seconded by Councilman Burt, and on the following roll call vote, ~o wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson~ Councilmen Levine, McNeila Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: Nonea ABSENTv None, the foregoing resolution was adopted this 22nd day of March, 1966. FURTHER DISCUSSION - RE. COUNCIL°S ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FOR A REORGANIZATION STUDY PURSUANT TO 1965 DISTRICT REORGANIZATION ACT, THROUGH LAFCO (REQUEST BY CITIZENS FOR CONSOLIDATION) The City Attorney advised the Council that after thorough probing into the matter in question, that adoption of the subject resolution woulcl only commence action for study of the feasibility of consolidation of tY~e various communities now physical]~r located in the area identified as Zone 3 of the San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Control District. Mr~ John Hursta representative of the Citizens for Consolida- tion, advised that the Zone 3 area was selected primarily because of its established boundaries and the available legal clescri~tions therefor. _1_ CI'I~' COUNCIL MARCH 22 a 1966 ARROYO GRAND~o CAL,I~ORNIA PAGE 2 After Counci~ disc~s~iono ~he City Attorney wa~ d~rected to proceed w~th the prepara~ion o~ a~°~~a~ut~on of app~ication for tYie ~~udy in que~~ion and ~o pre~~n~k sam~ °~o th~ Cour~cil for tlz~ir re~ul°~ant action. LEAGUE OF CALIF`ORNIA CITIES MI~Co REPORT & LEGTSLATIVE BULLETIN T~he Ci~y Ae~ministra~o~ advi~ed th~ Council of receipt of Report by Roger Freeman enti~~eclp BBF'ederal Gran~s and the Decline of the Fed~ral System°' and comm~r~tecl brYefly t~hereon. Further, t~he City Acl~nini~~~°ator info~med the Council of propo~~c1 legisla~tion on Sta~~ aicl for publ~c Yibraries whiclz woulcl primarily preclude any aid to l~br~arie~ v~her than four establislzed in ~1z~ ~our large~t metropoli~an areas of ~the State. The City Adm~nistrator advi~ed th~ Coun~~l that ~e hacl contacted Mrs. Crumbo San I,~is Obispo Gounty Librar~ano ancT i~ to receive a detailed repo~~. from her regarding -t~his ~ubject proposed legislation and its effect locally. PROPOSED LIBRARY FOR CI'I"Y OF` ARROYO GRANDE - STUDY STAGES ONLY ~ Promp~ecl by ~he previous s~~~ect ma~ter, Councilwoman T7~ompson inquir°ed abou~ the possibility of a Ci~y Library for Arroyo Grande. The City Admin~s~.rator advi~ecl °the Council ~hat the City Staff wa~ e~~~ady in the proce~s of ~°~udy~ng sucYi mattero ancl that the Coune~l v,~o~ld be advi~ed of ~he resuT~ts and r~commendations of the Sta~~ upon completion o~ suclz studyo REQU~ST BY CIZ°Y OF CARP~NT~RIA - R~o SUPPORT TO PmUmCo FOR UNDERGROUND- ~ U'I°ILITY LINES After con~iderabl~ d~scussion by °the Councilo it was concluded tlzat action on ~l~:~s zna~~er be held ~n abeyance until the City Planning Commission ha~ finalized th~ir study on "Planned Deve~opment District°'a and un~a.~. the Commission can give the Council the benefit of their re~ultant~ recommendations. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ~STABLISHING CTTY PARKING COMMISSION - FIRST READING After discuss~on by ~he Council and their resultant approvalo an ordinance establishing a Parking Commission for the City of Arroyo Grande was read in its entirety by the City Attorney for the first reading. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL REPOR~ OF FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS CONCERNING CITIES OF CALIFORNIA - BY ALAN CRANS'I°ONo STATE CONTROLLER The report of ~the State Controller comprising the financial transactions of a11 the Gities in the State of California for the fiscal year 1964-65 was received by the Council and directed to be plac~d on file. SALES TAX PROGRE~S REPORT (THIRD) The City Administrator presen~ed such report to the Council and advised that_for the fou~°th quarter o~ 1965 (October, November and Deceznber) the sales ~ax ~or the City of Ar~royo Grande showed an increase of 18.3/ over th~ same quarter in 1964a or a total sales volume increase for such quar~er in 1965 of $415a600. RESOLUTION ORDERING THE CANVASS OF° TH~ GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON 12th DAY O~ APRIL, 1966a TO BE MADE BY CITY CLERK After presentation to~ ancl di~eu~szon byo the City Council, the subject re~olut~on ~ras reacl ~through the title by the City A.ttorney, af~.er which a motion was made by Councilman McNeilo seconded by Councilman Bu~°to to dispen~~ with reac~ing the balance of the resolutiona Mot~on carriec~. -2- CITY COUNCIL MARCH 22, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 RESOZUTION NO~ 688 A F2ESOLUTION OF 'I`HE GITY COUNCIL OF '~'H~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA, ORDERING THE CI~NVASS OF° THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 12TH DAY OF APRILo 1966a TO BE MADE BY THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF AR,ROYO GRANDE On motion by Councilman McNeilq seconded by Councilman Burt, and on °the following roll call voteo to wit: A~YES: Councilwoman Thompsona Councilmen Levir~eo McNeila Burt ancl Mayor Wood, NOESa Noneo ABSENTv Nonea the foregoing Re~olution wa~ adop~ted ~.~ii.s 22nd day of March, 1966. OPEN HOUSE - PACIF`IC TELEPHONE COo - APRIL 21 & 22, 1966 After presentation of this subject request by the City Admin- istrator, and after Couneil discuss~ono a motion was made by Coun- cilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine~ that the request of the Pacific Telep~hone Company ~o hold Open House for the general public on April 21 and 22a 1966a be~.ween 7 and 9 P.M., at their Central Office located a~ 203 Rena Street, Arroyo Grande, be approved and granted. Motion carried. RECEIPT OF REIMBURSEMENT F°UNDS FROM STATE_DEPTm OF JUSTICE RE. PEAGE OFFICERSo TRAINING FUND Tlze City Administrator advised the Council that the City had received $847.06 as reimbursement to the City for wages and expenses incurred by ~he Police Depar~ment in the ~raining of two patrolmen. ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FIRE ZONES IN CITY - SECOND READING The subject ordinance was reac~ through the title by the City Attorney, after which a mo~.ion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Lev~ne to dispense with reading the balance of the ordinance. Motion carri~d. ORDINANCE NOo 213 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DEFINING AND DESCRIBING ALL FIRE ZONES IN SAID CITY On motion by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESv Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levineo McNeil, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: None, ABSENTv None, the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 22nd day of March, 1966. QUOTATIONS ON PROPOSED PURCHASE OF FIRE HOSE - 500' 2~" & 300' 1~" (A BUDGETED ITEM) After review of the subaect price quotations, and after inter-discussion of the Council and tlze Fire Chief, the Council elected to hold this matter in abeyance until a later meeting pending (1) receipt of an exaet sample of fire hose from the Albro -3- ~OUNC~L M.ARCH 2~9 1966 Af2.I~C»'(~ C;RANDE o CZ~IsIF"UI~I~;,"1~ PAG~ 4 F~~~ Eq~xipment Go. ~ 2~ a~°e~~~~r o~ t~.e ~~qu~,~ite ~peci~~cations fc~~ ~~z~~h 7~o~e ancl °~h~ ~M~:?~r~~a:~ ~an~~ ~~a~ individuaY companies in the ~~~r~~. ~~.c~~e pr~duc°t ~c~ :-~x~~i ~p~~:~.~~ a~~~~~or~~o ~E`°:~ ~~~';AR~NG - ~ROPI~~ r x:~ R~Z01~i1T~a~~, ~~aQU~ST OF Ao Aa BftOWNE and C o~1-~ ~~CH~~~EL TO R~~~aj~~ ~F~OM ~~.-~~~~to RA-B1 o GERTATN PORTI ONS O~'_`~f~~:,, I~A BE~LE AND I-i.~ x~~-LT{~R A1~II,~.Va"~~70DBZJFtY TRAC'I`S _ __n_~,_.._z_r - A~~er Counci~ dz ~~~~~ona a mc~~~c~n w°as rnacle by Cou~nci~~roman T~°a.v~~~~~ana ~eeonc~ed b~ ~:`~~,~~~r:~i~~~r~ L~;~a~r~~~ t~hat a~hea~ing on t~he p~°e~~~~~c1 rezoning ~°eq~ o~ A. A~ ~3~ov,~ne ancl C v H. ScYil~gel from RA--H:~ ~;o RA-B1 be s~~ A~~~~ 1965 a~ 8 P,M. Mo~~on ca~ried~ ~~~:~t~d~.~~ ~'~°UUY S~SSTOI~ ~.,~I~7I~ li~~~ ~ri~,F~l`~N~ Q~ G~NERAL PLAN - ~ ~t._ _ ° ~~,AN~7 LN~, rnC)~~MI ~~T ON ANI~ CT'I`Y COUNCTL Counc~l e~r~~~~-:~sb;.~ ~~~z~ ci~~~ o~ Marcl°~ 29~ ~9~C at 7, ~C~ P~Mo be sclzecYu~~ ~~abj«~~~ ~Toir~~ ~~uc1y Se~~ion~ to b~ ~~W~~~ in ~he Co~anci~ ~:."t~;~~~t~~~~ ~a~ ~n~~~ C~~~ Ha~l. PRCiPU~'~T~ ARROYO GRANI.3E; ~~k~Ri7'"~` ~~A"~a 1 C~?~l AND UEVELOPMEN'P PROGRAM .m.._~~ ~~"h~ Council wa~ p.~~°~~n~~~-...~ ;~u~g~~~ec~ me~.hod of organizing a B~~u~~~iea~ion and L~~~~~ap~n~~~f~ ~'~~gramq v~rh~hich ma~ter i~ to be c1~~~r~~~~c1 in detail k;~ P~~~~ Re~~~ation Coznmfssion a°t reguYarly ~~h~c~u~~~ ara~e~~~ae~- ~.o~or~°o~nr nig`h~ta Marclz 23a 1966. A~ ~~i~ imzr?ec~i~~~ ~.~~ne~ ~ue~e~~~~~.ed prog~amming was brought ~a ~ouncil ° s a~~~rl~~c~r~ pr%rrrc~~.~~~r~ ~o ]c~~p t~h~m abreast of current ~~~i~i.~;~ and unclertak~r~c~~ c~~ ~7h~ r'+~zr~r~i~~ion. A fu~t7ier repar~ an ~~xa~h ~~~~er vaill b~ fra~~~~i~arni~c~ t_:~ ~Yi~ ~ouncil a~ a fut~~~ cla~e. F~~C:E`T~"I° O~° R~PORT OF f.~A~ "I""AX ---1~~~"C,~WNtJ~ AND ~XPENDITURE APPLTCATION, PR~PA~tED B°Y TH~ AUTOMO~I:LE CZtTB ~t~~``' ~OUTH~RN CALoI~ORNIA AND THE G.AL~F`ORNTA STA'I°E AU~OMOBTL,E ASSC)CT:A'I"ZON ~"he Ci~y Adminis~ra=~or bri~fly~~e~ie~rec~ the subject matter o~ °~hi~ repar~o indica~ir~g ~a~ ~n~t a.n~ormative, ancl v~rould be available for ~he Couz~~a..~' ~ ~ur~.Yi~~ s~uclya PUBIL~C WORKS CORPOR.A'I°ION YARD BUTT~I)ING ~~The Ci~y Adminis~rator repa~~ec1 °~lzat `March 1~, 1966 at the hou~° c~~ 2 P.M.o bids wer°~ recei~~~ and opened by the City Clerk in the Ci-ty Hall on the Co~°pora~fon Yard Buildings and the Elec~rical Wo~°k ~f such pro j ec~ ;~`!-s.i s being ~l~e tim~ ancl cla te set by the C:our~~%1 fo~° such bicl r~~~ning. B~c1~ were rece~..~~d a~ fo~l,ov~~ on ~tYi~ yard build~ngs: Don Buss Cor~ ~~r~~cti c~t~ C;~ ~ $ 25 ~ 81.1. 00 Duc~l.ey 18a 630.00 Sys~em 5~~~1 ~3~.~1c1e~~ ~8, 592.00 Denny Whee~~~ 180828•00 Zemny 19a243.00 Bid~ vJere rec~iv~e~ ~ca~..lov~~ on the electrical worko Electrica~ R~~~:ie~era°t~ono Inc. $ 5~ 738.00 L~e Wilson 50539.00 A-1 Elect~i~ 5a953.00 `~~he Council reva~~r~~ ~7he repc~r~ o~ °t~e Director of Public T~To~°k~ zn wlzic`h he ac~~t~.,~~~ °~nat; ~he ~c~st es~ima~~ for ~he fir~t ~~age o~ ~l~e overal~ ~a~~po~ed p~o~e~ta w`h~ch ~lso in~lucles the bu~~d~ng~ and t1-ie el~~~~~.~a~ wG~]c ancl otlzer ~ro~k9 °totals $33e 488.00. -4_ ~r~~ CITY COUNCIL MAR,CH 22a ~966 ARROYO GRANDE o CAS~IF"O~,i~~.~: r~ PAGE 5 After Council. e1~,~~~;~.~;~~~i.c~~y a mo~ion v~a~ made by Cauncilman McNeil, secone~ed by C"~q~z~s.~ ~~~an ~Bur~t~ ~~hat ~~he lovr k~~d as ~ubmitted by Sy~-~em Ste~Y Builc~~:~ ~~o s~e~l b~i~c~ing~a i. e. a one 40' x 80' in ~ize ancl ~he ~e~or~c~ ~.r:3 ` ~F," in ~a.~~9 in the ~ota~ amount of $18, 59 2. 00 o be a c~ep~e~~ ~~~~r~4:i~ E~URTHER a itha ~~~he lo~a bicl a s ~ubmitted by Lee W~1son ~or .y t~:~{~r~~a~. wo~k fo~° v,~iring ~the aforementioned steel bu~lc~ing~ ~n t~~ ry;.:~r~:~.~~ amaun~ of $5p 539.OQ be accepteclo AND FURTH~Rv ~tha~ ~the Ma~~~.t a~~~ autlzari~ee~ °~o ~ign t~he contracts on behalf of ~he City o~ r:-~ s-~° _~,~o Gran~e wi~h ea~~h of ~lze namecl Yow bid companiesm AND ~UR`~H~~~,, ~_"5.,:~~~ ~.1z~ ~o~a1 co~~ es~im,ate for °the present proposeeT wo~~ ~~i_~~.~~. ~~~:;7~e pure`ha~~ o~ equiprri~nt and materia~s ~s outlinecl ~n ~he ~:~e Di~~~~or~ of Pub1~c Works datecl Nlarc~ 22, 1966 ~n ~1-~~ ~~~~~;~;,:~,1 t~ o~ ~ 3~ q 488 0 00 be approved, BUT that tlze ac~~al work progr~~ ~~ac~ purc~ia~e a~ equipment and Tnaterial, and cost there~orp i: :`ti~ p~e-plannec~ so as not to exceed the $30, 000.00 amount bu~c~~~~-.~<_:i. ~o~ ~t~he c~zrr~r~ fi~cal yeara ancl the remaining co~t ~her~c~~~ ~.a~.~tr~~~~y $~a 488.00~ is ~o be budg~ted during ~~he 1966-~67 f'~. ~~:~F.t ,.rear . I~IO'IION CARRT~D. REQUEST BY DIVISION Of~' ~~i:I~.;~;i~JAYS FOR RESOLU'I"ION AUTHORTZING MAYOR TO SIGN AN AGREEMEN`I" K~?~ri`"~:i~ ,a'1R'I`~ R~~ ~L~GIBILITY OF CITY FOR MATCHING GA~ TAX FUNDSm , ^ ~ A~ter review and ~.~~~.~:1ec1 ~xp~araat~ion by ~~h~ Ci~ty Administrator and aft~r Council dis~°~~~,~z.o~. and approval~ ~t~he sub~~ct resolution was reacl in its ~nteir~~.y ~y ~~h.P Ci~y A~-~orney. 1i.i~~OLUTTON NO, 689 . RESOLU'I°ION OF TH~ t.:"~`I:'~Z COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE A.PPROVING GOOP~F2~`.~'~'G~E; AGREEM~N'I" F'OR ~XPENDI`I"URE ON S'I°ATE HIGHWAYS OF FUNI~~ ,~P~ORTTONED UNDER STREE'I`S ANIa HIGHGVAYS CODE S~CTION 1864~ C`~ RECEIVING MATCHING GREDIT FOR ELIGIBLE WORK PERFORMED ON ~'~A~~E HTGHV~IA~S. On motion by Coun~i~.zr~an Bur~q ~~condec~ by Councilman McNeil, and on the following rc~~l ~all vo~e, ~o wit: AYES: ~~~unc%lv,roman '~hompsona Councilmen Levineo NI~NeilQ Bur~ and Mayor Wooc~~ NOES ; I~~~i°~~ ~ ABSENTo I~7c~~i~, the foregoing Re~olu~~~rx pas~ec~ and ac~opted this 22nd clay of Marcha 196~i . PROGRESS REPOR'I° - U~t.~~~~T.~ A~E ~ TMPROV~M~NT PROJECT m PR~LIMINARY ~NGTNEERING Mr. Rober~ Ga~~r~c~ r~~:~v~e~nr~c~ in c~~~ail the overall Grancl Avenue Improvement project, w~~T,. ~pec~fic d~~ai~s a~ concerns t~e engineer- ing plans on ~uch proj~~~..~ Af~er• Counci~ c1~~~.u~;u~~r~~ a mo~ion wa~ macle by Counc~lman McNeil, seconded by C;v~z~~:~lrnan BurtP tha-t ~he pre~iminary engineer- ing plan~ for ~~he Gr°an~T A~~nue improvemen~k projec°ty from Halcyon Road °to ~lrn Stree~, b~ a~:~:~~~ed and app~oved. Motion carr~ed. FURTHER IN '~'HIS C;'C~~~i~L;C~T°IONo REm GURBS AND GUTTERS O1~T GRAND AVE,, a mo~ion was maele b~ C~e~uax~%lman McN~i~o ~econd~d by Couneilman Burt, ~.hat the Supe~ir~~o~:czc~~rrt of S~re~~~ be au~horiz~cl to effect the use of the 1911 Act. ~ Slhcar~ Form~ ~or °~`he in~~allation of con- ' C~`~`Y C~JUNCIL M~IFZCH 22q 1956 ARRO``.~C3 ~RANDEv CALTFORNIA ~ cr~ts~ ~~~b, gu°~~e~° anc~ c~ri°~r~~ra~ aprons on cer~~~n ~~°e~s of Grar~d A~enue be~we~n Hal~yc~n Roar~ aric~ E~.rn S~r~et~ MOTION CARRIED. ~~~`U'I~TI~R IN ~HIS CONN~CT~ON~ FlE s GRAND A~~ d ROADi~AY CONSTRUCTION ANI~ i:-'tTRB~ GUTTER AND DR:TVVE~V3AY COI~1S~'RUCTION, a mo~~on v~ra~ made by Cour~.;F~~~~roman Thompson, ~e~Undec~ by Counci~.~an Levines that the Ci~~ ~.:~le~°k be au~horizec~ arac~ ~ns~ru~~ed to adv~r~~~e °~he ca~l for bic~;:~ :a~a C1) cons~ruc~ion o~ ~rc~ac~taay ~mprovemen~ o~ Grand Ave. b~t.~~z~~;ra Ha~cyon and ~lmq anc~ C2.~ '~1~e curbv gutter anc~ dri~re~ray ap~°:~:m, ~on~~ruction on G~~rid Av~nue~ b~~weer~ Hal~yon Road ancl Elm St~~~~~~.~ AND THAT ~ueh b~cls l~e op~nec~ by t~he Ci~.y C~e~°k in ~he Ci.~:y ~-~~11 of Arroyo Gxar~~~9 or~ May 1~~ ~~3~i~ a~ ~~he hour of 2 P.M. Mp~::3.~~°~ ~arr~ed. LUk?~;e~ T'3A1~I - PROGRESS R~POR.7~' ACC~PTANCE OF WA'~"ER_ CONTRACT !~_.~.~~,~A AND ~XECUTION OF SAME i~7ro Robert Born ancl Nl~s L~i~k. D~a~hn ~tere~in a~~enclance at ~~~i~ ~~~~~ing, and M~°. Bcsrr~ gav~ an ov~ral~ resume and report of tl~~ ~:r::~~~~ Dam Pro~ ec~.. '~'~h~ Ci~y A~~orney a~vi~~c1 ~~he Cpune~l ~lza~ any az~cl a~l div~:~~;pan.~ie~ concern~rig ~~he fo~ma~; a~ ~he Lopez water contract h~v~ 1~~a~en reconcileclp and -~::7iat 1~~ recommencled ~.~he acc~ptance ard ~~~cution of sueh con.t,~ae~ by ~th~ Ci~y Counci~. ~~fi~er in~ter-discussion of Mr. Ba~°n~ ~h~ Ci~ty A~~.arney and t~h~ ~e~uzzeilp and ~~he ec~ncluc~ed c~~cl.~zon o~ ~.1z~ Council~ a mot~.on wa~ grt~c~~ by Councilman M~Nei:l9 ~~conel~d ~y Couz~eilman Bur~o tlZat ~h~ ~ar~~ract for wa~.er from Lap~z R~~ervoi~° V~a~er Projec~ be approved arzc~ ~~~~p~ed on be~half of ~~he Ci~y o~ Arroyo Granc7eq AND ~.~a~ the Ma~~t~ ~ity Cl~rk arlc7 c~ity A~~o~n~~ b~ aut,hor~z~e1 to sign said corit.ra~~ k~e~tween t~he C;ity of A~ro~ro G~°ancTe ancl t~he Sar~ Lui~ Obispo Coura~y Flood Con~rol and Wa~~r Gor~~erva~ion Di~~.ric~ gov~~°necl by th~ S~~ Lui~ Obi~po Count~y Boar~ o~ ~up~rvi~or~. Mo~ion carried or~ ~h~ follov~ring roll cal~ vo~:e~ ~:o ~,ri~~ AXES: Counci~~nr~nnan `~homp~on, Counc~lmen Le~rinea McNeil~ B~r~ ar~c~ Mayor ~nTooe~o NOE~S ~ Norie o A~SENT: Non~. SOU'~'E-i :sAN LUIS OBISPO COUN'l~Y SAIVT'~ATION DT~TRIG'I° - PROGRESS REPORT ~~~'`he City Aelminis~~ator advi~ed ~lza~ the ~~o app~°~pria~ee re~c~~~tion~ gov~rn~.ng ~~h~ ~~wer hookup ~~~~q ~n~talla~ion ~hargesa ar:dl ~r.~~~hly ~ervi~e ma ixx~enance ~e~~ 9 ane~ ~on~ro~ ~'hereof 9 1~ac1 been pa~; ~c~ by the D~~~ricta ~ B~arcl~ ~~ha~. the T~~at~m~nt Plarat i~ scl~~c~txled to be comple~ed and ~n c~pe~°a~ion by May la 196Fia and that ~he Oc~an Outfall ~ine ~t~1~ 2n ~h~ ~n~~.a~l~~.ie~n ~~age~m REPOR."~" ON ~°IRE DEPAR'I'MEN'I° JE~P ~'~~te Ci~y Adrn~nis~.~a~.~~ p~°~~~ra~~cT a~epar~ o~ ~'he F°~re C~h~ef to ~h~ Council regar~~.ng recon~~ruc~L~on o~ ~~h~ ~e~p acquirecl through Su~pl u~ ~or t~~ ~e Depa ~~.~r~~nt ~ `I'his r~por~ c~i~c~.o~ed ~:ha~ the ra~~ ~e~s~ of ~h~ ~~ep ~,~ras $~68.90, and ~f ~uch a ve7~~c~e hac~ been pu~~~asec~ ou~r~g~h~~ so equ~ppec~, the ~~~t most like~y ~ou~cl ~Sav~ b~en be~vreen $3,500 and $4a000. Th~ Fi~e Depar°~ment~ v~ra~ co~nmend~~ by the Ci~.y Adzninistrator and ~t1~~ Cii~y Counc~l ~or ~~he~r many e~for-~s to~rard ~~hi~ new piece of ~quipmen~t for ~lze F'ir°e D~partm~n~t. " CITY COUNCTL MAR,CT~ 22, 1966 ARROYO GRANDEB CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 MASTER SEWER PLAN ~'I"UDY FOR SAMF The Ci~y Aclmini~°~~a~.~r a~~~~~c~ ~:~z~ Coun~~~ ~~hat many reque~ts for sewer~ have been recei.v~c~ ~~om c~w~~.z~r~s ~n a~z~ost eve~y area of the Citya buf~ ree~ue~~~ ~rc~in ~~e majo~i~y of ~esiclen~s ~ocatecl in any one area la~g~ enoug~ ~o ~ncompa~s arx a~s~~~ment di~~rict have not 7~een obtain~c~~ '~'h~~~fo~°~~ vaa~~ ~°e~ommencle~l to the Council that a mast~r ~e~nrer ~tut3~ ~,~he en~.ire area of ~Yie Cit;y be made to ~ewer tho~e areas no~t no~r p~ov~e~~d va~°th ~~~~~~o ~,lzu~ determining the feasibility of ~u~~ an a~~~s~°~~~r~~ c~~~~~~~~~ and furthero tYiat monies could be availab~~ ~:Ya~ougi~ a~~c1~raY g~°ar~~ uncler ~h~ Hous~ng Act of 1965.9 After Cour~e~I eli~cus~~ora„ ~,kxe ~~.ourac~l c~~.~~e°ted tlza~ th~ f~rm of Garing and Taylo~° cp~~~~c~ ~,I~~ pr~par°at~,c~n of~ an engineer ° s estimate for a~evaage ~~r~~te~ ~c~ ~aro~.ide sev,r~r~ ~.o al~ area~ of the City not nokr s~vr~r~c~a so i~~ha~: ~'he en~i~e c~~ty o~ Arroyo Grande wil.l have a~om~l~~e ~~~r~~° syst~mn AI~70URNMENT TO EXECi7'I'IVE SES~ION On moti:on by Councilmar~ M~Ne~~., ~~~c~r~r~~d by Cour~~ilman Burt9 and unanimou~ly carriecl, trie me~~~~g wa~ ac~.aournec~ ~o Executive Session a°~ 10.17 P.M, REAATOURNMEN'I' FROM EXECUTTV'~ SESSION THE COUNGIL RECONVENED TN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER~ A`I" 10055 P.M~; ALL MEMBERS W~RE PRESEN'I'. 1966 BUSINESS LTC~NSE AND PENALTY '~`HEREFOR -~0~. PROPANE - OWNER, ~ 9+ ~KTNNX" WILLI S . Affer Counc~.1 c~iscus~~,on o~ ~:h~ zYrat~~.~r a~ an unpa~d business lic~nse penalty c~ue by Mr~ "S]c.inny" Wi~.1.i~~ ~~h~ Couneil e~irected ~he City A~~orney to naitify ~.~h~ c~'ha.e~ o~ Police ~a eontact Mr~ Willzs, aclvis~.ng h~m ~hat the Cit:y wi1~ no~ perm~t any further operation of hi~ business wi~hin ~.he C~ty Liznits of the City of Arroyo Grancle until a17. busi.ne~s Iicen~~ f~es anc~ penaltie~ for 1966 have been pa~d; and ~ha~ a~ soon as ~he ~has a valid ~urrent business ~icense, his business opera~~on may continue w~thin ~he City of Arroyo G~ande~ AATOURNMEN'I' On mo~ion by Councilrnan McNei l o s~~ondecl by ~ouncilmar~ BurtO ancl unan~mous~.y ca~°rieclo ~.~he m~e~i,ng ac~journ~c~ at 10,59 P.M., until 7:30 P,MA on Marclh 29a 1966~ Mo~~on ca~ried` ~ ~ ATTE ST a , l?G?z~ . ! - C ZER ~ MAYOR _7_ . ,