Minutes 1966-03-29 f 21'~ CI'I'Y COUNCTZ MARCH 29a j19b6 Z+~RROYO GRANDE a CAI~IFORNIA ~ T`he Ci~y Council met in adj eurned ~~~sa.on wit~ th~ Arroyo Grande Planning Commis~ion. Upon ro1~ callo Counc~,lwoman 'I'lzompson, Councilman Levine and Mayor Wood reportecl presen°to Councilmen McNeil and Burt were absent. The Planning Comm~ssion members presen't were Newell Strothere ~Tinslow Evans, Wayns Mize, Oliver TalleyB Harry McMillen and Orville Schultz. MansellD~xter was absent. - Prior to the Study Sessiona the following Council action was taken; APPROVAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF EMINEN`I°AOMAIN ON P~TKINSON PROPERTY - GRAND AVEm CONSTRUCTION ~ Mayor Wooc~ revie~rec~ ~he n~ec1 for t~hi~ par~ic~la~° parcel of lando no~t~ng ~ha~ negc~t~a~.~or~s ~~.tYi t`he property ovmer had not y~°~ been resolvec~a and that i°t is imperative that such land be acquired in order to commence a~tual improvemen°t construction o~ the Grand Avenue proaeeto Af~~r Cour~ci~ cli~~u~~iono a r~so~u~tion di~°~cting the filing of conc~emnation ac~ion ~or ~treet p~rpo~es wa~ read to tYie cle~cription o~ ~`he proper°~y in ques~ior~o Thereaftero a motion was made by Coun~iTwoman Thomp~ono ~econded by Councilman Levine, to vJaive the r~ad~ng o~' ~lz~ l~gaY description. Motion earried. RESOLU'I°TON NOo 690 A RE SOLUT'T ON O~ THE CI TY OF AFtROY O GRANDE , STAT'E O~" CALIF"ORNTAo DIRECT'TNG THE F~LING OF COND~MNAT'ION ACTION FOR ~TR~ET PU'RPOSES Or~ mo~ion by Gour~eilman Levineo ~econded by Councilwoman Thomp~ono and on th~ ~olYovaing rolY cal~ votea to wita AYE~~m Councilv~oman 'I°hompsonp Councilman Levine and Mayor Wood, NOES: Noneo A.BS~NTm Gouncilmen Bur~ and McNeilo the foregoing ResoYut~on was ac~op~ed this 29th day of March, 1966. GENERAL DISCUSSION - LAND [JSE ELEMEN'I` OF° THE GENERAL PLAN TY~e Ci~y Council and Ci~ty Planning Commission held a general di~cuss~on on ~1he Land U~e Element of the General Plan regarding the reasoraings for t~he changes as recommended by the City Council. No formal action vras f.a]cen at ~'his time. AD~TOURNMEN'~ On motion by Counci7L`nroman ~'hompsone ~econclecl by Councilman Levinea and unanimou~ly carriedo ~the mee~ing adjourned at 9030 P.M. until 7v30 P.M, on April 4~lZo T966. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ATTES'1' m ~ l.~rr vW~, - ~'~i ~ ~ ~ . DEPUTY GI'~Y CLERK MP.YOR ~ s t