Minutes 1966-04-19 t CITY COUNCIL APRIL 19, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA - The City Council met in adjaurned session with Mayor Wood presiding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, McNeil and Burt reported present. OFFICIAL CANVASS OF ELECTION RESULTS After a general resume of the precinct returns of the Gen~ral Mur~icipal Election held in the City of Arro~ro Grande on ~th~ ~,'~th day of April, 1966, noting ~he results thereof and etteh othez ma~~e~~ as are providec~ by law, a resolution reciting such facts ancl rexated infnrmation was read through the title by the City Attorney= after which, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded }~y Council- woman Thompson to dispense with reading the balance of the resolu- tibn. Motion unanimously carried.~-~A~ -1- RESOLUTION NOo 695 ~ A RESOLUTION OF ~HE Cl~Y C~NCOL OF THE CITY ~F ARROY~ GRANDE,"CALIFORNtA9 RECBTlNG THE FACT OF 7Hf GE~IERAL MUN I C I PAL ELE CT I ON HELQ I N SA i p C I T'Y OF Ri~R0Y0 GRANDE ON T'HE 12TH DAY OF APRIL, 1966~ DECLARING THE RESULT THERE.OF AK~ SUCH OTHER h{ATTERS RS ARE PROV:IDED BY LAWa WHER~~., a regular general munictpal election was held and conduct:ez~ in ~`he City vfi Arroyou.~rande, County of Sar+ LuES Obispo, State of Californ~a~ on Tuesday, the 12th day of Apr~l, 1966~ as required by 1aw; and WHEREAS, notice Qf.'said election was duly and regularly given i~ time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that, election officers were appointed and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat, received anri canvassed and the returras made and t#eciared in time, f.or.mand manner as required `by the pravisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of elections in cities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 688 adopted the 22nd day of March, 1966, the Gity Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande canvassed ttre returns of said election and t?as certified the results to tlais City Council, sa.id results are received, attached and made~a part hereof as "Exhibit A.r' . NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIt AF THE CtTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNiA, DI~fS R~50LVE AS FOLLOWS; SECTION 1. That there were Three (3) voting preci~ncts~established f~r the pur- pose of hotdir~g said election consisting of consolidations of the regular.~lection ._pr~clncts in the City of Arroyo Grande as established for the holding o~f .state and county elections, SECTI01~ Z. That said regular general municipal election was Me.ld for the pur- • ,p~se o~ el-ecting the following officers of said City as required by t,laa laws re- Iatin,g to citi-es in the State of California, to-wit: Two (2) Members of the City Council of said Gity for ~he fu11 term of four yea.rs; -`SEC7'IQN 3. That at ~aid reg~lar general municipal ~ltc~ion, the follow~ng . ~neasure wa~s submitted to the electors of said City, to-wit; 3HALL THf CITY COUNCIL HEREAFTER APPOINT THE CITY CLERK Qf TNE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. ~~MALL THE CITY COUNGIL HfREAFTER APP0INT T~E CITY TREASUR`ER • 0'F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, S~£T1QN That :the whole number of votes cast in said City (except absent ~ voter bal~ots). was 1016. , ' i'h~~ ~he whale number of absent voter ballots cast in said City was 21, mak±t~~~ .a tota ~~?~7 votes cast i n sa i d C i ty, 22~ 's ~ ~ ~ ~r . ~ ~ SECTION 5. That the name~ of persbns ~ioted for at said election for ~1~mber of the C1ty Council of said City ar~e as foilawso Addison Wood Harold Eo Lee Wayne Mi.ze ~ Calvin (Cal) Schlegel Carnelis (Cor) Visser . Wells Smith W>A. ~1att That the mea~sure vQte:d uRot~ at said election is as follows< SHALL THE GITY COUNCtL HEREAFTER APPOfNT THE CITY CLERK OF Y'HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SHALL THE C~TY COUNCIL NEREAFTER APPOINT T.HE GITY TREASURER OF THE ClTY OF ARROYO GRANDE That the number of votes given at each precinct and ~the number of votes given' in the City to each of such persons above named for the respective offices for which said persons were candidates and for and aga~nst the measures were as listied in ; Exhibit "A" attached. SECTION 6. The City Council does deciare and determine that: Addison B. Wood was elected as Member of the Gity Council of said City for the full term of four years; . Calvin (Cal) Schlegel was elected as Member of the City Courtcil of said City for the full term of four years; That as a result of said election, a majority of the qualified vot~;rs voting on said measure relating ta Shall the City Council hereafter a~ppoin.t the C i fy.. Cl er.k ~o~€ the C i t~t of Ar royo 6 rande d 1 d not vote i n favor thereof i and th~`t said propasition was not carried, and sh~ll not be deemed adopted and r~tified'. That as a result of said election, a majority of the quali~ti~!! voters ~ voting on said measure relating to Shalt the City Council hereafter ~ppe~int the ~ C i ty Treasurer o~ tihe" C t ty of "Arroyo G:rande ' yl i d not vote i n favor ~he~f"~o.f, and': th~t, ~a~ d p ropos i t i:qn . was not, c~rr i ed, ertd sha 11: i~~ti .~e: deemed adopt~d ~nd rat i f i ed. SEGTION 7. The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Cout~~il of said C~ty, a statement of th~ result of said election, showing;' ("1~ The whole number of votes cast in thee ~ity; {2j The r~ames of the persons voted for; , (3~ The me~sures voted upon; (4~ _For what offica~ each person was vot~d ~or; (5) The numb~r of V~?t~s given at each pf'~cinCt to each person, and fol' and against e~ch m~te~sure, (6) Ttte number of vt~'~es g i ven i n the c i ty t.o ` each person, ~ and fci "r ~and aga'i nst e~fch measure. Sf:CTIQN 8. 7hat th1! City Clerk shall immedletely make and, upon compliance,by~ the persons elected with the provisions of Section 11565 end Section 1156i~ of the Eleettbns Code of the st.~te of California, shull deliver to each vf such persons - so ejectes~ a Certific~te of Election sigRed by her and duly authenticated; that ' - . . she shall alsa~administer to earh person elected, the~0ath of~Office prescribed fn the State Constitutlon of the State of California and•sFralT have them subscribe~. ' , . . . . _ . thereto ~and f i 1 e the same i n her off t ce. Whe reupon, . each ~and •a 11 of sa i d per,.~or~s ' • so elected shail be inducted into the respecttv~ office to which t:hey~have been ~elected. . - SECTIQN 9. That the Ci~y Cterk shal l c~rti~y to the p~ss+~~ and ~~daptton e~f ~t:h`1s,; Y rasolutian; sh~ll enter the sama'in tha~ bock of origirral Re~s~bluttons of said Clty; end , sha l l make -a m i nuta of the ~rassage arrd adapt ion thereof i n th• records of t•he proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes o~ the meeting at which tt~s same 1s passed and edopted. On ~tion by Counc.ilman Levirvs , seco~ded by Gounc:ilwoman Thc~prson, and on the follawing roll call vate to-wlt: AYES: ,,;~nciTwoman Thom~s~n., Coun:cilmen Burt, L.,e.vlrie; McNeii and.Maya.r Wood . ,1~S: None . ABSENT: No.rr.e the fprGgoing Resolution was adopted this lgth day of April, 1966'. Mayo r Al'TEST: ~ ~ 'City erk ' I, POLLY S. MILLER, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis dbPspo, State af California, do hereby ce~tify that fihe foregotng';Resolution No. ~i9S: is a true, futl and correct copy of said ~~solutFon passed and edopted i~?:the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ~t a reg~lar ad,joufned;meeting of said Council ~ on tha 19tih day of Aprfi, 1966. : ~ WITNESS my hand an,d the seel of the City of Arroyo Grande.afFixed t~his'20th day c~ ~f Ap r i 1, .1966. - ~ . ' City C1 of t e City of Arroyo Crande . ~ . . . . . . - . . ~ . . ~ ' ~ . . . . ' Y~' . . . ~ - • ' ~ ~ ~ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . . Y. . . . ~ . . . . . ~ ~ . . . ~N . ~ . ~ \ . . . . . . ~~4 . , . . , . . ~ . ~ . . _ F, , ~ i, " ~ ; ~u er~ z .o ~ ~ H e~n t~- c; a~o ue cn o c~ ~ 0 o ac ~re a~ c~ ~ h > c.~ ~ a a~ T 1 .C .GI C N ~ Ql ~C v~ +-i -W .C N U!'~0 l~D ~~cp CJ ~ A CV ~ O M ~ N N L•- t! ill O I~. O ~ 4- 4 Qi O a-~ Z ~ c~6 L N 4- W ~ iU ~ s- O t T7 O f~ ~C ,L 1~ cC .C C ~ ,i-~ ~ r._ fll t/p i. 4- ~ 4- > Q ~ ~ ~ O N ~ N'Ct 1-~ E (d C~p c0 ~ C Bn O c'd r'° ~ C U Li N a.~ ctf W ~ CW ~ ~ ~ ~ +J N N v~ GL L~ 1~ y. ~ r-. ~ Ci. N tS [0 F- E..9 c~ ~ ~ tn 'o ~O N C ~ 7~ ~ w ~ L Ifl ~ Qjr ~ a.J 4,1 . ~ . . . . lp .1-+ Ol L i-r .e -p •C N ^ L ~ ~ ~ ~ 54--[1 C~ U ~ lf! ~ ~ ~O ~ ~ ~ . ~3 . : . S- U ^ J-~ O fV ~ s- O 0~ Ol ~ ~ O ~ t~ s. N~: L7 Z ~ 4- T ^ O N ~ ~ ~ L. L - L . W N~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ N O. O L ~ ~ L W~-~ ~ ~ ~ ia`'- ~ ~ ~ = ~ ~ ° 4-~ o ~ o w ~ cgo v¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p p ~ (0 i~9 I~ c~6 ~ ~ u'.t i.t7 Z7 T O ~ S O o..- ~ ~ .-o ~ ' N t0 > N C~ t0 C3 p ~ 'C7 ~O .L C ~ ~ tn ~1 O N n! v1 , N U1 +-i ~ o..~ a~ a b v-~ Q} z tn U~ O . rp ~ o ¢ L p ~ 3 t.5 .a rt1 O u- O aE ~ 4- L lt. O ~ N C tn 4- m O T c0 t~ I- ~ T~ U N ~ ' ~ ~ f0 ~C,) N L . ~ . ~ . . . ~ . . ~ . . . c-a s a~ ue ss co -v 3 c.> r- la. t/N ~ O ^ - C cri C cn ~5 e~ I- 4- N an N ~ c/a GC ~ N L W ~ C 7 U a. N•- N V1 ~ > ~0 N C N ~ ~ rn E ~ ]G O C N .-e L- 2' t~ O~ ~n N ^ L N J A C C C.~a tn 1~ ~U n t~ N +-i O ~ 'm ~ O N ap ~ -t3 > O ~ K1 M `r G t~ ~4-~ l~ C.~ _ k- ~ "O ~ p ~ V ~ tp N ~ L ~ ~ N -Q ~ N Q o a~ c ~ r= a~i oo e~ ~ ~ ~o i- C c0 > t0 l.t~ O <'~1 ~ Q u J r~ ~ ~ y _ ~p ede ~ 4- U C~ O t~ U t/> O ~ ~ 4-- ~ i ~ Q 't3 'l7 O t~ r° C C C~ ~ N ~ ~ N ~ Q9 N~- C U N - C ~9 ~ ~ .C t..) N C a-+ U N L(~ ~4 t11 M N M ~ ~ ~ ~ Ol ~ ~ ~ ~ f6 M . l11 ~ ^ ~ . . . . N u -o N 3 ~ 4- s- ~D _C O a-~ c0 L- T7 ~ a~ . .1 T 7 (0 s- ~ Ot.C U O N N U W ~ 'p L dp N ~ T G..~ ~ ~ O N 6ei ~O O N 61 C7 .i.~ Q.~-~ t0 W i J c~1 M 'v rn ~ ~ ~0 O N O Q~1 S- > tn O LL~ 00 t11 - L- ~ . L4- ~ . ~ . . . . ~ . W O~ C,Qc N 0~ J ~p i- ~ ~ J ~ V1 ~ • N "o ~ O N+~~ v~j~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~d M Z S- ~ f0 - • > V! ~se 'CS O ~J N ~O 1`~ a N Otv-~ d Q3 - p a,3 F-~ J _I 7 'U ~ m O'- N N~~ F' ~ ~ d O N E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N . W oad' > O Z t~ N M Q ~ I- Q N ~ a1 ' 1+- O a~ > 2~Q CITY GOUNCIL .APRZL 19, 1966 ARRQXO G~ANDEQ CALIFQRN~A PAGE 5 Th~ City Clerk then administered the oath of offiee to Addison B. Wood and Calvin H. Schlegel, who were the newly elected members of the Arroyo Grande City Council; after which, official Certificates of Election were presented to such Councilmen by the City Clerk. At this timeo past Councilman Baird McNei1 was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Councilman Wood on behalf of the City, to which Mr. McNeil expressed his thanks and his appreciation for the privilege of having served on the Council for the pa~t four years. With Councilmen Wood and Sch~egel joining the other members of the Council at the Council table, the meeting was then turned over to the City Clerk and nominations for Mayor were opened. A motion was made by Councilman Burta seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that Addison B. Wood be nominated for Mayor. There being no further nominationsa on the following roll call vote, to wit: Ayes: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Wood; Noes: Noneo Absent: None; Addison B. Wood was duly elected Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande. Mayor Wood expressed his thanks to the citizens of Arroyo Grande and to the Council for their confidence in re-electing him to the Mayorship of the City. Nominations for Mayor Pro Tem were then opened by Mayor Wood. A motion was made by Councilman Levineo seconded by Mayor Wood, that Councilwoman Thompson be nominated for Mayor Pro Tem. There being no further nominations, on the following roll call vote, to wito Ayes. Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood; Noes: None; Abse~t: None; Jane R. Thompson was duly elected Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Arroyo Grande. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the adjourned meeting of April 4, 1966 were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that General Warrants No. 916 to and including No. 972, in the total amount of $16,311.22, AND Payroll Warrants No. 1160 to and including No. 1206, in the total amount of $7,584.29, be authorized ~nd ordered paid. Motion carried. EL CAMINO ART P,SSOCIATION - INVITATION TO OPENING OF NEW GALLERY ON APRIL 23, 1966 The City Administrator announced that the Mayor and Council were invited for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Art Association's DTew ~Galle~y Op~ning on April 23, 1966 in Pismo Beach. ~ FIVE CITIES JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - REQUEST FOR FEE EXEMPT BUSIATESS LICENSE REo RUMMAGE SALE AND AUCTION - ,_,K; Mr. Bryan Duvall spoke on behalf of the Chamber, advising that " any and all proceeds from their proposed Rummage Sale and Auction would be used in connection with various community projects in the Five Cities Areaa After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Burt, that the Five Cities Junior Chamber of Commerce be issued a fee exempt business license for the dates of April 23 and 24, 1966 onlyo for the purpose of holding a rummage sale and auction at the William Brothers° Shopping Center. Motion carried. ; -5- 23~ CITY COU~CIL APRIL 19, 1966 ARRO~O G~tANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 OCEAATO AIRPORT IM~ROVEMEN,TS - ENDC~~t,SEMENT B~' FIVE CITIES JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND CITY OF PISMO BEACH The City Administrator r~ad a le~ter of support, grompted by tlze City's recent request to the County, to update the facility of the Qceano Airport. Also, the Council was advised that the City had ~eceived a similar letter of support from the City of Pismo Beach, OCEANO ATRPORT IMPROVEMENTS - LETTER FROM SUPERVISOR LYLE CARPENTER, DATED APRTL 5, 1966, RE. IMPROVEMENTS The Counci]. was adviseel ~'i~at such letter f~om Mr. Carpenter outlined the improvement activities presently being made and pro- posed to be made at this airport facility, which updating was requested by the Council°s action at their March 8th 1966 meeting. AT THE REQUESTS OF COUNCILMEN SCHLEGEL AND BURT, BECAUSE OF THEIR POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THE NEXT MATTER OF BUSINESS TO BE DISCUSSED BY THE COUNCIL, MAYOR WOOD EXCUSED COUNCILMEN SCHLEGEL AND BURT FROM THE MEETING AT 8 P.Ma PUBLIC HEARING - PROPO~'ED REZONTNG REQUEST NO 66-30 A A BROWNE AND Ca H. ~CHLEGEL, TO R~ZONE FRONI~RA-B3 to RA-Bl, PORTIONS OF THE LA BELLE AND HILLIKER AND WOODBURY TRACTS FIRST READING This being the date, time and place for a public hearing an the subject rezoning, Mayor Wood declared that all conditions as re- quired by law had been met, and he further declared this hearing was now open and all persons for or against this subject matter would naw be heard. Mr. Albert A. Browne spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning request; and there being no other persons to speak for or against the proposed rezoning, Mayor Wood declared the hearing closed. The City Administrator advised the Council that the Planning Commission had approved and recommended the subject rezoning. After Council discussion, and their resultant approval, an ordinance to rezone that certain property as described in Request No. 66-30, from RA-B3 to RA-Bl was read by the City Attorney; such reading to be construed as the First Reading of the Ordinance. COUNCILMEN SCHLEGEL AND BURT REJOIN~D THE COUNCIL AT 8:12 P.M. . PUBLIC HEARING - RE. CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND DRIVE- ~ WAY APRONS, ON CERTAIN PORTION OF GRAND AVENUE FROM HALCYON E~OAD TO ELM STREET BY USE OF SHORT 1911 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT This being the date, time and place for a publi.c hearing on the subject matter, Mayor Wood declarecl that all conditions as required by law had been met, and he further declared the hearing was now ~ open, and all persons for or against this subject matter would now be heardo -6- 23~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL ~90 1966 ARROYO GRANDEo CALTF`ORNIA PAGE 7 Mr. Bill A-~kinson~ 1185 Grand Avenue~ ~nquir~cl a~ ~o the exact loca°tion at ~rhich to place the curba gutt~r anc~ clriveway aprona to which inquiry the C~ty~~ representa~ive engineer ~~ated ~he ~aould be glad to poin~ i~ out personally ~or ~him. Mrs. Victor J. Bello made inquiry regarding sev~age s-~rstem on Grand prior to tlze street improvementn ancl regarcling the procedure re. construction-o~ curbsB e~c. under t~he 1911 Act~ ~o w~hic`h inquiry the City Administra°tor exp~ainec~ in c~e~ail. Mr. Martin PolinB an owner of property aTong Grand Avenue~ expres~ed cammendation ~o the C~~ty ~o~° ~.heir ac~ion to commence the construction for improvement of Grand Avenue. There being no o~ther pe~~ons ~o ~peak for or against tlze matter in question, Mayor Wood dec~Lared the ~earing c~osedm After Council d~~cussion, ancl ~heir resultant approvala a resolution to effect the u~e of ~he 19~1 Ac~ for curbs, etc. on Grand Avenue was read through tlze ti~le by =the Ci~ty Attorney. Thereaftera a motion wa~ made by Councilwoman Tlzompsono seconded by Councilman Levine, to dispense v~rit~h reading ~he balance of the ~ resolution. Mo~ion unanimously carr~ed. RESOLUTION NO~ ~9C _ RESOLUTION INSTRUCTTNG THE SUPERIN'IJENDENT OF STREETS TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTTON OF" CONCFtETE CURBS AND GU'I°TERS AND DRIVEWAY APRONS On motion by Councilman Bur~~ and seconded by Councilman Schlegela and on t~he ~ollowing ro~Y caYl vote °~o witz AYESs Counc~lwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel9 Burt and Mayor Woodo NOE S:: NONE o ABSENT~ NONE~ the foregoing resolution ~ras adopted this 19th day of April, 1966. "BE KIND TO ANIMALSo WEEK'a MAY 1-7, 19FiC - PROCLAMATION BY MAYOR After presentation of a s~bjec~ procYamation ~to the Mayor by Mrs. Harold Leea Mayor Wood proclaimec~ ~lze wee7c of May 1-7, 1966, as "Be Kind to Animal~B Week" in ~he Ci~y of Arroyo Grande. YOUTH IN GOVERNNI~NT DAY - MAY 2~ 1966 The City Administrator presen~ted a brief resume of the planned ac~ivities on such day, advising -~~ha~ all City Governmental and Staff Departments would be participatingo ~.~hat a luncheon was being planned4 and that the entire groupa i. e.o You~h9 Council and City Staff, was invited fo~° dinner at ~the E1ks` in San Luis Obispo, thus finalizing Youtlz in Governmen°t Day. PARKING COMMISSION - APPOIN'~M~NT OF° THREE MEMBERS '~°H~RETO After Council cliscussion~ a mo~ion v~as made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Counci~woman Thomp~onB that the persons of F. J. Kirkpatrick, Noland Garr~ison and Carroll Pruet~t be named to such Commission, and that the ~term o~~ offi~e of each was to be determined amongst the Commission members at their first meeting which is tentatively schedu~ed for Thur~c~ayo May 50 1966a at 10 A.M., in the Council Clzamber~. Mo~ion unanimously ~arried. -'7 - CITY COUNCIL APRIL 19. 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFO~NIA PAGE 8 ~ , LAFCo CITIES" SELECTION COMMTTT~E TO APPOINT TWO NEW , MEMBERS F°OR REPLACEMEN'I° OF RETIRING COUNCILMEN The City Adminis~rator reviewed the le~ter dated April 5, 1966 from the Dep~rtment of Adm~nistrative Managemen°to under the signature of W. V. Waggane~, Acting Executive Officer of Local Agency Formation Commission, relativ e to requisite appointments~to this Commission. The City Administrator was directed to correspond with all the incorporatecl cities in San Luis Obispo County and arrange for a meeting amohg such representation to selec~ a member and an alterriate member as "City Members" to LAFCo. RECEIPT OF.P~tEMIUM DIVIDEND REMITTANCE FROM STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND TO CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Primarily as a matter of information for the Council, the City Administrator advised that the Ci~y was in receipt of a premium dividend of $1,662.71 on the Ci~y"s workmen~s compensation insurance for the fiscal year 1964-65. JOINT STUDY SESSION - CT'I°Y COUNCIL AND PLANNTNG COMMISSION_- MAY 3, 1966 After discussionp the Council concluded that they would meet with the Planning Commission for a Study Session on the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance on May 3q 1966 at 7~30 PeM, in the Council Chambers. REQUEST OF NEWELL W, STROTHER - FOR SPECTAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS Because of Mr. Stro~her°s representa~ion before two committees of the U. S. Congress in support of Port San Luis Harbor District's application f or certain funds, he requested by letter, dated April 19, 1966, that the Council grant him permission to be absent from at least three, and possiblg more than three, Planning Commission meetings. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by Councilman Bur~tQ that Newell W. Strother be granted absence from as many meetings of the Planning Commission as may be necessary to fulfill his Port San Luis Harbor District representation before Congressional committees. Motion carried. POLICE DEPARTMENT - COMMENDATION FROM SHERIFF LARRY MANSFIELD The City Administrator advised t~he Counc~l that the Police Department had received a letter of commendation from Sheriff Mansfield for their assistance and cooperation during Easter weekend when the Hells' Angels were in t~.e County. GRAND AVENUE IMPROVEMENT - ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FROM J. C. AND NILA Dm JOHNSON After review by the City Administrator, and after Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilv~roman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the Ci~y accept ~.he deed of property from J. C. and Nila D. Johnson, husband and wifeo and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptance and that the deed be recorded. Mo~ion carried. PROPOSED TRAFFIC ISLA.ND - HALCYON AND FRONTAGE ROAD - FOR PURPOSES OF SAFETY AND BEAUTIFICATION After inter-discussion between the Council, City Administrator, City Engineer and Mr. Martin PO~lrio owner of property on which the Texaco service station is situated~ it was concluded and recommended by the Council that the involved parties, i.e,a Messrs. Polin and Johnson, the Texaco Co. and the City, arrange a meeting time to study -8- CITY COUNGIL APRIL 19, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 9 this praject and amica~ly agree on i~~ improvement for traffic safety and beautifieation, as well a~ acce~sibili~y and unobscured sttraction for the private b~siness involvedo STATE DIVISION OF HTGHWAYS REm TNTERPRETATION OF PUBLIC HEARING RE~UIREMENT ON NEW HIGHWAY ROUTES OR LOCATION The Council was advised ~hat the S~ateBs interpretation of a certain new law which would permit adoption of a state highway route was incorrect--the~~ present interpretation, as stated in the Division of Highways' letter, dated April 12a 1966, under the signature of R. J. Datel~Distric~ Engineer of District is as follow~: "It i~ now recommendecl ~ha~ a public hearing be held whenever the Planning Commi~~ion or ~th~ legislative body of a City or County ~n~encl~ ~o znake a recommenclation for either a State Higllway location ~to be adoptecl by ~lze Calff ornia High- way Commission or a new route to be adopted by the Legislature." LOPEZ DAM PROJECT The C~ty Adm~nis~ra~or aclvis~d °~ha~ a wa~er service district had been established for the Oceano Di~°~r~.ct with a committed use ot 100 aere feet, and that tlze pragres~ive plans ~o finalize this district were moving satisfa~~orily. GARDEN STREET WATER LIN~ ACC~PTANCE OF 10" WATER LINE After resume by tlze City Adzn~.nis~.rator, ancl af~er Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilwoman Tlzomp~ono seconded by Councilman Levineo that the Ci~y o~ Arroyo Grande accept the 10" Garden Street Water L~neo in accordance wit'h the recommendation of the Director of Public Works. Mo~fon carried. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DIS'~RICT The City Administrator advised that t'he Ocean Outfall Line had been installed and °that thi~ particular phase of the project v~ras nearing fa.nalization. ARROYO GR~NDE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND POLTCE DEPARTMENT - COMMENDATION BY COUNC2L REm FIRE AT ARROYO GRANDE UNION HIGH SCHOOL The City's Fire Department was indeed commended f~r their prompt and efficient action in the cessation and control of the fire at the Arroyo Grande High School on April 7, 1966, and the appre- hension of the suspect through the cooperation of this Department, the Police Depart~nent, t h:e American Insurance Association investiga- tors~and the California:Division of Forestry investigator. ~UARTERLY MEETING - CHANNEL COUNTIES - MAY 12B 1966 The Council was advised~of ~uch mee~ing to be held in Lompoc and was asked to inform the Ci~y Adminis~rator if they planned to attend. U. S. SAVINGS" BONDS - PURCHASE BY PAYROLL DEDUCTION The Council was advised that the Vice President of the United States was urging the City to encourage emp,loyees to purchase savings bonds through regular payroll deductions. 'I"~e City Admin- istrator was asked to determine the fea~ibility of thi;~ proposal, , both from the "paperwork" involved and the employees' thoughts on same, and advise the Council aecordingly. ~-9- CITY COUNCIL APRIL 190 1966 ARROYO GRANDEo CALIFORN~A PAG~ ~0 NINTH BIANNUAL TNSTI~U~E ~OR NEW MAYORS AND COUNCILMEN SPONSORED BY LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CIT~~S The Ci~y Adminis~ra~o~ a~vi~ed ~uch eon~e~ence was to be held May 22-24a 1966 at Montere~A CaYifo~nia and was primarily ~or newly elected counciT members and mayors. ~~e in~ere~~ed City Council members should con~ac~ the Ci~y Adm~~i~~rator regarding re~ervations. LUCIA MAR UNIFTED SCHOOL DI~~'1~~C`I" - 'I°AXA'I"ION OF ~ OVERRII~E F°OR ADULT EDUCATION AND ~3~ OV~RRIDE ~°Ol~ M~DICAL INSURANCE The matter of a recen~tl~r ~dop~ed 18 ~ tax overricle by the School District was d~scu~secl by Mayor Woocl anc~ by open cli~cussion of other person~ present. M~yor° tnTc~od expr~~~secl concerra ~hat adequate public not~ce may not have been g~ven or~ ~h~s mattera Furtlzer, the Clty Admirsf~~ra°to~° v~ras c~irec°~ec1 ~o contact the Lucia Mar Unifiecl Sc~hool Dis~rict Boarc~ and request that the City receive a copy of t.`h~i~ ager~c~a~ ~it1°i detai~ed information thereon concerning tlze proposecl busine~~ ma~ters of ~he meetingm ADJOURNMENT On mo~tion by Counci~man Bur~o ~econdecl by Coun~il~roman Thompson, and unanimously ~arriedo ~7~e mee~ing ad~ ourned a~t 9 o a0 P.M, to May 3~ 196C a~ 7:30 P.M. ~ ~9 ~ ~ ~-e:2~G.i'~~-'" ATTE ST o ~ ~ CL EFtK MAYOR -~0-