Minutes 1966-05-25 City Cotancil 1~ay 25~h, 1966 . Asroyo Grande, Cali~'. Page ~ 7:30 P.N. The Ci~y Crruricil mst in adjour~n~d ~~~~it~n w~.th ~hra Ar~ay~ G~t~d~ Parks ~nd R~s~~rdatio~ Co~un?~.s~i~nm Up~r~ r~r~~.1 ~c~ll Coun+~ilwcsm~a Th~mpron, Councilm~n Levirie, ~~hl~gesl., ~u~~° ctnr~ ~ayrr~ Wc?c~d ~rep+~r~k~d p~~r~pnt. M~rmb~rr~r p~csa~snt ~rom °th~ Park~ an~ R~,c~e4~ion Gommi~~~»or~ w~r• Go~don H~nnatt, Chctirman, A~. ~la#~r, Edy~h W~c~d and Sam C~wamiris. Thr vacan~y cr~ntsd b~y th~ resigz~at~.c~n ~f 1~ar~.in M3l,l~r ha~ no~ y~rt l~~~n ~'311,~?d« PROFOS~D HUDGBTg FOR PAR~CS i41~D ~~C, FOR 1966•67 3TLiDY 8ES3~ION T}a~ City C~ouncil ~r~z~ Pa~k,~ and R~creation Comm~.t~ion rav3sw~ ~Cha prQ~acsed budget ~or '°~he i~ap~~vmmer~t and •xpar?eion af the R.cri- ~ atior~ ~~°ogram ~a~ au~° com~a~i~~ th• .1966~67 Fiscal Ysar. Tho Council a~id Con~a3rsi~n al~~ r~v~,~wed the p~oporad ~+udqitrd pro~nua ~~o~ Park i~nprcavemen°~ for ths 19~bb~67 F'ieca.l Ya~ar~ No oct3on ar~?r ~nken e! thitr t~s~s ~ FU'I`L1R~ ~EVBLO~MENT OF PAIiK3 FOR THE CITY Cl" ARRCiYO ~~DS Thm Corsncil and Comro3urinn hwld a lsnq~hy digcu~rs3on ~e~~rdtn~ a~ propa~~d long ranqe ~av~lopm.nt of Park~ for the City o~ Array~ ~rain+~a. No actian wcr tnk~n ixt thia tim~. ADJOURNkENT - 8`TUDY 3E83ION 1~966-67 HCJDGE'T On mo~ion by Councilwoman Thamp~on, seaonded by'Couna3lmc~n L~vin~ and ur?an3mo~xa~ly carried the meetiag adjourn~d at 10.04 P~K. until 7:34 P.Id. ~ay 31, 1965. ATTESTr Deputy Gity Clerk ~tayoz ~ . ~ . . . . _ . . . ~.J ' . , : . , . . . . i .J . . : , . . ` . ~ ~ ~ . _ .i . Y~. .a f X t:, ~ { 1 i.?A ~ k ~ ~ ~ „A 4 ~ , . t#c~ . . . , . . . , , . . ~ ~ i ~ ~ . 'Yttl~.~~.. y ~ 'A ~ . _ . ~ . ~ I.;T ~ ` ~ ~ t ~ y,.Hx.w.ruv+wr ~ i~ ~ % ik , 1 t