Minutes 1966-07-12 26? C~TY ~GUNG~L JULY 12, 1966 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALIFORNIA T'he City Council. met in reguLar session with Mayor Wood presiding. Llpon ro11 e~.11, Gouncilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, and Bur~ re~or~ed present~ PLEDGE U'F ALLEGT.ANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood 1ed us in the Pledge of A1legiance to our flag, and immediat~ly thereafter Reverend Otis Fox. of the First Southern Baptist Church in Grover Gity deLivered the invacation, MTNUTE APPROVAL UF MEETING OF ,JUNE 28, 1966 T,he m2nutes of the regular meeting of June 28, 1966 were appr~ved as prepar~d~ APPRUVA L OF WARRA NTS A motzon was made by Cc~un.cil.caoman Thomps~n, seconded by Councilman Levir~e, ~hat: Gen~ral Warrant~ Ncas 1 to and incLuding No, 60 in the tcl~al ama~'an~: ~f $41.,641.8'S, A.ND Payroll Warrants Noo L to and including NoA :i•n the total amaun~t of $11,416,84, be authorized and ordered paidn Mr.atiox~ ?a.nan~.m~ausly carriede TREA.SCIRER'S REPCaRT FUR 'I'HE MONTH UF JUNE, 1966 T'~e ~'r~esurerts Rep~arfi for ~the mQnth of June, 1966, was received by ~.h~ C~aunc.i"L ~z1d ~ardere.d fiL~d m Tt was pointed out by the City A~3min~str~at~sr kha~ for the fi~caL year of 1965-66 there was an increase of appr~.~xi.mately $32,000 in. r~venue from sales tax, motor vehicle '~in 1ieuT~ tax., gasoli~e tax. and water consumption, undoubtedly all accout~table t~o th~ population increase in the City. DEPA.R7°'MEN'.~'AZ Mt~NTHLY REPORT FOR THE MQNTH OF JUNE, 1966 Such seab~ect report was r~ceived by the Council and directed to be filed~ May~r Wood p4inted out from t'he factual information of the report ttta~: ~~h~ constr~.ctio~n in this area for the single dwellings is 50% Less than that ~f th~ previous year, (for 1965-66 only 24 single dwelling permits were i~sued). f'RUGRESS ,R.EPUR7" - APPLICATION TO LAF'Co RE, STUDY OF CONSOLIDATION FOR ~ AREA COMMONLY KNOWN AS ZONE Mayor WoQd advised the Council that he was in attendance at the LAF~~o M~eting +an Friday, ,July`8th, at which time the Commission f~armally accep~ed the ~;1ty's ResoLution Re. Feasibility Study of C~~nsolidation c~f th~ named area, with accompar~ying map and property d~script:icsr~, az~.d fur~her that the Commission would take further actiori re, same at ~heirj Au,gu~~ 4, 1966 meeting at 10 A.M. He further advised tha.t: ~he rommissi4n,members who wi11 be qualified t`r? take, a.c~.ion on this proposed cox~sal~dation are Lyle Carpenter, .Jim Gate~, Donald Q~ Mi11er a'nc1" H~. L, ~rad~, with Mgyor' CharLes ~Bagwell ~f Gr~aver Cit:y and Mayor Woq.d ot A.rroyo Grax~de being precLuded from ac~:ive vut~ be.~ause of each City's direcfi involvement in this matter. RECE I PT C3F B'I DS ON SA,LE 0~' S'URPLUS PROPERTY RE . PORTI ON OF LOTS 21 AND ~~2 TN BECKETT' S CROWN HILL ADDITION , Tkie C~aur~cil wa~ advised ~hat on July 12, 19 , at 2 P.M., bids wer~ received and opened in the Cifiy Hall on the purchase of the subject C;ity surplus property as follaws: " Parc~l Nu, 'L Presented by Ruth P,~txlding $ 20.00 Presented by Donald Curzon 26.01 P~rce1 N~a~ 2 Pres~nted by Ruth Paulding 25.00 Pres~n.ted by Th~-.r~as .G. Haw~hz~~ne 15.00 After C;ouneil discussi4r~, a mation was made by Councilman Burt, s~c~~~nded L~r Counci'Lman SchLegel, thafi (1) the easterly 1q feet of L~l.. 2~ in BL~ack 28-A, Beck~tt's Crown Hi11 Addition in _the City of 1-~ ~TTY COUNCIL ;7ULY 1.~, 1966 ARROYO GRA.NDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 Arrc~yo Grande be awarded t~ DonaLd Curz~on who presented the highest bid in the amaun~ of $~26~01 for said property, ~nd that (2) the easte~°1y 10 feet c~f Lot 21 and a portion of abandoned Harrisan Street in Bl~ck 28>A Beckett's Grown Hill Addi.tic~n, in ~he City of Arr~ya Grand~ b~ awarded to Ru~h Paulding who presented the highest bid i~. the amount of $25.00 for said prQperty. Motion umanimo~sLy carriede FUR~'HER, a resol~.tian a~.~horiz~ng the Mayor to execute the appL~~able deed for the ab~ve described property from the City to Donald Cu,rzon was read i.n its' e~n~irety by the Gity Attorney, R~S OLTJ~'I ON ' NO . 705 RESULUTTON OF THE CI'~'X COUNCIZ OF THE CITY OF ARRCJY'O GRANDE AUTHOR'T~ING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE DE~ED Fi9R THE SA3..E OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY c)n m~ation by C~ouncilman B~r~, ~ecanded by Councilman Schlegel, and ~an fihe f~llowing r~a1Y. ~aY.1 ~ro~te, t~o wit e AYES ~ Coun~il~aoma~n 7'hAmpsan, Councilmen Levine, S~hl~g~l, Bur~ and Mayor Wood, NUESa N~ne, ABSENT : Ncane , ~h.~ f~aregoing R~soluticzn was ~a~p~ea this 12th day of JuLy9 1966. Ft7RTkIER, a resol.uti~an authorizing the Mayor to ex~cute the ~pplicable deed fcar ~he ~bove d~scribed property from the City t~ Ru~th P€~~.Lciing was read through the ~itle by the City Attorney; after wlhich a m~at~on was made by Councilman Sc~Legel, se~onded by Council- man Levi~.e, dispense `ai•th xeading the balance of said Resolution. Motian unanim~usly carried, RESOLUTIQN N0, 706 ~ RESC)LUTION OF THE CI'TY GOUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE AUTHOR~ZTNG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE DEED FOR `THE SALE uF SURPLUS CITY P~OPERTY Qn motion by C~oun~cilwoman 'Thompson,`s~conded by Gouncil'man Leyine, and can ~he foll,awin,g r~o11 ~ca11 vate, to wit: A.YES~ Cc~a~neilwom~n Thompson, Councilmen Levine~ SchLegel, Burt and Mayor Wood, NOES: Non~, ABSENT ~ N~ane , th~ foreg~ing Resolutic~n wa~ adopted this 12th day of July, 1966. PK()GRES~ REPUR.T CABLE T o FOR ARROXO GRANDE Mr, Art Fiapgood, representing CaLifornia Communications Corporation, gave, the Council an uptadate report Qn the many involvements of Cable 7', V, for ~his general area; hawev~r, he further advised the Council tYxat Cable T. V~ would probably be avai~.able to a certain portion of ~rroy~ Grand~ (which is identified as 'tPhase Onett by the named C~r~p~ratian) within ~he ~ex~ couple of months, barring any unfore- seeable diffi~ul~ies, ptPhas~ I4t gemerally encompasses the north- _2_ ~TTY GOUNC~L JULY 12, L966 . ARROYO GRANDE A CA.LIFORN~A PA.C~E 3 wes~er~ly ~r~~°n~r po~tio~ ~f ~1~he ~ity; ~.,~.9 approximate~y from Halcyon , R~ad 1~~ 18t'~ St~°ee~ and apprc~ximat~l~ just s~czth of Cr~nd Avenue to the n+a~th~rly C~,ty L~.mit~, Mr~ H~pg~a~d pr~sc~~t~d ~he C~uncil r,~~.~h a c~py ~f °tl~e Ptxblic Utili~ies C~~,missi.~s~ ~°ep~a~°~ ~~n Gabl,e 'S, V. for the~r study and/or i~.~c~~°zna ~ i.r~n , WEI;C~QM~ BY M~.Y~JR ~ Ma.y~r .:7c~e Rose ~f Pismo Beach, and 'h~.s wife 9 were welcamed by May~ar 4Tr~c~d ~ a~ w~re Co~neL~s Visser and Bryan Duv~11~-two newly appointed Co~missio~iexs ~o thi~ Ci~y's P1~anning Gommis~ion. PUE3LTC HEA.R:~NG PROPOSLD LAND 'USE ~LEMEN'~' OF 'I'F-TE GENERAL PLA.N OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE `aJ~~?~r~. req~.est by ~h~ C~uncil f~r a Sta f~epor°t-review, Ldx°ry Wis~ ~af H~.'~z~~ Wi.ge and A.sso~iates, ~he G~.ty's PLannir~g ~oris~~l~:an~s, reviewed thc~ L~:nd `Us~ E1e~ent of th.e General PLan, with emphatic ~m~aki~sis ~~.at s~.ch plan is t~ ser°~ze ~s ~ gu~.de for ~h~ P1a~ni~g ~~ammissi~~. ~nd th~ Ci~ty C~o~nciL of ~this City toward planning fc~r ~'~.t~zre d~v~lcaptnen~ ~f A.rr~ay~ Grande ~ and th~t s~zch plan wo~.1d be reviewed, ~~nd/~~° r~vised~ if nec~ssary, annuaily by su.ch C~mn~~ssic~n ~nd C~~n~i1~ ~:"his b~ing the d~~:~, ~:im~ arr.d ~~.ace feax° a public he~x°ing on ~he ~~bjecfi iz~ q~.~sti~n, Mayr~x~ W~~d c3e~lared ~'hat ~.11 conditions as r~eq~ired lay la~r )n~d l~eerz m~~~ ~.nd l~e fu~ther decLared this hearing caa.s nc~~ ,~p~n ~~d ~11 p~x°s~a~~ fcs~° o~^ ~g~ins~ ~th~s s~bject matter w~~z~.d nc~~a Tae h~~rd q Z"~e C~i~y A.dmin~s~r~~~~•r ~c1~i~ed ~hat a 1~e~t~:r had been received fr+:am Mr. Mar~iz~ Pa~l.ir~, a~-~~a M~~ 10, 1966, reques~ing consideration for ~~rt;ain ~h~~.g~~ ~he prcap~s~d Za.nd Use map; however, Mr, Polin was in ~he a~dience anc~ ~~°~sen~ed his suggested changes in person to t~•he C~uuncil, ip~., ~tha~; hi~ ~ertain p~°operty Located on Frontage Road, just easterly frc~m HalcycA~. Rcaad, la~: z~ned for Highway Serviees rather than medium densl~ty residen~~ia1, and tha~ the Land Use Map aLs4 show thafi his ce~°~ain pr4perty on Grand Avenue, i.e,, the Wilshire Sta~ion n~ar t.he freeway Off ramp, be~ defini.tely shown on the map as incltxded in highway cammercial zoning, Mrn Lee Lcrvett, ~c,nn~~^ ~af cert~i:n. p~°operty be~ween Fairview Drive and 18th S~r~e~ adja~ent ~o G~°and Avenue in the C ity of Arroyo Grande, vc~iced the capi~io~n that ~he same commercial zoning on fihe exis~ing C~~y ~oning map should be carried over as such on the Land Use Map as per~ains to hi~ spe~ifi~ prop~rty, Bath ~hese persons mad~ it very ev2c1~n.t that the pr4posed Land Use E1er~ent might change the zoning s~~~~ts Qf their individual pro- perty, ~hu.s precl,udin~ ~h.eir Long range pl.anning for development of sai.d pro~erti~s, as raell as ~he cos~s already expended to maintain such p~roperti~s in ~h~ir curren~ zQnin.g status. 7~ere bexng n~ o~he~^ p~rsr~ns ~o spealc for or against the matter at~ hand, Mayor Wood a~~~$~~a ~he h~aring cl.os~dw Af~er ~r~nsiderabl.~ Cc~uncil, discu.ssian, the Council conCluded that further s~~dy of th~ L~nd U~e~ Elemen~ was m~x°ited, and thus, a motion w~ s made b~r C~unca 1~a~~ ian.~ ~ sec~nd~d by C~uncilwoman Thompson, t hat t:he Land U~e Elerne:n~ ~af ~~-~.e General PLar~ be scheduled for fur#;her~ s~udy ~ay ~he ~ity C~~,~,~~.1 0~. T~~.~°sday, July 21, 1966, at 7..:30 ~?~M~ in th~ C~a~z~c~1 ~hambe~°s of the C~.ty Ha,l,l. Motion unanimously c•arrie,d o 3 ~ C ~I ~OT:tNia~~~. ~I~ ~7ULY 12 q ~196~6 ~.RR~YO GRA.1V'DE A ~'~A.L~.k'~RN ~~4. PAGE ~ PUBLIC~ H~~A.R'.I.NG KE. PROk'USED SUBD~IVT~T~~1N C~RDINP~NCE ~OR CI'TY OF ARROYO ~ ~ FT RS T REA.D I NG ~ GRANDE U~~n re.q~.~~~-; lby t:he C~~~z~~i1 f~r a S~~f rep~rt~revie~a, Mr. I~arry Wis~ ~f Halhna Wi~~ ~~cl A.ss~acia~e~, ~~~e Ci~yps Plannz~t~.g G~ras~t~,~kants, r~view~r~,d px~~~~,,sed S~~adiv~~ian (~~°d~~~n~e of ~he ~eneral P~ane P~is being ~he da~~~ time ~.nd p~ace fc~r a pubLic hearing on the subject ix~ qaae,~t:i~n, M~y~r W~~~d c1e~lared tha°~ ~Y.1 ~~ndi~i~ns ~s re- quired by Law hac~ bee,~ ~e~ A and he f~.r~th~~° d~c1a~°ed this he~~°ing w~.s zl~w ~p~ra and a.11 p~rse~r~s f~~° ag~.in.s~ ~his subjec~ m~tter w~ia.lc7 nvw 1~e, h~ard ~ Mr~ M~rti~~ F~~i~~ ~wner ~f p~°~p~r~y ~.~r~ th.i~ ~itY, qixestioned tl~e ma~tEr ~:~f req~.~si~te ~.nc1e~rgr~~nd ~.~~1i~t;y fac~lities, as well as sewage facilities, whe~~ ira ~ff~c~a t'~e~r~ seemingLy wou.ld be ua available,~vera~.~ sc~~vi~e ~f this type readily ~,~ces~ible for ~xse by ~ pr~pc~sed zie~a s~~di.vzsi~r~.~ ~r~d i~ was h~~ ~hrught that the c~at~ges which w~aF~.ld be k,rought~ atao~-~ 'k~y ~ih~~ neraly propased sub- divs_~ion ~-,rdirtiance sh~a~.1~] b~ de~.ay~d a~~n~~l the City raas mox°~ pre- pared _ fc~r suc"n- c.ka~ng~s , ~ ~ MrR (.:~e~[:er W~.L~~a~ns i~q~air~d as t~., hra~r m~.ch more cast wa~1e1 ~e iz~v~.~v~~ t~~~ t~e subd~.~ide~ t:c~ effe~t a s~bdiv~sion u,nder ~his~, ~~.ew~y pr~p~~~d ~rdi~aa~^~~~ ~ as c~mpare,d ~!~.t~x ex.~s~~.ng ~°e- q~~r~~aE~t:s ~ Mr, L~~^ .T.k:a~e,~:~: ~,pryke in .fa~~ar ~f d~`~,a,yi~t~g tl~e ad~apt~~>~t r~f t'~e pro- p~,~~d a;~x°c1 z,rzaz~ c~e ~ s~ at ix~~ ~;l~a b~.zl,.d ir~g ~~ns~ruc~ ion, of the area w~~ ~~~~rex~~ly ic~ a miz~~.~~m ~~~,~tcas, ar~d su~h ~d~agtican wcauld fux°ther i~creas~ b~ildi~g G~,st,, ~z-~c~ ~~~~~~ib1y k~ave tende~~y t~ dis~o~.r~ge, ra~her th~z~~ ~nc~~ra,geA fr~t~r,~ 1a~i`~c1~ng ~~nstr~u~tic~n in this area, Mr~ 'R~abex~t C~aring, G1ty ~;~zasr~l.~~n~ Erigineer, s~~.~ted that when the ne~ess~,ry impr~aveme~ts ar~ ~~eluded a~ in~ep~ion of c~onstruction, ~:he c~st is m~~h less ~t~ th~ Ci~y, 7'here being r~r~ oth.~r per~soxis ~~a speak f~r~ ~r~ agair~st the subject matter, 'Mayor Wc~~d de~l~red t'~e h~a~°a.ng elos~d, A.fte,r a 1eng~hy d:i~~cussi~~ by the G~~.ncil of the many factors irtvc~ Lved i~. s~c;h r~rdiz~ance affecting ~1~e ci~i~ens ~f ithe Ca.ty, az~d t~e City i~self, thc subj~c~ 0~dinance was resd thro~.gh the titLe by the City A.tt~orn~y for i~s fix°st reading; af~er which a m~tion ~as made by (;Qaxncilw~man. ~'~ompson, seconded by C~uncil.man Le~rizze ~ t4 dispense wz~~ r~ading ~'~e balance of said card~nanc~. Mc~tion unanimo~sLy carried. ,I"HEREA,F'I"ER, a~noti~.~n ~aas made by ~~unci.lman Schlege~., seconded by C~c~~nci Lman Le~rin~ ,~hat: the Subdivisi~n vrdinance for the City nf Arr~,yo Graxide,, which i_s an ordin~nce regulating the d~s~.gn, i.m~r~~vem.ez~t and surve,y data ~f su.bdiva.si~z~s and certain other d:i_vzsio~s c~f Lanc~ ~ ax~d tT~e: form az~d ~ontent of ~en~tative ax~d final maps there~f wi t-hizi the City ~f A,rr~:,y~ Grande r et~c. , be adopted. (~n the foLL,~w.i~.g r~]..1 ca11. ~~t:e, t~ wit~: AYE,S ~ C~~u~~i~w~~man ~'hc~~npsoz~, Counci~.men L~vine, Scl~Leg~1 ~,nd .Burt, ~ N(~~E~i M~~~yo~^ W~~ar~d , A,BSENT' M IV~ar~~ ~ I ti~>_ f~regv i~r.ig ~~~t:ic~n ~was ~a~^~:~ed o ~e~~ . ~71 CITY CC~UN~IL JULY 12, ~.966 AR.ROY(~ GRANDE, ~AIa~FOR.NT.A PAGE 5 LUC~A MAR. UNT.F'I:ED S~Hfl~UL DTSTRI~T RE. ALTEI~ING SGHO~JL DISTRICT MEETING DAYS The C~~nci1 r~ceiv~d c~spies of ~he Ci~y Administratvr's letter of ~7une 2'7th k~a the District re m~h.~ng ing Schc~~1 Dis trict Q s meeting d~tes so as ~~t t-o conflict wi~h ~he CouncilTs,.~ and a return answer 1ett~r dated June 30, 1966, ~nder ~the aignature of E~,rl Denton, ad- vi sing the Sc'h~~l ~uard m~.st ma~n~t~i~ their scheduling of the second and f~~rt'h ~"uesdays Qf ~a~h r~anth as already established. ADUPTTON OF (~~RDINANCE F'~3RMALLY CREATTNG ~°IRE DEPAR°Ifi~IENT - SECOND READING This subj~~t mat~~x° was revi~wed by the City Administrator; and at the CQUnci1's di.~~~~tio~, a.n ~rc1inance to estabLish the Fire D~partment ~f -the Ci~y Qf A~°r~yo Grande ~aa~ ~ead thr~ugh the ti~:1e by the City A~t:oar~.ey; af~er ~ak~~.ch a m4~ion was mad~ by Councilma~ Sck~legel, secQnded by C~~~,cil.man Lev~.n.e, ~o dispense with reading t~h~ baLa~ce of said ~rda~~~nc~~ Moti.~n unanim~usl.y carr~.ed. . URDT NA,N~ E Nn „ 2 L 8 AN f)RD:iNA.NC~E t~~" :~~HE~ C~I.`~Y n~" A.RR~lYO GRANDE ES'~'ABLTSHING A k~I:R.E DEPAR'T"MEN"I" A.ND DEF~:NING '1'FiE ~JR(~A.NTZA.TION, POWERS A,ND DUT.TES T"EiEREU~'n Un ~a~io~ by Ccsun~il,ma~ T~~r~, ~ec.~nded b~r ~ounciLman Levi.ne, and ~n the f~lL~acaing r~11 ~a~ll ~rc~-te~, ~~a w~t: AYES: Councilw~+man T1~omps~s~, ~~uncilmen Le~rine9 Schlege~., Bur~ a~.d N1~,~car W~~d, NC1ES : None, ~ ABSEN~' : N~ane , the foregoing ardinan~e ~aas passed ar~d ad~p~ed this 12th day of JuLy, 1966. PROPOSED ORD3:NA.NCE T'0 AMEND S"~'A.TE EMPI~YE~ES' RETTREMEN'I' CONI'RACT RE. ~ ~ POLIGE AND FIRE PERSONNEL Up~n r~q~~st 1by th~ Cifiy Adm~nistratar, ~his matter wi11 be held c~ve~ by the Cr~u~ncil ~nfii1 the ~ext reg~.lar meeting, PARKING ~OMMT.SS~:ON REPORT A,ND RECC~MMENDA.TTON RE m TIME GONTROL OF PARKING ON TRAF'F~C WA.Y BETWEEN VALLEY R(~.D AND CHERRY AVENUE ON~ 'T!~F~-LJE ~'I' S"r E C~1`J?~Y <~`.:N,i~ U N~~~ E~R.Y A.~NU E~ WES.T' . C)F~RA.F BQ'I'fT S I~i ~S ; ~ A.~r presez~t:a~i~n~6y t e.~ y .m~.n~s ra or a e-P-si^k~.n Gr~mmissi~n" s rep~rt a~d ~e~c~azn~nendat~can c~n~~rning this ~imed con- t:r~l r~f par.kin~, a pr~p~sed resoLu.~i.on to effect sazr?e wa.s read in it~ entirety by t~.e ~it~r A.t-t:r~~~ey~ R.~Sl~1~l!'~°IUN N0. 707 A, RESOI;UT"IUN PR.OVT.DTNG F"OR LTMT.7'ED TWG (2) HQiTR PA,RKT NG UN (~ERTA.TN F~JRT"T.QNS UF '~''RA.~"FT.G 4TA,Y AND ~;EiERRY A.VENUE Un motia~ by C~uncilwoma~ ~.'h.c~mps~~, second~d by Councilman Levine , and vri the followi~,g r~1.1 ~a11 vote, tQ wi~ : A.YES : C~uncilwr~mari Tho~pso~, ~ouncilm~n Levi.ne, Schlegel, Burt ~nd M~.y~ar WQOd, N~C)ES ~ N~~an~ ~ , ABSENT' : N~one , lu1 f~1966~~g ~~~Olutian was passed and adopt~d this 12th dey of Y~ - s.~ , 27'~ ~IT"Y ~0`UNGI L , ~UL~ Y2 9 1966 ARRUYO GRA.NDE , C:ALT ~'ORN~A. PA,GE 6 FURTHER REo PA.RKING COMM~SSI.ON - PROPOSED STUDY RE. PARK~NG IN ALL C~~MMEI~CY.AL AND HIGHWAY ~ERV'ICE ZONES Af~~~ pr~~senta,ti~n ~~a ~nd Cca~.ncil, d~.sc~xssior~ ~there~ , a motion wa~ made by Coun~iLman Sc~.legeY., ~econded by C~un.cilm~n ~urt, that an are~-~wide st:u.dy of +~~.ms~re~t p~rking ~n, aY.1 e~mm~~~i~~ $nd highway servic~ ~ones within the City of A~^roy~ Grande be ~.~x°thorized and that s~,m~ 1~e made ~ay ~~r Pol.ice Dep~.~°-~mex~t, Mc~°ti~n un~nim~rxsly car~ic~d m PLANN'ING Cc~MM1:SST0N" ~ RESIGNA.~''ION 0~' WA.XNE C o MIZE A.ftex^ ~e,rba~. read~ng o£ a 1.~~~er pf resignati~n from Wayne C. M~~e,, a m~~i~ax~ w~~ n~ade by ~a~.~~i1wa~~~. Ti~~~pson9 seconded by ~ou.nciLman Levine, ~tha~ ~The r~~s~.gna~t~..~~,~. o~ Way~r~.e Miz~ from the P1ann.ing G~mmissa~~ra., be ~.c~cep~e,d ~ri~l~, regre~t ~s of this date; and fur~her a tha.~~ a, Le~~.~r be fc~rwaardc~d Mr. Mize accepting his ~esignaticzz-~ a,~.d t~.anking k~im f~x hi~ s~rviees ex~ended tc~ the Ci•ty raf A.rr~ayU Grande~ ~ M~a~ian ~~.ariim~~sly ~arx°ied o GRA.ND A,VENtJE IMPRCIVEMEN'~' - RLGH°~ Q~'' ~TAY - DEED ~ROM GHARLES V, AND OT°~~E Mm MOTTE etal Af~~r pre~s~nta~i~n 1~~, and C~~.x~~i1 d~.sc~sslesn t ereof, a motion was ma.de 1~y Coaxn.ciiLw~m~~ ".Ch~mp~s~ara, secc~nded by GQaan.ci~.m~n Levin.e, th.at the Gr~an~ Deed fr~m ~Charle~ and U~t~tie M~ Mo~te, L/2, ~nd :Jc~hn V'~ M~a~~~ and Eve1y~~. E~ Ma~t~~~%f~r s~tree~G pa~x°po5es ~n Grand Avenue be ~ecep~ted 1ay ~:he ~a~~y, ~,~d fihat ~F~e May~sr° ~nd City Clerk be a~.thari~ed tra sigr~ i~he ~er~a.~ica~te ~f Accep~ta.nce end that the de~d b~ x°e~~~ded ~ M~tir~~, ~.nar~imci~.sLy c~rried T ELM STR.EET 1:'MPR~:)VEMENT ~ R.T(1HH'~" ~7~ WAY - ACCEP'TANCE OF° DEED FROM KA,TE E . GOODING A,f~er pre,sen~a;~i~n c~f pe~r~i~.~n~ factual informa~tion t~ the C~unoil by ~i~y Administra~o~°, a'nd after Coun.cil discussionY a moti~n was m~de by Cca~.nci.~.maz~ Levine, secanded by Gouncil.woman T"hompson9 tha~ ~he ~rarxt De~d fr~m Ka~e E. Goodin.g, a widow, for s~:reet purposes ~z~ South E1m~ Stre~t be accepted by the City with the pa~ent af $9,~00.00 f~r such. p~°opc~r~y acq~.~.si~iox~, and that t~he May~x° ~.~nd City ~1erk be a~.thorized ~ta sign the ~ertificate ~~f A,ccep~~an~~, and tha~ said deed be recu~°d~d, Moti~on unan~mously ca,rr~.ed ~ RE~LIES'T FOR WA.~'"ER SE~RVI.CE B'Y' S'rANT.aEY GRIEB ]:.LUCA.'~~D UtJ'TS~D~ ~I'I'Y LzMZTs F"or infQrmati~n purp~ses oz~Ly, ~-he ~o~.nci1 Taas a,dvised that M~°.. S~a~.Ley Grielb d~d nrafi ele~~ ~o f~.1fi1L th~ condi~ions set ~u~ by t'h~ C~aun~il, at th~ir meeting of ~'une 28, 1966, C.I.T~X WA,T'ER SYSTEM ~ 1.00 H, P, PTTMP IN SYS~'EM Th~ Ci~y Co~.n~i.1 reviewed ~ r~por~: by °the PubLic WorkS' Director, prompted by various citizens° ~ornplai~.~s r~f ~ir in tlhe w~ter service lines, and upon investigatiAn it was determin~d be caused by entr~ined ~ir ir~ ~he water stra~a which was being car~ied out when hrge q~.antiti.es af w~~~r^ wer~e being p~ped~ The pump has been ad- ;justed ta eliminat~ tihis air problem; hcawever by doing so the volume af water is also dec~^eased, bu~ ~not tr~ the poin~ of creating a water sk~ortageT T'~is m~t~ter w~,s 1~eing px°esen•ted t~a the Council f~r ~heir iri.~ormati~an, and as scaon as K~elaig & Koebi,g cc~mple~te the Master Wat:~r Ylan of ~he Ci~y9 such ma~t~r would again be brought to the c:~auncil~s ~ttentic~n in con,~unctic~n ~i~'h such r~p~r~. . ~ ~7~ CITY COUNGTL JULY 12, 1966 ARROYO GRAIVDE, CAL~~~JRN~A. PAGE 7 WATER RESOURGE~S ADVISORY COMM~.TT`E~ MEETING OF JULY 7, 1966 - REPORT BY DONA.LD TALLEY ~Mr~ Dc~~. TaLley, ~h~ ~ppointed City Represent~tive ~t sueh Com- mitte~ meetings, advis~d that at such m~eting it was pointed out that federal n~an~y granfis fa~om th.ree to five milli~n d~~l~rs were being applied for ~he Z~pe~ Dam pr~oper, and that various St~te grants might be avaiLable for park~ and recreat~onal purposese Mr. TaLley sug- gested ~ha~ the Council. ma~gh~ be interested in Mr. Bob B~rn speaking afi a future Go~~.~i1. meeting t~ present an uptodate report on °the Lopez ma~~er, The Council direeted the City Administrator to cor- respond with M~~ Born and arrange a co~n.venient time for his presence at a fut~.r~ c~a~.~ci.1. m~eting, , PRUGRESS REPUR'I' LC)PEZ DAM The ~i~~ Adm~ini.st~r°atar ~dv~sed that pragress on this project was znovi~.g aoc~ardiz~g to sched~l.e,, a,~.d in the ~,n~er~.m of discussion, it was pcaiz~~ed a~t tha~ ~he fa~~st payment due by the City on L~opez was scheduLe,d f~ar ~T~.~.~ 1, 1.'969 and ~that Ju1y L, ~967 had been es- tablished as °k:he k~eginni~g ~a.f. ~opez wa~ter cr~st t~ the individu.al c~ns~m~rs, PROGRESS R.EPORT SC~IJ'I'H SA.N i~TJIS QBISPO CQUN7'Y SAN~TA'I~ION DTSTRICT The U~un~~.1 was adva~~sed ~hat ded~cat~.~sn ceremcanies on the entir~ pro~ec~ was sc'h~d~1~d for Jrx1y 31.9 1966 at 2 PoM., and also, the C+aunc~il was presen~c~d ~ri~h a?arochure show~ng the flow diagram of the wa~er ~rea~m~n~ pLaz~ts MERTT SAZARY STEP PTA:i~ F'C1R CI.'T'Y EMP~U~~EES - 1966-67 '~he Go~.nc~~~1 a~ advl.sed th~~ a1~. mer~~t r~tings of City empl4yees had ncaw be~x~ pr~acess~c~ ~ar~d final.iz~d, S'.PORM DRATN - COMPLE~"~CiN C9`~ LONSTRUCTT(~N -'T'RA,CT 282 Aft~r px°esentatic~n and review of a report pr~pared by the Dir- ector of PubLic Works, and fcal.l.r~wing the interim discussion of the Council, a mo~ion was mad~ by G~uncilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, th~t the stearm drain line construction es installed in 'I`ract 282 (~ordo~ F~ler 'I°r~~~) c~f this City be accepted. Motion unanimausLy carried~ R.EQUEST BY SANTA MA.RI.~3; CHAMBER OF CaMMERCE k'OR COUNC~L t S ADOPTION UF R~SOLtlT~QN REQUES'~~NG BUDGETIIVG QF ~'[JNDS IN 19 7-- 8 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PORTI ON UF ~UYA.MA ROAD S TATE ROUTE 1 6 After pxe,sen~ation of_~this subj~c~ request, and after Council discu, si.on, a res~lr~tipa~ wa~ read ir~ i~s entirety by the City Attorney. RESUZUTT.ON NO a 708 R.ESOLU"1:'TI~N REQTJES~'ING CALIF~RNIA HIGHWA.Y GOMMISSTON TO BUDGET ~':[.NDS I:N 1.967-68 FOR T.MPROVEMENT OF PORTION 0'F GU'YA,MA ROAD ( S~"A'~' E ROUTE L 6 6) Ox~ moti~n of C~u.ncilman Bur~t, and seconded by C~auncilman Schlegel, and or~ ~he f~allowing ro11 c.all vo~~, ~o wi~: A;Y'E~S: C~uncilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlege~.~ Bur~t~, and May~r Wood, NOES: N~ne, ABSEIV"i" : N~ne , the faregqing Res~lut~i~an ta~s ad~apted ~his 12th day of Jul.y, 1966 ~ 2'~~ CITY COUNGIL JULY 12, L9C6 ARROYO GRANDE, CA.LIFORNIA FAGE 8 GRAND AVENU~ - ROAD CONSTRUCTION - GONTRA.CTOR M. J. HERMRECK '~he Council raas advised that numerous complaints had been re~eived ~an accQUn~ of the dusfi probl~m during this con.struction; but tha~ upon con.~act with Mr. Hermx°eck, he indicated he wouLd comply w~~h prap~r ~aa~ter~ng to elim~nate this d~,st p~°~blem. AD,7ClUR.NMENT '~'0 EXEGUT~VE SESSION On moti~n by C~~.ncilman SchLegel, seconded by Councilwoman Th~ampsox~, ax~d unamo~.sl.y carried, the C~uncil ad journed to an Ex.~c~utive Session at 1.O ~G~4~ P,M, RECONZIENEMENT' TO GOUNCIL G~IA.MBERS A~L MII~IBERS BEING PRESENT', 'I'HIS MEE'I'IN~ REGONVENED IN THE COUNCIL C~3AMBERS A'I~ 10:59 P,M, ADJOURNMENT On mc~tion by Cr~u~nci~.w~man Thomps~n, seconded by Councilman L~vine, and u~~ra.~mousLy cara~ied, ~he mee~ing adjourned at 11 P,Mo ~a.ntil ~~~0 P,M. on Ju1y 21 p 1.966 , d ; f~. ATTEST ~ ' ~ ,r'~ G'~~~ ' G- C y ~ 1e~r Mayor ~ -8-