Minutes 1966-07-21 275 ci°r~ ~o~,nNCZL ARRQYO GRAIVDE, CALIF`()RNIA ~LY 21, 1966 T}~~ Gity Counc.~~. met :fn adjc~ub~a~d m~~~i~~g vvi~h May~,x W~~c~ pa~c~s~.~1~.~g, Presen~ taere ~Gouncilwomcsa~ Thompson, ~~ixnc~lmen Levine ~nd Schlegelo ~ov~n~ilman Bur~ was abse:~~k, LoA.ND i3SE ET~FM~1°T OF TH~ ~ENERAL PLAN ~ S°tudy Sess~.o~:o T~e Laz~d Use EZ~men~ the Genera~. Plan as prepa~ed by Hcchno Wise, and Assoc~a.~es, Inc, and as amencied and ~ecommended by tl°ie Gity of Arroym Gx~ande Flannzng Commission, was taken under generaA disc~ssion, with n~ cxcti~n be~ng ~ake~ by th~ C~.~y Cou.nca,l. ,?~D~.~A' ~Ri~lM~~tT Oxi re..at.i.~x~ by C~aun~~.lzr~~,.r. S~°~a..k.~gel~ s~cr~nded by ~v~~,ancilman Lev~ne, and ~r~.na~r;a:.m~~,zs~y car-~~ed, ~:T~~ zne~~:~r.~g c~.d~,Fa:~r~~d ~.i. 9~~8 ~',1~+10 A'TTES'~: ° _ ~ ~~~~~1 i _ M~ydr ~ ~ . R~~" Y` ~y;