Minutes 1966-08-17 28~ " ~ , ARROYO GR~1~DE, CALIF'ORNTA ALTGUST° 17°th, 1966 CITY COUNCIL PAGE 1 7030 PeM, ' The City G~unc~l met in re~talar adjo~a~necl sess~on v~~°~h Mayor Wood presiding. Upon ro11 call Gounc~lw~man °T}~ompson, Cm~.ancilm~n Lev~.rae, Schlegel and Burt repor°ted presento Mx, Lar~y Wise wcas presento STUDY SESSION - PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDIN~iCE The proposed Subd~v~sion Ord~nance datecl May 1966o prepared by Hahn, Wise and Associatesa was °taken under discussion and the Ci°ty Co~.incil acted on the Sections as ~ollo~aso Section 3e REQUIREMENTS BY TYPE OF° SUBDIVISION Section 3,1 Industrial Subdivisionse Remaa.n as proposed, Section 3.2 Commercial Subdivisions Remain as proposedo Section 303 Residential S~abdivisions - Remain as proposed with the ' follcswing exception: A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Cotxncilman Bur°to thnt on Page 6 Sec~ion 303 under wrhich should be subsection "g", to read 'PWhere Cross slope exceeds 7%:t1 - Topography 7-10% Cross slope; be chsinged to read 7-20% cross slope; and % of ground sur~ace ~o remain in natural state which reads 30%; be changed to read 20%. ~ By the following roll call vote, to-wit: ! AYESo Councilt~ooman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burt, NOES: Mayor Wood ~ ABSENTo None the fo~egoing motion was adopted. Section 3,4 General Des~gn and Improvement Standards: (aj Remain as: pr~posed, (b) Remain as proposed. (c) Remain ns proposed, (e) Rema~n as proposed. (f) Rema~n as proposed, (h) Remain as proposed, Section 304 shoixld be amended to correct alphabetical order. Section~3,5 Optional Design and Improvements Stnndards, Remain as proposed, Section 306 Specific Street Design and Improvements, Remain as proposeda Section 3e7 Street Designe A mo~ion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded b~ Coux~cilwoman Thompson to accept Section 3.7 as indi~ated in the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance, On the following roll cnll vote, to-wito AYESa Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel, Burt and Mayor Wood. NOESo None ' ABSEN°~'o None ~ ~he foregoing motion was adopted, 2$~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALTF~RNIA AUGUST 17th, 1966 CITY CdUNCIL PAGE 2 Secti~n 3.$ Minimuzn S1~ewalk Wi~th. A mction was made by Coixrscil~an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, to acc~pt Secti~n 3.8 as indicated in the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance. On the follow- ing ro11 call vote, to-vui~: 1~1YE3: Gouncilvaoman Th~m~s~n, ~o~.ra~ilmen Levine, Schlegel and Bur~t. NOES. Mayor Wood ABSENT: None ' the foregaa.ng mo~tion wcis cxdopte~, Sec°tion 3.9 P,11eys. ~ Remain as prc~posedm Section 4. IMPROYEMENTS Section 4.1 n-8 Ornamental s~tree~t lightsp Remain as proposed, Section 4,1 abll Traffic signs, etca A motion was made by Coun~~.l.maa~ Levine, s~condec~ by Councilvroman Thomp°son, ~ha~t °Traffic Signs be paid for by the City, On the f ollowing roll cnll vote, to-wits AYES; Councilwoman °Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Burt and Mayor l~Tood, NOES. Councilman Schlegel. ABSENT: None ' the foregoing motion wcxs ~doptedp Section 4.1 a-12 Utility lines, e~c,- A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson, that Streamline Lighting System be required under this section and Section 4.1 a-12 be accepted as proposed and amended. On the following ro11 ca11 vote, to-wri~: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Bur°t, NOES: Mayor Wood - A.BSENT: None. the ~oregoing motion w~s adopted. Section 4.1 a-13 Recreation Requirementse A motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconded by ' Councilwomnn Thompson to accept Section 4.1 n-13 as proposed. On the following roll call vote, to-wtt: AYE~: CounGilwoman xhompse~n, Councilmen Levine, ~ Schlegel and Bur~t. NOES: Mayc~r Wood. ABSENT: None the foregoing motion was adopted. 5~ction 4.1 a-14 b The development of sewage, etc. A motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, that Section 4.1 n-14 b be cCCepted with th~ correction in all areas where Section 4.1 a-14 b now reads disposal tacilitie~ be changed to read "'Trunk Lines". On the fol.lowing ro11 call vote, to-w3.t: 29Q ARROYO GRANDE AUGI3S°T 17th, 1966 CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 Sec,4,1 am14 b continued, AYESo Councilwomarn°Th~mpson, Counc~lmen Levine, Schl.egel and Burt. NOESo May~r Wo~d. ABSENTo 1V~ne _ the foregoirag mo°t~.on was adop°ted, Section 6,2 Prelimina.ry Map Procedureo A motion was made by Councilman Lev~ne, seconded by C~uncilman Schleg~l that Section 6,2 PreT~.minary Map Procedu~e be acceptec~ as proposed. On the following roll call voteo °to-wit: AYES: Councilwoman Thompson, Co~ncilmen Levine, Schlegel and Burto NOESo Mayor Wood, A$SENT: None the fosegoing motion wra.s adopted, Section 606 Tentative Mapo Completeness and Filingo Section 6.6 - b, ~°ifteen (15j copies of a tentative map, etco Remain as proposed, : Section 7,5 Procedure for Submitting Final Map. Section 7.5-b.-1, Six blue line copies, etca Remain as'proposed, The staff was instructed to forward ths foregoing deletions, addit-ions and amendments to the CityBS Pianning ~ox~~ultants, Hnhn, Wise nnd Asso- ciates for revision and inclusion in tlie proposed Subdivision Ordinance document and upon completion of revision of said document, that it be returned to the ~ity Council for their review and further action. ADJOURNMENT ' On motion by Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M. z ~ ATTEST o,, % „ ~Y~~ ~~1. Deputy Ci~y Clerk Mayor