Minutes 1966-09-27 ~o~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA The City Council met in regular ~es~fon ~rith Mayor Wood pre- siding. Upon roll call, Councilwoman Thomp~ono Councilmen Levine, Schlegel and Mayor Woad reported pre~~nt. Gouncilman Burt was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Wood led us in the Pledge of A1legiance to our flag, and immediately thereafter Reverencl K~nne~.h M. Criswell of the First Methodi~t Church of Arroyo Grande delivered the invocation. MINUTE APPROVAL - MEETING OF SEPTEMBER Y3~ T966 ' The minutes of the regular meefi.ing of September 13, 1966 were approved as prepared. AFPROVAL OF WARRANTS A motion was made by Council~roman T'hompson, seconded by Councilman Levine, that GENERAL WARRANTS NO~ 225 to and including N0,275, in the total amount of $29a904.~4; PAYROLL WARRANTS NO. 409 to and including NO. 473o in ~the total amount of $9,607.15, AND TRUST AND AGENCY WARRANTS NO. 624 ~o and including NO. 666, in the total amount of $1,107.07, BE AUTHORIZED .AND ORDERED PAID. Motion unanimously carried. INVITATION FROM THE ARROYO GRANDE HARVEST FESTIVAL RE. CITY COUNCIL PARTICIPATION IN 1966 HARVEST FESTIVAL PARADE The following Council members confirmed their participation in the 1966 Harvest Festival Parade on O~~,ober 15, 1966: Council- woman Thompson, Councilmen Levine ancl Schlegel. Mayor Wood advised he would be absent from the City at t~is fest~ivity and thus unable to attend; and Councilman Burt, who was absen~ from this meeting, wauld be c.ontacted regarding his parti~ipa~.ion. REQUEST OF MAYOR WOOD - RE,PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF.STATE OF CALIF. After verbal request presentation by Mayor Wood, and after ~ Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconc7ed by Councilwoman Thompson, that the reque~~ of Mayor Wood for per- mission to be out-of-State from Oc~ober lla 1966 to and including November 1, 1966, be granted anc7 authorized. Motion unanimously carried. TREASURER'S REPORT MONTH OF AUGUST, 1966 A further portion of t'he Trea~~.rer Report, for the month of August, 1966, was received and rev~ewecl by the Council, and there- after directed to be placed on fi1e. PROGRESS REPORT - SALES TAX REVENUE FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - FOR PERIOD FROM APRIL 1, 1966 TO JUNE 30, 1966;y AS PREPARED BY C2'TY ADMINISTRATOR AND DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1966 Such report was reviewed by the Council, ancl it was noted that the amount received for the period in question was $24,630, which is a new record high for such yearly quarter, and which r~presents an increase of $2,070 over pervious high second quarter r,eceipts, or a total sales volume increase of $207,000. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF AGREEMENT BETW'E~N CITY AND STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM TO PREPARE QU.ADRENNIAL ACTUARIAL VALUATION The City Administrator aclvised tha~ t'h~ subject agreement was a requisite under State law, and f ur~ther~ a requisite by the State Employees' Retirement System primarily because of change in personnel--particularly as same involves~statistical information. After Council discussi.on, a motion vras made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Levin~, ~hat the City enter into an agreement with the S~.ate Employee~' ~2e~.irement System for pur- CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 2 poses of a quadrenr~ial actuarial va~lua~~on~ AND THAT the cost thereof (estimated to be approxima~~ly $210.00) be approved, AND THAT if applicablea the Mayor anc~ ~1~e C~.~y Clerk be authorized to sign said agreement. Motion urianimously carried. FURTHER DISCUSSION REo MID STA'I°~ BANKaS REQUEST REo CITY DEPOSITING A PORTION OF' CITY FUND~ TN SAID MID STATE BANK OF ARROYO GRANDE In compliance with the Council's clirection on such subject at their meeting of September 13a 1966~ a r~port-recommendation from Diehlo EVans and Co., consuYf.~ng ~u~~.tors for this City, dated September 23, `1966, under ~1z~ ~a~gr~ature of John A. Raaberg, was presentecl to the Council. After inter-discussion between ~he Council, City 1~dministra- tor, City Clerk and Mr. Darrell F)ooc~a appearing on behalf of Mid State Bank in the place of Carrol Prue~~.o AND AFTER COUNCIL DIS- CUSSION, a motion was made by Councilrr~an Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levine, that the sum of $20~000 of the City's inactive fund~ be placed in an account at t'he Mid Sta~e Bank, Arroyo Grande Branch, as of October l0 1966o AND F'UR'~HERo ~.ha~ this matter of depositing City funds in saicl Mic1 ~~a~.e Ban'~ be studied ~nd examinecl periodically, ancl wherever fea~~bl~ that additional City funds be placed in an account at the Mic~ S~a~e Bank, Arroyo Grande Branch. Motion unanimously carried. REQUEST FROM CITY OF SANTA MAR.2A REo REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION RE. LEGISLATION PER'I°AINING TO FIELD ACT ON SCHOOL BUTLDINGS (CITY OF SANTA MARIA"~ RESOLUTION NO. 2458) After a lengthy diseussion by and `~e~~reen the Council, City Aaministrator, Engineering Consultan~. Bob Garing and Planning Commissioner Orville Schultz, the Counc~.1 con~luc7ed that such reso- lution would necessitate detailed fur~he~° ~tudy into the innumer- able intracacies involved, anc7 thu~~ i.~. was the Council's election not to ~ake any action at this time. ORDINANCE CREATTNG NEW ZONING DISTRTC'I" AND AMENDING ZONE DISTRICT MAP CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT SECOND READTNG This particular matter of bu~ine~~ was directed to be helcl in abeyance until the next regula~° Cc~unc~1 m~e~ing. NEW PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SECOND READING This particular matter of business~wa~ directed to be held in abeyance until ~t'he next regular Coun~~l meeting. ~ PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON THE ABATEMENT O~ A,GGUMULATED WASTE-SECOND READ~NG This particular matter of busin~~~ was directed to be 'hsld in abeyance until the next regular Counai~L mee~ing. EXECUTION OF" LEASE BETWEEN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND D. W. GRISINGHER RE.PROPERTY SITUATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BRANCH~p,ND SHORT , STREETS IN THIS CITY This lease-purchase agreement wa~ pre~en~.ed in detail by the City Administrator, and after Counc~l discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegelo seconde~ ~y Gouncilwoman Thompson, that the City of Arroyo Grande en~er in~.o a lease-purchase agree- ment with Mr. D. W. Grisingher for pur~~a~e of the property situated at the southea~~ corner of Branc'h and Short Streets, for a total sum of $11a100A the firs~ annua~ payment of $3,000 to be paid in the fiscal year 1966-67; ~i~h ~.~he balance awing thereafter to be paid at $4,050, plus interes~ta ~'or ~ac~ of the next two years. AND FURTHERa that ~.ne Mayor ancl ~`he Ci~ty Clerk be authorized to sign said lease on behalf of t'he C~~.y of Arroyo Grande. Motion unanimously carriec7. -2- e~~~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 INVITATION BY SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNT'Y GRAND aTURY RE. PUBLIC MEETING ON AIRPOR'I`'~ VaT`~'HTN S.I~,ID COUNTY SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 29 1966o COUR'IyHOU~~ ANN~~~ 9e30 A.M. The Council received such 1et~e~ ~n~ri~at~on from the named Grand Jurys after wYiich Mayor Wood aclv~~ect t`hat he would be in attendance at such meeting. FURTHER IN CONNECTION WT'~H THE AIRPOR'I° F°AGILITIES AVAILABLE IN THE COUNTYp Mayor Wood verbalYy ~eview~d for those present the AIR TOUR OF COUNTY AIRPORT FACILITIE~ Tby the San Luis Obispo Pilots ° Association for the Coun~y Plann~r~g Gornmission members, County Grand Jury memb~rs~ and other~~ on September 23, 1966. LAND USE ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN RECOMM~NDATION THAT SUCH ADOPTED LAND USE ELEMENT BE R~FERRED TO SAN LUI~ OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THEIR CONSIDERATION After Council discussiono a mo-~ion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Le~rin~~ that ~.he now-adoptecl Land Use Element of the Genera~ Plan of ~:7~~ C~~:y of Arroyo Grande be referred to the San Luis Obispo Gounty Plann~ng Commission for their consideration and file referral. Mo~.~on unanimously carried. P.ARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT OF GENERAL PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SET DAT~ ~OR PUBLIC HEARING The City Administrator advised ~h~ Council that the Planning Commission had recommended the adop~.ion of saicl element and that a public hearing on saic~ element wa~ now ~n order. After Council discussion, a motion v~a~ made by Coun~~.lman Schlegel, secondecl by Councilman Levine, that the Park anc~ Recrea~ion Element of the General Plan for the City of Arroyo Grande be set for public hearing on October 25, 1966 at 8 P~M, in fi.`he Coun~il Chambers of the City Hall. Mo~tion unanimously carriecl. CIRCULATION ELEMENT (STREETS AND HIGHWA~ OF GENER.AL PLAN FOR CITY OF ARROYO -4~ftANDE SE'~" DAT~ ~'OR PUBLIC HEARING The City Aclministrator advised fi`he Council that the Planning Commission had recommended ~he adop~a.on o~ ~he Circulation Element to the City Council and the set~~ng of a clate for the public hearing on same was now in order. After Coura~~~ c~~.scussion, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seconcled by Mayor Wood, that the Circu- lation Element of the General P1an be ~e~ ~or a public hearing on Mondayo November 7, 1966, at 8 P.M.e in ~'he Council Chambers of the City Ha11. Motion unanimou~ly car~i.~d. ' RESOLUTION RE.GRANTING USE PERMTT TO DR~ AND MRS.,T. F. MCKELLAR FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A MEDTCAL LABORATORY AND OFFICE AT 400 FRONTAGE ROAD After presentation by the City Ac~min~strator`of the pertinent facts surrounding this request, ana after~ Council discussion, a resolution to effect the granting of ~'h~ subject use permit was read t'hrough the title by t'he Ci~y A~.~orney. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Sc1~1ege1, second~d by Councilman Levine, to dispense with reading the balance of said r~esolution. Motion unanimou carried. RE SOLUTI ON NO ~ 718 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.ANDE APPROVING j.TSE PERMITa CASE N0. 93-66, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CTTY OE' A.RROYO GRANDE PLANNING COMMI SSI ON On motion by Councilman Levine~ seconc7sd by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following ro11 ca11 ~o~ep to wit: -3- ~o~ CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 AYES: Coun~ilwoman ~h~mp~on, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel an~ Mayo~ Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Bu~t9 the foregoing resolution was adop~ed ~hi~ 27~h day of September, 1966. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTNi~NT OF ROBERT P. FRANTZ TO F°TLL VACANCY CREATED BY RESIGNAT'ION OF AL BL~IR After Council discussion, a motion vras made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Levin~o ~hat Robert P. Frantz, 461 Woodland Drive, Arroyo Grancle9 C~~i~ornia, be appointed as a Parks arid Recreation Commissioner~ ~ffe~tiv~ this date, wi~h his term of office expiring on June 309 1969. Motion unanimously carried. PROPOSED STREET TREE ORDINANCE FOR CITY OF° ARROYO GRANDE (REVISION OF EXISTING ORDINANCE) The Council directed that t~is mat~~r be held in abeyance pending further Staff study of ~ame. RES~LUTION TO EFFECT LIMITED PARKING 15 MINUTES ON GRAND AVENUE IN FRONT OF 1023 GRAND AVENUE, BUSINESS ESTABLTSHNiENT OF FAIR O.AKS MILK COMPANY After review by the City Adminis~ra°~or of the written request of Colonel Ben Jacobs, owner of ~h~ sub~e~~k premises, for establish- ment of a limited fifteen (15) minu~e par`king on Grand Avenue in front of the subject business establishmen~., primarily because of the nature of the business opera~.iono AND AFTER COUNCIL DISCUSSI4N AND RESULTANT APPROVAL, a resolution ~.o e~~ect such specified parking was read in it~ entirety by ~.1~e Gi~y Attorney. RESOLUTION N0~ 719 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR LTMI'~~D FIFTEEN 915) MINUTE PARKING ON A CER'I°ATN POR~'ION OF GRAND AVENUE On motion by Councilman Schleg~~n ~econded by Councilman Levine, and on the following roll ca11 vo~e, ~o wit: AYES: Councilwoman Tnomp~ono Councilmen Levine, Schlegel anc~ Mayo~ Wooc1 NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Bur~~ the foregoing resolution wa~ adoptec~ ~~hi~ 27th day of September, 1966. FURTHER PROGRESS - FIRE RATING FOR CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - APPLICATION FOR REGRADING OF SAME BY PACTFIC FIRE RATING BUREAU The City Administrator reviewec~ in detafl for the Council the meeting between himselfp Fire Gnief Tony Marsalek and Messrs. Ac7ams and Kaiser of the Pacific F°2re Ra~ing Bureau at the Bureau office in San Francisco on September 20e 1966. Upon presentation of the innumerable clata pertaining to the City of Arroyo Grande and clirectly affecting the C~ty's fire ~atingg which is now established as Class 6, the Bureau's indication wa~ tlza~t the "City cannot be hurt" by applying for a re-survey of ~he present fire rating. Further in this regard, the Caun~~l also received a memorandum- report from Fire Chief Tony Mar~alek reYative to this meeting ancl its resultant outcome. After inter-discussion by t`he Council and the City Adminis- trator, a motion was made by Councilwoman '~hompson, seconded by _t~_ 31Q CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNIA PAGE 5 Councilman Levinea that the City Adrnini~t~a°~or direct the proper communication ancl/or application to ~h~ Parci~'YC Fire Rating Bureau, San Francisco Office, requesting a re-~ur~r~y of the City of Arroyo Grande for the purpose of possible e~~ab~is`hinent of a new fire rating, which, if granted~ would be Cla~~ 5< Motion unanimously carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION OF RUL~~ AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ~BOOT{ F'ORM) The Council received the subject booklet regarding rules and rec~ulation~ which was~ designed by the Fire Department to aid it in mainta~ning an efficient departmental. organization, and after review of same, directed it to "fi1~"'. LETTER OF REQUEST FROM MR. CLARENCE 'I'~ LINSTRUM RE~ CONDITION OF MYRTLE STREET The City Administrator reviewed fi.he le~~.er request of Mr. Clarence T. Linstrum, copies of vrhich w~er•~ previously received by each Council member, AND FURTHE°R~ the Council received and - reviewed the report of the Director of Public Works, dated September 23, 1966, relative to unimprov~d streets within the City which have never been accep~ed for maintenance by the City. Mr. Linstrum, residence addres~ of 756 Myrtle Street, Arroyo Grande, verbally reviewed the aB'hi~~.ory°' of Myrtle Street relative to its surface conditiona and asked ~he Council for "mutual cooperation" to effect some type of improvement for the said street. After lengthy inter-discussion ~y and between the Council, Mr. Linstrum, Consulting Engineer Bob Garing and the City Admin- istrator, of the many intracacies relaf.ed ~o such typical unimproved streets throughout the Citya of which Myr°tle Street is one, a motion was made by Councilman Levine, seeoncled 'by Councilwoman Thompson, that the City continue its existing policy to maintain unimproved streets in an "a s is" condition, BUT ALSO ~'hat the City make a further study of its policy on such unimprovecl streets. Motion unanimously carried. NEW CORPORATION Y.ARD PROGRESS REPORT SET DATE FOR OPEN HOUSE The Council received a monetary-buc~get report prepared by the City Building Inspector which disclosecl ~'ha~ to date of September 16, 1966, $26,053.00 had been expendec~ on saicl corporation yard, whereas $30, 000 had been budgeted therefor; 'hov~rever, the matter of paving and landscaping at the yard was yet ~.o be done. FURTHER IN THIS REGARDB after Coun~il. c1~,scussion, a motion was macle by Cpuncilman Schlegel, secondec~ by Councilwoman Thompson, that an Open House to the Public of ~.'he new Corporation Yard be _ scheduled for S~nday, November 6~ 196C~ ~rom 2 to 4 P.M. Motion unanimously ~~rried. MEETING OF ZC~NE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SEPTEMBER 26, 1966, 8 P.M., AT ARROYO GRANDE FIRE STATION The Council rec~ee~.ved the officia~ no~~ce of saic7 Committee meeti~g as indic,~ted, after which Councilm.an Levine gave a detailed informative re~qrt on said meeting; some items of which were that (1) by the middle of November instan~.,al~ contracts for Lopez water woulcl probably be finalized4 ancl ( 2a ~.1~at the all-important matter of drainage,as it effects inc7iva.dually and collectively all the entities of the South County a~ea~.waulcl very possible be scheduled as a matter of business for ~t'he San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors during the upcoming fi~cal year--both from a budgetary and study and/or action ~~andpo~ntp and further that ~ no action would be forthcoming during the current fiscal year re. drainage by ~he Gounfiy. -5- CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 27a 1966 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 PROGRESS REPORT - LOPEZ DAM PROJ~CT Primarily as a matter of informat~ono t1~e Council received a progress report from the San Lui~ Obi~po County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Office covering ~he Lopez Water Supply Project progress through Augus~ 3Y, 1966. ~ Councilwoman Thompson advi~ec~=~ha~ ~ne projected recreation facilities, as now planned for ~t71e Lopez Dam facility and as personally viewed by her in model scale fortna were extremely beautiful, and reportedly surpass exis~.en~. recreation areas of the State in beauty. SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATTON DISTRTCT - PROGRESS REPORT The City Adminis~rator advised ~'~a~ a special meeting had been scheduled by the District Board to handle the disbursement of a great portion of money balances ow~.ng ~o ~the construction contractors. FURTHER DISCUSSION - COMPREHENSIVE SEWER STUDY - RE. AVAILABZLITY OF GOVERNMENT GRANT The City Administrator repor~ed ~o ~he Council the results of his meeting with Miss Jean Azen of t'h~ U, S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) a~ ~heir San Francisco Office on September 20, 1966, whi.ch ~n ef.fect was that very possibly the City of Arroyo Granc7e would be eligible for federal grant monies which would represent fifty per cen~. of ~.he construction cost for sewer trunk lines and sewer collec~or lines, but that such federal monies would not be available for sewe~° lateral line construction. The Council was further advi~~d by ~.he City Administrator that it would be at least one and one-T~aTf years before such a federal grant could be finalizeda and ~.hus time would be of the essence in this matter. The City Administrator poin~.ec~ ou~ for ~he Council's informa- tion that the fecleral representa~ive~ w~re most impressed with the present planning, as we11 as greater-fu~ure planning, for this City, in particular through the 701 Pr~ogr~amp which includes a General Plan on sewers, and our Comprehen~ive Sewer Study Plan. After Council discussion, a mo~.ion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman T`hompson, that any and a11 necessary steps be taken by the Ci.~.y Adzninistrator to f ile an application on behalf of the City of' A~royo Grande requesting U. S, fecleral assistance, through a gove~nment grant, in the construction of the trunk and collec~or line ~ewer facilities wi.thin the City of Arroyo Grande. Mo~i.on unanimously carried. COMMENDATTON TO COUNCIL BY ORVILL~ SCHULTZ - RE. GENERAL PLAN FOR CIT'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE Mr. Orville Schultz, Vice-Chairman o~ the Arroyo Grande Plan- ning Commission, commended the Ci~y Council for its ineite and action in the initiation of t'he 701 P~ogram (The General Plan) for the City of Arroyo Grande, which programa Mr. Schultz further stated, has proven to be a tremenclous aclvantage to this City both presently as well as for its future progre~siveness. P. G. & E. CO. PL.ANT - ESTABLISHNIEN'I° O~° PLANT SITE AT DIABLO CANYON~ COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO . The Council proclaimed their welcom~ on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande to Pacific Ga~ and E~ec~~°a.c Company for its definite establisl~ment of their plan~ ~i~.e in the South County area. 3~:2 C~TY COU~TCIL SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 ATitRO~p G#2ANDEa CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 FURTHER IN THIS RE~ARD. Gouncilman Schlegel advised the Council that zepprtedly P. G. and E. Co. had in°tenc7ec~ to use the services of cq~tractors remotely locat~d from the actual plant site. However, CQun~ilm,~n Schlegel further advised ~hat upon personal contact w~.th certain representatives of the P.G.&E. Co,a that such Company had azranged for a meeting with aTl local contractors of the a~ea some time in October, 1966a to de~ermine the availability of tl~e local contractors' services ancl the application and use thereof by P.G.&E, in its plant construction. FURTHER IN THIS REG.ARD, after Council discussion, a resolution expressing this City's support of ~the Yocation of the P.G.&E. Co. facility in Diablo Canyon was read in entirety by Mayor Wood. RESOLUTION NOm 720 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING THE LOCATION OF A PACIFIC GAS .AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FACILITY IN DIABLO CANYON IN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO On motion by Councilman Levine4 ~econded by Councilwoman Thompson, and on the following ro11 ca11 vote to wit: AYESs Councilwoman T''hompson, Councilmen Levine, Schlegel ancl Mayor Wood NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Bur~., the foregoing resolution was adopted ~.hi~ 27th day of September, 1966. LETTER OF THANK S FROM FIVE CITIES JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RE. FIRST ANNUAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT -~OTNT EFFORT OF SUCH CHAMBER & CITY The Council acknowledged and received a letter of thanks from the Five Cities' Junior Chamber of Commerce for this~City's cooperation in the first annual tenni~ ~ournament sponsored through the mutual efforts of said Chamber and the Parks and Recreation Summer Program of this City on August 28 and 29, 1966. ARROYO GRANDE CITY EMPLOYEES RE. ON-THE-JOB INJURY AND ITS AFFECT UPON INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE'S E.ARNED SICK LEAVE TIME After cletailecl explanation by the City Administrator, and after Council discussion, the City Admi.ni~~.rator was directed to prepare a study-recommendation report on a11 the aspects concerning this subject matter, and present same to the Council for their resultant action. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Councilm,an Levine, s~conded by Councilwoman Thomps and unanimously carried, the meeting ad,journed at 10:13 P.M. ,ATTEST ~ r,~%~ p~ ~ . TY CLERK MAYOR (FIQ) ~ -7-